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Chapter 189 Fierce Battle with Legendary Star Spirits

The midday sun floods the rental house through the windows.

There were sounds in the kitchen, and the aroma of food wafted away.

The pretty girl in an apron is busy.

Lin Xun teleported to the Polyvision Association last night and asked Bennett to synthesize eyeballs.

Maybe it was Bennett's first actual operation, and because he was a bit unskilled, he waited for a long time before the eyeballs were synthesized.

When I woke up in the morning, the good news that the eyeball synthesis was successful came from the game.

['The Eyeball of the Underground Shadow Demon King' (epic level) is a brand new eyeball obtained by combining the eyeball of the Underground Shadow Demon and the eyeball of an unknown phototropic creature. While retaining the ability of the original eyeball, it also eliminates

Defect of photophobia.]

[‘Dark Shadow’ (Special Effect) Obtaining this effect will strengthen your concealment skills, making it difficult to see through. 】

[This strengthening effect will ignore the current environment brightness and always maintain the best strengthening amplification effect. 】

After Lin Xun transplanted new eyeballs to the dancer, he teleported back to the 'Star Chasing Corridor'.

What was summoned this time using the 'Ring of Stars' Light' was not the 'Dreaded Hydralisk', but the 'Nightmare Jumping Fly' that had met once in the 'Star Spirit Palace'.

The enhancement effect of 'Dark Shadow' is very powerful. The dancer turned on the stealth skill and followed the monster to the end of the maze smoothly without being discovered at all.

The star monster named 'Nightmare Jumper' is much weaker than the 'Dread Hydralisk'.

It was Lin Xun who took the initiative to sneak up on the monster and kill it.


[You defeated the ‘Spirit of the Stars—Nightmare Jumping Fly’, and your experience value increased significantly! 】

[You have obtained the ‘Jumping Flying Scythe’ (Material)]

[You have obtained the ‘Essence of Star Faith’ (item)]

[You look at the magnificent ‘Star Spirit Hall’ not far away and listen carefully. There is no movement coming from it. It seems that the soul of the terrifying giant beast has already left. 】

【Do you want to step forward and enter the ‘Star Spirit Palace’? 】

According to the description in this article, the legendary soul in the ‘Star Spirit Palace’ has disappeared.

If you want to summon your soul again, you can only use the 'Essence of Star Faith' you just obtained.

"I feel that the 'Nightmare Jumping Fly' is weaker than the 'Dread Hydralisk'. If I summon the legendary soul of the Jumping Fly, can I defeat it?"

Lin Xun rubbed his chin and thought.

The ‘Thunder Beast Mammoth’ is huge in size and terrifying in strength.

The monster just stepped on him, and before even attacking with the sharp blade of its jaw, he saw the bright red word "vegetable" again.

【You step forward, climb the stone steps, and enter the vast hall.】

[As far as the eye can see, the ferocious remains in the depths of the hall maintain their original postures, and the remains of the 'Legendary Star Spirit-Thunder Beast Mammoth Lonka' that you care about are also the same as when you first saw them.

It’s as if the legendary soul has never arrived.】

[Do you want to continue to awaken this remains, or choose other remains to awaken? 】

Summoning the legendary soul again will consume the only "Essence of Star Faith".

The number of uses of the 'Ring of Stars' Light' has been exhausted, which means that Lin Xun only has this last chance to try.

"It's a bit difficult to get rewards. After all, who would have thought that rewards can also distinguish between ourselves and the enemy."

"I'd rather push the BOSS to explode the equipment. You can give it a try."

Lin Xuneng said this, of course, not because he was distracted, but because he had already found a way to conquer the BOSS!

After searching for a long time last night, I found the key item to restrain the BOSS in the inventory.

There are too many scraps and debris accumulated in his props column, such as 'stinky feces', 'rusty iron', 'multiple vision association scholar certificates', 'rotten minced meat', 'women's silk petticoats' and the like.

A lot of waste.

If you want to find clues in it, you can probably describe it as digging for gold in shit.

[You take out the 'fine copper sand mallet' and shake it gently...]

[‘Battle Angel—Valkyrie’ responds to your call and walks from the void. 】

Lin Xun was prepared for both fighting and running away.

[You take out a little sparkling cold starlight and enshrine it at the remains of the ‘Legendary Star Spirit—Thunder Beast Mammoth Lonka’. 】

[‘The Essence of Star Faith’ is integrated into the remains of the giant beast, and starlight blooms in the eyes of the giant beast.]

[The mottled remains gradually become vivid, and the ferocious beast is awakened by you again! 】

[The deafening roar of the ‘Legendary Star Spirit—Thunder Beast Mammoth Longka’ resounded through the hall, echoing from layer to layer…]

[Alien star citizen! You have awakened the sleeping legendary soul! 】


【Star Citizen, what kind of reward do you want to get? 】

Lin Xun, who was about to use the props, was startled.

He originally wanted to fight the giant beast BOSS, but he didn't expect that the monster in front of him seemed to not recognize him and repeated the same words as last time.

The three familiar options appeared before my eyes again.

Lin Xun frowned and analyzed it carefully.

The behavior of the giant beast in front of him gave him the impression that it was not so much that Alzheimer's disease had forgotten previous memories, but rather that it was like a set program, without consciousness, and would only operate according to a preset process.

"If that's the case, I might still have room to operate."

He once again chose the third option, ‘a fanatical spirit that is not afraid of death’.

[You loudly tell the behemoth in front of you that you need a ‘fanatical spirit that is not afraid of death’! 】

Sure enough, the giant beast behaved exactly the same as last time. It laughed again and asked Lin Xun if he insisted on his choice. Even what he said was accurate.

"Perhaps the souls of the legendary stars in the hall have long been annihilated and dissipated."

"Although the bright stars can reshape these souls, losing consciousness will only respond mechanically. This may be a side effect of reshaping..."

Lin Xun's mind was wide open and he kept thinking.

"These 'Legendary Star Spirits' are really miserable. They have to work hard during life and have to work after death."

[‘Legendary Star Spirit—Thunder Beast Mammoth Longka’ opened its huge mouth, and a mass of flesh and blood tissue with a strong stench fell to the ground. 】


[The giant beast signals you to enter the flesh and blood tissue and begin the great and glorious evolution! 】

[Looking at the cracked flesh and blood tissue, recalling your last death experience, you can’t help but hesitate.]

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! [Do you want to step forward and squeeze into the gap to transform, or refuse to transform and attack the giant beast? 】

Lin Xun took a deep breath and looked at an item in the inventory.

[‘White Dwarf Star Potion’ (prop) is a glass bottle filled with gray-white liquid. As long as the bottle is broken, the liquid in it will evaporate instantly, producing unknown effects. 】

[Using this prop will produce a severe 'weakening' effect on the creatures in the stars. This prop is only effective on ordinary creatures, elite creatures and legendary creatures in the stars. It cannot be used on demigods, false gods, gods, etc. in the star camp.


This item is obtained after killing Guild Leader Duo Shi.

It is estimated that President Duoshi was worried that using the 'Ring of Stars' Light' would summon too powerful star monsters, which would prevent him from successfully embarking on the path to becoming a god, so he prepared to use the 'White Dwarf Star Potion' to deal with the powerful star monsters.

However, it is still unknown how much of an effect the severe 'debilitating' effect mentioned in the item's description will have on the legendary protoss.

What Lin Xun is worried about is that with the terrifying strength of the legendary star spirit, even if he uses the 'White Dwarf Star Potion' to restrain the star monsters, he may not be able to defeat the giant beast...

"There is currently no other way to conquer it, so I can only try it first!"

Press the ‘option to refuse transformation and launch an attack’, and then click to use the props!

[Throw the ‘White Dwarf Star Potion’ in your hand in front of the giant beast!]

[With a 'crack' sound, the glass bottle filled with gray-white liquid shattered, and a puff of gray-white smoke evaporated, covering the huge figure of the giant beast. 】

[The angry roar of the giant beast came from the smoke...]

[Star Citizen! What are you doing! Why does it feel its power gradually draining away! 】

Lin Xun's eyes sharpened.

Quickly switch bodies and give instructions to the Valkyrie.

[You are possessed by the body of the ‘President of the Knowledge-Seeking Direct Gaze Association’! 】

【You retreat quickly, away from the giant thing covered in smoke.】

[You raise your staff and recite the incantation silently...]

[The pure white knowledge grating rises from the ground to protect you firmly.]

[‘Battle Angel—Valkyrie’ flapped her wings and soared into the sky. She pulled her long bow and chanted a melody. Countless tiny characters flowed into ‘Arrow to Defeat the Evil Dragon’! 】

[You look at the smoke that is about to dissipate in the distance, raise your staff again, and recite a spell...]


[The smoke gradually dissipated, and a deafening roar echoed in the hall.]

[The 'Legendary Star Spirit - Thunder Beast Mammoth' roars up to the sky, and the huge blade in its jaw almost pierces the dome of the palace. It lowers its head, with four staggered blades pointing straight at you, and launches a charge! 】

[For some reason, its charge was not as powerful as you imagined. The giant beast moved slowly, like a dying old man. 】

[But even so, with its huge size, it is still approaching you at an extremely fast speed...]

[As you look at the approaching giant beast, you find that the dark chitin carapace on its body is no longer shiny, but has a decaying dark color. ]

[‘Battle Angel—Valkyrie’ loosened her bowstring, and the thick arrows surrounding the characters turned into a giant white dragon, attacking the ‘Thunder Beast Mammoth’! 】

[The arrow pierced the chitin carapace like a meteor and penetrated into the body of the giant beast! 】

[Green blood splashes everywhere, the ‘Thunder Beast Mammoth’ charges suddenly, and the painful roar makes your eardrums sting. 】

After the Valkyrie learns the 'Melody of Knowledge', her arrow attacks can no longer be regarded as pure physical damage, but are accompanied by double damage from knowledge spells.

Under the weakening effect of 'weakening', the Valkyrie's strongest blow caused considerable damage to the BOSS.

[The huge eyes of the ‘Thunder Beast Mammoth’ are red, and it charges towards the Valkyrie! 】

[You pronounce the last syllable of the spell...]

[The staff is raised high, and the dazzling starlight blooms!]

[The entire hall was filled with dazzling starlight, and the painful howls of the giant beasts resounded.]

[When the starlight goes out, part of the carapace on the body of the ‘Thunder Beast Mammoth’ has been broken and peeled off, revealing the knotted muscle tissue inside. 】

[The ‘Thunder Beast Mammoth’ roars, turns around, and charges at you again! 】

[The Valkyrie drew out an arrow that was wrapped in a cyclone, and drew her bow again to shoot...]

[‘Legendary Star Spirit—Thunder Beast Mammoth’ suffered some injuries! 】

[It gives up on you, who is about to be trampled into a pulp, and turns around to charge towards the Valkyrie...]

[You raise your staff and recite the incantation silently...]


"It's really easy to deal with this brainless BOSS. As long as the Valkyrie and I keep pushing each other and outputting damage at intervals, we can make the BOSS play around."

The advantage of Master is that he can deal high damage and fly kites from a long distance. With the powerful help of Valkyrie, he can maximize the effect of this tactic.

It's just that the health bar of the 'Thunder Beast Mammoth' is too long.

Two powerful arrow shots, plus one legendary skill "Light of the Meteor", could only cause "some damage" to the BOSS.

Without the debilitating effect of the 'White Dwarf Star Potion', Lin Xun's attempt to defeat the BOSS using kite flying tactics would be a fantasy.

【Endless starlight blooms!】

【You feel a little tired!】

[The giant beast changes its attack target again, and the Valkyrie pulls arrows to shoot as before.]

[But her 'Dragon-Slaying Arrow' and 'Hurricane Arrow' are still stuck in the giant beast's body. Before the 'Thunder Beast Mammoth' dies, she cannot recover the arrows and can only use ordinary arrows to attack the giant beast.

cause some damages.】

[And this time, the fired arrows did not penetrate the carapace of the ‘Thunder Beast Mammoth’! 】

[You look carefully in shock and see that its chitinous carapace is gradually returning to its original color, its walking legs are moving more frequently and in greater amplitude, and its charging speed is getting faster and faster! 】

[You understand that the 'weakening' effect of the 'White Dwarf Star Potion' is slowly disappearing. ]

[Arrows that have not destroyed the carapace cannot cause damage to the giant beast, and naturally cannot cause the giant beast to change its attack target.]

[You recite the spell silently and watch the charging beast gradually approaching! 】

"Damn, why is the duration of the drug's effect so short!"

Lin Xun had no time to complain a few more words before he had to face a life and death crisis.

[You quickly stop chanting the spell and remove the 'knowledge grating'. The sudden interruption of the powerful spell makes you dizzy and your nose bleeds. 】

【You are slightly injured!】

[You didn’t care to wipe away the blood, turned around and ran away...]

Can Master Fa outrun the ‘Thunder Beast Mammoth’?

Of course not!

Lin Xun gathered his wits, quickly opened the inventory, and moved the 'Abyss Lantern' into the Valkyrie's equipment slot.

When the Valkyrie holds the 'Lamp of the Abyss', she can use the special effects of the equipment to attract the attention of the giant beast BOSS, so that he will no longer become an attack target.

[Your Watcher is too far away and cannot change equipment!]

"Damn it, you cheated me again in this underworld game!"

[The deafening footsteps behind you are getting louder and louder, and you are about to become a puddle of flesh at the feet of the ‘Legendary Star Spirit—Thunder Beast Mammoth’. 】

Lin Xun gritted his teeth and operated quickly.

[You are possessed by the body of the ‘Sunken Ancient Theater Dancer’! 】

[You take smart dance steps and open a pair of dark eyes...]

[The starlight in the hall is bright, your body skill ‘Blood Shadow Dance’ is buffed by ‘Dark Shadow’, and the concealment effect is only greatly improved! 】

[The ‘Thunder Beast Mammoth’ suddenly disappeared from view, roared angrily, and continued to charge forward with its strong inertia. Unknown to you, who remained invisible, you had already changed direction and hid far away from behind it. 】

"Fortunately, I eliminated the flaw of 'Dark Shadows', otherwise I would have lost control of it by now."

Lin Xun breathed a sigh of relief and felt extremely thrilling.

This chapter has been completed!
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