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Chapter 193 Holy Land Dragons Nest, Half-Dragons Plan

【Do you want to listen to the instinct of the body and follow the gathering bell to go mining? 】

To mine or not to mine, that is the question.

Seeing that the hybrid half-dragons have such different attributes, according to Lin Xunping's style, he would definitely wipe out the entire half-dragon race, leaving no chickens or dogs behind.

But if you think about it carefully, how could the inheritance path of the ‘Dark Dragon Knight’ be so simple?

Lin Xun noticed that the little dragon he was possessing at this time was a mining slave with the lowest bloodline and the lowest status.

In other words, there will definitely be more powerful beings in the half-dragon tribe, and it is inappropriate to be reckless and forceful.

Moreover, the 24-hour anti-addiction penalty for death made him have to be cautious.

"Just dig, it's not me who's tired anyway, right? Little Dragon Man."

[You step out of the cave, and many half-blood half-dragons covered in black and gray with no trace of clothing also walk out of the cave. 】

[You observe these half-dragons carefully and find that they have dull expressions and dull eyes just like you. They have obviously had their backs crushed by the hard work of mining.]

[You follow these half-dragons as they walk deeper into the canyon...]

[Soon, the half-dragons stopped and you stood on tiptoe and looked forward...]

[On the dark stone platform, there is a unique half-dragon. 】

[It is not naked and stained like you, but is wearing exquisite and luxurious clothes. From its exposed neck and limbs, you can even see mottled pitch black scales, but the scales are not all over the body, but

Pieces in the east and pieces in the west...]

[You discovered the ‘descendant of the hermit—the half-dragon half-blood who looks up’! 】

[It clapped its paws and roared loudly...]

[Despicable mining slaves, look at all the junk you dug out! 】

[The adults in Dragon's Lair are very dissatisfied with the recent mining efficiency. If you cannot dig out high-purity Obsidian Poison Stone today, everyone will be punished! 】

[Now, immediately, immediately, go mining!]

[The ‘half-blood half-dragon’ waved his claws fiercely, showing off his fangs. 】

[When you hear the word ‘punishment’, you can’t help but tremble and recall some painful and bloody scenes.]

[You can't help but speed up your pace and follow the team of mine slave half-dragons to continue heading deeper into the canyon. 】

After Lin Xun chose mining, he indeed obtained some key information.

The 'half-blood half-dragon' is obviously a dragon with a higher status. According to its words, the mining slaves are mining to satisfy the requirements of the 'adults in the dragon's lair'.

[Soon after, you followed the team to the destination - the mine. 】

[You look beyond the mine pit and see a magnificent building standing deep in the canyon. It is made of dark ore... a giant lair. 】

[That is the holy place in the hearts of all half-dragons—Dragon Nest!]

[You can’t help but feel a yearning in your heart, yearning for that rich and abundant holy land.]

[You look around, the miners are getting into the mine one by one, and you are behind a big tree, and no one around you notices you.]

[Do you want to quietly avoid the many mine slaves and go to the dragon's lair? 】

"Mining... Bah, I'm not a mining slave, why not go to the Dragon's Nest to find out what's going on?"

Lin Xun's eyes lit up.

However, he did not act recklessly, but switched to the dancer's body and turned invisible.

[You hide behind a big tree, open a pair of dark eyes, and take smart dance steps...]

[You remain invisible, bypassing the long line of mine slaves, and step closer to the depths of the canyon...]

[The road to the dragon's nest is deserted, you are the only one walking alone on this pilgrimage road.]

[As you continue to move forward, the dark giant lair gets closer and closer to you, and you become more and more amazed at the scale of this building.]

[You are surprised to find that the closer you get to the building in front of you, you can feel an invisible pressure coming. 】

[This kind of coercion is so powerful that it makes it difficult for you to move; gradually, you can't even lift your feet and continue moving forward.]

[At this time, you are still hundreds of meters away from this building.]

[The powerful pressure has a familiar feeling. If you recall it carefully, you will remember the scene where you faced the 'Black Ancient Dragon' in the memory of the 'Dark Dragon Knight'. 】

[You know in your heart that you can no longer move forward. The Holy Land Dragon Nest will only accept descendants of pure blood. The entry of foreign races is a blasphemy to the Holy Land. 】

"...descendants with pure blood, can the little dragon people enter?"

Lin Xun wanted to change into the body of a dragon man, but he was worried about being discovered by others.

After a moment of hesitation, he gritted his teeth and switched bodies.

[You have possessed the body of the ‘looking-up hybrid half-dragon’! 】

[You feel the invisible pressure lessen, allowing you to breathe, and you continue to move forward on the deserted road...]

[However, after taking only a few steps, the pressure increased and you fell to your knees before reaching the dragon's nest, unable to move forward. 】

【Do you want to return to the mine? 】

"Game in the underworld, you're playing with me again!"

Lin Xun gritted his teeth, but had no choice.

According to this article, only descendants with pure blood can enter this place.

The 'half-blood half-dragon' obviously does not meet the conditions, but the 'half-blood half-dragon' just now seems to be interesting.

He narrowed his eyes and thought in his mind.

Then press the option and return to the mine invisibly.

[Most of the mine slave half-dragons have gone into the dark mine, and only a few half-dragons are still queuing up to enter. 】

[You look at the dark stone platform in the distance. The ‘half-blood half-dragon’ who is the supervisor has long disappeared. 】

[Perhaps it will not appear again until late at night when mining is over and the ore needs to be turned in. 】

[You hide behind a big tree, return to your half-dragon form, and quietly line up at the end of the line.]

[Looking at the insensitive mining slaves, you can’t help but take out the ‘shattered cross copper pickaxe’ and put the ‘burlap bag’ on your back...]

[You were about to follow the team into the mine when suddenly a paw tapped your shoulder.]

[You look back and see a half-dragon with a broken horn quietly approaching you and questioning you in a low voice...]

[Where have you gone? It has been looking for you for a long time!]

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! [It will continue to remind you before you reply. ]

[Remember to save some strength and don’t tire yourself out like usual.]

[After dark, as soon as the time you agreed with it comes, you will come to the mouth of the mine, and everything will go as planned. 】

[The half-dragon with broken horn finished speaking softly, and immediately got into the deep mine...]

Lin Xun frowned.

What's the plan? How come I don't know.

He waited silently for a while, and there was no text showing the body recalling the contents of the plan.

[You step into the mine. There are no lights in the mine, and it is pitch black. However, your eyes can penetrate the deep mine tunnel and clearly see the ‘Black Radiant Poison Ore’ exposed on the rock wall. 】

[Under the guidance of a slightly stronger half-dragon, you quickly drilled into the winding mine tunnels and found your mining point. 】

[There is no one around the mining site. You can only hear the "ding-ding-ding" tapping sound of copper pickaxes in the distance, and the sound echoes layer by layer in the twists and turns of the mine tunnel. 】

【Do you want to carry out mining excavation? 】

What Lin Xun was most worried about at this time was the body of the 'half-blood half-dragon'.

After getting this body, you may be able to enter the dragon's lair.

According to the text, when the late-night mining is over, the dragon overseer will appear, and then he will be able to find a way to obtain the body.

[You lift up the ‘shabby copper cross pickaxe’ and start the mechanical and long mining operation...]


Lin Xun stared at the stuck text and began to wonder what the plan the half-horned half-dragon was talking about just now.

There is no doubt that the unknown plan should be a special event. If you follow the event, you may be able to get rewards and key information.

"Is it a plan to escape from the mine secretly?"

After more than ten minutes, the text continued to jump.

[Mining is successful, you obtained the ‘Black Radiant Poison Ore’ (waste product)! 】

[You know in your heart that this lowest-grade ore is far from meeting the requirements. If you cannot dig pure ore today, what awaits you will be a cruel punishment without dragons. 】

【Are you going to go all out to mine, or secretly reserve your strength? 】

Lin Xunlue thought about it and chose the latter.

Although he didn't know what the plan was, the rewards for special events would definitely be better than mining.


After choosing to be lazy, Xiaolongren's mining speed became slower and slower.

It takes nearly half an hour to mine one ore.

[Mining is successful, you obtained the ‘Black Radiant Poison Ore’ (waste product)! 】


Lin Xun thought for a while, then simply put down his phone and let the little dragon man work hard at mining.

And he turned on his computer, started Writer's Assistant, and started another form of hard work.

After a long time...

It was already dark outside the window. Lin Xun looked at the 4,000-word epic chapter in front of him with satisfaction and stretched out.

I picked up my phone and took a look. Well, Xiaolongren is still mining.

He flipped through the text. After successful mining, most of the ores obtained were scrap grade ores.

Lin Xun also saw the words 'You feel a little tired'.

But this is not the point. The point is that among the many ores, there is one ore that is of high quality.

Quickly click on the inventory to view.

[‘Black Radiant Poison Ore’ (premium-level prop): A dark and pure ore that contains violent toxins. This ore cannot be used for forging, and you have not yet discovered the true function of the ore. 】

Lin Xun frowned.

What else can the ore be used for other than forging equipment?

According to previous data, the adults in the Dragon's Lair are in urgent need of high-quality ore, but recently the mine slave half-dragons seem to have failed to mine any ore that meets the requirements.

I don't know that the fine-grade ore talisman in his hand does not meet the standards.

[You were about to raise your copper pickaxe to continue mining, when a claw slapped you on the back of your head.]

[You cover your head and turn around, and see the half-dragon with the broken horn again. It looks anxious and wants to roar loudly, but it can only lower its voice and curse at you angrily...]

[You damn idiot, the agreed time has clearly arrived, why didn’t you go to the mine entrance to meet up? 】

[If you are too timid to go with it, quit the plan as soon as possible, and it can find other people to cooperate with.]

【Do you want to proceed with the plan, or reject it?】

[You put away the copper pickaxe and explained to the half-dragon in front of you that the darkness in the mine caused you to lose track of time for a moment, and it was not intentional.]

[The half-horned half-dragon looked at the ore scattered at your feet and counted the number before his expression softened. 】

[It signals that the plan will continue, and you have to keep up with it...]

[Speaking of which, the half-horned half-dragon is crawling on the ground and leading you quietly. This crawling posture will not make you make any noise.]

[You follow the broken-horned half-dragon, and from time to time you see other similar people doing mining operations in the branches of the mine tunnel. But they are so focused that they don't notice you secretly leaving the mine. ]


[As you reach the entrance of the mine, the half-horned half-dragon stops crawling and stands up.]

[It picked up two wooden spears from the grass on the side and handed one to you...]

[You have obtained a ‘sharp wooden spear’ (a ruined weapon)]

[The half-horned half-dragon's eyes are fierce. It seems to be telling you, and it seems to be telling itself that if the plan succeeds, you and it will never have to mine again. If the plan fails... it will

I’ve had enough of this hopeless life.]

[May the great ‘Bright Stars’ bless you!]

[You echoed the same familiar words, and the memory in your body slightly revived...]

[The numb work day after day is not only your nightmare, but also the nightmare of other mine slaves... But fortunately, there is still a glimmer of hope in the nightmare. 】

[The elders from your clan have taught you that mining the ‘Black Radiance Ore’ is a responsibility given to you by the gods. Every time you successfully mine a high-quality ore, you will be one step closer to recasting the glory of your ancestors. 】

[At that time, you didn’t understand the meaning of glory. You only knew that if your elders could mine high-quality ore, they would be rewarded by noble adults. That was the only hope in a desperate life. 】

[The rich rewards come from the holy land that all half-dragons long for—Dragon Lair!]

[You don’t understand the meaning of glory, but you know that the meat you can occasionally enjoy, and the mother you have never met, all come from your father’s efforts.]

[My father died of overwork and illness, leaving you with only a small cave and a worn-out copper cross pickaxe.]

[When you take the copper pickaxe from your father's hand, you know that your father's nightmare is over, and your nightmare has just begun...]


[You are gradually losing yourself in the numb mining operations. Only by occasionally mining a high-quality ore can you nourish yourself for a few days. 】

[You rejected the female half-dragon sent by the overseer and requested that all rewards be exchanged for meat. You did not enjoy the meat alone, but shared it with other old and feeble mine slaves. 】

[It was also your behavior that attracted the attention of your former playmate ‘Zhan Jiao Sharu’. 】

[Where there is oppression, there is resistance. Not every half-dragon is content with a life of indifference, and ‘Crippled Horn Cell’ is the half-dragon who wants to resist. 】

[On a dark and stormy night, ‘Zhanjiao Shalu’ breaks into your cave and tells you a shocking secret and plan. 】

[The reason why the ‘half-blood half-dragon’ can become an overseer without having to work hard is because of its superior bloodline. 】

[In your understanding, bloodline is determined from birth. The offspring of a mixed-blood half-dragon cannot become a mixed-blood half-dragon, and it is even less likely to become a pure-blood half-dragon. 】

[But ‘Zhan Jiao Shalu’ shook his head and told you that blood can improve evolution, and it is not impossible to become a mixed-blood or even pure-blood half-dragon. 】

[Then it tells you a secret that shocks you. It turns out that the ‘black radiance ore’ you mine all day long is the secret key to improving the purity of the blood essence. 】

[Legend has it that after the death of each generation of hermit ancestors, the remains will be buried deep in the earth and the descendants will be nourished with the power of their blood.]

[The reason why the adults in the dragon's lair need high-quality ore is because they are not satisfied with the bloodline improvement brought by 'nourishing', and want to change from passive improvement to active absorption. 】

[Every high-quality ore contains the bloodline power of the hermit ancestors. After the mixed-blood supervisor obtains the ore you hand over, he will always secretly cut off part of it.]

[Even the rewards you received from Dragon Lair have been withheld.]

[The overseer has obtained the secret method of improving bloodline from somewhere. It wants to be promoted to a pure-blooded half-dragon and enter the Holy Land Dragon's Lair...]

[When you heard this secret, you were so shocked that you couldn't recover for a long time. However, when the 'Crippled Horn Shalu' told you its plan, you realized what audacity meant. 】

[Its plan is very simple and crude, which is to kill the mixed-race overseer and replace him! 】

[The strength of the mixed-blood overseer is far stronger than that of the mixed-blood mine slaves. If you want to confront the overseer head-on, just you and it can be said to be an egg against a stone. 】

[You ask it if you can unite more mine slaves to overthrow the exploitation of the overseers.]

[‘Zhanjiao Sharu’ sneered and shook his head. It doesn’t know which mine slave will secretly expose its plan in order to get a reward. Only you, the stupid one, seem to be reliable. 】

[It tells you the specific content of the plan. Whenever the mine slaves dig high-quality ore, the supervisor will always secretly withhold the reward from the dragon's nest. Sometimes it is meat, and sometimes it is mating rights. 】

[And its plan is to wait until the overseer subdues the latter, and when the battle gets fierce, you and it will fight with it when the overseer is least prepared for it! 】

[After killing the overseer and seizing the secret method of bloodline enhancement, both you and it can become a 'mixed-blood half-dragon', or even become a 'pure-blood half-dragon' and enter the dragon's lair. It is not a fantasy! 】

【You hesitated for a long time and finally made up your mind.】

[While praising the 'Bright Stars' with 'Zero Horned Cell', you reached an agreement to complete the plan together...]

[The fragmentary memory of the body ends abruptly.]

This chapter has been completed!
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