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Chapter 198 Eternal ProtossCorrupted Leviathan, the battle between the protoss and the dragon!

Using the ‘Ring of Starlight’ in Hermit Canyon is undoubtedly a very risky thing.

The use of this special equipment in the Corridor of Stars attracted the attention of the stars.

But at that time, the gaze of the stars was blocked by the power of the 'Almighty True Knowledge', and Lin Xun was able to summon the 'weak' spirits of the stars.

And in the Hermit Canyon, when he was overloaded with knowledge, it showed that "here, you can't get a glimpse of the 'omnipotent knowledge'..."

The stars did not know what method they used to block the sight of the 'Almighty True Knowledge', and even the overload of knowledge could not make the 'Almighty True Knowledge' see him again.

If he uses the 'Ring of Light of the Stars' again, but fails to get the 'Almighty True Knowledge' to look at this place, and instead attracts the gaze of the stars, the monsters summoned may be beyond his imagination.

The most critical point is that, except for the ancestors of the Hermits, the dragons in the Hermit Canyon are all Oathbreakers who have turned to the stars.

Summoning star monsters from the same camp will most likely not turn into a battle between the two parties...

Lin Xun thought for a moment and finally made up his mind.

As long as the star monster can attract the attention of the dragons, he can achieve his goal.

[You used the ‘Advanced Star Faith Essence’ and the ‘Ring of Stars’ Light’ to shine the stars again. 】

[You are equipped with the ‘Ring of Stars’ Light’ (special equipment)! 】

[The crystal inlaid on the ring bursts into dazzling starlight.]

[The magnificent phantom of the galaxy leaps out from the spar, and countless stars twinkle.]

【You are watched by distant stars!】

[The clear sky above the dragon's nest suddenly dimmed, and a thick and bright starlight fell from the sky, reaching the top of the lonely peak! 】

[Summoning creatures from the ‘Bright Stars’ pledge camp!]


[A deafening dragon roar suddenly erupted under my feet, and the dragon roars that erupted one after another resounded throughout the dragon lair! 】

[As the wind roared, more than ten huge shadows flapped their dragon wings and rushed straight to the top of the mountain!]

[Giant things are constantly crawling out of the caves at your feet. They completely ignore you, the tiny one, and fly straight to the peak! 】

[When you look up, the sky you can see is covered by the wings of countless ‘black dragons’...]

[The giant dragons circle around the starlight on the peak. They maintain their flying posture and lower their heads deeply towards the starlight, as if they are worshiping devoutly. 】

[The starlight shines directly on the peak, and a fluorescent green star array covers the entire peak, and a huge and terrifying figure appears from it. 】

[You summoned the ‘Eternal Star Spirit—Corrupted Leviathan’! 】

[The teardrop-shaped star spirit beast floats on the top of the peak. The blade under its jaw is ten times larger than the 'Thunder Beast Mammoth' you have seen before. The wisps of starlight projected from between the wings of the giant dragon,

Completely obscured by the terrifying and gigantic beast.】

[The giant beast unconsciously waved the thick tentacles on its body, flying away the giant dragon circling around it, and then the flying dragon fell wailing. 】

[Two giant green eyes pass through the wingspan of countless giant dragons and look straight at you halfway up the mountain. You can only feel the endless desire to kill in those giant eyes. 】

[You understand, even if it kills you a thousand times, it can't quell this crazy desire!]

[The first time you saw the form of the ‘Eternal Star Spirit—Corrupted Leviathan’, that terrifying form made your hair stand on end. You just felt dizzy, and a sense of disordered knowledge was poured into your soul. 】

[You have acquired knowledge, and your knowledge has increased by 20,000! Current knowledge: 20,000/30,800]

[‘Corrupted Leviathan’ roars and dives straight towards you. Its huge body almost fills the entire exit of the abyss, and the lonely peaks and hovering dragons become obstacles for it to kill you. 】

[While the giant beast roared, it swung the sharp blade under its jaws and cut off a section of the peak of the solitary peak. 】

[For a moment, the earth shook and the mountains shook, and rocks fell one after another. You watched helplessly as the rubble on the peak, together with the huge statue of the hermit, all fell into the boundless darkness. 】

[The top of the dragon's nest was destroyed, the statues of ancestors were destroyed, and angry dragon roars echoed in the dragon's nest. 】

[The ‘Black Dragons’ no longer worship, but attack the giant beast! 】

[The dark breath of dragon flames fills your vision...]

[Countless 'pure-blooded half-dragons' and 'blood dragons' emerged from the caves in horror. They looked up at the sky and saw their lifelong pursuit of blood - the 'Black Dragon' was killed in the process of defending the lonely peak.

The giant beast brutally slaughtered and died!】

[The dragons cried in despair, and some rushed to the top of the mountain desperately, but more dragons rushed towards the mountainside. Frightened by fear, they had long forgotten the prohibition not to approach the foot of the mountain. 】

[The mountain body of Lone Peak is constantly being destroyed by giant beasts, and it is gradually approaching you. The green eyes of those giant eyes have not turned to the dragon beside you at all, but are always staring at you! 】

[The crying dragons run past you, rolling and crawling away towards the foot of the mountain...]

[Are you going to bravely fight the 'Eternal Star Spirit - Corrupted Leviathan', or will you follow the fleeing army of dragons and flee to the foot of the mountain? 】

Without the protection of the power of the 'Almighty True Knowledge', the 'Brilliant Stars' camp directly sent such a terrifying behemoth just to kill him.

"Damn! Could it be that my record of killing legendary protoss made the stars overestimate my strength. To describe the current situation by using a cannon to kill mosquitoes is an insult to the cannon."

Lin Xun quickly pressed the escape option.

Even at the critical moment, he still remained calm.

Don't forget to switch bodies while running and blend into the fleeing dragon people.

[You are possessed by the body of the ‘looking up pure-blood half-dragon’! 】

[Your sudden appearance did not cause any alarm to the other half-dragons. They just ran away crazily towards the foot of the mountain. 】

[You blend into the fleeing crowd and quickly approach the foot of the mountain...]

[As the mountain continues to be destroyed by giant beasts, huge pieces of gravel fall one after another!]

[In the fleeing army, unfortunate half-dragons were smashed to death by boulders one after another...]

[Suddenly a strong wind blows from above your head. You quickly look up and see a falling boulder very close at hand! 】

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! [You have no time to dodge, let alone switch bodies, and you are about to die here!]

[The ‘lucky gold coins’ you carry are shining brightly...]

[A crawling and escaping ‘blood dragon man’ seemed to think you were running too slow and was blocking its way. It flicked its thick tail and whipped you to the mountain wall aside. 】

[With a loud bang, the boulder fell down, and the ‘blood dragon man’ was crushed into a pulp without any resistance...]

[You only feel pain all over your body, and the sweet smell of rust fills your throat. 】

【You have been slightly injured!】

[The shaking of the mountain became more and more violent, and not only gravel fell from the top of the head, but also wailing and screaming half-dragons. 】

[You know, the ‘Eternal Star Spirit—Corrupted Leviathan’ is getting closer to you! 】

[You ignore the pain in your body and continue to flee towards the foot of the mountain...]

[A 'Black Dragon' that was far larger than the rest of its kind swooped down and landed halfway up the mountain. Its size instantly shrunk and turned into a majestic dragon man wearing black robes. 】

[It glanced at the fleeing dragon crowd, and at a glance it spotted you who was strange in the crowd! 】

[The rest of the half-dragons were scared out of their wits, but you were the only one with a calm expression and a determined look. ]

[It flashes in front of you, lifts the back of your neck, and throws you into the abyss at your feet.]

[Layers of jet-black dragon flames surround you, and as your body falls, the howling wind in your ears cannot cover up its urgent words! 】

[The stars are reversed! The stars are going to drive out our tribe! Go and wake up the Hermit!]

[As you continue to fall into the darkness, you only see that figure turning into a giant dragon again, rushing towards the terrifying beast without hesitation...]


The sudden plot made Lin Xun confused.

"I shouldn't fall to death..."

Since the 'Black Dragon' just gave the order to wake up the 'Hermit Master', his life should not be in danger.

The question is...where is the so-called 'Lord Hermit'?


[You have fallen to the bottom of the abyss, and the dark dragon flames around you have offset the huge impact of the fall, leaving you intact. 】

[You find that the surrounding dark dragon flames have not completely dissipated...]

[Your body, ‘Looking Upward Pure-Blooded Half-Dragon’, has gained the temporary ability ‘Black Er Dragon’s Breath’ (legendary level)! 】

[This ability is a temporary ability and can only remain in the body for a short period of time. This ability will disappear after the death of the body. 】

[You look around, and the scene at the foot of Dragon Nest Mountain is very similar to when you faced the ‘ancient demon—the Black Thorn Demon’ in the underground abyss! 】

[The bottom of the dragon's nest is covered with a thick layer of pitch black silt. The silt continues to bubble as it surges, and highly toxic black gas gushes out. 】

[‘Chichi’ twice, the black dragon’s breath surrounding you will burn away the poisonous gas. 】

[Dead dragons and boulders continue to fall. They fall into the dark mud at the bottom of the dragon's nest, and their bodies melt rapidly and become part of the mud. ]

[You feel a chill in your heart. If there is no dragon breath protection here, your life will be like a candle in the wind, which may be extinguished at any time. 】

[Even if you are a ‘pure-blooded half-dragon’ who has absorbed countless poisonous ores, you will be corroded by the poison and turn into a ball of pitch-black sludge. 】

[You are surrounded by boundless darkness, with only the solitary peak behind you reaching into the sky...]

[An indescribable feeling wells up in your heart... You look towards a certain direction in the darkness and step forward.]

[That indescribable feeling seems to be a silent call from the depths of your bloodline, guiding you closer to a more noble bloodline. 】

[As you move forward, the suffocating pressure of dragon power comes again! 】

[This pressure is stronger than what you feel outside the dragon's nest, giving you the feeling that there is an 'ancient hermit - the dark dragon' hidden in the darkness in front of you! 】

[If it weren’t for the dragon flames surrounding you, your lowly bloodline would have stopped here long ago and you would not be able to make any progress. 】

[You endure the suffocating dragon power and step forward firmly...]

[A rock wall appears in the darkness, inlaid with countless ‘Black Radiant Poison Ore’. A rough look at its color shows that the quality of each ore is higher than the best ore you have ever seen. 】

[Are you going to take out your copper pickaxe and dig out the ore, or are you going to continue to obey the call of your bloodline and move forward?]

[You know in your heart that the dragon flames surrounding you cannot last forever.]

[The falling broken corpses and the continuous roar of the giant beast overhead are warning you that when the dragon's nest is destroyed, it will be the moment when your death has come! 】

[You continue to listen to the silent call from the depths of your bloodline and keep running forward along the rock wall...]

[Soon you will see an extremely huge cave appearing in front of you...]

[The ‘Black Radiant Poison Ore’ inlaid on the inner wall of the cave is denser, and the majestic pressure is several times stronger than before from the dark cave. 】

[Even if you are protected by dragon flames, you can't help but feel fear from the bottom of your heart before this pressure, and you just want to fall down and kneel down...]

【Do you want to enter the cave in front of you? 】

[You hold back your fear and step firmly into the cave...]

[Dense high-quality ore surrounds the cave passage. Amidst the boundless fear, you actually feel that the power of your bloodline is faintly increasing! 】

[You can increase your bloodline without using secret methods to absorb the power of ores. This is something you have never imagined before. 】

[If you can stay in the cave for a long time, even if you do nothing, becoming a ‘blood dragon’ or even being promoted to a ‘black dragon’ will no longer be an unattainable dream! 】

[The cave is not as deep as you imagined, and you will soon reach the end of the cave.]

[What comes into view are dozens of terrifying giants! 】

[They are just as huge as the remains of the ‘Ancient Hermit—Dark Dragon’ that you saw before, but they no longer look like skeletons, but real and terrifying giant dragons of flesh and blood! 】

[The huge figures of these dark dragons are motionless, the eyes on the vicious dragon heads are closed tightly, and they have fallen into a deep sleep. 】

This chapter is not finished yet, please click the next page to continue reading the exciting content! [You noticed that there are dense scars on the heads of some giant dragons. The size of these scars seems to be related to their closed eyes.


[You immediately understand that they are the heirs who had their eyes gouged out, the sinners who imprisoned their ancestors, and the oathbreakers who took refuge in the stars!]

[While the Dark Dragon is sleeping, the scars squirm from time to time, with a faint tendency to be repaired...]

[You discovered the ‘Ancient Hermit—Dark Dragon’! 】

[You look into the deepest part of the cave. There is a huge throne standing there. It is a luxurious throne made entirely of black poisonous stones. 】

[A ‘Dark Dragon’ that is slightly larger than the others of its kind lies on the throne, and the loud noise coming from outside the cave cannot wake it up from its deep sleep. 】

[You step towards the throne, and a stench of rotting flesh and blood comes from the throne.]

[You can’t help but cover your mouth and nose and carefully peek at the huge thing on the throne...]

[The scales on its head are smooth and clean, the scars from gouging out its eyeballs have long since healed and disappeared, and there are no rotten wounds on its body. 】

[Do you want to use the ‘Black Dragon’s Breath’ to awaken the sleeping ‘Dark Dragon’? 】

Lin Xun was very hesitant for a while.

He has not forgotten his identity. He is an oathbreaker in the eyes of the stars.

The 'Black Dragon' outside could not recognize his identity, which does not mean that the traitor in front of him who actively surrendered to the stars could not be recognized either.

If the 'Dark Dragon' is awakened, what awaits him is likely to be a dragon's breath that will destroy the world.

The 'Memory of the Dark Dragon Knight' in the inventory has been silent since the route to the Hermit Canyon was opened.

Lin Xun was unsure about how to obtain inheritance.

"It would be great if I could find the imprisoned hermit ancestors. The fellow believers of the 'Almighty True Knowledge' should give me some guidance..."

This chapter has been completed!
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