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Chapter 208 Ukai Island, Wuxin Ninja Dojo

[You continue to remain invisible and sneak into the cabin quietly...]

[There are nearly ten small cabins in the cabin of the three-masted warship, which are lined up on both sides of the corridor. The broken wooden doors are half-covered. Through the cracks in the doors, you can observe the "unintentional thieves worshiping fire" standing quietly inside.

[At the end of the cabin is a large independent cabin. Judging from its door, it is obviously the residence of the most distinguished person on the ship. 】

【Are you going to sneak into the small cabin or go straight to the end of the aisle? 】

[You step silently to the outside of the large cabin and quietly observe the scene through the crack in the door. 】

[I saw a strong thief kneeling on his knees, reporting what he had just seen to the person in front of him. 】

[It is a figure wearing a mask. It is wearing a black sleeveless leather tights, with a long gauze of the same color tied around the neck and hanging down to the back. There are several shurikens pinned to the outside of the thighs on both sides, and there is one on the back.

Ninja sword.]

[You discovered the ‘fire-worshiping Wuxin ninjas’!]

[You lurked outside the door, eavesdropping on the conversation between the two...]

[The ninja seemed to be very disappointed with the content of the report, and his hoarse voice came...]

[Zhu Chi Kingdom sent fewer and fewer people as envoys. Only one person was sent this time, and he was eaten by monsters in the sea before they found the ship...]

[Not even a single piece of ordnance was found on the ship, and even the ‘banner’ ordered by the General was missing.]

['The Fire Worshiping Wuxin Ninja' became more and more angry as he spoke. He slowly drew out his Ninja Sword from his back. This Ninja Sword was a bit strange. The blade was in the shape of a katana, but it was longer than an ordinary katana, and the arc was not as curved as a katana.

, and it was lost to the back in the form of a ninja sword.】

[The thief's body lying on the ground couldn't help but tremble, but he didn't dare to resist. It wasn't until the sharp blade flashed past, a flash of black flame disappeared, and his head fell to the ground with a thud that his body twitched and fell to the ground softly. 】

[‘The leader of the fire-worshiping Wuxin thieves’ has died, and you have not gained any experience points. 】

[The ninja in black did not care about the headless corpse, but sat cross-legged on the ground and meditated silently...]


【Do you want to sneak into the cabin and kill the ninja? 】

Lin Xun raised his eyebrows.

I don’t know if the ninja is an elite monster or a mini-BOSS, but it must be the commander on the ship. As long as it is possessed by it, it can achieve its goal.

[You quietly opened the door without making any movement, and slowly touched the back of the cross-legged figure. The sword blade in your gauntlet popped out, piercing the ninja's back...]

[The ninja suddenly turned around and stood up. The sword was already in his hand. The bright sharp edges met and the black flame flashed through again. It blocked your full blow and took several steps back. 】

[The ninja looks coldly at you, whose figure is revealed due to the failed attack. It turns around and is enveloped in purple smoke...]

[You attack again, the sword blade pierces the smoke, but does not hit the enemy... When the smoke dissipates, the ninja's figure has disappeared! 】

[You look around, the cabin is empty, you are the only one left.]

[You understand, the ninja has left and your assassination plan has failed!]

【Are you going to leave the cabin or search here?】

Lin Xun failed to kill the monster. Not only was he not disappointed, he was overjoyed.

"This ninja also has stealth skills, and he seems to be quite powerful... Well, your body will be mine soon!"

"Dancer, it's not that I like the new and hate the old, it's the waves behind the Yangtze River that push the waves ahead."

There are no options given by the Hades game.

There is a high probability that the ninja has not left yet, and is probably lurking nearby, waiting for the opportunity to strike with thunder.

The underworld game is still far from misleading him.

[You are possessed by the body of the ‘original hermit who seeks knowledge’! 】

[You wave the chain blade in your hand and spin in place, and the chains of flesh and blood burned by black flames are thrown out, sweeping away everything in the cabin! 】

[A transparent figure is wrapped in chains and appears not far behind you. It is the disappeared ‘fire-worshiping Wuxin Ninja’! 】

[You pull hard, and the ninja rises from the ground and flies towards you...]

[The ninja let out a burst of exclamation, why is your karma so strong... Please spare my life, sir!]

[Before he finished speaking, a blade burning with black dragon flames penetrated its heart!]

[You defeated the ‘Fire Worshiping Wuxin Ninjas’, and your experience points increased slightly. 】

[You obtained the ‘Poisoned Ninja Shuriken’*1 (throwing item)]

[You look at the darkened corpse in front of you...]

[The body of the 'Fire-Worshiping Wuxin Ninja': As the lowest-level genin among the Wuxin ninjas, his combat power is only slightly higher than that of a ninja dog. But even so, he is still an official member of the Wuxin, far from being a genin.

Comparable to Wilderness Rogue. It died from wounds that penetrated the heart and poison. Resistance: 127% (55%)]

【Do you want to possess this body? 】

He quickly possessed the ninja and opened the body panel to check.

[Body——‘The Heartless Ninjas Who Worship Fire’]

[Real name: Mountain Falcon]

[Phaseality: 127% (55%) compatibility exceeds the critical point, and the quality of the body is improved! 】

[Body quality: rare grade]

[Body level: 57(12↑)]

[Hull equipment: Wuxin Ninja Suit (Excellent level):...]

[Body equipment: Wu Xin Zhong’s special Ninja Sword (Excellent grade): A standard Ninja Sword modeled after the famous ‘Ryuken Masamune’ style, but it only retains its shape, but not its spirit. 】

[Shell Skill: Purple Mist Escape Technique (Rare Level): This is a ninja escape technique that has not yet been mastered. Not only is the invisibility effect unsatisfactory, but it also requires the assistance of a prop called 'Purple Mist Projectile' before it can be released successfully. 】

[This skill requires specific items to be released. After release, you can enter the invisible state and reveal yourself after attacking. 】

Lin Xun looked at the attributes of the ninja and frowned.

The ninja's body is not as powerful as imagined. Although the quality of the body and skills are good, the level and equipment are not as good as that of the dancer.

Due to the characteristics of the ninja, it is reasonable for it to be able to sense the dancer's stealth attack, but it is somewhat inconsistent with the panel to be able to withstand the dancer's full blow.

He noticed that when a ninja attacked, the game text always showed that black flames appeared.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "Is this caused by the attribute bonus called 'Karma Fire'?"

He also has the attribute of Karmic Fire, but when he used the Dancer's Body, the black flame was not triggered. Instead, he used the dark dragon flame of the Original Hermit, which was mistaken for 'Karmic Fire'.

Try to attack with the newly obtained ninja body.

As a result, the black karmic fire that originally appeared between swings of the sword no longer appeared.

Lin Xun thought for a moment and thought that maybe the weight of the karma fire on his body was too low, causing the body to be unable to reproduce the special effects of the attack.

He soon stopped thinking about it.

The description of the ninja body shows that this ninja is the lowest level genin, which means that there is a higher-level ninja body above it...

"We have to find a way to get a high-level ninja body!"

[The sound of fighting just now attracted the attention of other thieves. The door of the cabin was violently pushed open, and more than a dozen "unintentional thieves who worshiped fire" poured in. 】

[The headless body fell aside, and there are traces of fighting in the cabin, but as 'Ninja-sama', you are intact. 】

[They all fell to their knees on the ground, claiming that they thought the master was being assassinated and rushed to help, but they did not expect that the leader and below were responsible. 】

[You calmly ordered the thieves to clean up the body, leaving one of the more clever looking thieves behind to ask how long it will take before it reaches the shore. 】

[The thief told you with sincerity and fear that the ship will soon cross the 'Ukai Island'. With the current wind and speed, it will only take half a day to reach the nearest Sakura Port. 】

[When you hear "Ukai Island", you will think of it as the location of the "Wuxin Ninja Dojo". There is only this dojo on the small island. It was the place where you shed countless sweat and blood and trained hard. 】

[The Wuxin Ninja Dojo is a place dedicated to transporting ninja assassins to the "Wuxin People". You have been unable to pass the "Chongnin Trial" for a long time. Seeing that your potential has been exhausted, the "Ninja Master" arranged for you to leave the dojo and join the "Wuxin People" first.


[You are very worried about this, and have returned to the dojo several times to pass the 'Chūnin Trial', but have failed time and time again.]

[When you come back to your senses, facing the frightened thieves, what kind of instructions are you going to give?]

[Should we order the ship to move forward at full speed and arrive at the Sakura Port as soon as possible; or should we change direction and head to ‘Ukai Island’ first? 】

Lin Xun was overjoyed, he was handed a pillow just when he wanted to sleep.

He seemed to see countless ninjas waving to him.

[You order the ship to go to 'Ukai Island', and you will go to the island first, and then continue to the Sakura Falls.]

[The thief is ordered to retreat...]

[You searched around the cabin and found nothing useful. With nothing to do, you left the cabin and returned to the deck...]

[The salty sea breeze blows against your face, and a small island is vaguely visible on the sea level. Several thieves are controlling the ship to change its course and move towards the island called 'Ukai']


[The island is getting closer and closer to you, and you can already see the ‘Wuxin Ninja Dojo’ occupying most of the island among the lush green plants. 】

[The three-masted warship is approaching the port. A ninja dressed in the same costume as you is standing on the shore with his arms folded, and the long black gauze tied around his neck is fluttering in the wind. 】

[Although it was covered by a mask, you still recognized the identity of this ninja. He was your former junior brother. 】

[When it saw you disembarking alone, it asked you coldly, why did you go to the island privately when Master didn't summon you? Did you forget the ninja commandments? 】

[You said loudly that you came to the master for the "Chūnin Trial". You are no longer what you used to be. The Chunin Trial is easy for you. ]

[The ninja snorted coldly and told you that the master is not on the island now, but the senior brother can also handle the trial.]

[After saying that, he turned around and walked towards the woods...]

[There is a path paved with stone slabs opened in the dense forest. You understand that this extremely familiar path in front of you leads to the ‘Wuxin Ninja Dojo’. 】

[You stride to keep up with it, showing off to your junior brother from time to time. Although you have frequently gone to sea recently and have been extremely busy, you have never forgotten your master's teachings. You conduct ninja training every day, and your strength has improved by leaps and bounds. It is far from being comparable to the other genin.


[The ninja turned around suddenly, slowly drew out the ninja sword from behind, and opened his stance. The intention was self-evident. ]

[Do you want to compete with the ‘fire-worshiping Wuxin ninjas’? 】

Lin Xun twitched the corner of his mouth.

Even though his wandering soul controls the body and does not act independently, different bodies will still retain some of the behavioral habits of his lifetime.

For example, he possesses an earth giant, often shoots people in the head whenever he disagrees, and his fighting style is extremely violent.

When possessing the original hybrid dragon man, his behavior pattern also showed the timidity and fearfulness of his former body.

And this current body...it's hard to describe why I feel like it.

Lin Xun frowned and thought.

Although the level of the ninja body increases under his possession, and it also has the effect of increasing the soul, but using this body alone to fight against the junior brother, the outcome is still unknown.

After all, he hasn't figured out how to use Karma Fire yet.

[While you are still hesitating, the ninja stabs you with his sword, and the black flames of the blade disappear in a flash...]

[You quickly raised your knife to block, but was knocked away by the blow!]

[You couldn't help but cough up a mouthful of black blood, feeling that your internal organs were displaced and your whole body was falling apart...]

【You have been slightly injured!】

[It loudly asks you why you don’t use karma fire to spar with it. Do you think you can defeat it without karma fire, or do you no longer respect the gods! 】

[The ninja continued to say coldly, if you dare to disrespect the gods, don’t blame them for being ruthless!]

[Having said that, it swung its sword forward again, but this time the attack left no room for error. The point pointed by the blade was your vital point! 】

"Damn! If the tiger doesn't show off its power, do you think I'm a sick cat?"

[You are possessed by the body of the ‘original hermit who seeks knowledge’! 】

[The bloody chain blade in the hand burned with raging dragon flames, and the dark flames were like a ferocious black dragon, revealing its fangs.]

[The ninja suddenly stopped his sword, looked at you in disbelief, and blurted out, how did you become like this evil demon...Why can the evil demon use the karma fire given by the gods, and this karma fire still burns so vigorously?]

Lin Xun raised his eyebrows, evil spirit?

[You throw out a chain blade, and the blade of burning black flames has penetrated into its heart. The shock made the ninja forget to block and defend, and it slowly fell down while clutching its chest...]

[You defeated the ‘Fire Worshiping Wuxin Ninjas’, and your experience value increased slightly. 】

[You have obtained the ‘unyielding little piece of spirituality’*1]

[You obtained ‘Purple Smoke Projectiles’*2 (throwing props)]

"no Zuo no Die."

Check the inventory and take a look.

['Purple Smoke Projectile'*2 (throwing prop): A dark purple round projectile, as long as it is thrown at the foot, purple smoke can be raised, and it can be used with low-level escape techniques to perform invisibility. This type of prop is usually only available to genin

, only chunin will carry it, because jounin can perform escape techniques without smoke.】

Lin Xun took the body of his junior brother into his bag, switched back to the body of his senior ninja, and continued to the ninja dojo.

"The evil that the junior brother mentioned is a general reference to monsters and aliens, or a specific reference to a certain kind of creature. If it is the latter, doesn't it mean that there are creatures similar to dragons in this world..."

The mythical skills of the original hermit can improve the quality of the body and skills by swallowing the blood of dragons. If there are dragons in this world, it will undoubtedly be great news.

While he was thinking, he came to the 'Wuxin Ninja Dojo'.

This chapter has been completed!
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