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Chapter 210 Evil God, Golden Roc Raptor Claw

[‘Letter from Purple Leaf’ (information)]


[Master, I wonder if your health has gotten better recently.]

[You don’t have to worry about me all the time. Everything is fine here at the shrine. The boring life day after day is nothing more than rubbing the statues and dancing the shrine dance.]

[After so many years, I have always felt that the white hakama worn by mikos is too restrictive and not as convenient as ninja clothing. Including the magical weapons used by mikos, I still find it difficult to adapt to it.]

[But it’s not without good news... After your guidance in your letter, I have mastered the secret of the great naginata technique, and the swing of the sword is as smooth as flowing water, and I no longer feel frustrated. 】

[By the way, there is one more thing I forgot to mention, that is, I was promoted again... I don’t know why, but the Palace Secretary promoted me to a full shrine maiden, surpassing all other shrine maidens. Even though I am very good at Kagura Suzu and Hinoki Fan.

I am not interested in magical weapons like this, so I am not as good as other miko...]

[A shrine maiden is a priest with great responsibilities, so leaving it to a ‘layman’ shrine maiden like me is not a very safe decision... Of course, I am definitely not doubting Miyagi-sama when I say this. 】

[Okay, Master, that’s enough. Remember to take your medicine on time and take care of yourself.]


[Looking at the letter in your hand, you always feel a little strange.]

[The tone of voice in the letter is undoubtedly that of ‘Yuecheng Ziyue’. The strange thing is not here, but the paper of the letter. 】

[You remember that the master once taught a secret technique. After soaking the letter paper in a special potion, the words on the letter paper can be hidden. The paper of this letter seems to have been processed by this secret technique. 】

[You walk to the shrine and carefully place the letter by the candlelight to bake. 】

[Suddenly, the words on the letter changed.]

[The beautiful ink-colored text on it disappeared and turned into a line of bloody handwriting...]

[Master! Save me! They want to sacrifice me to the evil god as their wife...]

[The handwriting is illegible, and there are even mistakes and omissions in the strokes, which shows that the person who wrote the letter was not optimistic at the time. 】

[You looked at the bloody words, and your heart twisted in shock. You thought that ‘Senior Sister Ziye’ was happy and carefree at the shrine, but you didn’t expect that she was in dire straits, waiting for your rescue. 】

[‘Wuzhi Shrine’ worships the true god on the surface, but secretly it takes refuge in the evil god and becomes a remnant of the evil devil…]

[No wonder Master, who has not left the island for many years, suddenly left the island yesterday, saying that he had been bored for a long time and needed to go out to relax. You must know that although Master is powerful, he has been suffering from serious illnesses for a long time. He has been recuperating on the island. This trip will only

Making his condition worse.]

[You can’t wait to sail to Yingluo immediately and kill the ‘Wuzhi Shrine’ to rescue the senior sister...]

Lin Xun's eyes widened.

"Is this a hidden mission?"

He seemed to hear a 'ding' sound, and a shiny golden pop-up window popped up.

According to the description in the text, the senior clergy of the ‘Muzhi Shrine’ secretly took refuge in the ‘Evil God’ and enshrined the witch ‘Tsukijo Purple Leaf’ to the evil god as his wife… Well, or should I say it was a reproduction tool?

In the previous game process, the dragon body was considered to be the remnant of the evil spirit, which means that the evil god may be related to the dragon clan in this world.

"I'm lucky. I encountered a hidden mission as soon as I entered the new chapter, and I also learned clues about the dragon clan."

Lin Xun looked at the second map prop.

['Hidden hut on the back hill of Ukai Island' (map): The location of a hidden hut on the back hill of 'Ukai Island' is recorded on the white paper. With this map, you will be able to follow the map's guidance to reach the marked location.

"There must be something good hidden in the back mountain!"

He immediately decided to go to the back mountain to find out.

[You leave the ‘Unmanned Ninja Dojo’ and follow the map’s guidance to the back mountain of Ukai Island...]


[The low back hill is lush with vegetation and there are no human traces. You have always kept Master’s teachings in mind and have never set foot on the mysterious back hill.]

[You wave your ninja sword and cut off the branches of the bushes in front of you, creating a path up the mountain.]


[As you continue to move forward, you finally climb halfway up the mountain. According to the map marks, you find a dilapidated hut in the dense forest. 】

[There is an old stone tablet standing outside the door of the hut, with densely packed yellow talismans affixed to it.]

[You were about to approach the hut, but you were blocked by an invisible wall and couldn't move any further. 】

[You are shocked and realize that this is a barrier set up by Onmyoji. The source of the barrier's power comes from the stone tablet and the spell.]

[In your impression, Master has a wide circle of friends. It is not surprising that he has several powerful friends, but I did not expect that Master can even make friends with the high-ranking Onmyoji...]

[The Ninja techniques to break the barrier are jounin skills. You have not learned it, but you know that there are only a few normal ways to enter the barrier, the most common of which is to carry a specific object or have a specific aura. ]

[You try to activate the ‘Wuxin-ryu Ninja Way’, spread ‘Qi’ all over your body, and approach the hut again...]

[You just feel like you are passing through a layer of water curtain, and then you enter the barrier safely. 】

[You walk to the stone tablet and try to pull off a piece of talisman paper. The red talisman on the yellow talisman paper instantly becomes dim. 】

[You obtained the ‘unknown talisman’ (waste product)]

Lin Xun opened the inventory to check.

['Unknown talisman' (waste): A powerful onmyoji drew a talisman to guard the barrier. The barrier is so strong that it is difficult to be destroyed by external forces. But if the talisman is torn off within the barrier, the talisman no longer has special power.

, become a piece of waste paper.]

"Onmyoji...is this the Master profession in this chapter?"

Not long after Lin Xuncai's guide, he learned about many professions in the chapter, such as ninja, samurai, shrine maiden, onmyoji, etc.

It is estimated that he will encounter other professions in the future process. For his soul talents, this chapter is really a treasure.

[You push open the wooden door of the cabin, and it is covered with dust and cobwebs. There is a clear line of footprints on the ground. The footprints are very new and have only been left for a short time. 】

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! [Years of ninjutsu training allow you to instantly judge the height and shape of the owner of the footprints. The figure of the master wearing a bamboo hat, ricket, and short appears in your mind.

, and a body that often coughs.】

[You step forward and see a tool rack placed in the hut, but the tool rack is empty and the weapons on it have disappeared.]

[You step forward to touch the knife holder and feel it quietly...]

[The weapon has been placed for many years, and the sharp sword spirit still remains on the sword rest.]

[With such a fierce sword intent, and the sword that has been sealed here by the master, you can only think of one thing, and that is the ninja sword 'Ryuuken Masamune' that the master wore when he was young, a powerful magical weapon that shocked Sakura.


[The sword that has been dusted for many years seems to be about to show its edge, and it will follow its master to taste blood again. 】

[You let out a long sigh, and the master brought the ‘Dragon Sword Authentic Sect’ with him. This shows that even the master is not completely sure about this trip to Wuzhi Shrine, and can only drag his body to bear the fierce sword power of the divine weapon again. 】

[You continue to search in the hut and soon find a set of strange weapons in a wooden cabinet nearby. 】

[This set of strange weapons is divided into four pieces, consisting of two hand armor hooks and two foot armor hooks. The sharp claws are like the claws of a raptor, cruel and bloodthirsty, and sharp and sharp. 】

[This is the weapon carried by the master before he obtained the 'Ryuuken Masamune'. It is also a set of famous ninja weapons. 】

[You have obtained the ‘Golden Roc Raptor Claw’ (epic weapon)! 】

['Golden Roc Raptor Claw' (epic weapon): This weapon is an evolved version of the gauntlet hook. The design of the sharp claw is the incarnation of the powerful power of the raptor. The multiple blades attached to each claw can increase the overall cutting surface.

And it produces terrible destructive power. Because of this cruel characteristic, the Golden Roc Raptor Claw has always been a feared weapon.]

[Using this weapon requires extremely strong physical skills, and turning the raptor's claws into actual slashing, stabbing, and other moves can unleash the full power of the weapon.]

[This weapon, combined with escape-type stealth skills, can continue to remain invisible after killing in one blow. 】

[When injured by this weapon, the enemy will fall into a severe 'bleeding' state. Unless healed, this state will remain until the enemy dies. 】

"...This weapon is good!"

Although the weapon has considerable usage restrictions, it has the same feature as the Hidden Blade of being able to remain invisible if killed with one hit.

Even if the attack fails and you immediately run away, the powerful bleeding effect will kill the enemy.

Lin Xun estimated that if ordinary apostles wanted to obtain this weapon, they would definitely have to complete a series of "Ninja Master" tasks.

However, his soul talent was too buggy, so he directly became one of his own, successfully entered the barrier, and obtained this weapon without any effort.

"It's a pity that the raptor claw is only at the epic level. When I have some money in my pocket, I will go to the library and upgrade this weapon to the epic level...the weapon with the assassin-like body is considered a graduation."

Lin Xun thought for a moment. The Earth Giant's weapons and the weapons that looked directly at the president were still at the epic level. If he wanted to advance and strengthen, he had to queue up...

The weapons can be graduated, and the body cannot be left behind. There are many ninjas in this chapter, and getting a high-level assassin body is the top priority.

Equip the 'Golden Roc Raptor Claw' to the Chunin body.

Although this body's strength is 'mediocre', fortunately, its physical training has not fallen behind and it can be equipped with this weapon smoothly.

Lin Xun searched the hut again, and when he saw no more results, he returned to the warship.


[You board the three-masted warship and see several corpses of thieves lying on the deck.]

[These corpses were nailed to the deck with arrows pierced through the heart. The remaining thieves were trembling under the surveillance of the 'Battle Angel - Valkyrie', not daring to make the slightest move. 】

【What kind of instructions do you want to give to the thieves? 】


What surprised Lin Xun was not that the Valkyrie killed the restless thieves, but that during his previous exploration of the island, he did not receive the text prompt "Your Watcher defeated XXX".

"Won't you receive experience points if you are too far away?"

He commanded the ship to set sail and continue to sail towards Sakura Falls.

[The thieves put away the anchor, raised the sail, and the ship continued to move in a certain direction...]


While the ship was sailing, Lin Xun called Valkyrie into the cabin and started the transplant operation.

Transplant the dancer's 'Shadow Demon King's Eyeball' into the Chuunin body.

The ninja has a mask to cover it, so there is no need to worry about being discovered abnormally and causing adverse effects.

Perhaps because of the invisibility skill, the transplant operation went very smoothly, and there were no unexpected incidents where the transplant was completed and the special effects were not triggered.

The chuunin body perfectly inherited the effect of enhanced invisibility. Not only that, Lin Xun also discovered an additional effect.

With the bonus of 'Obscure Shadow', the escape technique of Chuunin Body can be successfully performed without the assistance of 'Purple Smoke Projectile', which is a good gain.

During the long wait, it was evening and the ship was approaching its destination.

[When you come to the deck and look from the bow of the ship, you see the sea is completely dark under the cold moonlight.]

[The huge outline of the land can be vaguely seen on the sea level at the end of the sight. The land called "Sakura Falls" has only a few lights and is silent and eerie. 】

[You call all the thieves into the cabin and lock the door...]

[You formed a seal with your hands, turned around, opened a pair of gloomy eyes, and your figure has disappeared into the cabin! 】

[In the flash of cold light, the sharp ‘Golden Roc Raptor Claw’ is waved. Every time you raise your hand or kick your foot, it will leave a deep and bone-deep wound on the enemy’s body...]

[You defeated the ‘unintentional thieves who worshiped fire’…]

【You defeated...】

[Screams were everywhere, and the thieves wanted to escape from the cabin, but what awaited them was the merciless arrows of the Valkyrie.]

[Not long after, the cabin became a river of blood, and except for you and the Valkyrie, there was not even a single living person left. 】

[You are possessed by the body of the ‘fallen earth giant’! 】

[You open a red eye...]

[The huge stick in his hand ignited a blazing flame, and the eternal flames swept the entire warship...]


[You are possessed by the body of ‘Same Princess Deep Sea’. 】

[You flap your giant tail and leap into the dark sea. Looking back, you see that the three-masted warship has been engulfed by the ‘eternal flames’ and is about to sink here. 】

[You dive into the sea and swim towards the ‘Sakura Fall’...]


[After a long swim, you finally approach the port...]

[The moonlight is shining, and the port is completely silent at night. There are no ships docked here, and there are no people around. The entire port is dilapidated and desolate as far as the eye can see. 】

[Obviously, this is an abandoned port.]

[You quietly climbed up to the port, transformed into the body of the 'fire-worshiping Wuxin thieves', and set foot on the land of 'Sakura Falls'. 】

[There is a huge book page floating in the harbor, which is particularly eye-catching in the dark night.]

[You found a fragment of the Book of Salvation—rest the page!]

"Why is the underworld game so considerate suddenly? Is there a resurrection point as soon as you land?"

Lin Xun stepped forward and touched the page, setting this place as the new resurrection point.

[You walk a few steps past the ‘rest page’ and see the notice board standing at the port. 】

【With the moonlight shining on it, you can clearly see the words and patterns on it.】

[The notice board marks several places close to the port, namely: Fish Market, Onion Tuna Winery and Fairyland Tour.]

【Where do you want to go first?】

The first location is obviously a place for buying and selling, while the second is a shop for eating and drinking.

As for the third one...it doesn't look like a serious place.

Lin Xun decisively chose the third option.

Anyway, if you want to explore the whole map, it’s okay to go to the places you’re most interested in first, right?

This chapter has been completed!
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