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Chapter 214 Little Devil Shikigami Rattle, Long Zhibi

Lin Xun checked the remaining stalls in the market and found that it was indeed what the special fishmonger said.

Although the fish and shrimps sold at the remaining stalls also have the same names as rare fish, the content of the item descriptions is vague and the wording is ambiguous, and there is no clear description of the properties that can be enhanced after use.

If you have never seen real rare fish, you may be careless and deceived by these shoddy fake goods.

Forget it, what is intolerable is that the price of fake fish is much higher than that of rare fish, and it is simply a good thing for a conscientious dog to take it away.

[You follow the location informed by the 'Special Fishmonger' and walk towards the depths of the 'Fish Market'...]

[After bypassing the shabby stalls, you enter a dark and hidden alley. 】

[At the end of the alley is a shabby shop with an old sign saying ‘Dark Market Warehouse’. 】

[There is also a line of small words marked under the plaque: Civilians and ninja dogs are not allowed to enter!]

[The words Ninja Dog are small and quite fresh. It seems that they were newly engraved not long ago.]

"Does this ninja dog refer to ninja, or is it really just a literal meaning?"

[You push open the small wooden door of the shop, and with a creak, the scene inside comes into view.]

[The shop is not as shabby as imagined, but has an antique feel. 】

[The most eye-catching thing is the wooden counter in the shop, which is protected by iron bars. Through the small arched window, you can see an old man in kimono lying on a rocking chair behind the counter. 】

[It wears glasses imported from the West, plays with a sparkling orb in one hand, and reads a thick ancient book in the other.]

[You discovered the ‘fire-worshiping warehouse merchant’! 】

[There are items such as paper and ink abacus on the counter, and behind the counter are tall wooden cabinets with hundreds of small drawers marked with paper notes. 】

[You are about to step into it, but you are blocked by an invisible wall and cannot enter.]

【This small shop is also protected by a barrier.】

[An old and hoarse voice came from behind the counter. Are you illiterate or blind? It is written on the door that Ninja dogs are not allowed. Didn’t you see it? 】

[It must be that bastard fish seller who ordered you, the ninja dog, to come here...]

[After the ‘fire-worshipping warehouse merchant’ finished speaking, he was still lying on the rocking chair and waved his hand to signal you to get out of here.]

"Good guy, a ninja is a ninja dog, right?"

Even if the status of the chunin body is not as good as that of the samurai class, it is much higher than that of ordinary people.

Why did he turn into a ninja dog when he got here?

[You are possessed by the body of the ‘fire-worshipping warrior on foot’! 】

[When you try to enter the store again, it feels like you are passing through a layer of water curtain, and you can pass through the barrier without any hindrance.]

[The 'fire-worshiping warehouse merchant' quickly got up from the rocking chair and claimed that he had been blinded for a moment and thought the samurai-sama was a ninja dog. He was really sorry.]

[You snorted coldly and stared at it with burning eyes.]

[‘The fire-worshiping warehouse merchant’ smiles and carefully asks you what you need through the metal railing.]

[It pops out a list of goods from the small window. You take the list and browse it carefully...]

['Tachi - Peony Chizuru' (rare weapon): An extremely sharp ancient sword with a peony pattern engraved on the handle. It is a weapon that can kill countless lives. Spiritual value: 45,000]

['Dovetail Armor' (rare armor): A lightweight armor made of iron bamboo and whale skin, which ensures that the entire armor is light in weight and also has extremely good defensive capabilities. Spiritual value: 25,000]

['Nasu Yoichi's Longbow' (rare weapon): An exquisite fuzhu longbow. The bow body is made of cedarwood. A layer of elastic bamboo is attached to the outside of the bow body, making the shooting powerful.

.Spiritual value: 10000]

[‘Utsukiri Spear’ (rare weapon):…]

There was a long list full of weapons and equipment, and Lin Xun thought he was entering an arsenal.

However, the quality of these weapons and equipment was not high, and the highest level was only at the rare level, which made him a little disappointed.

[The 'Fire Worshiping Warehouse Merchant' saw the unhappy look on your face and had not chosen the product you liked for a long time. It asked, "What is the reason for your dissatisfaction, Sir Samurai?"

[Is it because of the poor quality of the weapons and equipment that you have not taken a fancy to them? 】

[You nodded, waved and threw the item list back into the small window. 】

[The 'Fire Worshiping Warehouse Merchant' pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose and told you that his shop is actually equivalent to a pawn shop. The weapons and equipment on the list are all pawned here by other customers. 】

[It’s just that these items have exceeded the pawn period and cannot be redeemed. 】

[It’s not that there are no high-quality weapons, it’s just that they haven’t passed the limited time limit, so they can’t be presented to you now.]

[There are not only weapons and equipment in the warehouse, but also some novel objects. Maybe you, samurai, will be interested in them. 】

[After speaking, it handed over a list of items again...]

[Imitation of the eight-foot magatama (prop): a small magatama with a small hole in it that can be strung together with a rope and worn on the body. It is an imitation of the famous 'eight-foot magatama', although it is an imitation

, but it also has good special effects.】

[With this prop, the damage you cause to ghost monsters will increase to a certain extent. Spiritual value: 50,000]

[Transforming water from the sacred mountain (props): The gourd contains the legendary clear spring water flowing from the sacred mountain. According to legend, drinking the water from the sacred mountain spring can turn men into women and women into men. According to rumors, there is also a kind of sacred water called '

It changes like water, and after drinking it can make people rejuvenate.】

[Using this prop will temporarily change the gender of the current body. Spiritual value: 30000]

[Little evil spirit shikigami rattle (special equipment): A small golden rattle with eighteen green-faced and fanged evil spirit shikigami painted on the surface. Using this equipment, you can sacrifice a certain amount of spirituality and ring the bell to summon the eighteen evil spirits.

Ghost Shikigami, the more spirituality you sacrifice, the stronger the evil ghost you summon will be. The upper limit of the sacrifice is 10,000 spiritual points. The remaining number of uses is 10/10]

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! [This equipment is a special equipment, and the evil ghost summoned is a special summon, and does not conflict with your official summon. Spiritual value: 50,000]

[The enshrined purple-red incense (prop) is a purple-red burning incense that contains the power of incense (the power of faith). Using this prop to enshrine it to the god you believe in will slightly increase your piety. Remaining quantity: 10, spiritual value: 5000]

[The eaves-horned spirit beast (prop) of the town house...]

The list contains densely packed novel props, each with a unique effect.

Seeing this list, Lin Xuncai sighed that the 'Dark Market Warehouse' was worthy of being a hidden store, as the products in it were so diverse.

The spiritual energy in my pocket was empty after buying the fish, and it was unrealistic to include everything on the list.


[The 'fire-worshiping warehouse merchant' saw you with a fierce look in his eyes, took out a piece of talisman paper from the cabinet behind him, and showed it to you openly. ]

[The ultimate talisman that guards the ten directions (legendary item): a powerful talisman carved by a top onmyoji, with blood-like tadpole incantations written on it. This thin piece of talisman exudes unparalleled power. The magic power. Using this prop will raise the 'Ten Directions Absolute Boundary' in the area you designate, guarding against all external attacks.】

[After you finish looking at the talisman paper, it puts it back into the cabinet and carefully asks you again what kind of items you need to buy. 】

"This businessman is so rich..."

Lin Xun didn't expect that a small businessman would have such a powerful defensive item.

The power of one-time legendary defense props is extremely abnormal. The power of these consumables is far better than the skills and equipment of the same level.

He asked himself that he was not sure that he could kill this businessman who possessed him for free under the protection of the talisman.

And judging from the appearance of the merchant, I'm afraid there are more than one type of props.

"The underworld game really doesn't let people take advantage of it... I wonder if there will be a chance to get rid of this businessman in the future."

Lin Xun checked the list again, and soon his eyes locked on an item - the little evil spirit shikigami rattle.

This special piece of equipment can summon eighteen special summons, and will not conflict with the Valkyrie or the Three-Headed Lion.

The game also has a special profession called 'Summoner'. According to data, this type of profession can ignore summon conflict and summon two or more summoned creatures.

However, even the 'Summoner' profession has a limit on the number of simultaneous summons. There is no such thing as being able to summon an infinite army with a wave of the hand.

The limit on the number of summoned objects is still one. The second point is that resurrecting the summoned objects still requires soul strength...

If an apostle who takes the "Summoner" specialization route sees this artifact that does not require soul strength and does not occupy the summoning slot limit, he will undoubtedly buy it without hesitation.

Lin Xun is not a full-time summoner, but whether he uses this equipment himself or sells it in the library, he will get a lot of profit.

He didn't have enough spirituality in his pocket, so he had to leave the 'hidden store' first.

Lin Xun returned to the port and teleported back to the library.

If all the fish in the inventory are attached to the Book of Trade, the suggested price given by the fish underworld game with a capital of 60,000 will be doubled.

Lin Xunlue thought about it and raised the price again.

Not long after Xiao Yuer was hung up, transaction information frequently came from the 'Book of Transactions'.

In just two hours, all sixty fish were sold, and a total of 150,000 souls were gained.

"What a huge profit..."

This type of props that improve temporary attributes have been selling well in libraries.

Many apostles are stuck in chapters because their attributes are not strong enough, and they are always a little short of overthrowing the BOSS.

Using a few of these props can greatly increase the success rate of defeating the BOSS. No wonder the props are so popular.

If Lin Xun hadn't been in such a hurry to use his spirituality, it is estimated that if the price were to go up a little, some apostles would still buy it.

A small part of the knowledge equipment hanging in the 'Book of Trade' was also sold.

The spiritual energy in his pocket instantly increased to 170,000, and his health was successfully restored.

Lin Xun returned to the chapter again and entered a hidden store called the "Dark Market Warehouse".

It didn’t take long to get the ‘Little Devil Shikigami Rattle’ in my bag.

I also bought ten ‘purple red incense sticks for worship’. Although I haven’t chosen a team yet, it doesn’t prevent me from making preparations first.

The more piety this thing is, the better, the camp reputation is worth it...

After spending a huge sum of 100,000 yuan, the service attitude of the 'fire-worshipping warehouse merchant' became even better, and his attitude was completely different from that of the ninja dog when he came in.

[The 'Fire Worshiping Warehouse Merchant' apologizes to you profusely and sincerely explains that it does not look down on ninjas. The plaque at the door of the previous store only said 'civilians are not allowed to enter'. 】

[It’s just that something happened the day before, which caused it to add a new mark on the plaque. 】

[The ‘warehouse merchant who worships fire’ tells you the story, and soon you will understand the cause and effect...]

[The ‘Dark Market Warehouse’ has a total of two barriers, one is located at the door to block the intruders, and the other is located in front of the counter to protect the merchants’ own safety. 】

[The merchant sleeps in the store every day and is protected by two barriers. Since the establishment of the store, there has been no theft. 】

[Businessmen also believe that theft has never happened before, and it will never happen in the future...]

[But just the day before, items in the store were stolen. The missing item was a beautiful jade called ‘Dragon Blue’. 】

[If it hadn’t been for the note left by the thief on the counter, it wouldn’t have even noticed that the ‘Dragon Blue’ had been stolen. 】

[The origin of this piece of beautiful jade is not trivial. It is a jade inlaid at the end of the hilt of the legendary ‘Dragon Sword Authentic’. 】

[Jade contains infinite power, and is originally one with the 'Dragon Sword Authentic Sect'...]

[The origin of 'Longzhibi' can be traced back to more than ten years ago. One day, an old man wearing a bamboo hat came to the door and said that he needed a large sum of money to repair his ancestral home, so he used this piece of jade that he got by chance as a mortgage. .]

[The businessman who was knowledgeable and remembered immediately recognized this piece of jade as the 'Dragon Blue'. He always told the old man the origin of this piece of jade truthfully. The old man was overjoyed and exchanged it for it. A large sum of money.]

[After that, it never saw the old man again. Until early this morning, it was shocked and angry when it discovered that the jade was stolen. It did not hesitate to use a 'tracing back mirror' left by a top onmyoji to see what had been stolen from the store in the middle of the night.


[In the mirror, it saw the old man again, wearing a hat and a tight-fitting ninja suit, rummaging around in the store. 】

[But it was sleeping on a recliner nearby and didn't realize it at all. The old man just touched the two solid barriers with his hand, and then became silent again, just like a wandering girl in the border, allowing people to enter. 】

[The old ninja turned a blind eye to the other treasures, but took away the piece of 'Dragon Blue', packed up the messed up cabinets, and left a note on the counter. 】

[He wrote a letter: If you borrow 'Dragon's Blue' for use, it will be returned in one month at most. If the jade is not returned as expected, someone will come to pay for it. 】

[Early this morning, the theft from the store became a joke in the market. The merchant was so angry that he added a new 'tolerance dog' on the plaque. 】

"Isn't this old ninja man the 'ninja master'?"

The ninja master not only retrieved the 'Ryuuken Masamune' that was hidden in the mountains behind Ukai Island, but also retrieved the 'Ryu no Bi' that was pawned to the merchant.

It also left the words "Jade has not returned as expected", it seems that the "Wuzhi Shrine" and the others are really dangerous.

[You ask about the whereabouts of the old ninja man from the ‘fire-worshiping warehouse merchant’.]

[It shook its head and said bluntly that if it knew the whereabouts of the old man, it would have gone to him with the talisman to ask for the 'Dragon Blue'. Why would it stay here to guard the shop? 】

[You wave goodbye to the ‘fire worshiping warehouse merchant’ and leave the ‘dark market warehouse’...]

This chapter has been completed!
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