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Chapter 218 Longze Temple in the mountains, the dragon turns against its scales

[The ‘Original Night Sending Dog’ on the side took off his mask and couldn’t help but sigh, the power of the dragon has reappeared in the world...]

Lin Xunxin said, "You haven't seen me transform into a dragon. If you did, you would be shocked."

Then I thought about it, the dragon that the little dragon man transformed into and the dragon that Ye Sang Dog said should be two species.

Now he is just showing off his dragon head but not his secret. If he really turns into a big lizard with wings, he might have to take off his title of 'descendant of the old gods'.

[You look at the body of the strongest warrior among the corpses...]

[The body of the 'Fire-Worshiping Horseback Samurai': A warrior with high martial arts skills, whose status is higher than that of a civilian disciple, and can be regarded as an elite warrior. The samurai is a direct samurai under the 'Otaki family', a great nobleman in Ukioka City, and his status is Extraordinary, noble status. It died from a fatal blow that penetrated the heart. The similarity is 122% (55%)]

【Do you want to possess this body? 】

The corpses of several warriors were still lying on the ground.

This 'horseback samurai' is more advanced than the samurai body he currently holds, and he is estimated to be the best among samurai.

Moreover, the identity of this body might be useful, and he really wanted to keep this body in his pocket...

If the Night Sending Dog is still around, if it directly possesses this body, it may cause unnecessary trouble.

Lin Xun thought for a long time and decided not to let go of every useful body.

[You are possessed by the body of the ‘Fire Worshiping Horseback Warrior’! 】

[The ‘Ye Sang Dog’ who traces his origin opened his eyes wide and looked at the strange scene in front of him in disbelief.]

[You control the new warrior body and pat it on the shoulder, signaling not to make a fuss. This is a new 'transformation technique' that it has never seen before. You can take human skin and change your appearance. 】

[The Night Sending Dog opens its mouth, but doesn’t know what to say. It sticks out its tongue and looks at you eagerly, with an inexplicable light shining in the dog’s eyes.]

[This pitiful appearance obviously wants you to teach it the 'new art of change', but due to its low status, it is difficult to speak. 】

[You raise your chin, signaling it to come forward and lead the way, and set off towards ‘Longze Temple’. 】

[Send the dog silently at night to bring two horses left behind by the warriors, and get on the horse with you...]

【On the way...】

Lin Xun took advantage of his time on the road to open the panel and browse the properties.

The attributes of the horseback samurai are much higher than those of the previous samurai, but they are still a little behind the swordsman body.

The strength of this body is secondary, the most important thing is its identity...

Open the inventory and view the props that just exploded.

['Otaki Family Samurai Order' (prop): A silver token with the third-order scale crest of the 'Otaki Family' engraved on it, which is a symbol of the distinguished samurai status. Holding this prop, you will Can enter and exit certain specific places.]

"A specific place? Is it a place like Xianxiang Yukuo..."

"Do you get a discount for using this thing... No, I have a landlord order from Xianxiang. Why do I need a discount when I can get it for free?"

Time flew by in his wild thoughts, and the two of them soon arrived at a mountain and river.

The mountain road was too rugged to ride a horse, so the two of them climbed the mountain on foot and climbed several hills before reaching their destination.

[The dilapidated temple is located on the top of a mountain peak, surrounded by mountains and lush vegetation, which completely covers this small temple. 】

[There are two stone beasts standing at the gate of the temple, and there is a plaque hanging on the door. Under the moonlight, you can clearly see the three big characters on the plaque - Longze Temple. ]

[It’s just that the stone beast has been exposed to the sun and rain, and some of its limbs have fallen off and broken, making it look miserable and miserable.]

[And the gold paint on the plaque on the door has also faded, and has even peeled off in some places, making it look mottled...]

['The Night Sending Dog of Traceability' sneered, stretched out his foot to sweep a pile of rotten leaves at the door to another place, and explained to you...]

[As the "remnants of evil spirits", the monster clan is scattered and hiding in the mountains in order to avoid the encirclement and suppression by the believers of the New God. 】

[This branch of them is pretty good. At least they have old temples where they can live, and there are also statues of the ‘Chaos Source Dragon’ that they can worship in order to enshrine the power of their incense. 】

[It would be miserable for the even more destitute tribesmen to hide deep in the barren mountains and live among wild beasts all day long. 】

[With that said, it leads you through the temple gate...]

"Why is it different from what I thought? I'm here to hug you, not to help the poor."

Lin Xun suddenly regretted following Ye Sang Quan to Longze Temple.

One look at the dilapidated appearance of this temple and you know that there are no good things you can get by joining the oath camp here.

[After entering the gate, what you see is a main hall directly in front and side halls on both sides. There are also several residences on both sides of the temple courtyard. 】

[Like the temple gates, these dilapidated and crude buildings all reveal to you the desolation of this place.]

[In the small courtyard, there are several figures dancing with swords and guns under the moonlight. It seems that they are practicing martial arts all night long. 】

[If you look closely at the appearance of these 'people', they are wearing loose gray robes, and their exposed limbs are all hairy. Judging from their faces, they all look like ferocious and ugly beasts...]

[You know, I accidentally broke into the monster's lair...]

[You discovered the ‘Tracing Practices’! 】

[When all the monsters saw you, they quickly dropped their weapons and swarmed around you, marveling at you...]

[A young man with a bear face points at you and asks the monster on the side, "Brother, where did this monster come from and why did it become so weird and ugly?"

[The bear-faced young man next to him replied, "Brother, you have asked the right person. Brother, I have seen a lot. I recognized it at a glance as a hybrid of a snake monster and a lizard monster. The survival rate of such hybrid monsters is extremely low."

, Presumably all the brothers and sisters of the bastard monster are almost dead...】

Lin Xun's heart skipped a beat.

The dragon image of the Hermit Ancestor in the previous chapter may be different from the dragon image of the 'Chaos Source Dragon' in this chapter. He already had a hunch about this.

But he didn't expect that his secret would be exposed so quickly before he transformed into a dragon.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! ['The Night Sending Dog of Traceability' looked unkind and quickly gave the two bear-faced monsters a hard blow on their foreheads. Just as he was about to reprimand, he heard a deafening sound.


[I just left for a while and you were lazy. Do you want to try the chastity stick again? 】

[I saw a strong and sturdy man approaching, waving his stick in his hand, and making all the monsters run away with their heads in their arms.]

[The appearance of the sturdy man is different from that of monsters. Except for the pair of curved horns on his head, his appearance is the same as that of ordinary people, except that his two nostrils are a bit unusually large. 】

[You have discovered the ‘originally traceable majestic master cow ghost’! 】

[After the monsters dispersed, the majestic master Niugui finally saw you. It froze and the long stick in its hand fell to the ground.]

[It suddenly strode forward, knelt down in front of you, and kowtowed three times in succession, causing a crack in the bluestone floor. When it raised its head again, it had tears in its eyes and roared excitedly.

, you are a 'descendant of the old gods', you are really a 'descendant of the old gods'!】

[All the monsters were stunned and didn’t know why.]

[The Master of Ceremonies, Ushiki, looked at the Night Sending Dog on the side, patted his shoulder with his big palm like a cypress fan, and couldn't help but admire him. Finding the descendant of the old god was a great achievement. He immediately went to report to the Master of the Temple that he had the old god.

With the help of the descendants of the gods, I believe that reviving the power of the divine dragon is just around the corner!]

[After saying that, it hurriedly ran to the main hall of the temple...]

"Tsk... Obviously the little monsters can recognize that there is something wrong with the hermit's appearance, but why can't this big monster recognize it? Is there something hidden in it?"

Lin Xun guessed whether the bloodlines of giant dragons and divine dragons had something in common...

[A group of monsters gathered around me again, and the bear-faced boy asked in confusion, Brother, this guy seems to be the descendant of the Dragon God, not the descendant of the snake monster and the lizard monster. Is Brother wrong? 】

[The bear-faced young man swore, how could the elder brother get it wrong? It must be the Master of Ceremonies, he must have got it wrong. When Master Si Si comes out in a while, he will be able to recognize the true face of this bastard monster...]

[Unsurprisingly, the two were rewarded by the Night Sending Dog one more time before they stopped chattering.]

[After a while, the master of ceremonies, Niu Gui, came over carrying a large wooden basin. 】

[There is a white-haired, rickety old man sitting cross-legged in the large wooden basin. When you get closer, you can see clearly that the hem of the old man's robe is empty. He is obviously a person with missing lower limbs. 】

[You discovered the ‘Tracing the Source of the Shipwrecked Master of Terashi’! 】

[The shipwrecked mage quickly asked Niu Gui to put down the wooden basin, and he crawled on the ground with tears streaming down his face, and made three more "dong dong dong" noises at you. 】

[The shipwrecked master chokes with tears and invites you to go to the main hall of the temple to talk. Do you want to agree? 】

[The Master of Ceremony, Ushiki, picks up the wooden basin again and leads you towards the main hall deep in the courtyard. 】

[The annoyed voice of the bear-faced boy could be vaguely heard in my ears. Brother, Mr. Terashi cannot be wrong. He must be wrong... Damn it. I have offended the descendant of the Dragon God. I guess I will have to eat the stick every day in the future...


[After entering the main hall, the master of ceremonies, Uguki, put down the wooden basin, then gently closed the door and retreated.]

[In the main hall, only you and the shipwrecked master who is the temple chief are left. 】

[You look around and see that the statues on the altar are missing, and there are no sacrificial utensils for offering incense. The entire hall is empty.]

[After closing the main hall door, the light is dim, with only a trace of candlelight illuminating you and it.]

['The Master of the Shipwreck who traces the origin of the temple' tells you about it under the weak candlelight...]

[The current situation of the monster clan that cares about the old gods is like this weak candle. With its own dim candlelight, it is impossible to illuminate the statue of the ‘Chaos Source Dragon’. 】

[The Dragon God has disappeared since the defeat. The god no longer appears, miracles no longer appear, and even the calls of his people have not been responded to for a long time. 】

【Only when you offer incense to the Dragon God can you feel that He has not yet died.】

[The monster clan fell into despair. Under the pursuit and siege of the believers of the New God, the already miserable situation became even more difficult. 】

[Fortunately, the new god somehow surrendered to his own depravity and no longer bestowed upon his believers the ‘glazed karma fire’ but the ‘misfortune karma fire’ that contained all the evil in the world. 】

[The monster clan understands that the time has come to recast the power of the Dragon God! 】

[They held grand sacrifices and offered endless incense, hoping to get a response from the gods...but things went counterproductive, and the gods still did not respond to them.]

[The monster clan has tried various methods, but ended in failure every time...]

[Finally, someone came up with a speculation that God did not respond to His people because the voice was too small and the incense was too weak.]

[But now, only the remaining monsters still believe in the ‘Chaos Source Dragon’, while humans have already become believers in the ‘Canggu Tianyan’. 】

【It is easier said than done to have a louder voice and a stronger incense.】

[At this time, the monster clan remembered the descendants of the Dragon God who had disappeared with the gods.]

[The descendants are the favorites of the Dragon God. Whenever the descendants offer incense, no matter how inferior the incense is or how weak the incense is, they will get a response from the god. 】

[If you want to recast the power of the Dragon God, you must first find the descendants of the Dragon God!]

[This speculation has rekindled hope for the already desperate monster clan who have tried all methods.]

[In this way, the monster clan no longer gathers together, but is scattered in every corner of the world, struggling to find the blood descendants of the Dragon God...]


[After saying this, the ‘Master of the Shipwreck of the Temple who traced the source’ waved his hand, and the main hall was filled with fire!]

[Bright candlelight illuminates every corner of the hall, not even a tiny particle of dust is missed. Water-like ripples appear on the altar, and a huge majestic statue appears! 】

[The majestic statue of rabbit eyes, antlers, ox mouth, camel head, mirage belly, tiger paws, eagle claws, fish scales and snake body. The 'Chaos Source Dragon' has golden scales all over its body, soars into the clouds and mist, and exudes endless power in its roar. 】

[You discovered the statue of the ‘Chaos Source Dragon’! 】

[Three curling sticks of burning incense appeared out of thin air in the hands of the 'Tracing the Source Shipwrecked Master of the Temple', and said loudly...]

[The descendant of the Dragon God who has awakened from thousands of years of slumber, the darling of the God whose own incense has been extinguished, the orphan of the true God who shoulders the last hope of all monsters and monsters. 】

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! [Are you willing to return to the embrace of the ‘Chaos Source Dragon’? 】

[Loyal apostle, do you want to dedicate the power of your own incense and make an oath as the ‘Chaos Source Dragon’? 】

Lin Xunkan's heart was racing and he couldn't help himself.

Pressing 'no' without hesitation in his hand.

[You slap away the three sticks of incense handed to you by the ‘shipwrecked mage’ and shake your head firmly.]

It's a joke, I don't give him any benefits, I just want to prostitute him to join the oath camp.

It has always been Lin Xun who prostituted others for nothing, and he has never been prostituted by others for nothing.

There was once a blacksmith who wanted to prostitute him for nothing, but he paid a heavy price.

[The 'Terasi Shipwrecked Master of Traceability' stood stunned on the spot in disbelief. It never thought that you would reject it, and it couldn't calm down for a while. 】

[You told the story calmly without changing your expression. From the time you woke up to the present, you have gone through many ups and downs and encountered numerous followers of the New God who were chasing you. 】

[Master, do you know how you were tortured before coming to Longze Temple? You were caught by the believers of the New God, and you no longer want to recall the days when you were trapped in hell. 】

[Fortunately, the believers of the New God do not know your identity and think that you are just an ugly little monster. They tortured you before killing you. 】

[Now you have finally escaped and found the monster clan. I thought you were returning to a warm harbor, but unexpectedly the mage will push you into the open, shouldering the hope of all monsters, and becoming a thorn in the eyes and flesh of the believers of the New God...]

[Even if you sacrifice your life to offer the power of incense, you may not get a response from God the Father, but you will definitely become the target of public criticism for the new believers. 】

[Does the mage want to bury the only blood descendant of the true god in the world because of that vague hope? 】

[You spoke impassionedly and sincerely, and the "shipwrecked mage" you spoke of had tears in his eyes. ]

[It was dejected and said frankly that it had never known that the descendants of the True God had ever suffered such a tragic experience. This is really the fault of the monster family and they failed to protect you. 】

[‘The traceable Temple Master Shipwrecked Master’ wept for a long time, and swore an oath to the statue, promising that the descendants of the Dragon God would not be harmed again…]

[Speaking, it took out a shiny golden object.]

[Wangyang Dragon Reverse Scale (epic level prop): Dragon's reverse scale will kill anyone who touches it. An inverse scale left by an ancient dragon contains some divine dragon blood. However, due to its age and poor preservation, the power of the blood has been lost.

Most of it has passed.]

[Using this prop, the dragon soul will temporarily attach to the designated body, greatly improving all attributes of the body. The effect of 'dragon soul possession' can only last for a short period of time and will disappear after the death of the body. 】

[The ‘Origin-tracing Temple Master Shipwrecked Master’ thrusts the dragon scale into your hand, and asks you tearfully if you are willing to return to the embrace of the ‘Chaos Origin Dragon’? 】

"Hiss... these dragon scales contain dragon blood?!"

Lin Xun's eyes widened, didn't the body of the original hermit just need this thing?

This chapter has been completed!
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