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Chapter 254 Heavenly Demon! Incense becomes a god!

[Your attention is not on the ‘Moon City Purple Leaf’ who has already made death wish. Instead, you are looking at an object on the altar in a daze. 】

[That thing is an ancient bronze incense burner, and the carved patterns on the outer wall have been deliberately erased.]

[You discovered the ‘Dancing Cloud and Dragon Pattern Incense Burner’ (rare prop)! 】

[You suddenly stepped forward, took the incense burner, and immediately hid behind the pillar...]

[This move caused the monster to roar repeatedly, and the sound of breaking the chain could be heard endlessly. 】

[‘Yuecheng Ziye’ looks at you doubtfully, not understanding why you are doing this. In its view, the incense burner is just an ordinary sacrificial instrument, and there is nothing special about it. 】

[You have obtained the ‘Incense burner with dancing clouds and dragon pattern’ (rare item): The original pattern of dragons dancing in the clouds originally carved on the outer wall of the incense burner has been artificially erased, leaving only a mottled pattern. 】

[Using this prop will slightly increase your incense power (power of faith)]

[You feel the power of the incense contained in the incense burner and feel a little weird.]

[Compared with the incense burner we got before, the power of this kind of incense does not have any sense of filth and complexity. The power of the incense is extremely pure and does not contain any impurities. 】

[You suddenly felt something bad in your heart and quickly asked ‘Moon City Purple Leaf’...]

[After its explanation, you learn that this kind of incense burner not only exists in the main hall, but also in the worship hall. 】

[The steps of worshiping at ‘Wuzhi Shrine’ are different from those at other shrines. In ordinary shrines, believers hold burning incense and worship the gods devoutly. Only when the incense burns out is the worship completed. 】

[The palace minister, on the grounds that the incense at the ‘Wuzhi Shrine’ was too prosperous and believers often queued up to wait, set up an incense burner on the shrine and asked believers to light the incense, put it in the incense burner and leave. 】

[This move has greatly improved the situation where believers have to wait outside the worship hall for most of the day in order to make offerings. It is not only convenient for believers, but also allows the shrine to obtain more incense...]

The incense burner is different from burning incense. It is an evil device that can absorb the power of incense and supply it to itself.

"This fake palace minister is secretly grabbing the power of incense!"

According to the senior sister, the incense burner already existed when she entered the ‘Wuzhi Shrine’ many years ago.

In other words, the fake palace minister has been impersonating himself for many years... Considering the popularity of the incense in Wuji Shrine, the power of the incense that the fake palace minister secretly seizes is probably an astronomical figure.

Lin Xun used the incense burner before, which not only increased the power of the incense, but also improved his own 'Long Yin' attribute.

If the fake palace minister has been continuously acquiring the power of incense for many years, then its strength will probably increase to an extremely terrifying level.

"How can we fight this?"

Lin Xun only felt that if he started a war with the fake palace lord, it would be no different from a plot killing.

[Are you going to reveal your identity as a ‘descendant of the Dragon God’ and have an honest meeting with ‘Yuecheng Ziye’? 】

He hesitated for a moment and pressed 'No'.

Considering the level of hatred of the human camp towards the monster camp, this move is likely to turn the friendly senior sisters into enemies.

In the monster camp, he is a descendant of the Dragon God and the spokesperson of the god. What he says represents the will of the god. Even if the monster family has a blood feud, they can only obey the oracle.

But on the human side, he is just a foreign mage, so why should people obey him?

‘Tenho Sakida’ is just one of the lowest-status gods under ‘Canggu Tenyan’.

Holding the weapon token of 'Tensui Sakida' is like holding the crutch of 'Tandou', which is completely unconvincing.

[You and 'Moon City Purple Leaf' look at each other in silence, waiting quietly for the 'nest sacrifice' offering ceremony to end, at which time the fake palace minister will escort the witch into the main hall alone...]

【This is your only hope of escape!】



The game text stops abruptly and does not continue to be displayed.

Lin Xun racked his brains, thinking about how to deal with the next situation.

After thinking for a long time, I still can't find the answer, so I can only take it one step at a time.

Time passed by minute by minute, and before I knew it, the sun was setting and night was falling.

[The noisy sounds of pilgrims that could still be vaguely heard during the day are now quietly hidden, and the only thing left in the silence is the heavy breathing of the monster...]

[Suddenly, footsteps were heard from far outside the main hall door, and the sound of crushed dead leaves was particularly harsh in the silent night.]

[You quietly poke your head out from behind the pillar to watch, looking past the tall and thin monster towards the main door of the temple...]

[With a creak, the door of the main hall opened, and an old, rickety figure dragged a woman in white clothes and scarlet haori into the room...]

[The monster roared angrily, but the sound could not reach the solid 'void realm' outside the temple. 】

[It wanted to pounce forward, but the old figure just raised his hand and pointed, and the chain that trapped the monster tightened instantly, dragging it back. 】

[The chain is tightly stretched, making the monster resist with all its strength but unable to move. 】

[The fake palace minister felt something in his heart and looked towards the corner where you were, his eyes penetrated the thick pillars and fell on you.]

[It smiles softly, dragging the unconscious miko and walking straight towards you...]

[While walking, it said in surprise, I didn’t expect that the ‘Palace Master of Yixie Palace’ had changed its appearance. It seems that you are the same as it... you are not a human! 】

[As you speak, the fake palace minister has dragged the unconscious witch to you. 】

[You look at the gate of the main hall with a gap left. Through the gap, you can see a black mikoshi parked outside the door. There is no one outside the hall. ]

[The 'Moon City Purple Leaf' next to you is on full alert. As soon as you give the signal to take action, it will step forward to create an opportunity for you to escape. 】

【Do you want to attack immediately? 】

[You signaled ‘Yuecheng Ziye’ to calm down and asked the old man in front of you loudly, why did you pretend to be the palace owner of Wuji Shrine and turn the real palace owner into a monster? 】

[The woman next to him was stunned when he heard this, but the fake palace owner showed a smile. 】

[It looked you up and down, and couldn't help but be surprised. In so many years, you are the first person to see through its disguise as the palace master... No, it's the first monster. 】

[For the sake of being of the same race, let me let you die clearly...]

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! [After speaking, it took off the huge crown on its head, revealing a bald head without a trace of hair. 】

[That weird head shape seems familiar to you, just like a short winter melon lying sideways! 】

[You discovered the ‘Sky Demon—Slippery Ghost’! 】

Heavenly demon? Slippery ghost?

This person pretending to be a palace minister turned out to be the grandfather of the young Hua Laiao, the leader of the Hua Lao clan!

But isn't this guy suppressed in the shrine? And why doesn't it have the prefix of faith?

Lin Xun wouldn't be so surprised if the big monster in front of him had the word "original" before his name, or "fire worshipper", or even "extremely evil".

There is no faith prefix, which means that the big monster in front of you does not belong to any force.

Thinking of the slippery ghost who has been secretly seizing incense for many years, a terrible thought arises...

Lin Xun thought of this and knew that the next battle was inevitable.

Open the inventory and use the 'Blood-Burning Soul-Burning Mother Gu'.

[You pretend to be righteous, secretly crush the 'Blood-Burning Soul-Burning Mother Gu' in your hand, and speak to retort...]

[You are not a monster, you are a mage from a foreign country. You came to Yingluo specifically to exorcise evil spirits. Now that you see the lackeys of the ‘Evil God’, you naturally want to eliminate evil for the people! 】

[‘Sky Demon Slippery Ghost’ laughed loudly, ‘Chaos Source Dragon’ was defeated and was unable to protect its people, the monsters. As a result, the monsters were in panic all day long, hiding like rats in the ditch to escape the pursuit of humans...]

[‘Chaos Source Dragon’ is no longer worthy of the monsters’ faith! 】

[And it has endured humiliation in the 'Wuzhi Shrine' for many years, secretly seizing the power of the incense of the Pillar God under the command of 'Canggu Tianyan'. As long as a hundred years pass, it will be able to prove the Shinto with the power of the incense and become a new god!

[Under its leadership, the monster clan can rule the world again! 】

[The big monster in front of you looks crazy and speaks loudly to you, as if he is venting the emotions that have been suppressed in his heart for many years. ]

[You scolded loudly, so it obviously has the strength to save the remnants of evil spirits in the 'Faxiang Temple', but it still looks on with cold eyes and lets its grandson suffer all kinds of torture? ]

[‘Sky Demon Slippery Ghost’’s face darkened, murderous intent burst out in his eyes, and he slowly said, for the sake of the glory of the monster clan a hundred years later, a small sacrifice is nothing! 】

[It escaped from the suppressive formation barrier, disguised as a human and endured humiliation for many years, just to become the new demon god and let the monster clan make a comeback. How could it delay important events for its own selfish desires?!]

['Tian Yao Slippery Ghost' let out a long sigh of relief, shook his head and smiled, saying it all, he felt much more comfortable...]

[Now that you have understood everything, you can go to Hirazaka Huangquan without any regrets!]

[The old man slowly closed his eyes and took a deep breath, as if he wanted to reveal his true form and kill you on the spot...]

[Wait a minute! You shouted loudly, claiming that there is still something unclear. 】

[You point at the huge monster tied up in chains and ask loudly, how did the real palace master become like this ghost?!]

[The ‘Sky Demon Slippery Ghost’ suddenly opened his eyes, took out a shabby-looking incense burner, and smiled...]

[You have also seized the power of incense from a god, so why bother asking it? 】

[After speaking, with the old man as the center of the circle, an extremely terrifying force was released...]

[The door of the hall slammed shut tightly, and the arrogant and twisted monster squatted on the ground with his head in his hands, whining like a frightened dog.]

【You feel very heavy pressure!】

Seeing the words in front of him, Lin Xun knew that he was going to die.

The bloody word "cai" loomed in front of my eyes.

[At this moment, a brilliant sword light filled the entire main hall! 】

[The intense and dazzling sword light has unparalleled power as if it were the beginning of the world. Wherever the sword light points, everything in the world is unstoppable!]

[The sword light goes out after a long time, and a short figure wearing a bamboo hat falls next to you.]

[The 'Fire-Worshiping Wuxin Ninja Master' sheathed his sword, and the end of the 'Dragon Sword Masamune' hilt was glowing with green jade. 】

[Looking at the ‘Sky Demon Slippery Ghost’ again, under the power of this shocking sword, it was split into two parts from the top of the head to the crotch. 】

[With just one sword, he was cut into two pieces of corpse!]

[‘Moon City Purple Leaf’ is happy, it seems that the master’s injury has been healed... No! It’s not just healed, the master is now much stronger than when he was young! 】

[With such strength, you and your group can kill all the evil spirits, escape and ascend to heaven!]

[It was about to speak, but it saw that there was no joy on your and Master’s faces, but full of heaviness. 】

[‘Yuecheng Ziye’ looked at the slippery ghost and saw him standing there calmly, with his hands folded and his sleeves folded, as if the scene of cutting two swords just now was an illusion. 】

[The ‘Sky Demon Slippery Ghost’ chuckled, it’s just another one to be buried with him, it doesn’t matter... it will spare no effort to save you one by one! 】

[While speaking, it kicked off its legs, rushed forward, and pointed the wooden wat in its hand at the center of the 'Ninja Master's eyebrows...]

Lin Xun knew that this battle was a matter of life and death.

If this battle fails and the 'Ninja Master' dies, he may never be able to defeat this demon BOSS again.

[You open a pink eye...]

[The special skill ‘Happy Smoke Vision’ is activated! 】

[‘Sky Demon Slippery Ghost’ froze, but soon a little light appeared around him. 】

[In the dim light, there seemed to be countless people burning incense, praying, chanting scriptures and worshiping.]

[The pure power of incense emerged, and in an instant the 'Slippery Ghost' regained his freedom and continued to attack the 'Ninja Master'. 】

[You feel a little tired...]

[Although you only controlled ‘Slicker’ for a short moment, it was enough for ‘Ninja Master’ to charge up and draw his sword...]

[I saw the brilliant sword light shining again, and the white light filled your field of vision.]

[The sword light went out, and the 'Ninja Master' took several steps back, leaning against the altar before he could stabilize his body. ]

[And the wooden wat board in the hand of the 'Slippery Ghost' was cut into two pieces by this sword. Not only that, but also the big monster holding the wat board was cut into two by this sword. 】

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! [The ‘Ninja Master’ did not relax at all, turned around quietly, used his escape technique and disappeared. 】

[You know that the ‘ninja master’ is secretly saving the power for the next sword. 】

[You take out the ‘fine copper sand mallet’ and shake it, and the ‘Battle Angel—Valkyrie’ walks from the void...]

[The Valkyrie drew out the 'Arrow to Defeat the Evil Dragon', drew the bow like a full moon, and the dazzling golden sunlight condensed on the tip of the arrow...]

[‘Moonjo Purple Leaf’ holds a large naginata and stands in front of you, staring at the two corpses. 】

[You raise your palm, and the ‘Pre-stored Spell Ring’ shines...]

In the current situation, four against one, Lin Xun had no chance of winning.

From the text reminder given by the underworld game, we can know that the big monster in front of us is by no means weaker than the "Shuten Doji" and "Nine-tailed Fox" in the era when the monster clan was most powerful.

The probability of four people winning is infinitely close to zero!

[The two mutilated corpses heal quickly, and in a blink of an eye, the intact ‘Sky Demon Slippery Ghost’ appears in front of you. It sighs, this human form is still too weak...]

[After you finish speaking, the world is spinning before your eyes, and the surrounding scenery has undergone earth-shaking changes.]


[The sky was dark, overcast with lightning and thunder, and heavy rain poured down from the sky like a waterfall.]

[The heavy raindrops hit your cheeks and hurt, and the howling wind makes you unsteady.]

[You are on a deserted island, with ‘Moon City Purple Leaf’ and ‘Battle Angel—Valkyrie’ standing next to you. 】

[Before my eyes could adjust to the sudden darkness, a bright purple lightning fell from the sky onto the turbulent sea.]

[A moment of light illuminates everything...]

[I saw several huge arms and legs that were thicker than ships sticking out of the sea. Amidst the strong wind and rain, a huge monster revealed its true form in front of the small island! 】

[The two strange eyes are as huge as the firelight on a lighthouse, and the behemoth's mouth is as sharp as a bird's beak.]

[A huge arm and foot slapped on the land of the small island, and countless suction cups as big as millstones swept away a piece of sand and gravel. The vibration caused by the slap was like an earth dragon turning over, making the island shaky. 】

[This is the true form of the ‘Sky Demon Slippery Ghost’ – the deep-sea giant octopus! 】

This chapter has been completed!
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