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Chapter 285: The Ancient Tomb of Fire, the Tomb Keeper and the Ancient Heroic Spirit

The time to sneak into the palace is late tomorrow night. While waiting, Lin Xun decided to go to the last remaining place in Kyoto - the 'Fenghuo Tomb'


[The ‘Fenghuo Ancient Tomb’ is located in the corner of Kyoto City. You arrived here after walking for a long time. 】

[A long wall surrounds this huge cemetery, with dense tombstones as far as the eye can see.]

[This place is off-the-beaten-track and rarely populated, but there is no sense of desolation or dilapidation in the cemetery. Every black tombstone has been wiped clean of dust. It is obvious that someone maintains it every day. 】

[It’s just that what makes you confused is that each tombstone is pitch black, without any inscriptions, and you can’t even know who the owner of the tomb is. 】

[You step into the depths of the cemetery and finally find a man sweeping a tombstone. 】

[It is a stooped old man, carefully wiping the tombstone. 】

[You discovered the ‘fire-worshiping tomb keeper’! 】

[The old man obviously saw you too. He glanced at you casually and continued to wipe the tombstone. Suddenly he looked startled, stopped what he was doing, came to you, and looked at you carefully. 】

[The gravekeeper looked at you for a long time, his eyes becoming more and more surprised. He couldn't help but ask, who are you, and why do you have such a strong aura of the god of hell on your body? ]

[Even if you insist on burning incense and worshiping day and night for decades, it is impossible to have such a strong and pure aura of Yama!]

[The gravekeeper seemed to have thought of something, and asked in disbelief, are you the incarnation of a god under the command of Yama who walks on earth? Otherwise, there is really no way to explain this matter...]

[It knelt down on the ground in excitement, bursting into tears, and kowtowed to you repeatedly. It couldn't help but tell you that as the most loyal believer of the god of hell, it not only wipes the tombstone every day, but also burns incense to worship the god. 】

[Whether it is the statue of the god of hell or the other gods under the god of hell, they burn incense and worship it day and night without slacking off, but... But for some reason, it can feel that its own beliefs seem to be stained with a layer of mud.

Impurities become less and less pure.]

[Its piety has clearly not wavered at all, but its faith has gradually become filthy...]

[The gravekeeper bows deeply, presses his forehead to the ground at your feet, and begs you, the incarnation of a god, to answer his questions.]

[Looking at the devoutly worshiping old man in front of you, you did not explain, but asked why there was no inscription on the tombstone of the ‘Fenghuo Ancient Tomb’. 】

[You asked a question that ordinary people know, and the old man recognized your identity. He told you that the ‘Fenghuo Ancient Tomb’ is a cemetery for worshiping human believers who died in the war with gods. 】

[Because the war between gods was so long ago, the remains of the followers of the ‘Canggu Tianyan’ who died have long since disappeared. There are no bones under the tombstones, and there are no burial objects. 】

[The tombstones erected by later generations were only for the purpose of paying homage and offering sacrifices, so no inscriptions were engraved on them.]

[It is a devout tombkeeper who devotes his whole life to this place, maintaining the tombstones of gods and heroic spirits, burning incense day and night to worship the God of Hell...]

[You can feel that the old man's faith is extremely firm, so firm that it penetrates deep into the bone marrow. Do you want to reveal your identity as the 'Agent of the God of Hell' to him? 】

Lin Xun raised his eyebrows. There was probably something special going on with this tombkeeper.

He thought about it and pressed the 'Yes' option.

[You take out the 'Amaho Sakida's Harvest Scythe'. The small sickle is covered with rust, but there are layers of fire-like layers left behind after the 'Canggu Tenyan' personally unsealed it.


[You raise the ‘Harvest Scythe’ to reveal your identity as the ‘Agent of Yama’ to the tombkeeper.]

[‘The fire-worshipping ancient tomb keeper’ eyes widened, he couldn’t believe it, you… you are actually the incarnation of the god of hell walking on earth!]

[It is shaking with excitement, stammering and unable to speak. It can only kneel down and kowtow to you to show its inner piety. 】

[The tombkeeper suddenly thought of something, raised his head and asked, everyone in the world said that the general is the 'walker of the god of hell', you said you are too...]

[You shake your head and answer its previous doubts. What the world doesn’t know is that an evil god has come to this world and secretly sows the seeds of evil in the world. The general has already betrayed the belief of the god of hell...]

[As the ‘Agent of the God of Hell’, you are walking around the world under the orders of the God of Hell. The most important thing you have to do is to get rid of those who break the oath...kill the general!]

[It’s just that you have just entered the world, and your strength is far less powerful than that of the general. If you want to complete the mission of the God of Hell, I am afraid there is a long way to go...]

[The ‘fire-worshipping tomb keeper’ has never actually met the general, but the story of the incarnation of Yama is only passed down from word of mouth. 】

[Now that you are holding the token of Yama, the pure and rich aura of Yama cannot be faked. It is natural to believe what you see with your own eyes.]

[The gravekeeper knelt down again and said with guilt on his face, the God of Hell is above, Lord Actor, it was deceived and actually regarded the person who broke the oath who deserved death as the incarnation of the God of Hell. It is really extremely stupid!]

[Now that it knows the truth, it will definitely help the Lord Actor wholeheartedly and get rid of the impostor Oathbreaker! 】

Lin Xunyi was happy.

Could it be that this tomb keeper is some kind of hidden boss, with unfathomable strength like the sweeping monk, but he has been hiding in the ancient tomb and is unknown...

[You sent an invitation to the tomb keeper. Tomorrow night you will sneak into the Imperial Palace, and you will most likely meet the general. Why don't you go with the tomb keeper? 】

[But the gravekeeper once again said with a guilty look on his face, Lord Actor, apart from the fact that its own faith is extremely pure, it does not have much strength, and it is no match for any warrior it encounters at random...]

[It is not afraid to sacrifice its life in order to destroy the oathbreakers. However, if it sneaks into the palace with you, it will die. But if it hinders you and ruins your plan, it will really be responsible for death.

[You heard the tombkeeper’s words and fell into a long silence.]

"..." Lin Xun twitched the corner of his mouth.

You can't even beat a warrior, but you're still bragging here, saying, 'I'll help Lord Advocate wholeheartedly and get rid of the imposter Oathbreaker.'

Our faith is devout, but we can’t just talk about it, right?

[When the gravekeeper saw your disappointed look, he blamed himself more and more, and his whole old face wrinkled into a ball.]

[Suddenly it seems to have thought of something and hurriedly tells you that its strength is low and it only has pure faith, but even this firm faith can help you, sir! 】

Lin Xun's face was covered with black lines.

Moral support, right?

Do you verbally or psychologically encourage the agent to succeed?

[The tombkeeper suddenly stood up and led you to an ordinary tombstone. He took out three sticks of incense and lit it, then knelt down and worshiped. 】

[Soon, an inexplicable aura emanated from the tombstone...]

[A powerful humanoid shadow appears. This humanoid shadow is as tall as two people. It has an unusually strong body and holds two sharp knives in its hands. 】

[You discovered the ‘primary fire-worshipping god fighting heroic spirit’! 】

[You can consume the power of your own faith and drive the ‘Gods and Heroic Spirits’ to fight for you! 】

[It takes 100 points of faith power to drive a ‘Junior God War Heroic Spirit’. 】

[The tombkeeper did not stop and continued to burn incense and worship at other tombstones...]

[Humanoid shadows appear from the void...]

[You have discovered the ‘Intermediate Fire-Worshiping God Warrior Heroic Spirit’. To drive this heroic spirit, you need to consume 300 points of faith power...]

[You have discovered the ‘Advanced Fire Worshiping God Warrior Heroic Spirit’. To drive this heroic spirit, you need to consume 1,000 points of faith power...]

[You have discovered the ‘Fire Worshiping God and King of Heroic Spirits’. To drive this heroic spirit requires 3,000 points of faith power...]

[The current power of faith (Chaos Source Dragon) is 2200.]

[Because you successfully rescued 58 monsters in Faxiang Temple, they are sincerely grateful for your actions, erect a statue for you, burn incense and worship day and night to show their piety to the 'Chaos Source Dragon' and the 'descendants of the Dragon God'...]

[The power of your faith has been greatly increased, and the current power of faith has been increased to 8000!]

[Since ‘Canggu Tianyan’ is currently your friendly sworn camp, you can consume the power of faith belonging to the ‘Chaos Source Dragon’ side and drive the gods and warriors of the ‘Canggu Tianyan’ side to fight for you.]

[The tombkeeper raises his head and tells you that in the cemetery of ‘Fenghuo Ancient Tomb’ lies the souls of countless heroes who died in the divine wars. 】

[As long as it worships the tombstone devoutly, it can awaken the heroic souls of these ancient warriors.]

[It is too weak to help Lord Actor fight, but the heroic souls of these warriors can! 】

[For the sake of ‘Canggu Tianyan’, and for you, the incarnation of the god of hell, even if your soul is destroyed, these loyal believers will not hesitate! 】

[A group of heroic spirits seemed to be able to hear the loud words of the 'Gravekeeper'. They raised their weapons one after another, looked up to the sky and roared silently! 】

Lin Xun bared his teeth for a while.

He already has the ‘Longze Temple Demon Spirit Tablet’, which can also consume the power of faith to summon helpers to fight.

"This should be the benefit of the 'Canggu Tianyan' oath party... It's just that now that I have joined forces with the God of Hell and the Dragon God, I can unlock the exchange items belonging to the friendly oath."

“However, with the ‘Longze Temple Demon Spirit Tablet’, heroic spirits seem to be a bit redundant.”

[The gravekeeper continued, Sir, after it awakens the heroic spirit, it needs to consume the power of faith as fuel to transform the heroic spirit from an illusory soul into an entity, so that it can have actual combat capabilities. ]

[But even if the power of faith is not consumed, as long as it awakens a certain number of heroic spirits, the heroic spirits will emit a unique wave, forming a "divine power" covering the entire cemetery, enhancing the strength of all Yama believers in the cemetery. 】

[This ‘divine power’ can not only strengthen oneself, but also weaken the enemy. According to what the Lord said, the general has already become an oathbreaker...]

[If you, my lord, can lure the general to the ‘Old Fire Tomb’ and fight here, I believe that the ancient tomb will eventually become the burial place of those who broke the oath! 】

Lin Xun was overjoyed.

He has long seen the "power of the divine domain" in shrines and palaces. Within the divine domain, ordinary clergy will be strengthened to have the strength of elite monsters.

If the 'Fenghuo Ancient Tomb' can be used as the location for the final battle, the probability of defeating the general will undoubtedly be greatly increased.

[The gravekeepers continue to burn incense to awaken the heroic spirits. As the number of heroic spirits increases, you gradually feel that an inexplicable power is gradually spreading...]


[You are blessed by the power of ‘Yanshen Divine Realm’!]

[Within the scope of the divine domain, the strength of you and all followers of Yama will be greatly improved! 】

[Since ‘Chaos Source Dragon’ and ‘Cang Gu Tianyan’ are friendly sworn camps, all Dragon God believers here will also receive the same increase in strength! 】

[You stop the tombkeeper who is exhausted and sweating profusely but continues to wake up the heroic spirit, expressing your gratitude for its help. ]

[At that time, you will come to the ancient tomb to inform it in advance to wake up the heroic spirits, and then lead the General of the Oathbreakers here, kill him on the spot, and comfort the heroic spirits of all the warriors!]

[The gravekeeper stops talking and kowtows to you repeatedly.]

[As the incense burns out, the shadows of the heroic spirits also dissipate one after another and continue to fall into a deep sleep...]

[You bid farewell to the tomb keeper and leave the ‘Fenghuo Ancient Tomb’...]

Lin Xun left Kyoto and returned to the monster's base camp, "Ryuze Temple".

After completing the alliance with ‘Canggu Tianyan’, a new plot is likely to appear in ‘Longze Temple’.

The final battle with the general is coming soon. With such a disparity in strength, he must use all the power he has!

[The powerful wandering soul awakens in the guest house of the temple...]

[You are possessed by the body of the ‘original hermit seeking knowledge’! 】

[You push open the guest house door and come to the courtyard.]

[More than fifty little monsters have been newly added to the practice group, and the courtyard is crowded. All the little monsters are practicing hard under the leadership of the "August Master Niu Gui", striving to one day be able to walk under the sun again. 】

[You step into the courtyard, attracting a crowd of little monsters to kneel down in gratitude.]

[There are even a few brave little monsters that will pull you to the main hall and let you admire the statue of the 'Descendant of the Dragon God' that they worked hard to create. 】

[In addition to the statue of the ‘Chaos Source Dragon’ in the main hall, a small statue of the ‘Descendant of the Dragon God’ was also added. 】

[The statue is also like the 'Original Hermit' with a dragon head and body, but the carving skills of the little monsters are very poor, which makes the statue have an indescribable 'abstract beauty'. 】

[‘The Master of Ceremony Uguki’ and ‘Ye Sang Dog’ looked at the statue, both looking like they wanted to laugh but didn’t dare to. 】

[In the main hall, the ‘Shipwreck Mage’ is praying to the statue for blessings. When he sees you coming, he shoos away a bunch of little monsters watching the fun and closes the door of the main hall with his hand. 】

[You tell the ‘Shipwreck Master’ about the various deeds you experienced in Kyoto...]


[The 'Shipwrecked Mage' was extremely shocked by the truth. He was stunned for a long time before letting out a sigh. Unexpectedly, everyone in the world was deceived and deceived by the hidden evil god, and he didn't even know that his own god was in danger. 】

[I don’t even know that the ruler of Sakuraluo humans, the invincible general, has already betrayed his faith and became a lackey of the evil god...]

[The new god asked you, Lord Dragonborn, to find the surviving gods as helpers... Unfortunately, the gods under the Dragon God all died in the divine war, otherwise they would be able to help you, Lord Dragonborn, to defeat the general.]

[‘Shipwrecked Master’ suddenly thought of something while sighing, and quickly told you...]

[Although the monster clan is in such a state of decline that they hide in the mountains and dare not show their faces, it is possible that the bloodline of some legendary big monsters still exists in the world. 】

[If you, Lord Dragonborn, can find the bloodline of those legendary monsters, you will undoubtedly increase your chances of defeating the general.]

Lin Xun suddenly remembered what the 'librarian' whom he PUA had revealed.

There are books recording the battles between gods stored in the Gosho Imperial Palace, and among them there are clues about the three top monsters "Shuten Doji", "Nine-tailed Fox" and "Daitengu".

[The 'Shipwrecked Mage' thought for a moment, took out a simple compass, bit off his fingertip and dripped a drop of blood...]

[Then the compass bloomed with dazzling brilliance, and the tiny hands on it rotated rapidly.]

[‘Shipwreck Mage’ will hand you the compass...]

[You have obtained the ‘Monster Hunting Compass Instrument’ (prop)]

['Monster-seeking compass instrument' (prop): A demon-seeking compass instrument dripping with the blood of the 'shipwrecked mage'. This prop can point to the most powerful monster clan nearby within a small range. Even if the monster uses a certain

Even if the magic blocks one's own aura, it is difficult to escape the search of the magic weapon.】

[Please note that this magic weapon is powered by the blood of the ‘shipwrecked mage’ and can be effective for up to seven days. 】

['The Shipwrecked Master' solemnly tells you, Lord Dragonborn, the search range of this magical weapon is enough to search for monsters on the mountain at the foot of the 'Longze Temple' mountain. 】

[It is extremely deadly to the hiding monsters. Do not throw it away casually to avoid falling into the hands of evildoers. 】

[You take the magic weapon and see the pointer on the compass rotate a few times before suddenly shaking its head and pointing at you.]

[You nodded and promised that if you can successfully kill the general, you will announce your identity to the world as the 'Agent of Yama God' and the 'Descendant of Dragon God', so that the world will know who the real enemy is. 】

[From now on, monsters and humans will be able to share the same hatred and resist the evil god together.]

[The monster clan can also leave the mountains and walk under the bright universe! 】

[The eyes of the ‘shipwrecked mage’ flashed with tears, and its trembling lips did not say anything for a long time. It could only bow deeply to you, put its forehead to the ground, and perform the most devout worship ceremony to you. 】

This chapter has been completed!
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