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Chapter 293 The dedication of the tombkeeper and his fall into the status of King Asura

[You hold high the ‘Ogiwara family’s command flag’, and the silent military formation suddenly erupts into roars that resound through the sky, drums and drums thunder, and war clouds gather! 】

[Chariots covered with blades and cavalry warriors with heavy armor and spears charge together!]

[The crimson torrent like a waterfall of blood poured down and attacked the black-armored legion stationed in Kyoto, attacking the most elite and brave samurai force in the entire Sakura Fall - the 'Anzai Army'. 】

[The leader of the Black Armored Legion is a tough military general. The general is covered in heavy black armor and carries a large flag that leads the entire army. 】

[The 'Evil Hatamoto Samurai' raised his spear high, raised his arms and shouted, and charged forward. All the warriors behind him screamed wildly and fearlessly, with vicious malice in their eyes, and followed the flag-carrying warrior to face the enemy. 】

[The huge red waves crashed against the pitch-black rocks, splashing out waves of blood!]

[The sky monster and sea monster smashed down their huge arms and legs, like the pillars of Optimus collapsing. Dozens of black-armored cavalry, including men and horses, were smashed into a pulp. The constant sound of broken bones and flesh merged into a charging horn. 】

[Suddenly, all enemy corpses condensed into blue ice sculptures, and the temperature nearby dropped sharply. In an instant, heavy snow fell, and ice and snow tornadoes rose from the ground, sucking many enemies into the storm...]

[The plump general ‘Obanya’ on the Blade Charge chariot holds two giant odachi, and the rotating blades rutting with the chariot turn into a bloody whirlwind, charging into the ‘Anzai Army’ formation! 】

[Wherever the chariot goes, flesh and blood fly everywhere, and the screams are endless. What rushes into the military formation is not a chariot, but an extremely bloody meat grinder! 】

[Following the chariot were numerous cavalry warriors with guns. Under the leadership of many brave generals, the cavalry penetrated deeply into the heart of the enemy like sharp knives...]

[Among the 1,500-man legion, the largest number of warriors on foot are the warriors on foot. They use the power of the cavalry charge to charge in! 】

[The arrows are dense like rain, mixed with huge rocks and giant crossbows with astonishing destructive power, mercilessly harvesting the lives of the enemy...]

[Every time the war drum sounds, countless hot blood is spilled and many fanatical lives are sacrificed.]

[The 'Dark Prison Army' is an elite force trained by the general himself. It is the trump card among trump cards. Every warrior is an extremely evil monster who has lost all humanity and knows no fear or pain. 】

[Even an iron-blooded legion as brave as the "Red Bei Army", even with the power bonus of "Yanshen Divine Realm", after the first fierce charge was successful, the "Red Bei Army" gradually fell into a bitter battle, and the battle losses gradually increased...


[Faced with the ‘Dark Army’ that is constantly pouring into the battlefield, your ‘Red Army’ will eventually be numerically weak.]

[The speed at which the ‘Red Army’ kills enemy troops is far unable to keep up with the speed at which the enemy troops rush into the battlefield.]

[Even the Sky Demon Sea Monster and the Shikigami Yuki-onna were blocked by the ‘evil Hatamoto Samurai’ and could no longer slaughter the enemy troops wantonly. 】

[If the war situation continues like this, it will only be a matter of time before the ‘Red Army’ disappears. 】

[After all the casualties of the 'Red Army' are exhausted, the endless black-armored warriors will swamp you without the need for the general to take action...]

Lin Xun had no power to distract himself from commanding the Red Bei Legion's operations.

He originally thought that with the body of 'Saiou Shozuhime', he would be able to continuously consume the general.

But even though many shikigami and summoned objects are blessed by the power of the "Yama Divine Realm", and even if he can use "Saio Shozuhime" to restore the health of his allies, the battle situation against the general is still extremely difficult...

If the 'Nine-tailed Fox' hadn't been able to release the 'Soul Seizing Soul' in time every time, the summoned creatures would have been sacrificed long ago under the general's concentrated fire attack.

But 'Seize the Soul' also has the same flaw as ordinary control skills, that is, it consumes an extremely huge amount of money. After using the control skills continuously, even a top monster like the 'Nine-tailed Fox' can't bear it.


[The domineering jet-black sword radiates horizontally and horizontally, not only cutting off numerous incoming attacks, but also slicing away the 'Otakemaru' that was close at hand.】

[You look around, 'Shuten Doji' is covering the huge stab wound in his chest and abdomen, hot blood stains the ground, 'Otakemaru' is coughing up blood, and his spirit body becomes hazy again. ]

[Only the ‘Valkyrie’ and ‘Nine-tailed Fox’ in the distance were not harmed. They kept away from the general to attack and did not dare to get close. 】

One of the 'Valkyrie' and the 'Nine-tailed Fox' is a squishy archer, and the other is a weak magical monster. They will never be able to withstand the full force of the general's sword.

Only 'Otakemaru' belongs to the pure front row, while 'Shuten Doji' can only be regarded as a fat tank, and can barely cooperate with 'Otakemaru' to defend together.

Lin Xun was under the greatest pressure and could not distract himself from directing the Red Army's operations.

He needs to constantly switch bodies back and forth, not only to use the "Greedy Wolf Star Lord" for output, but also to transform into an earth giant when the general releases his ultimate move, and step forward to take the damage with Otakemaru and Shuten Doji.

Not only that, he also has to perform auxiliary logistics work, treating the injuries and restoring health of the front row who just suffered a wave of injuries.

[Suddenly, several black-armored cavalry warriors broke through the "Red Army" defense line and charged towards you...]

[A few sharp arrows accurately hit the cavalry on the head, knocking him off his horse...]

[You were startled and suddenly looked at the battle situation of the legion.]

[I saw a dense torrent of black armor drowning your "red army". The red armored warriors fought back desperately. They tried their best, but they couldn't stop more and more "dark armies"...]

"Fuck! How can we fight like this!"

The number of the Red Army Corps dropped sharply, from a full strength of 1,500 to less than 500.

If the legion battlefield is left unattended, Lin Xun will face endless "hidden army" before long.

It is so difficult to deal with the general with all his strength, but if the ‘Dark Prison Army’ joins again... the consequences will be disastrous!

Lin Xun deliberately switched to the body of 'Looking Directly at the President' and used the starlight ultimate move to slaughter the enemy and gain a breathing space for his legion.

But the battle situation here, General, cannot be separated from him!

As soon as he leaves, the stalemate here will immediately collapse!

Lin Xun once again switched to the body of 'Jiaozuhime' to restore health to Otakemaru and Shuten Doji.

[The body skill ‘Fengrong God Dance’ is activated! 】

[The injury of your special summon ‘Original Shuten Doji’ has been healed! 】

[The injury of your special summon ‘Original Otakemaru’ has been healed! 】

[The injuries of your body ‘The Sunken Earth Giant’ have been healed! 】

[You frequently use healing skills, which consumes a lot of money. You feel extremely tired and exhausted. It is very difficult to even support your body to stand! 】

Lin Xun gritted his teeth.

The blood recovery efficiency of ‘Saio Shozuhime’ is extremely high, but the healing skills also consume a lot of money.

Now that the blue bars in the nanny's body have been exhausted, he has no choice but to use recovery items.

[‘Red Blood Coral’ (Prop):…Using this prop can relieve some fatigue of devout believers in ‘Canggu Tianyan’. 】

[You used the ‘Red Blood Coral’, and the fatigue in the body of ‘Fire Worshiping Saio Chizuhime’ was wiped away! 】

There are only two "Red Blood Coral" found in the treasure chest at the mountainside of "Wuzhi Shrine", and now only the last one is left as an item to restore fatigue.

According to this consumption frequency, I am afraid that the first person to be unable to support is not the general, but Lin Xun...

[Dozens of black-armored cavalry warriors appear in your field of vision again, charging towards you! 】

[‘Shuten Doji’ suddenly picked up the celadon wine vessel, the wine gourd behind his back opened by itself, and clear wine poured into the wine vessel…]

[It raised its head and penetrated the wine, puffed up its cheeks, and spat forward!]

[The huge waves of scorching flames hit the cavalry warriors. Dozens of cavalrymen did not even scream, but were turned into blackened ashes! 】

[The general’s eyes flashed fiercely, and he took this opportunity to strike with a violent sword!]

[The dark sword light instantly slashes at the unsuspecting ‘Shuten Doji’! 】

"I'm going to suffer!"

Lin Xun had no time to switch to the 'Earth Giant' and stepped forward to assist in the defense.

Let Shuten Doji face the full blow of the general alone, and he will undoubtedly be killed immediately!

[The white hair of the 'Nine-tailed Fox' is flying, the thunder all over the body is shining brightly, and a soul-stirring power bursts out, projected on the general...]

[The dark sword light stagnated slightly, and ‘Otakemaru’ quickly stepped forward to resist the attack with ‘Shuten Doji’…]

[When the light of the sword was extinguished, ‘Shuten Doji’ was covered in blood, and ‘Otakemaru’ was kneeling on one knee and holding the sword, but he could still hold on. 】

[Even if you are very far away, you can clearly hear the heavy breathing of the 'nine-tailed fox', and it once again releases the huge consumption of 'soul seizing', causing its demonic power to be exhausted. 】

"No! We can't leave the legion's battle situation alone!"

"You can't be distracted in the duel with the general. If the 'Dark Zhai Army' comes over again, it might lead to the destruction of the group."

Lin Xun could only order the Valkyrie to intercept the 'Dark Prison Army' approaching the battlefield.

After the Valkyrie has learned the group attack skill called 'Judgment Thunder', she no longer has to worry about insufficient arrows even when facing a large number of enemies.

One arrow can form a lightning chain, linking enemies within a certain range, causing massive damage.

However, without the powerful output of the Valkyrie, the winning rate of the plan to consume the general dropped sharply, and killing the general seemed to be an elusive goal.

The 'God of Dance' did not give Lin Xun the summoning props, so he could not actively summon the 'Heavenly Lady' to come.

We can only wait for the 'most critical moment', and the underworld game automatically pops up the summoning option.

But the current situation was precarious and he was about to fall into a desperate situation, but the prompt to summon the 'God of Dance' was never triggered, which made his heart sink more and more.

"We can't wait any longer, we must use our last trump card!"

Lin Xun suspected that the General, who was the boss at the end of the level, must have a second form. According to the original plan, the final trump card was reserved for the General's second form.

But according to the current situation, there is no way to sustain it. If we keep hiding our trump cards, we might not even be able to see the second form of the general, and the group will be destroyed.

Use the healing skill again to restore blood to the two disabled front rows.

Lin Xun clicked on the prop and decided to use his trump card!

[Suddenly, an old and hunched figure comes to your side...]

[The ‘fire-worshipping tomb keeper’ looked at the endless black-armored army and the dying ‘red army’. 】

[It bowed deeply to you and said, Lord Advocate, the whole world is in danger, and it is only thanks to you and countless fearless people who are willing to die for their beliefs that we can persist until now. 】

[It claims to be a devout believer in the god of hell, so how can it stand idly by and remain indifferent? 】

[At this point, if all things perish and all living beings fall...what's the use of leaving this old and decaying body!]

[The 'Gravekeeper' raised his head again and was already in tears.]

[It silently recited obscure and complicated incantations, its old body disintegrated into countless light spots, and rushed towards the many tombstones covered by the illusion...]

[The phantoms of gods and heroic spirits turned from hazy illusions into reality. The heroic spirits looked up to the sky and shouted, and the silent roar gradually turned into a deafening roar! 】

[These heroic spirits include soldiers who are no different from ordinary people, brave and strong warriors, generals who carry military flags on their shoulders, and commanders who strategize...]

[They are all fearless warriors who sacrificed their lives in the divine war, and are divine warriors who have been worshiped by countless descendants for thousands of years!]

[Countless roars resound across the battlefield. You look up and see endless gods and warriors forming an army formation and charging towards the ‘Dark Prison Army’. 】

[You know that the ‘gravekeepers’ spent countless days and nights enshrining tombstones, burning incense and worshiping with their devout faith to awaken the sleeping ‘spirits of gods and warriors’, and contribute their last strength to the agents of Yama. 】

[The gods and warrior spirits from ancient times formed a killing array and charged towards the ‘Dark Prison Army’! 】

[The warriors of the gods raised their swords and slaughtered the black-armored legions who were so brave just now.]

[With one swing of the sword from the 'Gods and Heroes', the black-armored warrior can be killed, but if the black-armored warrior cuts the 'Gods and Heroes', his spirit body will only be slightly dimmed. 】

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! [On the one hand, one blow kills, on the other hand, it takes dozens or even hundreds of attacks to destroy the enemy. 】

[Even if the faith of the 'Grave Keeper' cannot awaken too many 'Gods and Heroic Spirits', it can still kill the 'Dark Army' and retreat. 】

[The advantage of the legion battle situation is gradually tilting towards you.]

[The battle line composed of ‘Gods and Heroic Spirits’ continues to advance forward, and it will not take long before the ‘Dark Army’ in the cemetery is wiped out, until they hold on to the entrance of the cemetery, making it impossible for the black-armored army to enter the battlefield...]

The 'Gravekeeper' sacrificed himself to gain an advantage in the legion's battle situation.

Lin Xun sighed and cheered up.

Now that the legion had an advantage in the battle, he summoned the Slippery Ghost and the Valkyrie back together to deal with the general with all his strength.

Even the shikigami Yuki-onna was recalled by him, and he released the "extremely cold ice domain" to slow down the general from a distance, and used ice storm to scrape the damage.

The new addition of the Slippery Ghost in the form of a sky monster and sea monster is added to the front row, which reduces the defensive pressure.

A group of powerful summoned creatures bombarded the general. Although it did not cause any actual damage to the general, the black energy of evil thoughts surrounding him gradually weakened and became thinner.

Lin Xun understood that the aura of evil thoughts was equivalent to the general's armor value.

It is impossible to cause real damage to the general before breaking the shield.


[Xuanhe Purple Lightning suddenly came to the world and scattered the last ray of black energy around the general...]

[The ‘Evil General’ suddenly stopped, looked at you with complex eyes, and said slowly, very good, it hasn’t fought so happily for a long time...]

[If you were not the lackey of the two false gods, it might be able to spare your life and give you the identity of ‘Da Shen Hatamoto’, allowing you to practice martial arts with it in the Gosho Palace and explore the ultimate in martial arts together. 】

[Unfortunately, you are not only the lackey of the false god, but you also possess the bloodline of the false god, and you have inherited the will of the false god... In this way, the true god will not accept you. 】

[The general closed his eyes, and a particularly dark aura of evil thoughts emerged from the top of his head, gradually covering his whole body.]

[The breath of evil thoughts gives you a familiar feeling, just like the breath of extreme evil thoughts when you were watched by the evil god in the ‘Shishan Society’ and the ‘extreme evil consequences’ fell on the world! 】

[The aura of evil thoughts from the gods merged into the body of the general, and its already burly body like a hill continued to expand and grow...]

[The body that is hidden from the sky and the sun has two additional ugly heads growing on its shoulders, with a green face and fangs, and a vicious and vicious face.]

[The shoulders on the back were covered with flesh and blood, and four extremely thick and huge arms grew out of them.]

[You look up and see that the 'Great General', corroded by the evil god's aura, has transformed into a more powerful and weird existence than the 'Evil Asura'. 】

[That is the terrifying monster with three heads and six arms—‘King Asura’! 】

[The huge body of the 'Great General' is covered with jet-black tattoos. As the branches and leaves squirm, a rich and thick aura of evil thoughts covers the body surface, forming a solid armor. 】

[The aura of evil thoughts evolved again, forming six huge weapons on the six arms: knives, spears, swords, halberds, axes, and hammers.]

[The ‘Great General’ looked down at the insignificant you and spoke again, his voice like a bell, deafening...]

[Since the true God will not accept you, then let you die at the hands of the most powerful person in the world. This is the... final glory it can bestow upon you!]

[You discovered the ‘Evil King Asura—the Great General’! 】

Lin Xun closed his eyes in despair.

As he wished, the general did indeed have a second form.

But is this second form a BOSS that can appear on the current difficulty level...

The breath of evil thoughts originating from the "extreme evil consequences" infects and possesses the body, which will cause the monster's strength to rise sharply.

The two weak palace priests and priests of the 'Shishan Society' were infected by the evil god's aura and turned into two-headed and four-armed 'Asuras', which is already extremely perverted.

And how terrifying should the ‘King Asura’ who has fallen from a great general be?

"How to fight this?"

"Tiantian Nu Ming, if you don't come out, I will take you away from you!"

Lin Xun prayed to the God of Dance, but he was the only one who answered him.

This chapter has been completed!
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