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Chapter 314 The Wet Nurse of Desire, Angels and the Kingdom of God

The 'Ecstatic Monk' has become a headless corpse, missing key parts of the body, making it impossible to possess him. Naturally, the underworld game will no longer show characteristics.

But Lin Xun was more interested in the "Kingdom of God" shown in the description of its body.

"Are you crossing the strait and reaching the Kingdom of God?"

[You approach the monk’s headless body and take a closer look...]

[The monk's right arm has turned into a sickle-shaped catching foot, and the blade is extremely sharp. Except for the huge compound eyes on the face, the rest of the body is no different from ordinary people. 】

[Even though it has lost its vitality for a while, its right arm's blade and foot are still twitching from time to time...]

[You shook your head, stood up and left.]

[You push open the door on the left side of the 'Sacrament Hall' and step into the 'monastery atrium'...]

[The atrium is relatively wide, and the most eye-catching thing is the spiral staircase in the center that connects to the second floor. There is still a door on the left that leads to an unknown place. In addition, there is also a door facing the front that seems to lead to the outside world...]

【Where do you want to choose to go?】

Lin Xun slapped his forehead and switched back to his 'monk' body.

[You look at the familiar atrium and recall that the second floor leading to the spiral staircase is where the dean and the great monks are located. The door on the left is connected to three 'teaching halls' used for teaching and preaching. 】

[The door facing the front is connected to the courtyard, and you can leave the monastery through the courtyard. 】

He thought for a while and decided to explore all the rooms on the first floor of the monastery first, and then go to the second floor to find the dean and the chief monk.

[You cross the stairs leading to the second floor, open the door on the left, and go to the 'Education Hall'...]

[As soon as you open the door, dozens of eyes turn to look at you. Those dozen pairs of compound eyes stare at you, making your scalp numb. ]

[The monk who is preaching on the stage glances at you and lets out a shrill scream.]

[More than ten ‘monks’ listening to the teachings rush toward you...]

Lin Xun is powerful, and he is worthy of these stinky fish and shrimps.

After switching the body of Xingjun, he sent all these little monsters to become immortals like chopping melons and vegetables.

Due to the strong vitality of the mobs, it often takes several stabs to kill them if they attack the torso, and only cutting off the head can cause fatal damage.

However, even if the head is cut off, the insect-like limbs of the mob will still twitch for a long time before they truly stop and lose movement.

Among the more than ten monsters, only the whole corpse of the preaching monk was left, and the rest of the monks were turned into headless corpses.


[‘Ecstatic Monk’:…Phaseality: 91% (55%)]

【Do you want to possess this body? 】

Lin Xun did not obtain relevant memories after possessing the body shell.

You can only open the panel and check the attribute skills to see if there are any information clues.

[Body——‘The Emerged Monk’]

[Real name: Donovan]

[Phaseality: 91% (55%)]

[Body quality: Excellent grade]

[Body level: 67(27↑)]

[Hull equipment: ‘Monk’s Cloak’ (broken-level equipment): Clothing with white wing marks on the chest and back, and comes with a hood, which can well hide the terrifying appearance after feathering. 】

[Body skills: none]

Like 'monks', monks have no other characteristics except that their body quality is one level higher.

Without gaining any useful information, he could only continue exploring towards the next 'education hall'.

The remaining two 'teaching halls' are just like the ones we just explored. They are some miscellaneous fish monsters that give experience.

The fish monster was so poor that he only had a piece of dilapidated clothing, and he didn't even bother to take it off.

Although he did not gain any equipment or spirituality, Lin Xun found a scrap book in the last 'teaching hall'.


[You step over the body of the ‘monk’ and pick up the thick book on the table.]

[You have obtained the ‘Hymn to the Wet Nurse of Desire’ (waste product)! 】

[‘Hymn to the Wet Nurse of Desire’ (waste product): The thick book contains poems praising the great supreme god, the mother of life, the origin of all things, the ‘Wet Nurse of Desire’, which is a required course in the monastery. 】

"The Wet Nurse of Desire...is this the main deity in this chapter?"

Lin Xun returned to the rest page and explored the only remaining 'prayer hall' on the first floor of the monastery.


[You push open the door on the right and step into the ‘Prayer Hall’...]

[The red carpet is laid all the way from the entrance to the end of the hall, where a huge statue of God stands.]

[The statue is in the form of a plump, mature lady lying on her side on the bed. The gray robe covers the lady’s face, making it difficult for you to see her true appearance. 】

[The lady's chest is open, revealing her plump and straight breasts, as if she were breastfeeding...]

[This should be a warm and peaceful gesture, but in your eyes it feels creepy and chills run down your spine.]

[Because the ‘desire wet nurse’ is not nurturing babies, but several fat and twisted giant maggots! 】

[The maggots are vying for that little bit of bright red, trying to bite into their fangs-filled mouths to suck it, and they are willing to kill each other for this purpose.]

[But the mature lady made a comforting gesture to calm down the anger of the larva in her arms. Even if you can't see the lady's face clearly, you can still feel the deep maternal love. 】

[Do you want to worship the idol to join the vow of the ‘Wet Nurse of Desire’? 】

Lin Xun decisively pressed 'no'.

This oath and god only seemed to be really evil, and he had no plans to join it for the time being.

It is foolish to rashly take sides without understanding the world view and background of the chapter.

To put it another way, even if he wanted to join the Oath, he would still need an invitation from a powerful plot character from that camp.

According to common sense, the higher the status and strength of the plot character invited to join the oath in the camp, the better the rewards for joining the oath.

There is no reward at all for taking the oath to sign up to a statue of a god.

After walking around the 'prayer hall', there was nothing else worth exploring except the statue of the god.

Lin Xun couldn't help complaining that the rewards in this chapter were scarce and did not match the difficulty of the Hell chapter.

But it’s understandable. There is a ‘beginner’s welfare period’ at the beginning of the Hell Chapter.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! The reason why the rewards are not abundant is because the initial difficulty is low. As you continue to deepen the chapters, the difficulty will increase linearly, and correspondingly, the rewards will also be abundant...

Suddenly he had a flash of inspiration and remembered a prop that had been gathering dust for a long time.

['Star Lord's Crown' (legendary item): Beidou Star Lord's crown, with a golden extension on top and twelve white jade beads in front. Using this item, you can choose any one of the Seven Star Lord's blessings.

Soul gain, the effect of this blessing gain will be greatly increased, the blessing status will be maintained for a complete chapter, and ending the chapter in the middle will not interrupt the effect of this blessing.]

The process of the Easter egg chapter is too short, and using ‘Xing Jun’s Mianqi’ is too wasteful.

But now that we are entering the legit chapter of Hell difficulty, we can just use this item.

Even if you get stuck midway through a level, the buff status will not disappear when you exit the chapter, and can continue throughout the entire level process.

[You used ‘Xingjun’s Mianqi’ (legendary item)! 】

[Please choose the one you need among the following buff states...]

[1. Tianshu Greedy Wolf: Increase the physical strength of the body (related to fatigue)]

[2. Tianxuan Giant Gate: Improve the physical attributes of the body (related to health value)]

[3. Tianji Lucun: Increase the drop probability of chapters (related to explosion rate)]

[4. Tianquan Wenqu: Improve the mental attributes of the body (related to spell damage)]


Lin Xun decisively pressed the third option.

[You have obtained the ‘Tian Ji Lu Cun’ buff status, which will increase the probability of dropping to a certain extent. This buff status will disappear after the chapter is fully read. 】

What makes this item awesome is the duration of the item.

Some apostles who stay on a certain difficulty can even maintain the BUFF without settling the clearance evaluation until they are satisfied with it, and then advance to the next difficulty...

He returned to the 'monastery atrium' and began exploring the second floor.


[You go up the spiral staircase and soon reach the second floor...]

[What you see is a long corridor that runs from left to right. On the left is the dean’s bedroom, and on the right is the room for the monks to rest. 】

Lin Xun entered the chapter for the first time and did not want to progress step by step, so he directly picked the mini-boss to fight.

[You step towards the dean’s bedroom...]

[You gently open the door. The bedroom is simply furnished, with only a desk, bed and a simple small prayer table. 】

[But there is no one on the bed. The dean who was supposed to rest late at night is not here. 】

【Do you want to search for bedrooms?】

Lin Xun was startled, then clicked on the search option.



[You find a small palm-sized statue on the prayer table.]

[You have obtained the ‘Miniature Statue of the Wet Nurse of Desire’ (prop)! 】


【You find a notebook in the hidden compartment of the desk.】

[You have obtained the ‘Abbot’s Essay’ (data prop)! 】


【You no longer find valuable items.】

Lin Xun opened the inventory to check.

[‘Miniature Statue of the Wet Nurse of Desire’ (prop): A small statue of the deity, used for daily prayers. The form of the statue is that of the ‘Wet Nurse of Desire’ nurturing the ‘child’ that she regards as a treasure. 】

[Using this prop, you will pray devoutly to the ‘Wet Nurse of Desire’, thereby increasing the success rate of emergence with a small probability. 】

This prop should be used in conjunction with the ‘ritual blood’ obtained previously.

He wasn't going to use the 'ceremonial blood' yet, so he kept this prop.

[‘The Abbot’s Essay’ (Information and Props)]


[Emergence is a great process. Our lifelong wish is to become an angel after transformation and emergence again and again! 】

[That is the ultimate form that we mortals can achieve, and it is also the most sacred posture to meet the ‘wet nurse’! 】

[The monks and monks don’t know why, they think they can cross the strait and reach the divine kingdom of the ‘Wet Nurse’ after becoming immortals two or three times...]

【As everyone knows, what stops us is not the distance, but the untouchable sea water. 】

【Unless we can become feathers and grow scale wings, it is impossible to cross the strait and reach the Kingdom of God.】


[There is still a full year until the next ‘White Velvet Snow Season’, and the snowflakes sent by God have crossed the strait and arrived in the land of God’s Kingdom. 】

[Perhaps next time I bathe in snowflakes, I can successfully emerge again and grow enough scaly wings to set foot in the Kingdom of God.]

[Only in the land of the Kingdom of God can I have the opportunity to look up at angels, until I finally become an angel...to meet the supreme existence - the 'Wet Nurse of Desire'! 】


Grow scaly wings, fly across the strait, and reach the Kingdom of God?

Lin Xun couldn't help but burst into laughter:

"This is really unlucky... I, Lord Greedy Wolf Star, happen to be able to fly with a sword!"

This chapter has been completed!
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