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Chapter 320 Chrysalis of Mourning, Yinghuo Temple

The next morning, Lin Xun logged into the game early.

However, because it was launched too early, there will still be some time before the guards in the hatching bag mature.

He thought for a moment, and instead of waiting in the hatchery, he might as well go to another location to explore.


[You leave the ‘War Hatchery’ and blow the ‘Calling Piccolo’. 】

[Soon, the 'Yi Sending Mole Cricket' will emerge from the ground and appear in front of your eyes...]

【Please select your destination.】

【1.Meet the Rift Valley】

【2. Tentacle City Station】

【3. Feather Altar】

['Yi Sending Mole Cricket' drills into the ground and heads towards its destination...]


[The vibration subsided, you have arrived at the ‘Feather Altar’...]

[In front of us is another underground space, the ground is covered with gray velvet scale powder, and in the distance there is a circular altar made of huge stones, with a huge thing standing quietly on it. 】

[You slowly approach the altar and see clearly that it is a huge creature that looks like an insect chrysalis.]

[You discovered the ‘Emerated Chrysalis of Mourning’!]

[‘Mourning Chrysalis’ is motionless and seems to be sleeping...]

[Do you want to make a sacrifice to the ‘Mourning Chrysalis’? 】

Lin Xun frowned slightly, and then switched to the 'Lord' body.

[You are possessed by the body of the ‘Echoed Hatchery Lord’! 】

[You look at the huge thing in front of you and think of the role of the altar and the 'Mourning Chrysalis'. 】

[Every child longs for maternal love, but the supreme ‘wet nurse’ is an existence that is longed for and out of reach for children far away. 】

[The consciousness of the ‘Wet Nurse’ is vast and great. He uses divine power to interweave a large network of consciousness, connecting all devout children. 】

[If a child wants to get close to the wet nurse and gain favor, he needs to fight powerful demons and climb up from the bottom of the consciousness network...]

【But not every child has the opportunity and potential to be close to a wet nurse.】

[The mourning chrysalis in front of you is another way to pray to the wet nurse for maternal love.]

[When a child is about to come to the end of his life, he will come to the feather altar to sacrifice everything he has to the chrysalis.]

[The dying body will be turned into nourishment to nourish the land of God, and the decayed and troubled soul will be purified and baptized, and return to the embrace of the wet nurse.]

[In this way, we can take a step further in the boundless web of consciousness and get closer to the wet nurse in the next reincarnation of life...]


[You can sacrifice your soul strength or body to the ‘Mourning Chrysalis’ to obtain the care bestowed by the ‘Desire Nurse’. 】

【Do you want to make a sacrifice? 】

[If you need to sacrifice your soul, please enter the soul strength points you want to sacrifice...]

[If you need to sacrifice a body, please select the body you want to sacrifice. After the sacrifice, the body will disappear from the body column...]

[Note that you can only sacrifice soul strength or body once to the same 'Mourning Chrysalis', please choose carefully! 】

Lin Xun's eyes lit up.

The soul sacrifice here does not reduce the upper limit of soul strength, but refers to paying the recoverable soul strength in exchange for some kind of reward.

The current soul strength is 5/5, and the soul strength that can be sacrificed is 4 points. It is estimated that it can be exchanged for good rewards.

But he will definitely not sacrifice the strength of his soul.

Soul strength is related to the real life of the apostle and is connected to the player's real soul.

Judging from the information obtained from the lord's memory, the oath camp of the 'Wet Nurse of Desire' revealed something strange, and the things like 'sacrifice souls' sounded too evil, which gave him a vague premonition.

In comparison, sacrificing the body was exactly what he wanted.

Lin Xun's body column is currently full, and all slots are filled to the brim. He just needs to clear his inventory.

In addition to the monk, dean and lord bodies obtained in this chapter, there are eight main bodies: the earth giant, the direct gaze president, the dragon man, the master of the Isha Palace, the ninja master, Tanlang Xingjun, Saio Shizuhime

, swordsmith.

The remaining non-main body is the head of the Ogiwara family.

Judging from the text information, at the same 'Mourning Chrysalis', whether you are sacrificing the soul or the body, you can only choose one of the two to sacrifice once.

The probability of receiving a reward from a sacrifice is directly proportional to how much you pay.

The eight main bodies must not be sacrificed.

The monk's body obtained in this chapter is currently his only body with the 'alienation' prefix. It may be useful in the future, so sacrifice is not considered for the time being.

The 'Lord' you just obtained has the ability to control the war worm, and you need to retain it.

If Lin Xun wanted to sacrifice his body, he had only two choices. One was to sacrifice the 'Abbot of the Monastery', and the other was to sacrifice the 'Head of the Ogiwara Family'.

He thought about it for a moment and then made up his mind.

"The decision is yours, go ahead, head of the Ogiwara family!"

The attack power of this body is not as good as that of Ninja Master and Greedy Wolf Star Lord, its ability to take a beating is not as good as that of the Earth Giant, and it has no magic damage. It is a useless body that will be thrown away sooner or later.

Rather than throwing it away in vain, it is better to use the remaining heat here.

[You choose to sacrifice the body of the ‘Fire Worshiping Ogiwara Family Head’! 】

【Sacrifice in progress...】

[The entire altar trembled faintly, and the 'Mourning Chrysalis' made inexplicable fluctuations from under the thick pupa shell, seeming to be extremely excited.]

【You are being watched by an unknown entity!】

【You are being watched by an unknown entity!】

[An extremely vast and supreme consciousness suddenly descends on the ‘Chrysalis of Mourning’. In the dark, you hear a sentence...]

[Lost children from outside, go to the center of Hallownest, that is your home...]

[‘The Chrysalis of Mourning’ seemed unable to withstand the coming of the great will, its body expanded rapidly and suddenly exploded, with flesh and blood flying everywhere! 】

[With the death of the 'Mourning Chrysalis', the supreme will also quietly disappeared, leaving only flesh and blood tissue scattered on the ground...]


"Lost children from outside..."

Sacrificing a body attracted the attention of the gods, and the tone seemed to be that of a "wet nurse of desire"?

Lin Xun pondered for a moment, trying to figure out the taste.

The 'Wet Nurse of Desire' knew that he was an outsider and should be related to the 'Head of the Ogiwara Family' who had just been sacrificed.

The prefix of this body is not 'eclosion' or 'alienation', but 'fire worship' that does not belong to this world.

It is very possible that the god was only sacrificed by a power that did not belong to this world, and thus cast his gaze.

"But...where's the promised reward?!"

The Feather Altar fell into silence after the death of the 'Mourning Chrysalis'.

He waited for a long time but did not see the corresponding reward appear, so he couldn't help but complain.

Perhaps in the concept of a "wet nurse", granting the child the right to visit is the greatest reward?

Lin Xun's face was full of black lines, and he felt that he had been tricked by the underworld game again.

He secretly felt that he was holding back his anger. Although the head of the Ogiwara family was a worthless body that would be thrown away sooner or later, this body was of very high quality and was on the same level as the Earth Giant and Chairman Direct Eye.

The original intention was to use this body in exchange for good rewards, but who knew that the expectation was disappointed and I got nothing.

Lin Xun let out a long sigh and could only admit that he was unlucky.

He switched to the body of Greedy Wolf Star Lord and prepared to leave this place.


[Suddenly, there was a noise on the ground in the distance, and a ‘Yi Sending Mole Cricket’ emerged from it. 】

[The familiar figure in black robe jumps down from the monster’s belly and strides towards the altar...]

[‘Missionary Kim’s’ black robe is stained with blood, and the hair on the top of her head is a little scattered, as if she has just experienced a battle.]

[As it walks towards you, it complains, I didn’t expect that you, a maggot, look stupid, but you are actually quite smart...]

[The fact that you can not be caught by the hatchery lord shows that Kim’s vision is correct, you are indeed a special maggot man.]

[It walked up to the altar and was about to pat you on the shoulder and continue telling the story when it suddenly saw the ‘Mourning Chrysalis’ that exploded into flesh and blood all over the floor...]

[The outstretched limb of ‘Preacher Kim’ suddenly froze. It pointed at you in disbelief, you, you killed the ‘Mourning Chrysalis’? 】

[It couldn’t help but yell, damn maggot! You are so stupid! How could it think you were smart just now? 】

[‘Preacher Kim’ quickly picked you up and quickly ran towards ‘Yi Sending Mole Cricket’ who had not yet burrowed into the ground and left. 】

[It drags you and hurriedly jumps into the abdomen of the mole cricket, yelling at the mole cricket, I will feed you later, run quickly, hurry up!]

['Yi Sending Mole Cricket' chirped and stayed where he was.]

[‘Preacher Kim’ was so anxious that the hair on his head stood up. He wanted to curse again, but he held it back. 】

[It quickly took out an unknown fungus plant, leaned out of its abdomen, and threw it to the ‘Yi Sending Mole Cricket’. 】

[After eating the fungi, the ‘Yisong Mole cricket’ quickly closes the peritoneal carotid membrane and burrows toward the ground...]


[As his abdomen fell into darkness, ‘Preacher Kim’ finally breathed a sigh of relief and collapsed on the seat. 】

[It turns to look at you and scolds you, you stupid maggot, do you know what the function of the 'Mourning Chrysalis' is? How dare you kill it? 】

[Killing the 'Mourning Chrysalis' will attract the attention of despicable people. Fortunately, Kim runs fast, otherwise both you and it would have died at the 'Feather Altar'! 】

['Preacher Kim' kept chattering, suddenly kicked the monster in the abdomen, and continued to curse, and you damn cricket! You just know how to eat, eat, eat, and if you run away too late, no one will survive! 】

[Several chirps of ‘Ei Sending Mole Cricket’ came from outside the flesh membrane, which seemed to have a sense of grievance.]


[After a long time, ‘Preacher Kim’ finally had enough scolding. 】

[The vibrations in the abdominal cavity have also subsided, and light comes from outside the fleshy membrane again...]

[‘Yi Sending Mole Cricket’ opens the fleshy membrane, and the outside world comes into view. 】

[This is a strange place that you have never been to before. The underground space here is extremely small and cramped. Apart from a small dilapidated building, there are no other buildings. 】

[The building not far away looks like a dilapidated private house patchworked here and there. The house is made of jumbled bricks and stones, with air leakage from all sides, and fragments of stained glass windows have been stuffed into several air leakage spots. 】

[The vibrations caused by the mole crickets drilling into the ground made the houses crumbling, and it seemed that they would collapse in the next second.]

['Preacher Kim' quickly kicked the 'Yi Sending Mole Cricket' and scolded him, "Be quieter. If the temple collapses, I will send you to be with the 'Mourning Chrysalis'."

[It takes you to the low house and introduces you in a very solemn tone that this is the sacred 'Firefly Temple', where the statue of the Lord is stored. 】

[Ignorant maggot, do you know how difficult it is to build a temple of the Lord in a country of despicable people? 】

[Don’t look at the shabby appearance of the temple, but if you pray devoutly here, you can still get the Lord’s response...]

[You have to understand that this is the kingdom of the despicable. The Lord’s will can pass through the obstacles of the despicable and be conveyed here... It can be seen from this that the power of the Lord far exceeds the despicable, and the Lord is the only true God in the world!]

[‘Preacher Kim’ opens the dilapidated wooden door and leads you into the ‘Yinghuo Temple’…]

[The temple is very small, and you can see all the furnishings inside at a glance, including a few wooden benches and candlesticks, as well as the small statues hanging on the wall at the deepest part. 】

[The statue is only half the size of a human being, in the shape of a flying firefly, with a gleaming gem inlaid on its tail, shining with a weak but never-extinguishing light of firefly. 】

【Do you want to worship the statue to join the oath of the ‘Original Firefly’? 】

Lin Xun pressed 'No' without thinking.

[‘Preacher Kim’ ignored you and worshiped the statue alone...]

[You look around and suddenly find a figure huddled in the corner.]

[You slowly step forward to check. The curled up figure seems to be asleep and motionless. 】

[It is not half-insect, half-human, but a human without any insect-like organs!]

[Looking at its appearance, you feel vaguely familiar...]

[You suddenly remember that it is the maggot man you saw in the hatchery before!]

[The maggot man who was originally supposed to be in the capsule is now in the 'Firefly Temple'...]

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! [You have a bad premonition in your heart.]

[‘Preacher Kim’ finished his devout worship and slowly came to your side. When he saw you staring blankly at the sleeping maggot man, he couldn’t help but speak, his tone was a bit showy...]

[Originally, its plan is for you to go to the ‘Feather Altar’ and experience the living sacrifice behavior of despicable people. Only by comparison can you know the greatness of the Lord. 】

[It doesn’t matter if you choose to go to the ‘War Hatchery’. The maggot man’s status in the country of despicable people is not even as good as that of a ‘post-delivery mole cricket’. 】

[The only fate you will have is to be caught by the lord, suffer a little abuse, and then be expelled from the country the next day and exiled to the land of untouchables to fend for yourself.]

[It was thinking of going to the hatchery to save you today, but it didn’t expect that you were not in the hatchery, but instead went to compete with the immobile ‘Mourning Chrysalis’...]

[Fortunately, it arrived in time after rescuing another maggot man, otherwise... hmph, you might not even have a body left by now. 】

[Your premonition is getting worse. Looking at the blood stains on the black robe of 'Preacher Kim', you carefully ask, since it rescued the maggot man, what about the mature guards in the hatchery today...]

['Preacher Kim' interrupted before you could finish speaking, and said proudly, how can those low-level bugs created by despicable people be its opponents? Kim is kind-hearted and sent away every last one of them.

Meet the despicable person!]

[After saying that, it scratched its head and continued, it is strange to say that the bugs in the hatching sac are mature, and the lord and the guards on duty should be waiting in the hatchery, but it did not see them when it rescued the maggot man...]

Lin Xun gritted his teeth.

"Damn it, those guards are all leeks raised by me, and now they are all owned by you!"

He was so angry that he had just been raped for free by the "Desire Wet Nurse" at the "Down Feather Altar", and he was filled with anger.

Now the cooked ducks, the leeks waiting to be cut, and the hatchery guards have all been taken away by Kim...

"Hey Kim, either you die today or I die!"

He opened the skill bar and prepared to use the 'Beidou Tiangang Sword Controlling True Technique'. One shot of the Beidou Jiangang sent Kim to heaven!

This chapter has been completed!
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