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Chapter 325 Fully Adaptable Parasite, Kims Past

Lin Xun thought for a long time and finally agreed to join the pledge.

[You step forward slowly, Flanda opens her arms and embraces you...]

[Loyal apostle, you have joined the ‘Original Firefly’ pledge. 】

[In this volume, only one kind of oath can be signed. If you break the oath, you will not be able to join this oath again, and you will be permanently hated by the oath camp and the friendly oath camp. ]

[Current hostile sworn camp: ‘Wet Nurse of Desire’, current friendly sworn camp: None.]

[In Flanda’s plump and soft embrace, you once again see the huge network of consciousness that encompasses everything in the world...]

[The two consciousnesses of black and white at the top of the grid connect countless living beings, assimilate the consciousness colors of various life forms, and devour each other.]

[You understand, the white part in the grid belongs to the fledgling camp of the ‘Wet Nurse of Desire’, while the black part belongs to the alienated person’s oath of the ‘Primordial Firefly’.]

[Flanda's huge consciousness is the same as yours, free between black and white. It actively surrounds you, making you feel the structure of the entire consciousness network in an instant. 】

[White consciousness occupies most of the grid, constantly eroding the black consciousness belonging to the ‘Original Firefly’ camp, making the black consciousness occupy a very small area in the grid, which is somewhat precarious. 】

[When you see the whole network of consciousness clearly, Flanda takes a deep breath and brings you back to reality...]

[It loosened its hands, looked apologetic, lowered its eyes and said, I'm sorry, foreign child. As you can see, 'Firefly' is at a disadvantage in this war. 】

[Because of this, ‘Firefly’ has given it and you the ability to wander on the edge of the consciousness network. This is a kind of helpless protection. 】

[You and it are both the consciousness that the "Wet Nurse" pays attention to. If you are assimilated by the "Firefly" when joining the oath, the "Wet Nurse" will be able to sense it immediately, and thus bring down divine punishment in the territory of the Kingdom of God. 】

[No one can resist the wrath of the Wet Nurse, not to mention that you and it are both in the realm of God...]

['Flanda the Oath-breaker' said this, the huge insect's abdomen squirmed slightly, and you can see that in the translucent pipe connected to its abdomen, something seems to be transported to the second floor of the lair. 】

[Flanda continued to tell you that the mission given to you by 'Firefly' is too arduous, and you are so... weak now. Sorry, it doesn't mean to look down on you. Being able to get the attention of the Lord God is different.


[It is really dangerous to walk in the kingdom of God with a weak body like yours. It can only do its best to give you some help...]

[It has transported the ‘help’ sent to you to the hidden capsule on the second floor of the lair.]

[I hope that with help, your subsequent journey will be smoother.]

[If you feel confused or bored during the journey, you may wish to come back here to talk to it... Well, it is actually very lonely trapped here. If you don't dislike its appearance, remember to come back to see it often.


[You bid farewell to ‘Flanda the Oathbreaker’ and take the elevator again to the second floor of the ancient lair. 】

[In the circular passage on the second floor of the nest, an extremely huge hatching sac broke through the wall. 】

[There is no fleshy membrane wrapping the outside of the capsule, and there is a large shimmering book page floating inside...]

[You found a fragment of the Book of Salvation—the rest page!]

[You enter the capsule, step forward and touch the page, and the powerful wandering soul resonates with the page...]

Lin Xun was overjoyed, finally finding the save point!

He decisively set the ancient lair as the resurrection point.

[The capsule contains not only the rest book pages, but also two items given to you by Frenda, a fist-sized ball of flesh and blood tissue that is still slightly squirming, and a fluorescent stone. 】

[You have obtained the ‘perfect parasitic factor’ (legendary item)! 】

[You have obtained ‘Flanda’s Firestone’ (special prop)! 】

Lin Xun quickly opened the inventory to check.

[‘Perfect Parasitic Factor’ (Legendary Item): Flesh and blood tissue containing parasitic factors created through experiments on a large number of samples. Only bodies that meet this factor can be used. 】

[After use, the nature of the body will be changed, and special skills - 'Perfect Parasitism' and 'Perfect Transformation' will be learned. 】

In the body column, only the original ‘Echoed Maggot Man’ and the newly acquired ‘Echoed First-Generation Parasite’ meet the conditions for the use of this item.

However, if you use it on a 'parasite', the underworld game will prompt a prompt.

[This body has certain flaws and cannot exert the full effect of the 'perfect parasitic factor'. Please confirm whether to use it. 】

However, when used on the ‘emerged maggot man’, no similar prompt appeared.

[You have used the ‘perfect parasitic factor’, and the current body of the ‘emerged maggot (moth-type mimic)’ has been transformed into an ‘emerged fully adapted parasite’! 】

[You have understood the body skill ‘Perfect Parasitism’! 】

Lin Xun opened the panel and found that the attributes of the maggot man had undergone earth-shaking changes.

[Body—‘Eclosion of a fully adaptable parasite’]

[Real name: Bone Broken]

[Phaseality: 137% (55%) compatibility exceeds the critical point, and the quality of the body is improved! 】

[Body quality: Epic level]

[Body level: 67(12↑)]

[Body Equipment: Perfect Parasitism (Special Skill): Using this skill, you can parasitize all small, medium, and large insectoids that are still viable, and perfectly control the container. Due to ganglion restrictions, you cannot parasitize extra large, super giant ones

Insect container.]

[Body Skill: Perfect Metamorphosis (Special Skill): Using this skill, you will be able to shed the currently parasitic insect container without any loss and return to the parasite state. The shed container will remain temporarily active for three minutes, during this period

, you can parasitize the shed container again.】

"Hiss... But I am uneducated, and I can tell the world just by saying shit."

The skills of defective parasites are limited to "crustacean" bugs, such as the large mimic moths on the first floor of the nest, which cannot be parasitized.

But today's 'perfect parasite' can parasitize any insect, no matter what type it is, whether it is with a shell, without a shell, with wings, or without wings.

The only limitation is body size. A body that is too big cannot be parasitized, and a calf cannot pull a cart.

The molting skill has also been upgraded to 'Perfect Metamorphosis', which can retain activity for a certain period of time after discarding the parasitic body.

Don't underestimate this skill. With three minutes of active time, Lin Xun can shed the previous container after defeating the enemy, and then parasitize the enemy. After checking the panel comparison, he can decide which container to use.

There is another kind of help given by Frenda.

['Flanda's Firestone' (special prop): A strange stone that shines brightly, and is somewhat similar to the gem material at the tail of the small statue of the god 'Original Firefly'. 】

[Because Flanda is in jail, you cannot use this 'Firefly Stone' to summon 'Oath-Breaking Flanda'. But you can use this item to prove your identity as a 'Firefly Envoy' and get'

Original Firefly's favor with creatures from the sworn camp.]

"Damn, it turns out that the correct route is to save Maggot Man first, and then find Kim..."

Lin Xun went through a big circle in order to take advantage of both sides.

It wasn't until now that I discovered that by getting the 'Firefly Stone' from Franda, you can complete the achievement of taking both sides.

But he didn't know that if he chose to save Maggot Man on the spot, Kim would turn against him and launch an attack. Either the apostle would die, or Kim would die...

After he explored the 'Ancient Lair', there were still two places on the map that he had not yet explored, one was the 'Border Prison' and the other was the 'Creeper Tribe'.

But before exploring, Lin Xun decided to go to Kim for a showdown. In front of the real 'Firefly Envoy', Kim would surely reveal a lot of information.

As for whether it is social death or not, what does that have to do with Lin Xun?


[‘Yi Sending Mole Cricket’ traveled for a long time and finally returned to ‘Yinghuo Temple’. 】

[You jump down from your abdomen, stride forward, and open the door of the temple...]

[I saw 'Preacher Kim' sitting on the ground in a daze, muttering to himself from under the mask, why did he disappear, how did he disappear...]

[When it saw your arrival, its eyes suddenly lit up, and it quickly asked, have you ever heard of the ability to disappear out of thin air? 】

[The maggot man it rescued desecrated the Lord's statue. It wanted to teach it a lesson, but it didn't expect that the maggot man's body structure was too fragile. It lost all activity when touched, and then disappeared...]

Lin Xun twitched the corner of his mouth, unable to complain.

"You cut open my stomach, how can I survive?"

He opened the inventory and clicked on the Firestone given by Frenda.

[You shook your head, indicating that you didn’t know what Kim was talking about, and then took out ‘Flanda’s Firestone’ and shook it in front of it...]

[‘Preacher Kim’ was about to continue asking when he suddenly saw the token in your hand, and his words suddenly got stuck in his throat, like a chicken being strangled by the neck. 】

[Its expression is like seeing a ghost, pointing at you in disbelief, you, you, you are...]

[You nod your head to show that what it saw is correct. You are the messenger of the Lord, the authentic ‘Messenger of the Fireflies’, and you are not a fake! 】

[Kim murmured, then it, it, it...Kim suddenly covered his mask, ran away without looking back, and rushed out of the door...]

[You quickly followed out, and saw Kim riding on your 'Easy Sending Mole cricket' that had not yet burrowed into the ground and leaving, shouting at it, "Go quickly, go as far as possible! It's going to the center of Hallownest and..."

It’s better for the wet nurse to work hard than to stay here and continue to be embarrassed!]

[‘Yi Sending Mole Cricket’ blinked a pair of huge compound eyes and remained unmoved.]

['Kim' seemed to be extremely embarrassed and angry, and kicked the 'Yi Sending Mole Cricket' several times, scolding him as he knew how to eat.]

[It took out an unknown fungus plant, leaned out of its abdomen, and threw it to the 'Yi Sending Mole Cricket'...but the fungus plant was still half-empty, and was intercepted by you who came over.】

[You obtained ‘Milk Matsutake’*1 (prop)! 】

[You happily accepted the ‘Milk Matsutake’, blocked Kim’s path, and asked why he turned around and ran away when he saw the ‘Firefly Angel’? 】

[As ‘Firefly Envoys’, we should help each other...]

['Kim' then realized and kept saying, Oh, it turns out you are also a 'Firefly Favorite'. What a coincidence, it happens to be...]


[After you 'acknowledged' Kim's identity as a firefly, it finally jumped out of the belly of the 'Yi Sending Mole Cricket' and returned to the temple with you again. Before leaving, it did not forget to kick the 'Yi Sending Mole Cricket' a few more times.

[Kim is sitting on the bench across from you, explaining its identity to you...]

[It was born in a secret lair deep underground. From the moment it was born, it understood that it was different from others. 】

[The surrounding maggots sleeping in the capsule are all failures and can only gradually die in their sleep. Only it has the magical ability to parasitize, thus waking up and gaining independent consciousness. 】

[As the only semi-qualified product, it, like the rest of the insectoids, is addicted to the false memories created by the 'wet nurse'...]

[It should have dedicated its body to copy and study this parasitic ability... Fortunately, it met the beautiful and pure girl. 】

[The girl is the youngest and most beloved daughter of the ‘wet nurse’. She is in charge of the entire nest and leads the research on parasitic abilities. 】

[That is, the girl told it all the truth and helped it escape from the devil's cave. 】

[The escape process is extremely thrilling, no need to elaborate too much...]

[The girl sent it to the 'Tentacle City' closest to the nest and returned alone. It didn't even have time to ask the girl's name, nor did it write down the specific location of the nest...]

[Even so, it still remembers the girl’s voice and smile...]

[It has been wandering in Tentacle City for countless years, using its parasitic ability to gradually increase its strength...]


[It rescues every mutated maggot, fabricating its identity as a ‘Firefly Envoy’ in an attempt to make the mutated maggots change their faith...]

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! [It knows that even mutant maggots have an extremely slim chance of mutating a parasitic factor, and most of them are real waste maggots. 】

[Even if some parasitic factors are mutated, they usually only have the ability to shed their skin, and may not be able to awaken the memory of the underground lair...]

[But as long as there is a one-in-a-million chance, it is possible for it to learn the location of the underground lair from the memory of the mutated maggot man. 】

[It hopes to find its lair one day, when it will no longer be weak. It will kill all the followers of the despicable ones and rescue the girl who is still trapped in the devil's cave...]

[‘Kim’ seemed to have been holding this matter in his heart for a long time, and suddenly he met someone who could talk to him, and he couldn’t help but tell you the whole story like he was pouring beans. 】

"So that's it... No wonder when I was pretending to be a Maggot Man, I heard Kim say that it has the same abilities as the Mutated Maggot Man."

However, Kim probably doesn't know that the so-called 'girl', Flanda, has now turned into a terrifying appearance similar to a 'war worm', with only the head and half of her body still looking like a human being, while the lower body is simply indescribable.

"Should I take Kim to meet Frenda?"

At this time, taking Kim to the 'Ancient Lair' will definitely trigger a special event.

However, Lin Xun suddenly realized that Jin was not a true 'Firefly' and did not have the ability to wander on the edge of the web of consciousness given by 'Firefly'.

As an alienated person with partial parasitic ability, Kim may be noticed by the "Wet Nurse of Desire" once she sets foot in the 'ancient lair'.

By then, not only he and Kim will die, but even 'Flanda who broke her oath' will not be spared.

"So, these two people will probably never see each other again in their lifetime..."

He could only put aside the idea of ​​letting the two of them meet for the time being.

This chapter has been completed!
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