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Chapter 336 White Velvet Snow Season, Nightmare Yuri


[You leave the abdominal cavity of the 'Yi Sending Mole Cricket' and push open the door of the 'Yinghuo Temple'...]

[‘Preacher Kim’ is praying devoutly in front of the firefly statue...]

[Kim was very happy to learn that you had successfully explored the 'Creeper Tribe' and returned intact, but it didn't last long before it seemed to remember something and fell into silence. 】

[Kim tells you that Tentacle City is just a small border town in the Kingdom of Despicable People. It knows that there is a big city near the center of the country. It is said that it belongs to the fiefdom of the Descendants of Despicable People. Unfortunately, it has never been there...]

[Kim said as he took out a map and handed it to you.]

[You have obtained the ‘Katydid City Map’ (map)! 】

[What’s even more regrettable is that it can no longer accompany you on the rest of your journey...]

[Even through the mask, you can feel Kim's reluctance.]

[Kim will explain to you that it is rare to meet a believer in the ‘Fireflies’ who shares the same belief in a heretical country, or a ‘Firefly Envoy’ with a mission...]

[But it will continue to stay in the 'Tentacle City' because its goal has not changed or wavered. 】

[It will continue to search for the location of the underground lair and find the girl who once rescued it from the devil's cave...]

[Do you want to invite Kim to go to ‘Katydid City’ with you? 】

[You told Kim that it has been searching in Tentacle City for so long but has not obtained any information about the underground lair.]

【Have you ever thought about finding a girl in another way? 】

[Since it knows that the girl is the wet nurse’s youngest and most beloved daughter, has it ever thought that the girl may have left the underground lair and gone to other parts of the country? 】

[The ‘Katydus City’ you are going to now is the territory of the wet nurse’s offspring, that is, the territory of the girl’s older brothers and sisters. 】

[Instead of staying in the 'Tentacle City' and wasting time blindly searching, it would be better to go to the 'Katydid City' with you, and maybe you can learn the traces of the girl from there...]

[Kim seems to be a little moved. When you see this, you quickly say that after arriving at 'Katydid City', you will help find the whereabouts of the girl. If you find anything, you will inform her as soon as possible. 】

[Kim finally nodded after your persuasion.]

[It calls ‘Yi Sending Mole Cricket’ and goes to ‘Katydid City’ with you...]

[There are constant vibrations in the dark belly. Kim tells you that 'Katydid City' is different from border towns like 'Tentacle City'. 】

[The "Tentacle City" in the borderland is sparsely populated. Once the "War Hatchery" creates a new batch of feathered ones, they will be sent to the war front. ]

[And ‘Katydus City’ belongs to the territory of the Despicable Ones’ descendants, and will retain many Eternals as soldiers to guard the territory. Although it has never been there, it also knows that ‘Katydid City’ must be full of dangers...]


[After walking forward for a long time, the vibration of the seat subsides, and through the fleshy membranes on both sides of the abdominal cavity, you see a bright light that you have never seen before. 】

[The flesh membrane opens, and a cold wind blows through, covered with white snow.]

[You look out, and everything in your field of vision is white...]

[I saw that the underground space was filled with dancing snowflakes, each snowflake was as big as the palm of my hand, exuding a cold and biting atmosphere. 】

[The ground is covered with a thick layer of snow, and the ice and snow extends to a large city not far away. 】

[The once prosperous ‘Katydid City’ has been reduced to ruins at some point, with snow rising from the broken walls and ruins, becoming mottled shadows in the snow-white picture. 】

[The 'Preacher Kim' next to you is stunned. It stares at the falling snowflakes in a daze, and the eyes under the mask are full of fear. 】

[It grabbed you when you were about to jump out of your abdomen, and yelled crazily at the 'Yi Sending Mole Cricket', run! Run!]

【Drill into the ground immediately! Hurry! Hurry!】

[Kim hurriedly threw out a ‘Matsutake Matsutake’, and the ‘Yisong Molecular Cricket’ caught it in one go and slowly closed the fleshy membranes on both sides. 】

[It shook its cloak, and while its abdominal cavity was still open, it fanned out all the 'snowflakes' that fell into it.】

[When the flesh membrane is about to close, through the gap, you seem to see a huge shadow floating above the ruins of the city and above the endless white snow...]

['Yi Sending Mole Cricket' chirped and quickly burrowed into the ground...]

[As darkness once again enveloped his abdomen, Kim fell down on his seat, gasping for air, and cold sweat dripped down his mask.]

[It took a while before it calmed down. Faced with your doubtful gaze, it asked back...]

[Didn’t you arrive in the country of despicable people from the outside world? How come you don’t know about the ‘White Velvet Snow Season’? 】

[Seeing you looking confused, Kim had no choice but to explain...]

[Whether they are inside or outside the country, the Ascendants believe that the ‘White Velvet Snow Season’ is a favor bestowed by the despicable ones. 】

[Maggots can emerge more easily when bathed in white snow, and heretics who have become ascensers have a chance of being promoted to the next stage of emergence. 】

[‘White Velvet Snow Season’ is seen as a blessing to those who have evolved, but to those who believe in ‘Fireflies’, it is an out-and-out divine punishment. 】

[Believers of ‘Fireflies’ will fall into madness and eventually die if they touch a little more snow. 】

【But everything has two sides, thunder can both create life and bring destruction. 】

[Do you still remember those crazy feathered ones wandering in Tentacle City? 】

[Some of those heretics fell into madness due to loss of consciousness when they were born. 】

[And more crazy heretics are because they accepted the white snow falling in the "White Velvet Snow Season". 】

[They bathe in the white snow uncontrollably for a long time. Doing so can indeed increase the success rate of promotion to the next stage of feathering, but the price is that like the aliens contaminated by the white snow, they gradually approach madness and eventually fall into madness. 】

[Kim has also experienced the "white velvet snow season" many times, and each time he escaped by hiding deep underground, hiding in a place where snowflakes did not fall. 】

[The snowfall you just saw during the ‘White Velvet Snow Season’ was unprecedented in scale. Kim has never seen such a massive snowfall in his life. 】

[‘Katydid City’ was originally a prosperous and prosperous big city, and now it is reduced to ruins, which must be related to this ‘White Velvet Snow Season’. 】

[The ruins of the city at this moment, if nothing else, have become a paradise for crazy heretics...]

Lin Xun immediately thought of 'genetic weapons'!

The Wet Nurse probably used the life factor of fireflies to create genetic weapons like the 'White Velvet Snow Season'.

Using Bai Xue can not only bring promotion to the people, but also eliminate the heretics in the land of God. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

But as the saying goes, talking about toxicity regardless of dose is just a hooligan.

Perhaps the target of the genetic weapon is not very accurate, or it could be that the Ecliterates were originally created based on the life factors of the fireflies, and are closely related species that reach the same destination by different routes.

As a result, the 'White Velvet Snow Season' is extremely poisonous to the alienated ones, but the transformed ones are not completely immune to its toxicity. As long as they indulge in the white snow too much and exceed a certain dose, they will also fall into madness.

"Why doesn't the wet nurse use an almost perverted weapon like the 'White Velvet Snow Season' on the frontal battlefield?"

Lin Xun quickly dropped his doubts.

'Bailongxueji' is a genetic weapon against alienated people, but he is not an alienated person. All he has is the body of a feathered person, and a body that does not belong to this world cannot be the target of 'Bailongxueji'.

Attack the target.

[The vibrations in the abdominal cavity suddenly subsided, and a familiar gray-bright light came from outside the fleshy membrane.]

[The flesh membrane opens, and the ‘Yi Sending Mole Cricket’ digs into an unknown underground space. 】

[The underground space in front of you is very vast, and not far away is a huge square, in which there are bustling people and all kinds of Avatars. 】

[There are dozens of ‘Yi Sending Mole Crickets’ staying here next to you.]

【You have arrived at the ‘city square’! 】

[Kim was startled and quickly shook the black cloak on his body. The cloak changed into the same color as the surrounding environment, instantly mimicking the environment. 】

[In the square not far away, the Eclipsers were all listening carefully to the speech of the tall and thin figure in the center of the square, and did not notice the movement here.]

[You are possessed by the body of the ‘Echoed Brutal Warden’! 】

[Kim maintains his mimicry and follows you quietly towards the square...]

[The tall and thin figure in the center of the square is wearing a gray robe and a carapace mask on his face. His appearance cannot be seen clearly, and he can only hear the hoarse voice coming from under the mask...]


[...The heir of the former wet nurse, who was given many territories and fiefs, and had the name of 'Guardian of the Kingdom of God', 'His Royal Highness Bertula', turned his back on the frontline battlefield and joined the evil camp of the devil.]

[The great wet nurse is kind and generous, and cannot bear to punish her offspring too much even if they betray her. 】

[‘Your Highness Bertula’ has now re-entered the cycle of life and is waiting for the next birth to continue serving the wet nurse. 】

[The rebels stationed in 'Katydid City' who were loyal to 'Betura' were all baptized by the blizzard and received the punishment they deserved. 】

[When the angels finish their tour, the unprecedented blizzard will subside.]

[At that time, you can return to ‘Katydid City’ and rebuild this great and prosperous city...]

[And of course the new ‘Katydid City’ should also have a new owner. 】

[The Great Wet Nurse gave this land to His most beloved young daughter, 'Flanda'. When the 'New Katydid City' is rebuilt, your queen, 'Flanda', will come...]

[During this period, all matters in ‘Katydid City’ are taken care of by ‘Flanda’s’ most loyal servant, that is, ‘Nightmare Yuri’...]

[You suddenly heard Kim, who was still mimicking, muttering in disbelief, ‘Flanda’… So the girl who saved it from the devil’s cave was called ‘Flanda’? 】

[But how could this happen... Didn't 'Flanda' say that it would definitely leave the 'Wet Nurse of Desire' and fall into the arms of the Lord? 】

【Why is ‘Frenda’ still working for ‘Wet Nurse of Desire’?!】

[After the announcement by the tall and thin figure named ‘Nightmare Yuri’, all the Ascended Ones in the square retreated and left on the ‘Eli Sending Mole Cricket’. 】

[Only ‘Nightmare Yuri’ and a few guards are left. 】

[‘Nightmare Yuri’ looks at you who haven’t left yet, his eyes are somewhat warning...]

[Kim suddenly pats your shoulder. Although you can’t see its expression, you know it’s prompting you to take action. 】

【Apostle of Yi Bo Yuntian, how should you choose?】

[1. Take action decisively, kill several guards, and force ‘Nightmare Yuri’ to reveal information about ‘Frenda’. 】

[2. Leave immediately, you know that 'Frenda' is trapped in the 'abandoned ancient lair', and the 'Nightmare Yuri' in front of you is obviously lying. 】

[3. Come forward and talk, claiming that you greatly admire the style of ‘Nightmare Yuri’ and want to become his servant and work for him. 】


[‘Nightmare Yuri’ looks at you and his eyes gradually change from warning to cold murderous intent...]

The fonts of the three options in front of me turned bright red and trembled violently.

Lin Xun knew that the remaining choice time was very short.

His mind changed rapidly.

The real 'Flanda' is imprisoned in an underground lair, and 'Nightmare Yuri' can openly spread false news and take over the 'Katydus City' that belongs to the wet nurse's children. Its strength must not be underestimated.

If Kim wasn't around, even if he went up to fight hard, even if he couldn't beat him and died, it would be a waste of his soul strength.

But the bad thing is that Kim is still there. If he fails to defeat him after taking action, this important plot character will not be able to be revived.

It is possible to learn the truth of the matter with the first option, but if it fails, everything will be lost.

As for the second option of escaping, given Kim's obsession with Frenda, the most he could do was for Lin Xun to run away on his own, and Kim would never run away.

Thinking of this, he immediately pressed the third option.

[You ignore Kim’s instructions and step forward to meet the gaze of ‘Nightmare Yuri’...]

[You tell me loudly that Lord ‘Nightmare Yuri’ first arrived in ‘Katydid City’, and he must be lacking obedient servants. 】

[You are deeply impressed by the demeanor of Lord ‘Nightmare Yuri’ and want to work for him...]

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! ['The Feathered Shadow Dancer Nightmare Yuri' suddenly raised his hand to stop several guards beside him, looking at your strong and sturdy body, he looked like

Looking very interested, a hoarse voice came from under the mask again...]

【You are very good!】

[Having the guts to directly make such a request to it shows that you are very ambitious.]

[However, it is not an easy task to become its loyal servant instead of an ordinary retinue. You must pass the test. 】

['Nightmare Yuri' said, pointing to the top of his head, and continued, 'Katydid City' is experiencing the baptism of blizzards dropped by wet nurses, and ordinary people cannot move freely in the city. ]

[If you are exposed to a little more snowflakes, you will become like those rebels, losing your mind and becoming crazy.]

[In the very center of Katsy City, there is a building called the ‘Bicui Sacrificial Ground’, which is the only building in the city that has not collapsed. 】

[If you can retrieve the 'sacrificial emblem' left there from the 'Bicui Sacrificial Site' and prove your potential and strength, even if you pass the test...]

【Are you going to accept the test of ‘Nightmare Yuri’? 】

Lin Xun narrowed his eyes and pressed 'yes' decisively.

[‘Nightmare Yuri’ laughed hoarsely and without saying anything, it took a few guards and left in the ‘Send the Mole Cricket’. 】

[I left a message before leaving. When you get back the 'sacrificial emblem', you will go to its mansion to find it...]

[You have learned the specific location of the ‘Bicui Sacrificial Site’! 】

[You have learned the specific location of ‘Betura’s Mansion’! 】

[After the square is empty, Kim will cancel the mimicry and appear from your side.]

[It takes a deep breath and asks you loudly, are you crazy?!]

[That ‘Nightmare Yuri’ obviously can’t trust you and wants you to die. Now ‘Katydid City’ is full of elite soldiers who have fallen into madness...]

[Even if you are strong and can kill those soldiers, no one can survive the 'white velvet snow season' where the snowstorm has formed. 】

[Of course it cares about the whereabouts of 'Flanda', but if the price is your sacrifice...]

[It’s better to go directly to the mansion of ‘Nightmare Yuri’, kill all the heretics, and get clues about ‘Frenda’ from ‘Nightmare Yuri’...]

[You signaled to Kim to be calm. You are going to go alone during this snowstorm test.]

[After all, not everyone can be like the 'Firefly Angel' and can ignore the divine punishment sent down by the wet nurse. 】

[You blow the ‘calling piccolo’ and call the ‘post-sending mole cricket’.]

[You boarded the abdominal cavity of the ‘Yi Sending Mole Cricket’, leaving Kim with a handsome back, then got into the ground and disappeared...]

This chapter has been completed!
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