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Chapter 361 Bellatu the Painful One, Battle of Demigods

[You tell ‘Flanda’ that you have captured an ‘Echoed Dragon from the Kingdom of God’. Can you use this flying mount to cross the border and reach the interior of Hallownest? 】

['Flanda' was startled, indicating that it did feel that you had pulled an ownerless consciousness into the consciousness network, but it was a consciousness that you controlled. It did not have your consent, so it is not easy to explore privately. 】

[As a feathered person, the flying dragon of the Kingdom of God can indeed cross the border without attracting the attention of the "Pilgrimage Angel". 】

[But the divine dragonfly is different from the giant-veined dragonfly. It does not have a hollow abdomen and can only ride on its back. It and Kim will still be exposed...]

[‘Flanda’ thought for a while and thought of a way. 】

[Compared with 'Kim', it is smaller in size than the flying dragon of the Kingdom of God. It can break a hole in its back and hide it inside the flying dragon. 】

[But this will cause a lot of continuous damage to it. According to the vitality of ordinary flying dragons, it may not be able to support it before it reaches the border...]

Lin Xun's eyes lit up and he adopted Flanda's plan without hesitation.

His Divine Flying Dragon is an enhanced high-performance version. As long as it can successfully fly across the border, it can be healed by 'Saio Chizuhime', and it can return to its full state and continue on its way. It can be called a perpetual motion machine.

[You drive the ‘hive consciousness’ and summon the ‘feathered dragon from the Kingdom of God’...]

[You jump onto the giant wasp-shaped ‘Flying Dragon of God’, and its tentacles connect your body. You completely control every move of this terrifying creature.]

[The bone wings on your back stretch out, piercing into its back carapace, creating a deep wound that is enough to see its internal organs, and blood surges out...]

['Frenda' and 'Kim' quickly opened the wound and drilled into its body, inevitably squeezing its soft internal organs. 】

[You are connected to the consciousness of the ‘Flying Dragon of the Kingdom of God’ and can clearly feel its severe pain, but under your control, it cannot even roar in pain. 】

[The huge shadow hovering in the distance gradually approaches the sky above you, and you seem to have attracted the attention of the "Pilgrimage Angel". 】

[The huge monster flies to the sky directly above you and keeps circling...]

【Do you want to attack the ‘Pilgrimage Angel’? 】

[A thought conveys information to you through the consciousness network, and the voice of 'Flanda' sounds in your mind...]

[Don’t worry, the ‘Pilgrimage Angel’ didn’t notice anything unusual, otherwise it would definitely attack you immediately. The sudden appearance of the flying dragon should have alerted the ‘Pilgrimage Angel’. 】

[Just take off as usual. Remember, never take the initiative to attack the patrolling angels.]

[You control the ‘Flying Dragon of the Kingdom of God’, ignore the huge monster hovering in the distant sky, and take off directly. 】

[The ‘Flying Dragon of the Kingdom of God’ vibrated its two pairs of long and narrow membrane wings and quickly rose into the air. The wound on its back that had just begun to heal burst open, and the blood that had gradually stopped began to flow gurglingly again. 】

[The cold wind whistles by your ears, and the biting ice and snow scratches your face, which stings slightly. As the flying dragon of the Kingdom of God climbs rapidly, the snow-covered land under your feet is getting farther and farther away from you, and the towering spiers are getting smaller and smaller.


[Your flying mount ‘Feathered Divine Dragon’ has been slightly injured...]

[The height of your flight continues to rise, and the huge monster hovering above your head gradually becomes clear before your eyes.]


[You can already clearly see the dark markings on the scale wings of the ‘Pilgrimage Angel’, as well as its sharp and ferocious mouthparts.]

[However, the huge monster just looks down at you and gradually moves away, continuing to spread heavy snow carrying foreign factors. 】

[Your flying mount ‘Feathered Divine Dragon’ has been seriously injured...]

【As you continue to fly higher, you finally see clearly what the so-called boundaries are.】

[There are scattered stars above the zenith. After flying closer, I can see clearly that the ‘stars’ are huge hexagonal holes that resemble honeycomb cells. 】

[It is these holes that connect the ground on the second floor of Hallownest.]

[You control the flying dragon of the Kingdom of God to pass over the visiting angels and enter the empty nest hole...]

Lin Xun took this opportunity to switch to the wet nurse's body, filled the Divine Kingdom Feilong with milk, even healed the wounds, and directly sealed Flanda and Kim inside his body.

The second floor of Hallownest is still filled with heavy snow, but the number of visiting angels is somewhat reduced compared to the first floor.

If in normal times, he still has time to explore Hallownest in detail, I believe there will be many rewards.

But now that time is running out, obtaining the 'complete wet nurse's umbilical cord' and the body of the demigod realm is the top priority. We can only skip the exploration for the time being and go straight to the center of Hallownest...

The closer you get to the center of Hallownest, the smaller the land area on each floor is, and the corresponding number of visiting angels is also decreasing.

Lin Xun even saw that there were several layers of Hallownest that were not completely covered by the snow, and there were many normal fledglings there.

Fly all the way to the seventh floor of Hallownest. The underworld game prompts that 'Bellato's Reincarnation Palace' is on this floor.


[The ‘Flying Dragon of the Kingdom of God’ fell to the ground, looking depressed. 】

[You turn over and jump off your mount and look around. On this level, there is no 'White Velvet Snow Season', no 'Pilgrimage Angels', and no sign of snow. 】

[You can clearly see that the ground and sky on this level have curves. You seem to be in a circular space. The farthest thing you can see is not the sky, but the bulging and curved ground, where the spire buildings are.

They are leaning towards you at an angle.]

[You understand that the closer you get to the center of Hallownest, the smaller the land area on each level.]

[If the entire Hallownest, which is shaped like a giant egg, is compared to a hard-boiled egg, the outer layer is the eggshell surrounding the egg, the inner layer is the large tracts of egg white, and the ninth layer in the center of Hallownest is the yolk. 】

[You and the ‘Flying Dragon of the Kingdom of God’ are on a deserted street. The city on the seventh floor of Hallownest is silent. Although everything in sight is relatively clear and bright, there is an invisible spread of darkness...]

[‘Frenda’ and ‘Kim’ broke open the body cavity of the flying dragon from the Kingdom of God and got out. 】

[‘Kim’ was covered in blood and couldn’t help but take a deep breath as soon as she came out, looking like she was almost suffocated to death. 】

[‘Flanda’ is completely unchanged, and the blood stains have not even stained its white gauze skirt. 】

[It frowned when it saw the scene on this level, then closed its eyes and felt it silently, its expression became very solemn. 】

['Flanda' tells you, Oathkeeper, there should be a large number of angel warriors on the seventh floor of Hallownest, but at this time... there is not a living creature within its range of perception. 】

【Such a situation shouldn't happen, it has a very bad premonition.】

When things go wrong, there must be monsters. Even if the seventh floor is filled with extremely evil monsters, or even if it is filled with feathered angels, it will still be more normal than the current empty scene.

Lin Xun suspected that something had happened in the center of Hallownest, but at this time he could only bite the bullet and continue to his destination.

The three of them took the Divine Kingdom Flying Dragon and followed the prompts to 'Betura's Reincarnation Palace'.

Although the city area on the seventh level is much smaller than that on the outer level, it can still be called a large city. It took a long flight for a few people to reach their destination.

During this period, as Flanda said, we did not encounter a single monster.


[The large palace in front of you is like other buildings, showing the Gothic style with spires and flying buttresses, but the scale of the building is much larger.]

[You were about to step forward and push open the palace door, but you saw ‘Flanda’ suddenly stopping you. 】

[It looked solemnly and said, there are living creatures in the palace, and they are not weaker than it!]

['Frenda' passed you and took the initiative to push the door open...]

[Among them is a huge capsule that almost occupies the entire palace. Countless pipes extend from every corner of the palace and are connected to the surface of the capsule. 】

[In the capsule is a terrifying and ferocious giant feathered person.]

[Its huge abdomen lies flat like a scorpion, with bone spurs protruding horizontally. Eight exceptionally thick curved bone spurs grow from both sides of the abdomen, becoming walking legs for movement. 】

[The end of the abdomen is a high-raised scorpion tail, and the tip of the stinger is like a large drill bit, shining with faint and colorful colors.]

[Its upper body stands upright, but it doesn’t look like a human at all. The ribs between its chest and abdomen are open vertically, forming a big mouth, and the ferocious protruding rib spurs are sharp teeth. 】

[The thick arms are like giant scorpion pincers covered with barbs, and the demonic beast-like head has a bony horn, like the ramming horn of a large ship. 】

[As if sensing the arrival of uninvited guests, the giant monster opens its compound eyes, and your figures are reflected in each small hexagonal eye. 】

[A sense of cruelty and bloodthirsty gradually fills the eyes...]

[The gigantic monster opened the capsule with a wave of its scorpion claws, and the smelly culture fluid flowed and spread like a flood. ]

[It roared, and the sound shook the entire palace!]

[You have discovered the ‘Ecstatic Painer Bellatu’! 】

"Is this monster a Bellato?"

Although it has been known from the relevant plots for a long time that Bellatu will be transformed into a more perfect feathered person than the angel form after his rebirth.

But Lin Xun had no idea that this ghostly appearance was a 'more perfect' form.

[‘Flanda’ held you in one hand and ‘Kim’ in the other, stamped her toes on the ground, and instantly exited the gate and came outside the palace. 】

[It said to you quickly, with the character of a wet nurse, it is not surprising that the rebellious Bellato was transformed into this state. 】

[It’s just that the clone Bellatu is too strong, not even weaker than it at all. You and ‘Kim’ cannot participate in this level of battle. Hurry and stay away to avoid being affected. 】

[To deal with ‘Betura the Painful’, it has no certainty of victory, so it can only use the form of an alienator and release all its strength to give it a try...]

[After saying that, ‘Frenda’ used her hands to throw you and ‘Kim’ far away. 】

[At the same time, with a loud noise, the large palace collapsed, and a terrifying figure rushed out from the endless smoke and dust, and the target of the charge was 'Frenda'! 】

[Compared with the terrifying figure of the huge monster, the human girl form of ‘Flanda’ is as weak as a swaying grass. 】

[But I saw that 'Flanda' was not afraid of the terrifying monster that was crushing me. It took a deep breath and its body underwent shocking changes...]

[The petite girl's body expanded rapidly, and six bone thorn claws broke through the girl's smooth back, like devil's claws, which could firmly protect 'Flanda'. 】

[There is a tough fleshy membrane connecting the thorn claws, which makes the thorn claws not only powerful in attack, but also capable of fast flight. 】

[‘Flanda’’s lower body is completely alienated. Instead of the smooth legs, there are eight thick and sharp spider legs, which are covered with sharp barbs. 】

[The hands turned into sharp and terrifying large sickle blades, and the long hair turned into twisted snakes...]

[In the blink of an eye, the petite girl turned into a gigantic monster slightly smaller than ‘Belato the Painful’. 】

[The bone thorn claws on the back wrapped the body of 'Frenda' to resist the charge of 'Belato'. The spider plowed two deep ravines with its feet, and retreated continuously to crush a spire building behind it. 】

['Bellato' roared, and the strong scorpion pincers hit 'Flanda' like a giant hammer. The latter also screamed and waved the sickle to attack...]

[It’s just that ‘Flanda’’s strength seems to be inferior to that of the enemy. She tried her best to fight but was staggered. 】

[The monster took the opportunity to pounce on her, and the ferocious mouth on her chest and abdomen tore out large chunks of flesh and blood from 'Flanda'. 】

[The scorpion tail at the end of the abdomen is suddenly pierced, and it is inserted into the body of 'Flanda' to inject violent poison...]

[‘Frenda’ resisted with all its strength, barely repelling the enemy, with blood dripping from its body, and its movements were somewhat hampered by the poison in its body. 】

[Your friendly sworn character ‘Flanda’ is slightly injured! 】

Lin Xun originally thought that the two would fight evenly, but he didn't expect Flanda to be at a disadvantage.

If it continues to develop in this way, Flanda will definitely be defeated.

[The 'Kim' next to you saw bloodshot eyes, but did not step forward to help. It knew that not only could it not help 'Flanda', but it would become a drag, making 'Flanda' have to protect it.


['Kim' gritted his teeth and said, that 'Bellato' was transformed by the wet nurse and completely lost its human form. The feathered factor in the body is estimated to far exceed its own factor...]

[No, it should be said that ‘Bellato’ is entirely made of the Ecstatic Factor! 】

[In order for 'Frenda' to retain her human form, the original flesh and blood factor and firefly factor in her body should maintain a balance. 】

[The flesh and blood factor belonging to the wet nurse is completely weaker than the firefly factor, which makes 'Flanda' no match for that monster...]

['Kim' said this, looking at you sincerely and saying, it knows that it is too weak to participate in the battle, but you must have a way to help 'Frenda', right? 】

Lin Xun naturally didn't need Kim's reminder.

If you directly join the battle, you will most likely be killed instantly by the enemy. You must know that after merging the fireflies factor, 'Flanda' is at the peak of demigod strength, and is only one step away from the realm of a god.

In other words, only the clone 'Belato' made entirely from the Eclipse Factor, or the Firefly Factor, can have the upper hand in the battle.

Although he cannot directly join the battle, he can help 'Flanda' win.

Healing skills and control skills are the key weapons to reverse the situation of the battle!

This chapter has been completed!
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