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Chapter 369 Face to face with the gods, the wailers of the underworld

The strength of the wet nurse's children varies greatly, but even the youngest Flanda has a demigod state. Inferring from this, Lin Xun suspects that some of the older direct children may have reached the god state.

If Flanda and Kim meet several collateral heirs or young heirs, they will naturally be able to kill them randomly with the strength of top demigods.

But if you meet the descendants of the gods... they will be in danger!

[The flesh and blood lair was dark and oppressive. After the Eternal One reported the battle situation, the three huge shadows revealed a ferocious scaly claw, and then lurked in the darkness again...]

[Suddenly, a pair of blood-red and huge eyes light up in the darkness. Those suppressed and crazy eyes seem to pass through the light curtain, staring at you. 】

[The sound of angry roaring followed... How dare the humble ants peek at it?!]

[The oval light curtain in front of you instantly shattered into pieces, turning into countless stars and disappearing. 】

[You can’t help but look at the ‘Librarian’ on the side. He seems to have expected this. He chants the spell again and creates a new light curtain. 】

[The 'Librarian' sighed with meaning, he was discovered accidentally...]

[The new light screen is more solid than before, and the picture is clearer, but the picture is no longer in the flesh and blood lair, but to 'Frenda' and 'Kim' who are on their way...]

Lin Xun was shocked.

The administrator cannot directly disclose game-related information, but conveys certain information to him in such a subtle way.

As top-level demigods, Frenda and Kim were unable to sense the prying eyes of the light curtain, but the wet nurse and her offspring in the flesh-and-blood lair could detect it immediately.

"God? Could it be that he is the heir of a wet nurse who has the realm of a god?!"

"Not good! Frenda and Kim are in danger!"

[‘Frenda’ and ‘Kim’ followed the retreating footsteps of the Ascendant army and marched quickly...]

[After marching for a period of time, the two saw an endless army of feathered ones at the end of their line of sight.]

[Among the army of Ascended Ones, there is a large temporary camp. Standing tall in the center of the camp is the huge nest of flesh and blood. 】

['Frenda' frowned slightly when she saw the nest standing in the distance. She closed her eyes and felt it silently, then her brows relaxed and said to 'Kim' beside her...]

[It can feel that there are many near-supernatural powers in the enemy camp, and they should be mass-produced and hatched angel warriors.]

[These enemies are not important. What is important is that there are two powerful forces in the Flesh Nest. They are slightly inferior to it, but they have also reached an extraordinary level. 】

['Kim' was very excited when he heard this. Those two forces must be the children of the Wet Nurse. Defeating them should complete the test! 】

[‘Kim’ roared, brandishing his giant scorpion pincers and charging forward! 】

['Flanda' looked hesitant, it could be seen that 'Kim''s charging movement had stirred up a large amount of smoke and dust, attracting the attention of the feathered ones, so it could only follow...]

Lin Xun was extremely anxious as he watched. Flanda could only feel two forces in the flesh and blood lair, which undoubtedly confirmed his guess.

The remaining wet nurse's offspring was so powerful that it transcended realms, making Flanda unable to sense it at all.

"We must pass the news to Flanda, we can't let them die in vain!"

There is also a ‘Firefly Stone’ presented by Frenda and Kim in the toolbar.

Although the ‘Firestone’ cannot directly summon plot characters, it can convey a message for help.

With Frenda's intelligence, she should be able to get a warning from this.

Lin Xun tried to click on the prop to use it, but was told by the underworld game that the prop was temporarily unable to take effect.

At this time, Kim had already rushed into the army of feathered ones and started killing blood. Not a single feathered one could withstand its offensive. Rivers of blood flowed everywhere in its path, and there were stumps and broken limbs.

More than a dozen 'divine dragons' stood in front of Kim, and were crushed into scum by a brutal collision.

Kim's pain vessel has not lost much strength after losing its 'intact wet nurse's umbilical cord', and its current combat power is estimated to be about the same as Flanda's.

Kim is responsible for dealing with enemies on the ground, while Frenda is responsible for destroying flying troops in the sky.

Flanda did not appear in the battle form of the alienated person, and she wiped out all the powerful flying units one by one in her human girl form.

Just like swatting a swarm of mosquitoes with an electric mosquito swatter, a spectacular dumpling scene will appear every time an attack is launched, and the enemy will fall into a large area.

The two of them quickly penetrated the enemy camp with overwhelming advantage and gradually approached the giant lair.

Just as the two approached the temporary camp, the angel warriors dormant nearby suddenly emerged and launched a sneak attack.

Among them were not only the four great angels Lin Xun had seen, but also several unfamiliar angel warriors.

The total number of these angel warriors is estimated to be twenty or thirty.

However, in Lin Xun's opinion, the powerful angel warriors could not stop Flanda and Kim.

Even their joint sneak attack, which had been prepared for a long time, could not cause much harm to the two.

Kim swung the scorpion pincers violently, hitting the three cruel angels that were attacking it.

Cruel Angel didn't even have time to scream, before he was hit without any suspense and instantly exploded into a ball of blood mist.

Several Bloody Angels in the distance fired their stings at the same time, and the blood-red light and shadow flashed past, piercing Kim's body, and it was like scratching an itch for it.

This scene is exactly the same as when the nine-tailed fox used divine thunder to scrape 'Belatu the Painful'.

Flanda suddenly stepped on the ground, and her figure disappeared on the spot, reappearing among the Plague Angels and Bloody Angels in the distance.

One can imagine the consequences of long-range attacking angel warriors such as Plague Angel and Bloody Angel being approached by Flanda.

Just like a lioness pounces on a flock of sheep, the scene can be called the aesthetics of violence.

Flanda and Kim seemed to be alone in the midst of thousands of troops, while Lin Xun looked on anxiously.

The closer the two get to the flesh and blood lair in the center of the camp, the more dangerous they become.

"The Firestone has no effect, what else can I do..."

"That's right! I have a hive mind!"

Lin Xun soon thought that 'Flanda' had once used hive consciousness to convey words to him.

It's just that that time the two were very close, Flanda was hiding in the body of the flying dragon from the Kingdom of God, and he was riding on the back of the flying dragon from the Kingdom of God.

Under the current situation, he was not sure whether he could contact Flanda using the 'hive consciousness', so he could only give it a try.

If the two of them could receive his warning now and run away with all their strength immediately, there might still be hope of survival.


[You try to drive the ‘hive consciousness’...]

[Somewhere, you feel a small grid of consciousness that is independent of the world.]

[In the colorless consciousness grid, in addition to you and the flying dragon of the Kingdom of God, there is also the extremely powerful consciousness of ‘Flanda’. 】

[You try to convey your thoughts to 'Flanda' through the consciousness grid...]

[Your special attribute ‘Hive Consciousness’ is already at level 12, reaching the minimum level 10 required for ‘Idea Transmission’. 】

[The idea is being transmitted...]

[Because you are too far away from the target person and your ‘hive consciousness’ level is too low, the information transmitted by ‘thought transmission’ will be distorted and biased...]

[At the same time, Flanda, who was far away on the battlefield on the front line, was slightly stunned and threw away the ‘Plague Angel’ that had lost its life breath. 】

[It said to ‘Kim’ who was excited to kill on the side. It had a very dangerous premonition. The hidden enemy seemed not as weak as imagined. 】

[‘Kim’ did not stop his offensive and said without thinking, no matter how strong the enemy is, it must pass the test, and the only way to pass the test is right in front of you. 】

[If you escape here because of a premonition of danger, how will you pass the test and return to the Oathkeepers?]

[If they use their feet to run from the frontline battlefield to Hallownest, by the time they arrive at Hallownest, the wet nurse will probably have already started giving birth to a second child...]

[‘Flanda’ opened her mouth to say something else, but after thinking about it for a moment, she felt that what ‘Kim’ said was very pertinent. 】

[Besides defeating the enemy and passing the test, they have no other way to quickly return to Hallownest...]

['Frenda' clenched her fists and rushed into the enemy again...]

Lin Xun continued to send messages to Flanda through the 'hive consciousness'.

But the two of them knew that there was great danger ahead, but they could not stop attacking and escape from the battlefield.

Because that's the only way to pass the test.


At this time, in the light curtain screen, Frenda and Kim had quickly eliminated the remaining angel warriors.

They approached the nest of flesh and blood, and the wet nurse and her offspring hiding inside finally couldn't bear it any longer and launched a surprise attack on the two of them.

What surprised Lin Xun was that there were only two raiders, and they were the offspring of a wet nurse who had been transformed into half human and half insect.

But the descendant with the power of a god did not show up and was always hidden in the lair.

Thanks to his early warning, the two knew that there was great danger hidden in the lair, so they took precautions in advance.

The surprise attack by the two wet nurses was completely resisted by Flanda and Kim.

At this time, Flanda has fully opened her firepower and appears in the battle form of the alienated person.

The two of them cooperated tacitly, and Kim took advantage of his thick skin to withstand the attack of a wet nurse's offspring, and joined forces with Flanda to focus on another enemy.

The Zisi who was targeted was not as strong as the two of them, so he died on the spot quickly under the combined efforts of the two.

The remaining heir was unable to survive alone, and was unable to withstand the combined attack of the two men. Unsurprisingly, he also died one after another.

The two of them quickly defeated the two wet nurse heirs at the cost of Kim's slight injury.


[‘Kim’ shook off the smelly blood stained on the scorpion pincers and smashed to death a few more fleeing fledglings. He couldn’t help but think, it seemed that the test was not difficult at all. 】

['Frenda' shook her head, looked at the flesh-and-blood lair occupied by giant beasts, and reminded that the source of danger should come from this lair.]

[But according to its perception, there are no enemies in the lair at all...]

[The two looked at each other and saw the solemnity in each other's eyes.]

['Frenda' took a deep breath and was about to step into the flesh and blood lair, but was stopped by 'Kim'. 】

[It chuckled. It should be left to it to explore the path, so that it can fully utilize its expertise.]

[‘Kim’ was the first to enter the Flesh Nest. As soon as he entered, he saw a huge and terrifying shadow. 】

[The lair is very dark. The only dim light comes from the top, casting the shadow of the terrifying existence on it, covering its whole body. 】

[‘Kim’ couldn’t hold back the trembling all over her body and shouted without thinking, ‘Frenda’, don’t come in! 】

【Escape quickly!】

[However, ‘Flanda’ did not stop and walked straight into the lair. 】

[The moment it saw the huge shadow, it finally realized that the enemy in front of it was not the wet nurse's collateral offspring, but one of its eldest brothers, one of the first offspring born to the wet nurse. 】

[‘Thorens, the Wailer of Hades’ retreated its huge body slightly, allowing ‘Flanda’ and ‘Kim’ to see its appearance clearly. 】

[Its huge body is abnormally twisted and deformed, as if it is composed of countless feathered beings of different sizes melted and then blended together. The surface of the body is uneven and pitted, and one feathered one after another can be seen wailing under its skin. 】

[The feathered ones struggled hard, trying to pull and tear their skin to escape from this deformed hell, but they were imprisoned here and gradually melted and merged with the deformed body. ]

[Just seeing the terrifying appearance of ‘Solons’ is enough to give people a trembling feeling in their souls. 】

[‘Flanda’ couldn’t help but take two steps back. It stared blankly at her brother who had the strength of a god but was transformed into this appearance. 】

[‘Solons’ laughed loudly. Just listening to the sound, anyone would think that the owner of the sound was a cheerful and sunny young man, but they would never have imagined that the person making the sound was such a terrifying body. 】

['Solons' laughed and told, 'Flanda', you are the wet nurse's youngest and most beloved daughter, and also her former sister. And you...]

[It looked at ‘Kim’ who was still trembling uncontrollably and continued, timid ‘Bellato’? No, no, it’s just a maggot occupying the body of ‘Bellato’. 】

['Frenda' clenched her fists, came to 'Kim', looked up at the terrifying and deformed monster and said, 'Solons', how did you become like this? 】

[‘Solons’ looked down at ‘Flanda’, who also looked like a bug, and continued to tell, my sister wants to arouse its hatred and anger towards the wet nurse? So as to spare you two heirs who have abandoned the wet nurse? 】

[There is no need to play with this little trick, if it wants to kill you, it will not be much more difficult than crushing a bug.]

[Since it has allowed you to come here intact, and also used your hands to get rid of two collateral heirs, it means that it has no ill intentions towards you. 】

[Sister, don’t let fear affect your thinking and judgment...]

[‘Flanda’ suddenly raised her head and said, tell me what you want them to do. 】

[‘Solons’ smiled and said, this is what ‘Frenda’ should look like. 】

[Its request is very simple. It needs you to go to Hallownest and find ‘Assad’. 】

[If ‘Assad’ is still alive, help him escape from Hallownest. If ‘Assad’ is dead, take his body outside Hallownest and bury it. 】

[Well, there is another possibility. If ‘Assad’ is half dead, then kill him and bury him outside Hallownest. 】

['Frenda' couldn't believe it, is it that simple? 】

[‘Solons’ affirmed, it’s that simple. As a guarantee, you need to make an oath to ‘Firefly’. 】

[When you make an oath, it will let you go...]

[Kim on the side suddenly asked why they were asked to go instead of letting other feathered ones go, or why he went there himself...]

['Frenda' interrupted 'Kim''s words, nodded and agreed to 'Solons' request, and put forward a condition, which is to let the feathered army outside retreat again. ]

[‘Solons’ readily agreed, and ‘Flanda’ made an oath to the fireflies she believed in under its gaze. 】

[When ‘Kim’ saw this, she could only make an oath with ‘Frenda’...]

Lin Xun breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

Although he still had doubts, he knew that the two plot characters would not be in danger. And if nothing unexpected happened, the two of them would soon complete the test and return to Hallownest.

You can wait until Frenda comes back and then ask the person involved for clarification.

Flanda and Kim finished their vows, and Solons let them go as promised.

With a loud horn sounding, the army of Elevated Ones retreated again...

The prompts for the underworld game then appeared.

[Small-scale battle victory has been achieved!]

[Your friendly sworn character ‘Flanda’ has passed the test of ‘Librarian’. 】

[Your friendly sworn character ‘Kim’ has passed the test of ‘Librarian’. 】


[A light flashed in front of your eyes, and ‘Franda’ and ‘Kim’ appeared in the library. 】

Lin Xun looked at the game text and suddenly thought of a possibility.

He had always preconceived the idea that the accident during the test was caused by the underworld game.

But now seeing the game text again, he realized that he had overlooked another possibility.

Testing is the responsibility of the administrator. The person most likely to intervene in the test is not the underworld game, but the administrator.

If the game text is not fake, then the administrator is the biggest suspect.

The administrator next to him is obviously not the target of his suspicion. The target of his suspicion is the identity of the administrator in the library!

This chapter has been completed!
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