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Chapter 41 Invasion Test

 [You find a wooden door ajar on the wall of the corridor beside you, with a faint orange light shining through it.]

[You push the door open and find an old man sitting in the small room. He is in ragged clothes, and his gray pupils reflect the faint light of the candle in front of him.]

【Do you want to come forward and talk?】

Finally met the NPC!

Lin Xun's eyes lit up and he quickly clicked "Yes".

[You step forward to talk to him, and the old man slowly raises his head to look at you, his pupils flashing with a faint green light of hunger, and then he lowers his head and continues to stare at the candlelight in front of him.]

Lin Xun frowned and chose to come forward to talk again.

[You step forward to talk to him, and the old man slowly raises his head to look at you, his pupils flashing with a faint green light of hunger, and then he lowers his head and continues to stare at the candlelight in front of him.]

Are all NPCs in this game so aloof?

The scene in front of me seems a bit familiar.

Lin Xun remembered that the last time the NPC ignored him like this, he had died because of Kikube's injury, and even his body was taken over by him.

This old man also wants to make the same mistake as the blacksmith?

This old man doesn't look like an NPC like a businessman or a blacksmith, but rather like an NPC who gives tasks or intelligence clues.

If I cut it directly, I might miss some important event.

Lin Xun read the text carefully, and the old man saw that he seemed to be... hungry?

Do you need food?

Open the inventory to find some props, equipment and scraps.

The only thing that looks like food is "sunflower seeds".

He clicked on the sunflower seeds, and sure enough, the gift option appeared.

[You hand over the ‘Sunflower Seeds’ with both hands and give them to the hungry old man in front of you.]

[The old man slowly raised his head to look at you, and then shook his head. The hungry green light continued to shine in his pupils. He lowered his head and stared at the candlelight in front of him.]

[‘The Hungry Old Man’ refuses your gift.]


Good guy, you have such a strong character, you don’t want to eat the food you come to?

Lin Xun frowned. Could it be that the food he fed was wrong, so the option to talk to the NPC was not triggered?

But there is nothing else similar to food in the inventory.

So, what exactly does this NPC want to eat?

Lin Xun still didn't believe it, so he clicked on the props in the inventory one by one.

"Half bottle of healing holy water" is incorrect, no gift option is displayed.

"Women's silk petticoat" is also wrong...

"Poisoned Flying Knife", here I go, my hands are almost shaking and I click on the throwing option.

Finally, when I clicked on "Fetid Bezoar", the gift option appeared again.

Lin Xun was shocked, wasn't he? This NPC has such a strong taste?

[You hand over the ‘stinking feces stone’ with both hands and give it to the hungry old man in front of you.]

[The old man suddenly raised his head, snatched the bezoar from your hand, stuffed it into his mouth, chewed and swallowed it.]

[After the old man finished eating, he looked like he still had something to say, and the faint green light in his eyes became even brighter.]

...There is no chat option, probably because I haven’t eaten enough.

Lin Xun continued to click on the gift. Anyway, this thing is junk and not worth much.

I'll give you as much as you want to eat. If you don't have enough, I can go outside to the sewers to kill monsters.

In short, I will definitely feed you today!

After Lin Xun continued to give away two stinking bezoars, the text finally changed.

[The ‘hungry old man’ licked his lips, caressed his slightly bulging belly and nodded, seeming to be satisfied with your hospitality.]

[It takes out three crumpled and shimmering long slips of paper and hands them to you.]

[You have obtained invasion bookmarks*3]

[The old man's eyes revealed a look of examination, and you suddenly realized that this special test will determine the reward for you based on the outcome of your random invasion of other apostles.]

[Are you going to accept the test of the ‘hungry old man’?]

Lin Xun's eyes lit up, this deal is a profit but not a loss!

Through the information on the Apostles Forum, he learned that the random invasion mechanism in the game is based on the number of times the Apostles have cleared chapters.

It can be roughly understood that if an apostle has only cleared a chapter once, he may be invaded by an apostle who has cleared the chapter once or twice, but he will basically not encounter an apostle who has cleared the chapter three or five times, unless he is very unlucky or designated.


Apostles like Lin Xun, who challenge chapters across difficulty levels and haven't even completed the initial chapter, are equipped with top-notch equipment and skills.

His use of hacked bookmarks is an act of torturing children and beating them up. This kind of task of giving away spirituality for free is simply not very pleasant.

Press accept without hesitation.

[You have accepted the test of the ‘hungry old man’.]

[Start random invasion...]

Lin Xun silently waited for a lucky person.

I don’t know who would be so lucky to meet him.

[Invasion successful! You invaded the chapter of the unknown apostle.]

[The weak apostle with the white light shining on his body shivered in fear when he saw you, and the scimitar in his hand dropped to the ground.]

[The powerful apostle, how should you treat him?]

[1. Force him to kneel down. If you are in a good mood, you may choose to spare his life.]

[2. Raise the staff and gun in your hand and let him know what cruelty is!]

This apostle was obviously a newbie, and Lin Xun couldn't bear to look at it and pressed the second option.

[You raise your staff and gun and recite the spell silently...]

[The weak apostle with white light shining on his body shouted angrily, stood up to resist, picked up the scimitar and rushed towards you.]

[A flash of red light...]

[You defeated the apostle "I am Ai Xi, your wet nurse", and you gained 55 points of spirituality.]

【You are returning to your chapter...】

It’s really a max-level boss who abuses food in Novice Village without any difficulty.

[‘The Hungry Old Man’ saw you returning victoriously, nodded with satisfaction, and urged you to carry out the second invasion.]

【Militant Apostle, do you want to invade?】

Lin Xun continued to press "Yes".

The second invasion also went very smoothly, and the other party simply gave up resistance and chose to beg for mercy.

Lin Xun directly fired "Filthy Sunlight" to take him away and end the battle.

The only regret is that I only gained 15 spiritual points this time. It seems that the invaded apostles have learned how to retain spiritual props.

Suddenly Lin Xun frowned slightly, feeling something was wrong.

Every apostle should know the secret to retaining spiritual props after experiencing one or two invasions.

So what's the point of invasion? It can't just be about enjoying PK, right?

Maybe the invasion has other effects, but it hasn't been triggered yet.

Ignore these for now, we have to continue the invasion now, and only the last victory is left to collect the rewards!

[The 'Hungry Old Man' saw you returning victorious again, the admiration in his eyes became more intense, and he urged you to carry out the third invasion.]

[For some reason, you feel that this invasion is different from the past.]

[Start random invasion...]

[A hoarse old strange laughter is faintly heard in your ears.]

Lin Xunyi frowned, this text made him wary.

I guess something bad will happen.

[Invasion successful! You invaded the chapter of the unknown apostle.]

[When the powerful apostle with white light shining on his body sees you, he lets out a disdainful smile, raises the metal glove in his hand, and approaches you...]

[Weak apostle, what should you do?]

[1. Kneel down and beg for mercy, praying that the apostles, who are also favored by God, will show mercy and spare your life.]

[2. Raise the staff and gun, silently recite the incantation, let her understand what it means that a scholar can be killed and not humiliated.]

What is going on?

From the text description, it seems that he met a senior apostle.

Didn't you say that the invasion is matched according to the number of clearances? How can you still encounter boss-level characters?

The amount of spirit that can be dropped has reached 575, and there is a high probability that all of them will be dropped in this PK.

Horse eggs! It must have been the old man who ate the Ollie that gave me this...

This chapter has been completed!
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