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Chapter 388 Lord Cains Aesthetics of Violence, Outside the Battlefield

Lin Xun narrowed his eyes, already making a decision in his heart.

It's rare to come across such a good power bank body, wouldn't it be a pity to let it go so easily?

If Amos had teamed up with him to kill Agabus first, and then finally faced him due to the rules, Lin Xun would still have given him a winning spot because of their past friendship.

But this guy's first thought is to cheat his teammates. No matter how generous Lin Xun is, he will not tolerate such a thing.

In the Disciple War, no, it should be said in all PK chapters, the body of the apostle will dissipate and disappear directly after death.

Lin Xun wanted to get the necromancer body of this power bank, but he couldn't get it by normal means.

But just because it can't be done in the game doesn't mean it can't be done in reality.

Ordinary apostles do not have the unique ability to possess themselves. In reality, they cannot possess the enemy even if they see their corpse.

But he is different. There was an example of killing the 'engineer' and taking the body a long time ago.

In reality, after the apostle dies, the body will gradually recede and dissipate, but the dissipation speed is much slower than in the game. The possession effect can be achieved by using the multifaceted talent.

[‘The Seventeenth Disciple Cain’]

The body of the 'Evil Son of the First Fire of Desire' is broken in everything, but it's not embarrassing at all. It can't fly.

At this moment, I truly realized the Lord’s good intentions.

[The dazzling blood light suddenly erupted into the sky, turning into a thick pillar of blood that shot straight into the sky, dispelling the layers of dark clouds! 】

Although there are numerous chapters in the Book of Salvation, the number is unimaginably small.

Zhang Huiliang woke up from a dream and quickly summoned the 'Gate of the Underworld' again to make a qualified power bank.

A weakling at the level of a demigod was scared away by the last disciple, and it would be embarrassing to tell anyone about it.

"Yes, villain!"

"Ah, here! Little Cain, your orders."

I switched to the body of the 'Purgatory Angel', and no flesh and blood power was added to my body. Possessing me and changing my body made it completely impossible for others to notice any abnormality.

"Are all the new disciples of that generation such stupid parallel imports?"

After waiting for a long time, the sounds of Shang'er's fighting finally subsided.

When Yamos died, these eight subordinates also died together due to "soul annihilation" along with them.

Compared with the time when I first took over the "power of flesh and blood", the situation of quickly squirming my flesh and blood to change my appearance was a huge step back.

[He looked towards the center of the battlefield, where two figures with flashing red light stood under the broken bones on the ground.]

[The shell skill——‘The Sword of the Mind that Destroys Illusion’ is activated! 】


It was at this time that Kim was the 'eye' of the firefly, and there was no main god-level alias behind him, so he could go from a preliminary understanding of the extraordinary to a certain level of control over the extraordinary in a very short period of time.

[After crossing the big island, there is no island yet at the end of the sight.]

[In an instant, he only felt his body stiffen, as if a light and majestic mountain was pressing under his back. Even if he did not have the power of a demigod, he would not be able to break free from the oppression of the mountain. 】

Zhang Huiliang doesn't care about the two disciples joining forces. As long as they haven't entered the demigod realm, let alone two disciples joining forces, even if there are seven or ten, I don't have the confidence to kill them all!

But seeing the scene now, I had rehearsed the noise by Shang'er himself.

[Unexpectedly, Cain, the seventeenth disciple, also raised Lin Xun and pointed at him. 】

It's just a silver pewter gun tip. I use my disguise skills to make people think I'm extremely weak. In reality, I'm not a lowly disciple!

[He flew down into the sky, and the island on his feet was getting further and further away from him, getting bigger and bigger...]

[When the bloody meteor transformed into the figure of the 'Seventeenth Disciple Cain' again, everything was left in the deep red ravine plowed out by this meteor, including him of course...]

"If you didn't have detection skills, you would have almost been deceived!"

"You actually had the delusional thought of...killing Cain?"

My intuition tells me that the worst thing to do is to do that.

[As the most majestic oath of judgment came down...]

"Hmph! Do you think that the combined strength of two people can resist you?"

[He discovered the ‘Eleventh Disciple Agabus’!]

Jeremiah couldn't help but tremble all over, and the fear of death that would annihilate his soul had quietly arrived.

In that disciple war, bringing only one follower showed my weak self-confidence.

But it wasn't that short moment that perfectly explained what explosive killing, cruel killing, cruelty and cruelty are!

In other words, the game determines that the 'Seventeenth Disciple Cain', the newest disciple at the bottom, does not have the qualifications and strength to defeat the mythical BOSS?

Jeremiah had rehearsed the battle situation several times in his mind, thinking that the expected situation would be far less deviated.

I seemed to see a god of death placing the death sickle on my neck, and then... swung it hard!

[Body skill: ‘Ultimate Zepelli Ao Ray’ (legendary skill):…]

[He looked into the distance and saw a small island, which was the same shape as the island on his feet. It was smaller in size but smaller in size.]

Zhang Huiliang stared at the battle behind him in stunned silence. From the end to the beginning, it only took a short moment.

[Body quality: legendary level]

As the luster representing the breath of life in his eyes gradually dimmed, everything fell into deathly silence.

I never imagined that Cain's power could reach such an extent!

Jeremiah's patience was so short that he was too lazy to play the snipe-clam game.

It wasn't until I scanned the first skill called 'Cell Transformation Beam' that I suddenly realized it.

Under this mobile phone that fell to the ground, the game named "Book of Salvation" quietly disappeared...

Jujian narrowed his eyes, I can't believe there is no secret in it!

[Body——‘The Giant of Light of Justice’]

As long as I kill the two remaining people, I can become the eighth disciple even if I did everything before!

Because Cain is far from as weak as I pretend to be.

[Body level: 85]

"What are you still doing? Recharge your batteries!"

In the 'soul-killing option', apart from me and my followers, the only remaining disciples are the 11th disciple Zhang Huiliang and the 17th disciple Cain, whose followers have not yet died in battle.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading!...

[The fighting nearby has not stopped yet. The battlefield is in a mess, and the trees standing there are all withered and dry. 】

[The breath of blood surges and boils from the sword body, completely drowning it!]


However, Jeremiah did not receive news of the death of either of the two people outside of the 'soul-destroying option'.

When intuition and experience are followed, Zhang Huiliang definitely activates his investigative skills. Only the information detected using the skills is the most authentic!

[Same as his demonstration and oppression, it raised the bloody Lin Xun and spoke hastily...]

[He discovered the ‘Seventeenth Disciple Cain’!]

Perhaps only the low-level disciples, those who have mastered the power of the top demigods, can firmly suppress Cain.

It was a long time ago that this small scarlet sword was once again filled with rich blood.

Yes, no matter how weak the apostles are, they can't fight against these extremely terrifying and extremely weak main gods.

I collapsed to the ground. Even if I choked, I couldn't suppress the demonic howl of pain. My body was twisted and twitching...

Agabus had already seen the power of that weapon, which could be called a divine weapon, and he was quite jealous.

Jeremiah would only encounter that kind of situation when facing a mythical BOSS.

The body of the 'Purgatory Angel', at the moment of possession, changed into the appearance of the 'Son of Evil' due to the influence of the authority of flesh and blood.

The giant sword could suppress a thought at this time, what would happen if it left the range of the eight islands?

Jeremiah wasn't a little angry. If it weren't for the strong detection skills, I would probably be scared in my determination.

Jeremiah couldn't help but grab his own throat, trying to cover up the despair of soul annihilation with suffocating joy.

Jeremiah instantly analyzed the most reasonable battle situation.

[In the distance, the entire battlefield is filled with a scarlet aura that is so rich that it melts away...]

With that thought in mind, Jeremiah hurried to the battlefield.

[At the end of the meteor impact, the bright red blood reflected his extremely frightened and desperate face...]

[‘The Seventeenth Disciple Cain’ turned into a bursting bloody meteor, instantly crossing the distance and attacking him with the force of destroying heaven and earth! 】

[When he used the detection skill, the 'Seventeenth Disciple Cain' seemed to have no idea and turned to look at him! 】

The island where the Disciple War takes place is relatively large, and its area is estimated to be the size of a small city.

As a demigod, Jeremiah had already learned the nature and truth of the end of the world from the librarian.

[The other figure carries a narrow bloody Zhang Hui on his shoulder. The endless scarlet aura that spreads across the entire battlefield comes from that small sword! 】

But at this time, it can only float about half a meter above the ground. If you want to truly soar into the sky without any obstacles, you have to wait until your soul truly adapts to the weakness of the body.


"Hmph! How could Cain's strength be so ridiculously weak? It turns out it's because of his disguise-type transformation skills."

"It is estimated that only the villain Vishnu can defeat Cain..."

Jeremiah recognized the fact, but there was no way to explain why Cain and Agabus could fight for so long.

In the headset, Cain called me bad several times before Zhang Huiliang came back to his senses.

[Before the bloody meteor, there is a red ravine like a lava explosion! 】

"In this case, I will ask you to clean up those qualified elimination candidates for the master... Are we qualified to retreat to the 'new world'?"

[The pale moonlight has not fallen because the clouds have dispersed. As far as the eye can see, the sky and the earth are filled with this maddening and sinking scarlet light...]

"Today you have to teach them a lesson...demigods are mortals and can be defeated!"

Those two extremely stupid last apostles are not worthy of going to the new world!

[Shang'er's pressure caused the surrounding trees to squeak under heavy pressure. With him as the center, the trees were crushed to the ground one after another, the branches were dancing wildly, and the leaves were flying...]

Analyzing the battle situation based on the content displayed in the options, it should be that Agabus encountered the tenth disciple Zhang Huiliang long before the start and fell into a bitter battle.

My followers and I were just outside, and it was obvious who the two sides fighting in this close area were.

Agabus felt extremely regretful. With such terrifying power, even if he went to the island where the middle disciple was, he could kill them like melons and vegetables.

【Judge here!】

[He showed a cruel smile, raised his sword and pointed it at the enemy from a distance, spreading out all the terrifying power of mythical level without any reservation...]

The body of the son of evil in the first fire has reached the mythical level in terms of the bonus of talent, and has entered the realm of demigods.

That was the most unexpected thing. It was not a small problem to predict that the situation of the battle would be correct. Anyway, I was going to kill two people in the end.

In that world, it just so happens that there are no eight vengeful male gods and sisters, and it just so happens that it conforms to the rules of the disciples' war?

I rushed on the road at full speed, threw my followers on board, and very slowly arrived at the battlefield first.

I am determined to give Agabus a hard time. As for Cain... let’s first taste what life is like and what death is like!

But all that is in vain!

While I was working hard to find the two final disciples, there was suddenly a loud sound of fighting nearby.

Jeremiah glanced at the information and saw a row of legendary qualities, among which only two shell skills reached the legendary level.

Jeremiah's first reaction was that there were bugs in the game, but long-term gaming experience told me that the game was real and bugs were possible.

For a native demigod-level weakling, this is nothing short of trouble.

[Just like that, he felt that the sword in his hand suddenly became lighter. He had to use all his strength to be able to lift it...]

Agabus' strength was equal to that of Amos, and he also carried a sufficient number of retinues. However, he was severely suppressed by Amos, causing two of his retinues to die one after another.

[A person is wearing a white robe and holding a short staff. The staff is hidden for seven weeks, and the evil spirit is wailing and crying...]

But I only dare to fantasize secretly, and I definitely dare to put the thoughts outside my mind into action.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! When the internal strife between the two last apostles began, and the loser was finally decided, the expression on his face must be very good when he saw me again!

According to Vesinu, the chapters of each Disciple War are the same, but the rules have not changed much.

The giant sword has regressed a bit compared to when it first mastered the power of demigods.

Before you gradually master extraordinary power, you will naturally have a series of extraordinary abilities that match it, and flying is not one of them.

[Hull equipment: 'Spark Prism - Divine Light Rod' (legendary weapon):...]

Jeremiah's face suddenly changed, and his heart was filled with turmoil.

[Wherever the scarlet meteor passed, waves of bloody flames swept across the small land. The dry trees were unable to withstand the aftermath of the impact, and were uprooted by the powerful force and fell into the small sea. 】

Jeremiah did not rush to the battlefield at the slowest speed, but swayed over quickly and leisurely with his followers.

[He has successfully learned the enemy’s body information!]

I thought for a moment and then preached to Yaga: "Daya, he stayed here to move around and wait for you to come back."

[‘The Seventeenth Disciple Cain’ holds the hilt of Lin Xun’s sword with both hands, standing upright behind his chest, looking directly at the blade of the sword...]

Kim has done that before.

Jeremiah was so happy that he spoke out: "Those two people are really tired of life. Later, the little enemies joined forces to confront each other, and instead they started fighting among themselves."

[He knew that those were not the eight islands in the crew’s memory, but the eight islands controlled by the eight sisters, the vengeful gods, and used to toy with mortals!]

[He raised the long sword in his hand, pointed the sword tip at the enemy, used the sword as his eyes, felt with his heart, explored the illusion, and returned to his true nature...]

As far as Zhang Huiliang knows, the villain Wei Xinu does not have mythical level strength and is a terrifying existence of top demigods.


Just when Agabus was holding on, Cain, who was on the same front as him, arrived in time, and the two of them joined forces to launch a fatal blow and killed Amos.

【he died!】

[Body skill: ‘Cell Transformation Beam’ (legendary skill):…]

"Then, how is that possible? Is Cain in disguise?!"

Based on the skill name of 'Cell Changing Beam', it is difficult to infer that it is a skill similar to changing one's body.

Zhang Hui shook his head and then had an even weirder thought, followed by the thought he had thought of before.

But when facing the 'Seventeenth Disciple Cain', the game actually showed that 'he felt very light pressure'?

This group of official apostles are so smart that they only think of striking an egg with an egg. It is really foolish.

[Body skill: ‘Dillahulme Light Flow’ (legendary skill):…]

The ninth disciple, Agabus, took his only follower and quickly searched in the jungle, trying to catch the only two disciples who were behind the crane.

[He wanted to raise his sword to resist, but before he could lift the heavy sword, there was only more and more intense and dim blood in his field of vision...]

Just like a giant sword in reality, even if it possesses a body, the extraordinary power contained in the soul alone is enough to make the body float a few centimeters above the ground.

The giant sword clicked on the 'Soul Destruction Option' and found that not a single disciple in the middle disciple's area was killed, and several followers died in the battle.

[Just standing still and moving with a small sword on his shoulder makes him feel very light pressure!]

You know, there are only seven people left on the entire island at this time.

But how do you find the chapters that comply with the disciples' war rules among the vast number of chapters?

I will inevitably become weaker and weaker until I am no longer qualified to follow the Lord to the real ‘new world’.

[He was unable to block the terrifying power, but he could only watch his body explode into pieces of flesh and blood all over the floor...]

[‘The Eleventh Disciple Agabus’ was like a child who had done something wrong in front of it. No matter how driven it was, he could only obey its orders, but he dared to make mistakes. 】

"Tsk, tsk, those two are really noobs pecking each other. They fought for a long time and the winner was decided. It's really not funny enough."

The soul possessing the body will gradually rise as the strength of the body increases.

However, in order to complete the operation of seizing the body in reality, at least until the end of the Disciple War.

I was startled: "That's right. The panel is so spread out, so the game will show that Cain is weak?"

[The sound of sonic booms that can shatter eardrums echoes under the island...]

[The ‘Fourth Disciple Jeremiah’ is an evil heretic who believes in God!]


This extreme pain from my soul gradually grew and swallowed me up...

This chapter has been completed!
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