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Chapter 43 Black Giant Worm

 The tunnels in the sewer are intricate and intricate, like an ant nest, extending in all directions.

Lin Xun spent most of the day exploring this place. At the end of the sewer maze is the road leading to the next level.

[In front of you is the entrance to the bottom of the sewer. The steps going down are covered with black and stinking slime.]

[You can vaguely hear the crawling sound of some huge creature coming from under the stairs.]

【Do you want to enter the ‘bottom of St. Lance Sewer’?】

Is this an elite monster or a BOSS?

Lin Xun did not enter rashly, but returned all the way to the rest page.

After the rest, the mobs in the entire sewer will also be refreshed.

Lin Xun followed the recording options on the computer and turned each of the mobs into experience points. After two rounds of swiping the mobs, the body of Bishop Huang was finally upgraded.

[The power within the body begins to boil, and the body level of the ‘Sinking Yellow Bishop’ increases. The current body level is: 14]

【You are more powerful!】

With Bishop Huang's current level and equipment, Lin Xun believes that as long as he doesn't encounter a BOSS like Hai Long, he will be able to fight.

After all, the bonus of epic weapons to this body is quite large.

Follow the route back to the entrance to the bottom of the sewer.

Lin Xun click to enter.

[You go down the steps and enter the ‘bottom floor of the St. Lance Sewer’]

[The bottom floor of the sewer seems to be a huge space, and the light of the ‘Thunder Dragon Staff Gun’ in your hand can only illuminate the surrounding area.]

[The giant creature hidden in the darkness senses your presence and attacks you with a rustling squirming sound...]

This thing should be the BOSS at the bottom of the sewer, and it may reveal a lot of good things.

Lin Xun rubbed his hands and looked at the options that popped up on the screen.

【What should you do?】

[1. Take out a 'stinking fecal stone' and swallow it in one gulp, praising its excellent flavor. Maybe the monsters in the dark will think you are the same kind.]

[2. Raise the staff gun, send it a shot of "dirty sunlight" in the dark and gloomy space, and roar "Blind your dog eyes".]

[3. Throw down the stick gun and shout "Look here". The glowing stick gun may attract the attention of the monster, allowing you to escape successfully.]

Lin Xun automatically ignored the first and third options and chose to be tough.

I am so strong, there is no way I can lose!

Skipping class? That is the choice of the weak.

In the face of absolute power, all monsters are nothing.

[You raise your staff and gun and recite the spell silently...]

[The huge monster seems to be sensing something, and its squirming speed speeds up, coming to you.]

[It was only then that you saw clearly that it was a giant black worm. It required several people to hug it. Its thick body snaked and occupied half of the space on the bottom floor. It was covered with smelly mucus.]

[The mouthparts on its head open wide, revealing dense circles of fangs, ready to swallow you whole...]

[A flash of red light...]

[You defeated the ‘Sinking Black Giant Worm’, and your experience value has been greatly increased.]

[The power within the body begins to boil, and the level of the body of the ‘Sinking Bishop in Yellow’ increases. The current level of the body is: 15]

Right! This is the correct rhythm.

Lin Xun's self-confidence is back.

The yellow-clothed bishop died once at the Blood Sun BOSS and once at the Sea Dragon BOSS.

The body of the master that he finally obtained died one after another, making him doubt his own strength.

Fortunately, this time the powerful Master successfully vindicated himself.

But, why didn’t this BOSS explode anything? It shouldn’t have happened.

[The apostles, immersed in the joy of victory, did not realize that the worm's unique life properties allowed it to still have mobility for a short period of time after death.]

[You were swallowed up by the ‘sinking black giant worm’.]

【You are dead!】

"I am in no relationship with this hellish game of yours!"

Lin Xun finally resisted the urge to smash his cell phone.

Take a deep breath to relieve your sharply increased blood pressure.

He estimated that there should be no apostles who died due to exhaustion of soul strength in the game, but there were definitely a lot of apostles who were angered to death by this underworld game!

Fortunately, the body of the Discipline Knight and the body of the Engineer are not used yet in the game.

[The weak wandering soul is reborn in the sewer tunnel...]

Lin Xun was so angry that he stopped caring about sustainable development and directly possessed the engineer's body.

There is no need to worry about the bloody sun in the dark sewers, it is just the right time for engineers to show up.

He didn't believe that there could be any monster that could knock down an engineer.

[The weak wandering spirit possesses the body of the ‘Pyramid Company engineer’.]

[You have taken control of this strange body, which contains fragments of the engineer’s memory during his lifetime...]

[You have not entered the relevant chapter and cannot obtain memory fragments.]

Lin Xun curled his lips and didn't care. The engineer's memory corresponded to another doomsday chapter, which was of no use to him at the moment.

[Feel carefully, the surging power surges through your body, and you feel that you are extremely powerful and invincible.]

The only shortcoming of the engineer now is that he has no equipment, and the 'nano biochemical armor' on his body has been damaged and needs to be repaired before it can be used.

Lin Xun's imagination suddenly opened up. Can the blacksmith repair this high-tech equipment?

After thinking about it, I thought it was too magical. A blacksmith doesn't even have a kindergarten diploma. How can he understand a circuit diagram? What's more, it's a high-tech combat uniform made of artificial intelligent muscles.

It's a pity that the blacksmith has lost his temper. Next time you have extra soul strength, you can give the blacksmith a try.

Put away your thoughts and check the equipment in the inventory.

He tried to equip the engineer with the Yellow Bishop's 'Thunder Dragon Staff Gun'.

[You are equipped with the ‘Thunder Dragon Staff Gun’!]

【You are more powerful!】

Lin Xun is not surprised either. There are no career restrictions in this game. In the past, Blood Sun Cultists who were similar to thieves could all equip knights' swords.

It makes sense that engineers can equip the ‘Thunder Dragon Staff Gun’ which can be used for both long-distance and melee combat.

In this case, Lin Xun simply took off all the equipment of the bishop in yellow and put it on the engineer.

【You are more powerful!】

Looking at the 32-level body level in the body panel, Lin Xun could only say, it smells so good!

He grinned, feeling a sense of cheating pleasure in the game.

"Up, down, down, left, right, left, right, BABA?"

"Or whos your daddy?"

He wants to tell this underworld game: Wo Nen Die!

On the way to the bottom of the sewer, it was a pity that there was not a single mob along the way, and he had wiped them all out.

Otherwise, if a dog appears, Lin Xun will go up and slap it twice.

[You go down the steps and enter the ‘bottom floor of the St. Lance Sewer’]

[The bottom floor of the sewer is a huge space. You use the light of the ‘Thunder Dragon Staff Gun’ in your hand to illuminate the front.]

[The body of the ‘Sinking Black Giant Worm’ has disappeared, and there are props left behind by the monster’s death on the ground ahead.]

[You step forward and pick up the props...]

This chapter has been completed!
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