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Chapter 399 The old friend who knows the world, the Pole Star Society!

【You have entered the doomsday chapter.】

【Chapter 82740877】

[The powerful wandering soul awakens in the dark and cramped cell...]

[You open your eyes, and your eyes are dim and oppressive. The only source of faint light comes from the 'resting pages' floating quietly behind you. 】

[The cell is cramped and small, and the floor is full of sewage and filth. The pungent stench will make you feel sick to your stomach.]

[With the faint light of the ‘rest book pages’, you can see clearly the internal structure of the cell...]

[The tightly closed fine copper door is the only exit of the cell. Through the straight opening on it, one can see that the outside world is still dark. 】

[Except for the body in the corner, there is nothing else in the cell that can attract your attention.]

[It was a skinny and short male corpse. Its body was covered with scars from whipping. It only had a ragged linen covering its lower body. You couldn’t tell the prisoner’s identity before he was imprisoned just by looking at his clothes. 】

[The light all around is very dim, you have to get close to the body and look carefully to see its appearance clearly. 】

[I saw that the face still retains the twisted expression before death, the skull on the forehead collapsed, leaving blood stains that have almost solidified and dried up, and there are dry and empty eye sockets on the face, and the eyeballs are missing...]

[The shell of the 'knowledge-seeking medical assistant': a teaching assistant in a medical school of transplantation. Medical schools are logistics organizations that serve various schools of thought. Although the status of a teaching assistant is the lowest professional title, it is still a pretty respectable job.

[The teaching assistant was imprisoned in a dark cell for some reason. Maybe you can get a glimpse of the truth from its memory. It died after hitting a wall. Relativity: 145% (65%)]

【Do you want to possess this body? 】

"Transplant School of Medicine?"

It is still unknown which area the current cell is located in. In the previous omniscient chapter, Lin Xun had not heard of the organization of the 'Transplantation School of Medicine'.

From the intelligence information revealed by 'Grand Maester Rona' in Chapter 4, it is known that the 'Imperial Capital - Saint-Etienne' belongs to the area in Chapter 7, but there should be more than one map of the Imperial City in Chapter 7.

[You are possessed by the body of a ‘knowledge-seeking medical assistant’!]

[Fragmented memories in the body gradually revive...]


[Becoming a high-ranking scholar is the dream of every civilian child, but not everyone has the talent to absorb that great knowledge, integrate it into themselves, and harness the power of knowledge.]

[Unfortunately, I did not pass the scholar qualification test, and I do not have the talent to become a scholar.]

[I once fell into despair and gave up on myself...]

[But fortunately, the great 'Almighty True Knowledge' has given me a pair of stable and dexterous hands, which has given me an outstanding talent in 'eye transplantation'. Giving up literature and practicing medicine to transplant eyeballs for scholars is also a good way out. 】

[That is, at this moment, I am determined to become the greatest "transplant doctor" in the future, so that those scholars who are above me have to lower their heads and beg me to perform transplant surgeries. 】

[In order for me to learn transplantation technology, my parents spent all their little savings, but I lived up to their expectations and was admitted to the best transplantation school in the imperial capital, ‘Josefka Medical College’ with excellent results. 】

[Four years have passed by and I have successfully obtained the certificate of ‘trainee transplant doctor’ and graduated successfully...]

[But 'trainee transplant doctor' is the lowest professional title rating. Only those poor students from the polyscope school will spend sporadic money on 'trainee transplant doctor' to transplant cheap low-level eyeballs. 】

[If I want to live a more decent life, I must stay in medical school for another three years and obtain a higher professional title rating...]

[But my parents have already spent all their savings to pay for tuition, and I don’t have any extra money to pay for tuition or subsequent exams.]

[Looking at my parents’ gray hair, I let out a long sigh. Just train as a doctor. It’s enough to make money to support your parents and yourself. As for dreams... Fuck dreams, little people don’t deserve to have dreams. 】

[Just when I was bowing my head and compromising on life, the dean, Mr. Bennett, found me.]

[The life of this dean is very legendary. He has grown from a wild doctor in a rural clinic to a big shot step by step. Every graduating student regards him as an idol and wants to become someone like the dean. I also


['Mr. Bennett' is a famous figure. Even those aristocratic scholars who look directly at the school can only queue up to make an appointment for transplant surgery. Even if they make an appointment, they have to wait for more than half a year. 】

[They didn’t complain at all and seemed to be very afraid of Mr. Bennett. According to rumors, the dean had an incredible background and had an extremely powerful backer in the school...]

[Mr. Bennett saw my embarrassment and my forced compromise with reality. He said to me, would you rather be an unknown person, live in peace all your life, and die in bed with a catheter inserted, or would you rather die in bed with a catheter inserted?

Are you willing to do your best to leave your name in history?】

[A nobody or a world-famous person, how do you choose?]

[I don’t know why, just two simple questions made my blood boil.]

[Yes, once upon a time, I was determined to become a big shot like the dean, but how could I easily bow my head to reality and obey the ears? I also had a dream...]

['Mr. Bennett' saw the blazing fire in my eyes called 'unwillingness' and 'ambition', and he promised me that I could stay in medical school and do some odd jobs, without earning a penny in three years.

Salary, but you can freely borrow precious books and materials from the medical school during the period.】

[After three years, it will provide me with an opportunity to take the exam free of charge. If the exam is successful, it will also bear the cost of the next higher-level exam. 】

[Everyone says that Mr. Bennett is greedy and stingy, but I know very well that he is definitely not stingy. He is more generous than anyone else to children with dreams. 】

This chapter is not finished yet, please click the next page to continue reading the exciting content! [With Mr. Bennett taking care of me, of course I will not waste this hard-won opportunity. Only by studying with all my strength can I be worthy of my parents.

Only by being worthy of Mr. Bennett can I be worthy of the dream I have never forgotten...]

[Three years later, I successfully obtained a higher-level professional title. Mr. Bennett told me that with my current ability, I could leave medical school and join some private clinics, which would be enough to live a more decent life, but it

I know that my dream will never stop here...]


[I became a teaching assistant at the medical school. I still didn’t get a single cent of salary, but I didn’t have any complaints. Mr. Bennett promised me that three years later, when I successfully passed the exam again with his support,

Can be promoted from 'teaching assistant' to 'mentor'...]

[Even associate professors and professors in the future are no longer an unattainable dream!]

[It is truly a blessing from the great ‘Almighty True Knowledge’ that I can meet such a noble person as ‘Mr. Bennett’ in my life…]

When Lin Xun saw this, the corners of his mouth raised unconsciously.

Seeing this deception and money-saving operation, he knew that the 'Bennett' in the assistant's memory must be that former friend.

Unexpectedly, Bennett could come to the imperial capital from the original city of Sophia and become the dean of the medical school. His life is really amazing.

"Bennet has a powerful backer in the school...could it be Lorna?"

Lorna came to the imperial capital first to study. If she succeeds in her studies, there is a high probability that she will protect Bennett, an old friend from her hometown.

"I just don't know the current time point, how long it has been since the last Chapter 4..."

Judging from the memory of the teaching assistant, I guess it must have been more than ten years.


[I originally thought that I would continue on the road to my dreams until I became a famous figure in the world, but no one knew which one would come first, the accident or tomorrow. 】

[Mr. Bennett's support in the school collapsed, and it is said that he defected to the "Pole Star Society". However, those aristocratic scholars have endured their anger for many years and finally found an opportunity to vent their anger. 】

[The dean has been charged with the serious crime of ‘chasing the stars’, which is a taboo and unforgivable crime. 】

[I know that Mr. Bennett is the most devout omniscient believer. He once mentioned to me in his spare time that he was lucky enough to meet the 'Messenger of the True God' in a distant foreign land. There is an unspeakable secret between the two...]

[In short, it is absolutely impossible for it to ‘chasing the stars’ and become a heretic and traitor who betrays God. 】

[Aristocratic scholars asked medical school instructors to become ‘witnesses’ and fabricate unfounded charges.]

[Most tutors do not believe that Mr. Bennett will "chasing the stars" and are not willing to serve as a witness. I stand at the forefront of the team and loudly scold the despicable behavior of noble scholars... But there are always a few people in the medical school.

, will sell his conscience for dirty money.】

[Mr. Bennett was imprisoned in the imperial capital, while people like me who dared to defend the dean were detained and transported to the Blackwater Prison in Notos, the auxiliary capital. ]

[This 'Blackwater Prison' is notorious, and most of the prisoners here are heretics and traitors who 'chased the stars'. Heretics will suffer inhumane torture and die in endless pain...]

[I know that Mr. Bennett’s life will not be in danger for the time being, because those noble scholars only imprisoned him on unfounded charges, venting their long-suppressed anger while using him to transplant their own eyeballs for free. 】

[But we ‘nobody’s’ will not be so lucky. The painful and cruel flogging seems to have no end...]

[No, there is an end. The end is when I surrender and compromise, become a witness to prove that the dean is "chasing the stars", and then die happily. 】

[Oh, you aristocratic scholars underestimate me too much. I will never betray my soul and betray Mr. Bennett...]


【But...I really can't hold on any longer.】

[The criminal in the cell next door is a real heretic who "chases for the stars". He seems to appreciate my firm will to resist death. 】

[It told me that tonight the executive officer of the ‘Pole Star Society’ will send strong men to rescue the imprisoned church members. 】

[If I am willing to abandon the 'Almighty Knowledge' and make the oath of the 'Bright Stars', then I will be free tonight. 】

[Betrayal? Betrayal again! Do I look like a treacherous person? 】

[Oh, in its surprised eyes, I resolutely hit the wall...]

[I want those noble scholars to know that there are still people who are not afraid of power in the world. I want the traitors who betrayed the ‘Almighty True Knowledge’ to take a good look at what a truly devout believer looks like...]

[The severe pain on my forehead made me collapse to the ground. As I lay dying, Mr. Bennett’s question seemed to ring in my ears again. 】

[A nobody, or a world-famous person?]

[I am undoubtedly a nobody, but at this moment, I am also famous all over the world...]


[The fragmented memories come to an abrupt end.]

[You have acquired knowledge, and your knowledge has increased by 1000! Current knowledge: 22600/37800]

Lin Xun frowned, feeling something bad in his heart.

Bennett was imprisoned, and the people behind him defected to the "Pole Star Society".

At this time, Bennett was imprisoned in the imperial capital. If the backer behind him was Lorna, then Lorna would never do such a thing.

There may be other people among them or there may be other secrets.

"Polestar Society, Executive Officer..."

A series of clues were intertwined and combined, and he couldn't help but think of the final event of Chapter 4 - 'The showdown between the Overlord of the Mysterious Abnormality and the Sacred Star Beast'.

At that time, he encountered a carriage of unknown origin at the entrance of the association, with an anonymous letter on it.


[We have received your letter, and the Executive Officer is already aware of the ‘Mysterious Overlord’ bred in Sophia City.]

[The 'Star Skeleton Sacred Beast' is about to go to Sophia City to contain the dispersed disordered divinity of the omniscient evil god. 】


There were only a few lines on the letter and no signature.

Combined with the same title of 'Executive Officer', the so-called 'Pole Star Society' is probably the secret organization that originally dispatched the 'Sacred Star Beast'.

He opened the body panel of the 'assistant teacher' and tried to obtain more intelligence information.

But this body is mediocre and its quality is very low. It only has a rare level of 'eyeball transplantation technology'.


[There is some movement from the wall nearby, the cloth strip blocking the hole is pulled out, and through the hole the size of a pigeon egg, you can see a strange eye staring directly at you. 】

[The hoarse voice came from the small hole...]

[Strange, aren’t you dead? Oh, it knew it, and it said it would rather die than surrender. In the end, it didn’t even have the strength to kill it. 】

[The unknown prisoner next door sneered. It claimed to give you one last chance. Their rescuer is about to arrive. If you make an oath to the 'Bright Stars' now, then it will give you precious freedom...]

【Faithful Apostle, what should you do?】

[1. Take out the hidden sword, pass through the hole, and pierce the eye of the prisoner next door with the sword, penetrating its head, and let it see how firm your faith is! 】

[2. Kneel down on the ground, curse the ‘Almighty Knowledge’, use words of praise to make an oath to the ‘Bright Stars’, and gain freedom. 】

[3. Take out the ‘Bloody King’s Sword’, split open the fine copper door of the cell with one sword, turn around and leave the place, leaving the prisoner next door with a handsome back. 】

Lin Xun narrowed his eyes.

Regardless of the options given by the game, he has two options to choose from at this time.

The first is to leave the ‘Blackwater Prison’ as soon as possible and go to the Imperial Capital to rescue ‘Bennet’.

The second is to try to contact the ‘Pole Star Society’ through current criminals to obtain more clues.

While thinking about it, Lin Xun already had a preliminary plan.

He sneered and switched bodies, taking out the 'Sword of the Bloody King'.

This chapter has been completed!
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