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Chapter 402 The summons of the servant of the God of Knowledge, who is the evil god?

After being tortured out of a series of information, Lin Xun looked solemn.

The destination of the carriage was not a branch of the Pole Star Society at all, but just a temporary stronghold of the Pole Star Society.

The order the Starsinger received was to break into Blackwater Prison, and if he could rescue the Starlight Priest, he would interrogate him about the whereabouts of the Star Chart, and then kill him and silence him.

Even if he cannot be rescued, he must find a way to kill the Starlight Priest. The worst he can do is cause a huge commotion in Blackwater Prison.

[You raised the ‘Bloody King’s Sword’, ignored the horrified look in the ‘Starsinger’’s eyes, and cut its throat with a sword...]

[Blood spurted out, staining the inner wall of the carriage red. It clutched its throat and slowly fell to the ground and twitched.]

[You defeated the ‘Looking Upward Pole Star Meeting Star Chanter’, and your experience value increased slightly! 】

[You have obtained ‘a large piece of spiritual enlightenment’*1]

[You obtained the ‘Bronze Carriage Beacon’ (special prop)]

[You have obtained the ‘driving map of the Pole Star Society’s temporary base’ (map)]

[You look at the fallen body in front of you...]

[The body of the 'Looking Up Starsinger of the Polestar Society': The 'Starsinger' is a bit higher in strength and status than the ordinary members of the Polestar Society, the 'Starseeker', but it is only a little bit higher.

The 'Starsinger' who accepted the prison robbery mission never expected that he would die in the hands of the rescue target. Relativity: 126% (65%)]

【Do you want to possess this body? 】

After possessing the body, I checked the memory. Although there was not much information about the Polar Star Society, it corresponded to what the 'Starsinger' just said. There is no doubt about the accuracy of the information.

The Polar Star Society contains most of the human heretics who betrayed the 'Almighty True Knowledge'. Behind the organization, there is the secret support of the star gods, and it can control many powerful star spirits.

This organization has been taking in the disorganized divinity of the 'Almighty True Knowledge' and sacrificing it to the gods of the stars. On the one hand, it is to pray for the gods' gifts, and on the other hand, it is to contribute divinity and enhance the divine power of the stars, so as to defeat the Almighty True Knowledge.

The Star Chart is also an item needed by the Pole Star Club.

However, the 'Starlight Priest' has been held captive by the school for some time, and the secrets that should be revealed have long been revealed.

Even if Jiexing learns the whereabouts of the Star Map from the ‘Starlight Priest’, there is a high probability that it will not be able to collect the Star Map before the school does.

The Starsinger can only be regarded as an elite member of the Polar Star Society, and he does not know much information about this rescue.

Lin Xun frowned, feeling a little abnormal from Zhongpin.

"According to what the Starsinger said, there is not much point in rescuing the Starlight Priest... This operation is more like releasing a smoke bomb than a rescue."

He shook his head and did not think about the conspiracy. The top priority now was to explore the chapter as soon as possible and increase his strength.

As the chapter progresses, the difficulty of the game will rise sharply. Now you can still rely on your strength to beat monsters with blood, but when the BOSS from all sides make a strong appearance, you may not know who will be tortured.

The ‘Starsinger’ dropped the ‘Bronze Beacon’ that controls the carriage, as well as a driving map to the temporary base of the Polar Star Society.

He also had a 'Fine Bronze Beacon' in the previous Chapter 4, but it has failed here. I don't know if it is because of too long a gap in time or because the distance between the two places is too far.


[Suddenly, the sound of another fine copper carriage galloping came from outside the carriage, the sound of metal horse hooves stepping on the ground, and the sound of wheels running over the road got closer and closer to you...]

[That carriage is obviously coming for you!]

【You are surprised, who will chase you in the confusion of knowledge? 】

[You open the compartment door, and the strong wind flows into the compartment. You hold the compartment door open and look back...]

[In the endless fog, the outline of a carriage becomes clearer and clearer, and the carriage door is open...]

[You only see a staff sticking out from it, and then a white light flashes, and countless small characters condense into a torrent of spells, attacking you quickly! 】

[You are possessed by the body of the ‘Evil Son of the First Fire of Desire’! 】

[You jumped out of the carriage. As soon as you landed, you saw the raging torrent of characters swamping the fine copper carriage. The carriage evaporated and disappeared in an instant under the powerful magical power. 】

[The fine bronze carriage in the distance stopped, the carriage door opened, and a thin scholar stepped out.]

[There is a huge eye painted on the chest of its black robe. No, that is not a decoration on the clothing, but a huge blinking eyeball! 】

[The unknown scholar reaches out to hold up the brim of his hat, allowing you to see clearly that its face has all five features, but it only has no eyes. The only eye on its body is the huge strange eye that occupies the entire chest! 】

[You have discovered the ‘Grand Bachelor of the Branch Association of the Knowledge-Seeking Direct Gaze School’! 】

[The first time you see the appearance of the ‘Grand Bachelor of the Branch Association’, your knowledge increases by 3000! Current knowledge: 27800/37800]

Lin Xun narrowed his eyes. He had just obtained the fine copper carriage and was blown to pieces by this guy's spell. Not even the dregs were left.

But this Grand Bachelor's carriage seems to be running faster than the one he just had?

[You gave a sharp look, stepped on the ground, and disappeared from the spot...]

[When it reappeared, it was already in front of the 'Grand Scholar'. The strange eyes on its chest were widened. As soon as it raised the staff in its hand, an extremely strong 'Light Wall of Knowledge' rose up from the ground, firmly protecting it.


[At this moment, countless chaotic characters jumping around appeared out of thin air in the fog on the side, and the characters gradually pieced together to form a huge and ferocious beast. ]

[The characters on the body of the beast are constantly changing shapes while shaking. When you stare at the beast, you will feel strong disorder and chaos. 】

[You have discovered the ‘Beast of Disordered Knowledge’! 】

For a time, countless thoughts flashed through Lin Xun's mind.

Quickly activate the power of flesh and blood and suspend the attack of the body.

[The 'Sword of the Bloody King' breaks through the 'Light Wall of Knowledge' like a torrent. Such a strong defensive spell is like paper in front of you, and cannot stop your violent attacks at all. 】

[Just when the giant sword was about to cut off the head of the ‘Grand Bachelor’, you stopped the attack abruptly, and the sword edge had left a shallow blood mark on its neck.]

[The ‘Beast of Disorganized Knowledge’ on the side roars and rushes toward you...]

[You hold the sword in one hand, the giant sword is still on the shoulder of the 'Grand Bachelor', and the other hand... suddenly punches with all your strength!]

[The explosive demigod power is fully activated! 】

[The extremely ferocious punch tore through the air, and even produced a strong sonic boom. Before the fist could reach, the violent air wave caused the 'Grand Bachelor' to fly backwards! 】

[There was a loud bang, and the ‘Beast of Disordered Knowledge’ was unable to withstand the power of this demigod level. Its body exploded and scattered into countless small and flashing characters. 】

[These characters seem to be attracted by something, they all come closer to you, and are sucked into your body...]

[You defeated the ‘Beast of Disordered Knowledge’! 】

[Your ‘Blessing of Knowledge 6’ is upgraded to ‘Blessing of Knowledge 7’. After the amount of knowledge is overloaded, the upper limit of the amount of knowledge acquired increases again! 】

[There are also some broken characters that are not attracted to you, but condense into a huge character that flashes white light.]

[You vaguely remember the origin of this mysterious character. It is the character you saw on the chest of the robe of the Servant of the God of Knowledge when you entered the Temple of Knowledge.]

[You have been summoned by the ‘Temple of Knowledge’! 】

[Do you want to step forward and touch the characters to be transported to the ‘Temple of Knowledge’? 】

"Fuck, if I don't go to see you, you come to me on your own initiative?"

Similar scenes have appeared before. Sometimes the "Beast of Disordered Knowledge" appeared to correct Lin Xun's mistakes, and sometimes to summon him into the Temple of Knowledge.

But now there is only one person in the Temple of Knowledge, and that is the 'Servant of the God of Knowledge' who has usurped the authority of omnipotent knowledge.

He frowned in thought, the choice was right in front of him, to go or not to go?

[The ‘Grand Master Staring Directly’ who rolled to the side struggled to get up and stared at you with strange eyes on his chest in disbelief.]

[It said in fear, you, you... that was the beast of disordered knowledge just now. Have you received the blessing of the Lord? 】

[You are not a heretic who chases the stars, but you are the messenger of the Lord? You are actually the messenger of the true God?!]

['Grand Scholar' hurriedly knelt down on the ground, kissed the ground at your feet, claiming that he did not recognize your distinguished identity just now, and even bumped into the messenger of the true God under misunderstanding, and begged the messenger to forgive its offensive behavior...]

[If the messenger is willing, please follow it back to the Direct Gaze Association, and everyone in the association will definitely receive you with the highest courtesy!]

[Apostle who is confused about the way forward, do you want to teleport to the 'Temple of Knowledge', follow the 'Grand Scholar' to the Direct Vision Association, or continue to rush to the 'Pole Star Association Temporary Stronghold'? 】

Now that the 'Beast of Disordered Knowledge' appears again, it means that the 'Servant of the God of Knowledge' has discovered that he has returned to this world again.

If you don't go, you will be completely embarrassed.

But if you go, you are likely to face unknown and huge dangers.

Lin Xun looked at the options in front of him and considered them secretly for a long time...

"I gave in once last time, and I can't give in anymore this time... It's a blessing, not a curse, but it's a curse that cannot be avoided. If I really fall out, the Servant of the God of Knowledge will definitely have other ways to deal with me."

He gritted his teeth and pressed the first option, teleporting to the Temple of Knowledge.

[You step forward and touch the characters. In the shocked eyes of the Grand Master, the mysterious characters bloom with pure white light, covering your whole body...]

[Your body gradually becomes transparent and turns into nothingness...]



【Transmission successful!】

[The powerful wandering soul awakens next to the eternal obelisk...]

[The world in front of me seems to be dominated by this everlasting towering obelisk, and the very familiar pure white temple behind it. 】

[In front of the stone steps at the entrance of the temple, the ‘Beast of Disorganized Knowledge’, which is almost as tall as the temple, lies lazily dozing...]

[It seems to sense your arrival, raises its eyelids, snorts as a greeting, and continues to squint its eyes and doze off.]

[It does not exude hostility towards you, but you can feel extremely powerful power in it. Such power is definitely beyond the demigod level, and is far beyond what you can compete with now. 】

[Do you want to enter the ‘Temple of Knowledge’? 】

"The watchdogs are so strong... If I really want to break up, the servant of knowledge doesn't have to do anything. I just need to send the body of this big dog down next time, and I'll have to rest."

Lin Xun shook his head and pressed the 'Yes' option.

[You sideways to avoid the ‘Beast of Disordered Knowledge’, step up the stone steps and enter the temple...]

[The scene in the magnificent temple is the same as what you have seen before, without any change, as if the erosion of the long river of time cannot make the temple even half worn. 】

[There are two neat rows of statues on the left and right sides of the temple. These character statues of different shapes seem to contain extremely vast and complex knowledge, which is not something that mere mortals can comprehend. 】

[You look towards the end of the temple. There are countless characters forming a pure white throne, and a familiar old figure is prostrate. 】

[It senses your arrival, stands up, and the 'Servant of the God of Knowledge' in white robe smiles and greets you...]

[Twenty-five years later, the person chosen by the true God, you finally returned to this world to meet him. 】

Lin Xun was startled, twenty-five years?

Chapter 4 Has it been exactly twenty-five years since now?

[The 'Servant of the God of Knowledge' still has a kind look on his face, waving to you, indicating that you don't need to feel unfamiliar or afraid, come closer and talk...]

[You hesitated for a moment, then stepped forward and came to the old man in white robe...]

[The clear eyes of the 'Servant of Knowledge' flash with light. It looks at you like an elder looking at a junior who has done something wrong. It cannot bear to punish harshly, but is full of pampering and love...]

[It tells you with a long sigh...]

[Under the guidance of Allah, you went to the ‘Hermit Canyon’ and witnessed the fall of the loyal ‘Hermit Ancestor’...]

[But you seem to have misunderstood the original meaning of 'The Forefather of the Hermit', and also misunderstood the direction of the guidance of the great Allah. 】

[Actually, the facts are completely different from what you think...]

[All these experiences are to tell you how terrible and terrifying ‘disorder’ is! 】

[‘Disorder’ is the most powerful and irresistible enemy. 】

Lin Xun recalled the advice of the 'Hermit Ancestor', which was only a short sentence: Unless Allah can get rid of 'Disorder', you will never set foot in the 'Temple of Knowledge' again!

He frowned. Is there any hidden secret? The fact is that the servant of the God of Knowledge did not usurp the authority of the 'Almighty True Knowledge', but he just thought too much?

[The 'Servant of the God of Knowledge' will continue to tell you... you will solve all the questions and mysteries about it one by one during the subsequent journey. 】

[It has a strong premonition that at the end of your journey, you may be able to see the glimmer of light that Allah is about to awaken.]

[But no one knows whether the awakening of the ‘Almighty True Knowledge’ will bring about the rebirth of everything or the ultimate destruction for the entire world. 】

Lin Xun's heart was shaken, and an extremely ridiculous feeling came over him.

The rebirth of everything is relatively easy to understand, but what does the final destruction mean?

Could it be that when the 'Almighty True Knowledge' awakens, is the moment when the world will come to an end and will eventually be destroyed?

He couldn't help but think of the source of doom he had obtained in Chapter 4, which was called - 'Almighty True Knowledge'.

All the clues seemed to match up.

The 'Bright Stars' are not foreign invaders, and the greatest evil god in this world is not the 'Bright Stars' at all, but the 'Almighty True Knowledge'.

This chapter has been completed!
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