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Chapter 413 Exploring the Abyss Report, Abyss Recovery

It takes only one ultimate spell from the Protoss to consume 5% of the energy of the magic circle. No matter how long the blue bar is, it is impossible to release the ultimate spell continuously.

Unless you use the 'Source of Star Sea Potion' you just obtained to activate temporary cost-free spellcasting.

Lin Xun naturally knew what the underworld game was about, so he sneered and switched bodies directly.

[You are possessed by the body of the ‘Evil Son of the First Fire of Desire’! 】

The Son of Evil has an endless stamina bar. Even if he cuts here forever, he doesn't have to worry about fainting due to exhaustion.

He turned on the "blood boiling" state and began to violently output against the defensive array.

[You wave the ‘Bloody King’s Sword’, and the scarlet light explodes and blooms, continuously attacking the defensive formation...]


The damage output of the Son of Evil is very powerful, and the reserve energy of the magic circle is beginning to decrease visibly with the naked eye.

[The current remaining reserve energy of the ‘Star Annihilation Magic Array’: 89/100]


[The current remaining reserve energy of the ‘Star Annihilation Magic Array’: 71/100]


[The current remaining reserve energy of the ‘Star Annihilation Magic Array’: 50/100]

[With your chopping skills, the light displayed by the defensive array in front of you changes from solid to illusory, and it seems that it is about to be broken and damaged. 】

[When you see such a scene, you understand in your heart that the reserve energy that the defensive array can draw has reached a critical value, and it can only resist one more attack before it collapses...]

【Do you want to continue attacking?】

Lin Xun thought for a while and decided to use the 'Star Annihilation Ring' to attack the magic circle to see if he could use up the stored energy at once.

From the previous text information, we can know that the authority of the Astral Envoy is higher than that of the Astral Envoy. Even if he returns to the branch of the Pole Star Society, he will not be able to use the ring to kill the Astral Envoy.

On the contrary, because the 'Star Annihilation Array' still has stored energy, it will be killed by the star realm using the array.

The defensive array in front of you can mobilize the reserve energy, and there may be other facilities that can also use the reserve energy.

Instead of doing this, it is better to fight fire with fire and use up all the remaining energy!

[You used the ‘Star Annihilation Ring’ (special equipment)! 】

[You choose to use the current maximum authority to mobilize 30% of the reserve energy in the ‘Star Annihilation Magic Array’ to launch an attack on the target! 】

[The current remaining reserve energy of the ‘Star Annihilation Magic Array’: 20/100]

[The ring on your hand flashes, and endless starlight pours out from the void. In the blink of an eye, it gathers into a thick beam of light and shoots towards the defensive array! 】

[There was a loud bang, and the whole branch building was shaking.]

[The defensive array in front of me instantly drew out a large amount of reserve energy, but it still failed to withstand the devastating attack of the light beam. It eventually shattered into countless light spots and disappeared...]

[Please note! The current reserve energy of the ‘Star Annihilation Magic Array’ has been completely exhausted! 】

[The ring on your hand is dim and seems to have temporarily lost its effectiveness.]

[You understand that unless a large amount of materials are added to the magic circle to restore its charge, the ‘Star Annihilation Magic Circle’ will not be able to be activated again. 】

[Since the defensive array has disappeared, you no longer feel blocked.]

[You step forward, pass through the long corridor smoothly, and arrive in front of the office door of the ‘Astral Envoy’. 】

[Although the door is locked, there is no defensive formation blocking your progress again. 】

[You don’t have the relevant key, do you want to break the door lock and force entry? 】

[You raise your foot and kick it, and the whole door and the frame will fly into the room.]

[You were just about to step into the office when you saw a flash of light above the eaves of the door. When you looked closely, you saw an unknown fine copper device emitting a beam of light towards you. 】

[You seem to have triggered some kind of trap. You tried your best to dodge but failed to avoid the sudden attack of the beam. 】

[The scorching light burns through your skin, pierces into your flesh and blood, and will penetrate you...]

[But I saw the fine copper device flickering twice, as if the energy was exhausted, the beam shone intermittently, and then extinguished and disappeared...]

[You were clever and exhausted the reserve energy of the ‘Star Annihilation Array’ in advance, so that the trap device had no subsequent energy replenishment, and you were lucky enough to escape. 】

"...There really are other traps."

The astral realm in front of us makes the office so tightly guarded, so there must be something of great value hidden in it.

[You did not enter the office directly to search, but jumped up and used brute force to pull off the hidden copper device above the door eaves. 】

[You have obtained the ‘Scorching Starlight Trap Device’ (prop)! 】

['Scorching Starlight Trap Device' (prop): A magic circle with the spell 'Scorching Starlight' burned into it. Driven by the trap device, the trap can be triggered under preset conditions and release 'Scorching Starlight' to the enemy. 】

[The current remaining energy of the trap device is 0/100]

Lin Xun previously obtained a fine copper trap device with a 'time prison', and now he obtained a trap device that can release spells.

"The appearance of one trap device in this chapter can be called an accident, but two can appear..."

"There was a plot character who made fine copper dolls in the previous chapter. Judging from the two trap devices, there is a high probability that there is a plot character who specializes in making fine copper traps in this chapter."

Lin Xun thought for a moment and put away the trap device.

[You enter the office. The office of the ‘Star Spirit Envoy’ occupies a large area and is extremely luxuriously furnished. 】

[You know there must be precious things hidden here, but maybe there are similar traps...]

[You carefully start searching...]


【You find a large number of valuable books in the bookcase.】

[You have obtained a ‘book containing a huge amount of knowledge’*6]


[You find an ancient scroll in the fine copper box on the desk.]

[You have obtained the ‘ancient scroll recording star spells’ (legendary item)! 】


【You no longer find valuable items or props.】

Lin Xun frowned. The harvest from the Astral Envoy's office was not much different from that of the other Astral Envoys. It was just that the quality of the skill scrolls obtained was a bit higher.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! This is obviously not in line with the status of the Astral Envoy, and does this skill scroll need to be protected by a defensive array and a trap counterattack array?

He refused to give up and continued to search, but the game originally always displayed 'You have found no valuable items or props.'

"There must be some kind of treasure hidden here, an underworld game. Do you think you can stop me like this?"

Lin Xun narrowed his eyes, and with a cruel heart, he directly activated the "flesh and blood authority" and manipulated the body to start demolishing the house.

[You carry the ‘Bloody King’s Sword’, go straight to the desk, smash the table with a sharp sword, and the wood shards fly everywhere...]

[You shook your head, not finding anything suspicious.]

[You came to the bookcase against the wall, and struck out with another powerful and heavy sword. Not only did it split open the bookcase, but it also destroyed the wall behind it. 】

[The imaginary secret room did not appear. 】

[You look around, glance around, and finally your eyes rest on the sofa in the corner of the office.]

[You noticed that there seemed to be traces of pushing and friction on the floor next to the sofa.]

[You strode to the sofa and tried to push the sofa along the traces. 】

[As the sofa is pushed, you hear a noise above your head. When you look up, you see a square opening hanging from the ceiling, and a rope ladder also falls down as the secret passage opens. 】

[Are you going to climb up the rope ladder and crawl into the opening?]

"Haha, little guy, he still didn't escape my grasp in the end."

Lin Xun smiled and pressed the 'Yes' option.

[You are walking towards the rope ladder, preparing to climb up...]

[As soon as you grab the rope with your hand and use your strength to climb up, you will feel the entire rope ladder being pulled down a little.]

[At the same time, there was a sound from deep in the square opening above the head, and a beam of light was illuminated. 】

[You triggered the teleportation trap...]



"Fuck, the game in the underworld is your uncle's, I'm not done with you!"

Lin Xun didn't expect that there was a trap hidden at the door of such a secret room, and it was the most disgusting teleportation trap.


【Transmission successful!】

[You open your eyes and find that you are surrounded by an endless void of cold silence and darkness, and you are now in a huge cage...]

Lin Xun couldn't help but shuddered, recalling the fear of being dominated by the 'son of the stars' in the 'cage where the stars were imprisoned'.

[The cage that holds you is not a grating made of characters, but a prison bar condensed by starlight.]

[The scene here is very familiar, you just came here to explore it not long ago.]

[The ‘Starlight Cage’ you are in is the same cage that once held the ‘Abyss Destruction Demon’. 】

Lin Xun breathed a sigh of relief, it turned out to be the 'Starlight Cage'.

The defensive power of the Starlight Cage is astonishing, and it is basically impossible to violently destroy the cage and escape.

But this didn't bother him at all.

In the entire Pole Star Guild branch, in addition to the 'Star Envoy' having the authority to open the cage, the 'Star Priest' in his body column also has the authority.

After Lin Xun possessed the 'Xinghui Priest', he easily escaped from the trap and teleported directly back to the Jiexinghui branch.

"There are quite a few tricks, let me see what other tricks you can use!"

He returned all the way to the Astral Envoy's office on the top floor, and the sofa that opened the secret room above him had returned to its original position.

With the last experience, after opening the rope ladder in the square opening and hanging down, Lin Xun ignored the climbing options given in the underworld game and directly used his extraordinary power to control the body to lift off the ground and plunge into the secret room.


[You get into the square opening and find that this is a relatively narrow attic. What you enter is a simple office room. 】

[You turn around and jump up, reaching out to pull off the hidden copper trap device located above the entrance. ]

[You have obtained the ‘Teleportation Trap Device’ (prop)! 】

['Teleportation trap device' (prop): The device has a secondary teleportation magic array burned into it. When the device trap is within one kilometer of the main teleportation magic array, it can be driven by the trap device to teleport the target that triggered the trap. 】

[The current remaining energy of the trap device is 50/100]

"I didn't get a few precious treasures, but I got a lot of traps."

Lin Xun complained helplessly and continued exploring using his body.

Suddenly he opened the inventory again and looked at the description of the props. A kind of sexy operation flashed through his mind.

"This trap seems to have other uses. I wonder if using the authority of flesh and blood can exploit this loophole."

Lin Xun planned to finish exploring this place and try again later.

[The simple office in the attic only has a desk and chair.]

[You strode forward and found a stack of paper on the desk. You scrawled and corrected the words on the desk, and crossed out many paragraphs. It should be the paper used as a draft. 】

[You discovered the ‘Report on Exploring the Abyss—Preliminary Version’ (data)! 】

[You silently browse the text recorded on it.]


[Dear Executive Officer, I led three of my subordinates and made a major discovery while collecting corpses for transplantation research in the ‘Ramsey Abyss’. 】

[This discovery is likely to overturn our previous understanding of the world, and may even be related to the great stars...]

[I led three subordinates and accidentally discovered a group of high-level demons gathered together. 】

[Higher demons rarely live in groups. Each high demon has wisdom no less than that of humans, and can command many medium and low-level demons. 】

[They are like solitary tigers, they have their own separate territory and will not gather together unless there are special circumstances. 】

[There is only one explanation for such a situation, that is, there are higher-level demons bringing them together...]

[(No, you can’t write it like this. The executive officer must understand the key to the gathering of high-level demons. To explain it in such a specific way is as if the executive officer doesn’t understand...cross out the above content!)]

[I led three subordinates and accidentally discovered a group of high-level demons gathered together. 】

[I suspect that there must be instructions from higher-level demons behind this, so I am lurking at a distance and secretly observing what these demons want to do.]

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! [The demons seem to be holding some kind of bloody and cruel sacrifice, dismembering low-level demons alive, and using blood to carve magic circles that I have never seen before. 】

[After all the low-level demons were sacrificed alive, the blood magic circle was finally drawn, and the higher-level demon hidden in the darkness finally appeared.]

[That turned out to be a big demon at the level of a demon king!]

[The demon king-level demon's physical strength far exceeds that of humans, and it can also cast powerful hell magic. Even if it is at the same level as me, I have no certainty of victory with three of my subordinates... We can only continue to lurk and observe.

, cannot get close.]

[(Alas, I’m making the old mistake again, how could the executive officer not know the level of strength of the Demon King...Cross out the previous paragraph!)]

[Under the command of the Demon King, hundreds of high-level demons surrounded the magic circle, and it began to announce...]

[The following are the original words of the Great Demon King...]

[The supreme ‘Abyss’ is about to revive. He will swallow up the starry sky, dispel the confusion, and lead every people with pious and firm faith to return to the ground and take back the world that belongs to the Abyss! 】

[Are you willing to sacrifice your lives for the supreme ‘abyss’? 】

[The high-level demons showed enthusiastic expressions, and each one raised his arms and shouted loudly, shouting that he was willing...]

[The Demon King continues to tell... Every time you contribute your own strength, you can speed up the recovery of the great 'Abyss'. 】

[When the supreme ‘abyss’ finally returns to the world, you will become the masters of this world again! 】

[Following the Demon King's order, all the high-level demons shouted wildly, tore open their chests, dug out their beating hearts, and injected all their blood into the magic circle.]

[Higher demons fell to the ground one by one and died, and the magic circle erupted with dark red light. The light turned from red to black, and gradually turned into the ultimate darkness. 】

[Subsequently, the dark light disappeared into the void and disappeared.]

[The big demon at the level of the devil seemed to have completed its mission. It blew a strange horn, and its figure became transparent and faded, and finally disappeared. 】

[Only a large, dimmed magic circle is left in place.]

[I led three of my subordinates to try to study the magic circle to get some clues, but unfortunately, the line patterns of the magic circle are extremely complex, and the secrets contained in them are also extremely obscure, so we were unable to study anything.]

[We could only copy it on the spot for a long time before we could barely write down the pattern of the magic circle.]

[The following is a hand-painted reproduction of the magic circle...]



[The above is the entire content of the report. I swear to the great ‘Bright Stars’ that there is nothing concealed or lied about. 】

[Please take a look at it, Mr. Executive Officer!]


[After browsing the ‘Report on Exploring the Abyss—Preliminary Version’, you put the draft paper in your arms. 】

"It's the abyss again."

"What is the origin of this abyss? If the content of the report is true, no, if what the devil said is true...this abyss may really be a main god."

"The place where the demon king performed his blood sacrifice is called 'Ramsey Abyss'. After the blood sacrifice, the demon king blew a strange horn and disappeared..."

Lin Xun opened the inventory, and there was a horn lying inside.

[‘Abyss Horn’ (special prop): A rough horn made of a huge horn, with a strong primitive style, it does not seem to be made by humans. 】

【Blow this horn at a specific location, and something unexpected will happen.】

This chapter has been completed!
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