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Chapter 437 The Formation of Thousands of Views and Hundreds of Eyes

[The scarlet blood light submerged ‘Sage Randall’. Before it died, it changed its previous decadent expression and roared with fanatical eyes. Do you think killing it can get rid of all this? 】

【No! You can't change anything!】

[When the blood light was extinguished, ‘Sage Randall’ had become a collapsed corpse. 】

[You defeated the ‘Knowledge-seeking Sage of the Multi-Vision Association’, and your experience points increased slightly. 】

[You have obtained ‘a small piece of spirituality that travels around the world’*1]

[The body of the 'Knowledge-seeking Sage of the Multi-viewing Association': Although the Multi-viewing Association has weaker overall financial resources than the Oriental Society, the number of scholars is much greater. The 'Sage of Randall' is

One of the eight sages of the Polyspermia Association. Appearance 119% (65%)】

【Do you want to possess this body? 】

When Lin Xun heard Sage Randall's words, he had a bad premonition and immediately possessed the body.

[You are possessed by the body of the ‘Sage of the Multi-Vision Association who seeks knowledge’! 】

[The fragmentary memories remaining in the body gradually recover...]


[When your well-behaved and obedient female bachelor turns into a strange warrior, you will understand that this person is the 'messenger of the true god' that the association wants to find. 】

[The arrival of the true messenger of God is much faster than you imagined. You thought it would take at least a day or two after the news spread, or simply wait until the grand banquet three days later for the true messenger of God to arrive. 】

[Unexpectedly, the messenger turned into your plaything, lurking in the association...]

[While you are conversing with the messenger, you secretly send a message to the great sage, the president, to inform you that the messenger of the true God has arrived.]

[It’s just that the activation of the ‘Form of Thousands of Seeing Hundreds of Eyes’ requires a long preparation time, so you have to delay the messenger of the true god. 】

[You are ready to sacrifice. Compared with awakening the great vision of Allah, your life is insignificant...]


[Just when you are feeling the memories left in your body, an extremely dangerous feeling comes to your heart!]

[You immediately interrupt the memory recovery of the body and face the sudden and huge sense of crisis first!]

[I saw pairs of huge eyes emerging from the four walls of the office, including the ceiling above my head and the floor beneath my feet!]

[These eyes are not entities, but strange eyes composed of light and shadow. Countless strange eyes are like murals carved on the wall, and they are also murals that can move and blink. ]

[As the eight sages of the branch association, of course you know that this is the association’s ‘Array of Thousand Seeing Hundreds of Eyes’!]

[The branch association does not have much financial resources to build the ‘Sea of ​​Knowledge Magic Array’. That kind of magic array requires many precious materials to serve as energy reserves, which is very expensive. 】

[But this does not mean that there is no powerful magic circle within the Multiview Association! 】

[The ‘Thousands of Seeing Hundreds of Eyes Formation’ does not need a series of magic materials as its energy source, because its energy source is the many scholars in the association! 】

[This magic circle can mobilize the mana of all scholars in the association to jointly build an extremely powerful magic circle!]

[Although it takes a long time to prepare for the launch of the ‘Thousands of Seeing Hundreds of Eyes Formation’, once it is successfully launched, it is equivalent to gathering the joint strength of scholars in the entire association. 】

[Even if the ‘Great Sage Staring Directly’ is in the magic circle, he cannot resist the combined power of eight sages and one great sage, as well as the hundreds of scholars in the association! 】

[At this time, more and more strange eyes appear on the wall, which indicates that the preparations for the 'Thousands of Seeing Hundreds of Eyes' formation are in the final stage and are about to begin! 】

[You immediately opened the door of the office room and saw that there was no one in the corridor. It was silent and there was no scholar. 】

[Only countless, densely packed strange eyes continue to emerge from the walls, more and more...]

[You know, all the scholars in the association have gathered together during your conversation with 'Sage Randall', and gathered everyone's strength to open the 'Form of Thousands of Seeing Hundreds of Eyes'...]

[You look at the glass window on the side of the corridor, immediately raise your staff and jump out of the window!]

[Just when you are about to break through the glass window and escape to the outside world, a huge strange eye appears on the glass window, making the thin layer of glass as hard as an iron wall. 】

[You are blocked by the ‘Array of Thousands of Seeing Hundreds of Eyes’ and cannot escape from the ‘Multi-Seeing Branch Association’! 】

[You immediately switch to the body of the ‘Evil Son of Desire’s First Fire’! 】

[You take a deep breath and swing the 'Bloody King's Sword' violently...]

[You didn’t slash at the glass window, but at the solid wall behind the window!]

[Before your terrifying power, there is no difference between glass and walls to you.]

[When the blood light breaks out, a huge strange eye appears in front of your sword edge again, blocking your attack.]

[The blood light caused the shadow of the strange eyes to ripple slightly, but it was completely unable to break through the magic circle barrier...]

【You know, you are doomed!】

[During the preparation of the magic circle, the entire Multi-View Branch Association building has become a cage, a terrifying cage that even death cannot escape!]

[When the magic circle is fully opened, you will enter the deep illusion constructed by the magic circle and face the terrifying monster that gathers the magic power of all the scholars in the association—the Thousand-Seeing Giant!]

[The more scholars gathered in the association, the stronger the ‘Thousand-Seeing Giant’ becomes. 】

[Unless you have the power to stand alongside the gods, it is absolutely impossible for you to compete with the ‘Thousand-Seeing Giant’. 】

[Even if you exhaust all your power to kill the ‘Thousand-Eyed Giant’, as long as the scholars in the association do not exhaust their mana, the terrifying giant can always be resurrected. 】

[And you will always be trapped in the illusion...]

[This is the terrifying part of the ‘Form of Thousands of Views and Hundreds of Eyes’!]

"Damn! These scholars are really old coins!"

"What about the friendly forces of the camp? The direct-viewing school and the multi-viewing school are both good!"

If the Direct Gaze School wanted to control him and restrict his freedom of movement, it was because the Great Prophet of Direct Gaze predicted that the Messenger would be the source of the destruction of the world, and he could understand the Direct Gaze School's approach.

But Lin Xun couldn't figure out why the Multi-view School wanted to deal with him.

The prophecy of the Great Prophet of Duoshi clearly shows that the messenger is the savior, unless the content of the prophecy of the Great Prophet of Duoshi is not what he heard at all.

Lin Xun's eyes turned cold: "Since we are not a friendly force, then don't blame me for being cruel!"

He opened the inventory and clicked on the 'Ring of Shining Stars'!

Although the Stars camp was chasing him out of hatred, their ready-to-call attitude was even more eager than that of the friendly camp.

[You are wearing the ‘Ring of Shining Stars’ (special equipment)! 】

[The ring bursts out with bright light, and the star-like light seems to be able to penetrate all obstacles and reach directly into the sky!]

[You have attracted the attention of a great being from the ‘Brilliant Stars’ pledge camp!]

[Because your hatred and ill feelings in this oath camp are extremely high, this camp will send...]

[Due to unknown reasons, this camp did not send a powerful being to hunt you down. 】

[The bright starlight erupting from the ring in his hand was immediately extinguished and turned into an ordinary ring.]


Lin Xun was stunned. The tried and tested 'Great Summoning Technique - Star Evil God' actually failed.

He had summoned the evil star projections several times before in the Direct Vision Branch Association. Not only did the evil god projections fail to kill this oathbreaker with a high hatred value, but he was beaten to death by a group of scholars.

Forgetting being beaten to death, scholars still need to analyze and deduce the hidden coordinates of the evil god's body based on the residual aura that came into the world.

In the eyes of the Evil Gods of the Stars, this is Chi Guoguo's fishing law enforcement.

Now he is repeating his same tricks in the Multi-viewing Branch Association, and the evil gods will cooperate with his 'fishing law enforcement' again only after they have to show off their brains.

If the Evil Gods of the Stars could speak to him at this time, they would definitely say: "MMP, have you not figured out your position? I am here to chase you, not to help you fight, not to mention that fighting will reveal the coordinates...


[Seeing the huge strange eyes emerging one after another, about to take up every inch of space in the corridor, you know that the 'Form of Thousands of Views and Hundreds of Eyes' is about to open. 】

[And after the magic circle is activated, you will be beyond redemption! 】

Lin Xun took a deep breath: "You'd better pray that I don't escape, otherwise, I will kill the Multi-Vision Association to pieces!"

According to Sage Randall's memory, once the 'Form of Thousand Seeing Hundreds of Eyes' enters the preparation state, the entire Multi-Viewing Association becomes a prison, and it is a prison from which even death cannot escape.

This magic circle obviously has the same confinement effect as the 'Star Cage'.

"Star Cage? By the way, Star Cage!"

An idea flashed in his mind, and he immediately clicked on the item in the body column - the 'teleportation trap device'.

Set the trigger condition to immediate trigger, and the device's effective target is of course himself.

Through the 'teleportation trap device', he can immediately return to Coleman's workshop where the teleportation painting is located, thereby escaping to heaven!

[You take out the ‘teleportation trap device’ and activate it without hesitation!]

[The fine copper device projects pure white teleportation light, covering your whole body in the blink of an eye!]



[At this moment, countless pairs of giant strange eyes all look at you. Their cold and vicious gazes make you dizzy and your body freezes! 】

【Transmission terminated!】

[You suffered an unknown attack while in the teleportation state and cannot continue to teleport.]

"I'm a star, you're a star!"

Lin Xun couldn't help but grit his teeth. He didn't expect that the trap teleportation could be interrupted by the opponent's attack.

The current situation is extremely urgent. If the magic circle is allowed to move from the preparation stage to the actual activation stage, it is absolutely impossible for him to fight against the entire multi-viewing association's scholars on his own.

Even if he could kill that 'thousand-eyed giant', as long as the scholars' mana was not exhausted, he would not be able to escape the illusion created by the magic circle.

He can only be trapped forever in the illusion of fighting the giant BOSS...

This multi-viewing school seems to be honest, but in fact it is more powerful than the direct-viewing association.

No wonder the great sage of Direct Gaze once told him that the fate of joining the Multi-View Association would definitely be worse than that of the Direct Gaze Association.

He took a deep breath, his mind working rapidly.

The closer the critical moment comes, the calmer and clearer his thinking becomes.

Lin Xun narrowed his eyes and switched bodies.

Then open the inventory again and click on another item.

[You are possessed by the body of the ‘Great Sage of the Knowledge-seeking Branch Association’! 】

[Do you want to use the ‘Scroll Recording Star Spells’ (mythical item)? 】

[Using this prop, you will understand the mythical skill called ‘Star Jump’! 】

['Astral Jump' (mythical skill):...Using this skill, you will be able to teleport to any designated location within the current horizon! The further the teleportation distance, the longer the casting and chanting time, and the more mana it consumes. 】

[After the spell is cast and chanted, you will escape into the void and will not receive any damage during this period until you teleport and flash to the designated location. 】

[You can also use this skill in a non-combat state to teleport to any "resting page" that is not within the sight range! The duration of the chanting and casting is a constant 300 seconds, and any movement or damage suffered during the period will interrupt the casting. 】

The main reason why the teleportation device cannot work is that it is interrupted by external attacks during the short teleportation period.

As for the 'Astral Leap', as long as the spell is cast and chanted, it will immediately escape into the void without suffering any damage, and the transmission will be successful.

There are two flaws in astral jump. One is that the target of instant teleportation must be within the visual field, that is, it must be where the eyes can see. If there are objects blocking the teleportation location, or the teleportation destination is too far away to be seen, it will

Unable to send.

The second point is what Lin Xun needs to worry about most right now, the casting time.

The farther the teleportation destination is, the longer the chanting time will be. Once the spell cannot be cast instantly, the strange eye will interrupt the gap between his spell casting.

[The 'scroll recording star spells' turned into crumbs and powder, and a picture of light and shadow appeared...]

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! [Countless stars in the vast void move and rotate rapidly as time goes by...]

[It’s like shrinking millions of years into a moment, and like focusing billions of years in the long river of time into a moment!]

[The spectacular and vast memory of the passing of time, and the traces of the leaps of light are deeply engraved in your mind...]



【Understanding success!】

[You have learned ‘Star Jump’ (mythical skill)! 】

[At this time, countless strange eyes of the ‘Array of Thousands of Seeing Hundreds of Eyes’ have filled the entire multi-viewing branch association building. In every corner of the building, you can see the huge eyes representing the magic array. 】

[The dark shadow slowly covers and falls from the top of your head, and you seem to have heard the scream and roar of the terrifying giant!]

[You strode to the window, pressed against the strange eyes on the window, looking through the gap between the two strange eyes, looking at the fog outside the window...]

[The mythical skill ‘Star Jump’ is activated! 】

[You lock the teleportation destination outside the association building, and the teleportation distance is only a short distance separated by a thin glass window!]

[You raise your staff high, and the bright starlight bursts out instantly, completely engulfing your figure!]

[Those countless pairs of weird giant eyes are all looking at you again, but at this time you have escaped into the void and disappeared.]

[Escape into the void and you will once again see the cold and endless universe, the spectacular sight of billions of stars twinkling and moving! 】

[At the same time, the heavy fog outside the building window, only a few dozen centimeters away from the glass window, a little starlight bloomed in all directions in an instant. 】

[After briefly escaping into the void, you instantly appeared outside the Multi-Vision Branch Association building.]

[The feeling of being peered into by countless pairs of eyes, the feeling of numb scalp and trembling body suddenly faded away like a tide...]

[You know, you have successfully escaped from the effective range of the ‘Array of Thousands of Seeing Hundreds of Eyes’. 】

[At this time, you feel something in your heart and look up at the top of the building...]

[A tall figure wearing a robe flew out...]

[It holds up the staff, and the densely packed eyes on its body are all looking at you, and its gaze is as cold as those giant strange eyes! 】

[You have discovered the ‘Great Sage of the Multi-viewing Branch Association who seeks knowledge’! 】

This chapter has been completed!
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