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Chapter 451 The memory of the strongest demigod dragon man, the ancestor of the Golden Herrscher

[The ultimate knowledge secret that has been brewing for a long time, the power released by 'Rona' is extremely amazing.]

[‘Jealousy’ and ‘Gluttony’ quickly stepped forward to defend together. If ‘Lust’ was the only one to resist, I’m afraid this great succubus would have perished here. 】

[With the combined power of the three great demon kings, we can withstand the terrifyingly powerful spell.]

[When the raging power of the spell subsided, 'Rona' slumped to the ground. Apparently this extremely powerful blow had exhausted all its mana...]

['Lust' patted its chest, looking shocked. Seeing that 'Lorna' had no strength to resist anymore, it stepped forward and picked up the enemy, knocked it unconscious and handed it to you tied up. 】

[The fighting with the other demon kings has already ended, and the two astral envoys who were covered with wounds were captured. What awaits them is torture. 】

[‘Greed’ Jie Jie smiles sinisterly and assures you that it will find out the location of the Pole Star Society’s headquarters from the two captives. 】

[At this time, the battle to siege the Pole Star Society has come to an end. You announced loudly to many demon kings...]

[Human beings are, after all, unreliable aliens. Even after these humans from the Pole Star Society fell into the embrace of the stars, they still could not conceal their evil nature. They secretly slaughtered demons and trampled on the corpses of demons in pursuit of more powerful power. 】

[The Pole Star Society is not an ally of the demon clan, they are also evil enemies!]

[Today, the demon clan besieged the Pole Star Society and executed more than ten ‘Star Envoys’, but allowed the leader of the Pole Star Society, the ‘Executive Officer’, to escape. 】

[You swear in the name of the ‘Son of the Abyss’ that you will definitely kill the ‘Executor’ and avenge all the tragic deaths of the demon tribesmen! 】

[All the demon kings shouted loudly and chanted your name repeatedly.]

[The ‘Devil Shaman’ knows that you are going to torture the unconscious female astral envoy and ask for information about the Pole Star Society, so it very thoughtfully leads you to the palace. 】

[It is said to be a dormitory, but it is actually just a relatively spacious and clean cave. 】

[Of course, this is not to underestimate your identity. The demon clan has lived underground in the abyss for a long time. Except for the necessary sacrificial sites and temples, the rest of their daily life is in caves. 】

[You carry the unconscious ‘Rona’ to the deepest part of the palace cave...]

[Just as you were about to make a move, you saw a head sneaking out from behind you. It turned out to be ‘Lust’ who had quietly followed you out of nowhere.]

[Seeing that you discovered it, Lust simply walked up to you and said, "Son of the Abyss," this human woman seems inexperienced at first glance. She was worried that your "questioning" was not satisfying enough, so she came boldly...]

['Lust' bit her lower lip, looked straight at you, and continued, after all, one more person can make it more lively...]

[You are also very interested in this big succubus, but now is obviously not the right time. You promised Lust to talk about it another day, and then waved it away. 】

[Soon, you and the unconscious ‘Rona’ will be the only ones left in the cave...]

[The ropes on 'Rona' were tied by 'Lust'. I don't know if this big succubus did it on purpose. The way the ropes were tied was very interesting, and it vividly outlined the woman's plump figure. 】

[The 'Rona' in my memory always wears a large mage robe. I didn't expect that the body covered by the mage robe would be so attractive...]

[Do you want to wake up ‘Rona’ immediately and have a frank meeting with her? 】

Lin Xun has always had doubts about Luo Na joining the Stars Club.

Lorna behaved like a devout omniscient believer in Chapter 4, but why did she join the hostile camp in Chapter 7?

Moreover, the fact that the Executive Officer can take Lorna to explore the abyss together shows that Lorna has a high status in the Pole Star Society and is one of the Executive Officer's confidants.

Regarding Lorna joining the Pole Star Society, there must be some secret hidden in it.

However, he did not wake up Lorna immediately. There was one more important thing to do before that.

Lin Xun opened the inventory and clicked on the 'Essence of Blood of Five Ancient Dragons'.

[Do you want to use the ‘Essence of the Five Ancient Dragons’ (mythical item)? 】

[Your current body ‘Abyss Ram-Horned Demon’ does not meet the prerequisites for the use of this prop. Forcibly using it will greatly weaken the improvement effect of the prop. 】

【Do you want to continue using it?】

There are many bodies in the body column that meet the prerequisite of "physical strength", among which the body of the dragonman is the most suitable for the props.

Lin Xun thought for a moment, and then switched to the body of the dragon man.

He did not click to use it directly, but activated the dragonman's 'Hermit Bloodline' skill.

[You are possessed by the body of the ‘original hermit seeking knowledge’! 】

[You hold the glass bottle in your hand tightly and feel the essence of the blood of the five ancestors of the dragon clan...]

[The power of the hermit hidden deep in the bloodline is gradually awakening. The dry bloodline is hungry and thirsty, and wants to devour all the items that remain with the dragon bloodline to strengthen itself. 】

[Underneath, your invisible body bloodline has a strange resonance with the 'blood essence of the five ancient dragons'...]

[You can feel that the essence blood contains some memories of the ancestors of the five dragon clans. As long as you successfully swallow it, you can absorb the relevant memories from the blood. 】

[Do you want to swallow the ‘blood essence of the five ancient dragons’ (mythical item)? 】

"Sure enough, using the little dragon's hermit blood to devour it is the correct way to open it."

Lin Xun was looking forward to what would happen if he gathered the blood of the ancestors of the six dragon clans.

[You open your big mouth full of fangs to the five-color blood in the bottle, and the blood contained in the blood turns into wisps of light and is sucked into your body...]


[The horns on your head are getting stronger and stronger, the fangs between your jaws are getting sharper, and the powerful dragon power of the hermit clan emanates from your body...]

[Because your accessory has the relevant special effect 'Flesh Growth' (when the skills you possess need to accumulate relevant values ​​​​in order to be used and promoted, having this special effect can unconditionally double the accumulation rate!), the efficiency of this improvement will be

Get a double boost!]

[When the strength of the hermit bloodline in your body increases steadily, the quality continues to improve from ‘legendary level’...]

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! [The quality of the body of the ‘original hermit seeking knowledge’ has been upgraded to ‘legendary level’! 】


[The quality of the body of the ‘original hermit seeking knowledge’ has been upgraded to ‘mythical level’! 】


[The quality of the body of the ‘original hermit seeking knowledge’ has been upgraded to ‘mythical level’! 】


[The quality of the body of the 'original hermit seeking knowledge' has been improved to...]

[When the hermit bloodline reaches the myth level, you seem to have touched the power of the six sealed ancient dragons...]

[The 'omniscient authority' from the great existence suppresses the power of the six ancient dragons, causing them to be sealed at the level of top demigods. Unless the seal is lifted, it will never be able to return to its 'immortal' and 'eternal' state.


[You are also suppressed by the 'omniscient authority' and are restrained in the realm of 'myth level' and cannot be promoted further. ]

[You clenched your claws tightly, not willing to be suppressed...]

[You try to force the ‘authority of flesh and blood’ to compete with it...]

[Your ‘flesh authority’ control is too low and cannot compete with the great existence’s ‘omniscient authority’! 】

【Promotion stopped!】

[The quality of the body of the ‘original hermit who seeks knowledge’ is ultimately ‘myth level’. 】

Lin Xun sighed with regret.

Even if he uses a plug-in level authority such as the "authority of flesh and blood", the power of sealing is provided by the "omniscient authority" of his own Lord God, so no matter how powerful his plug-in is, it will not be effective.

"The wet nurse's flesh and blood authority is still a bit stretched... I can't say that. It's because my control over authority is too low."

[The 'omniscient authority' that seals the power of the six ancient dragons is like an iron wall above your head. Even if the saplings of the 'Hermit Bloodline' work hard to grow, they cannot penetrate the iron wall and see the outside sunlight again.


[But your efforts to control the "power of flesh and blood" are not completely in vain. Although you cannot make the saplings break through the iron wall and grow vertically, you can make the branches and leaves expand horizontally...]

[With the blessing of flesh and blood authority, the effect of the related special effect ‘Flesh and Flesh Growth’ has been greatly improved! 】

[Your body skill ‘Dark Dragon Breath’ has been upgraded from ‘Epic Level’ to ‘Mythical Level’! 】

[Your body skill ‘Hermit’s Arrival’ has been upgraded from ‘Epic Level’ to ‘Mythical Level’! 】

[Your body skill ‘Magic and Transformation’... has been upgraded to ‘Myth Level’! 】

[Your body skill ‘Dream and Dream Awakening’...]

Densely packed skill promotion prompts flooded the screen, and all the skills of the dragon man's body were upgraded to mythical level.

Lin Xun was stunned and exclaimed that he was enjoying himself.

Such rapid improvement gave him the illusion of using a modifier or a cheating device.

After this upgrade, the dragon man was suddenly promoted from a sewer body to an absolute T0 level body!

Upgrading each skill to mythical level not only increases the power of the skill, but also improves in other aspects.

For example, "The Hermit's Arrival", which had always required burning blood to change into the dragon form, has finally become a lossless transformation, and the mother no longer has to worry about the duration of his transformation.

For example, the Dark Dragon's Breath also has an additional state called 'World-Destroying Black Flame'.

When the little dragon's body transforms into a giant dragon state, the dark dragon's breath will transform into the 'World-Destroying Black Flame'. Not only will the breath damage increase dramatically, but the rider's attacks will also be scorched by the 'World-Destroying Black Flame'.

Burning and poisonous effects...

Lin Xun couldn't help but twitching his mouth when he saw this.

Although the effect of this skill is very powerful, he is an apostle player and not a summoned beast. He can only ride others, and there is no chance for others to ride him.

"I feel bad about riding the nine-tailed fox all day long. Why don't I let the nine-tailed fox ride again?"

"...That's right! I can ride myself!"

Lin Xun has an artifact like the 'Queen Bee Appearance', which can completely allow the dragon to appear together with another rider's body, so that the dragon is himself and the knight is also his dragon knight's cool operation.

The skill introduction does not describe in detail whether the bonus given to the rider by ‘World-Destroying Black Flame’ is a physical trigger or a spell trigger.

He was going to find an opportunity to experiment. Wouldn't it be great if the master could trigger it with a long-range spell?

After the art of transformation has been upgraded to the mythical level, even without the help of the "power of flesh and blood", the dragon man can independently change into an ordinary person, and no longer looks like a dark caveman.

Lin Xun was thinking about new skills when he suddenly discovered that the skill description of 'Hermit Bloodline' had also changed.

This skill was sealed by the power of the ancient dragon and has always stayed at the 'myth level', becoming the only skill that has not been promoted.

[Shell Skill: Hermit Bloodline (Mythical Level): The pure and great bloodline inherited from the hermit ancestors, with countless possibilities for promotion. You have successfully devoured part of the bloodline of the other five ancient dragons, but among them there is only the 'Golden Herrscher Ancestor'

'The bloodline contains the power of inheritance.]

[If you can obtain the inheritance of the ‘Crimson King’, ‘Emerald Saint’, ‘Indigo Spirit’, and ‘Pale Wise Man’, there is a certain probability that this skill will undergo a qualitative change. 】

[Using this skill, you will be able to swallow the bloodline power of any dragon to improve the body quality and skill quality of that body...]


"Is this... the essence of blood also divided into different levels?"

Lin Xun studied the skill description carefully, focusing on the word inheritance.

In the fourth chapter, he experienced the destruction of the Hermit Canyon in the Hermit Canyon, and it was only then that the Hermit ancestors gave him the true inheritance before they died.

Now, according to the skill description, the bottle of 'Blood Essence of the Five Ancient Dragons' only contains the inherited power of the 'Golden Herrscher Ancestor', but not the inherited power of the other four clans.

"What's happening here……"

[You succeeded in ‘the essence blood of the five ancient dragons’ and absorbed part of the memory of the five ancient dragons in the blood power...]

[These memories are extremely confusing, mixed together without any logic, and you cannot piece them together to obtain useful information. 】

[Perhaps due to the power of inheritance, only some of the memory fragments of the ‘Golden Herrscher Ancestor’ are clearer in the chaotic memory...]

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! […]

['Almighty True Knowledge' is the greatest and most powerful main god, and it is impossible for the 'Abyss' and 'Stars' to defeat him... You affirm this without any doubt, so you are willing to serve and provide for him.


[The results of the two divine wars have verified this truth. ‘Almighty True Knowledge’ is the most powerful main god. 】

[But even He, who is so powerful, cannot escape the fate that has been preordained... The 'Abyss' and the 'Stars' have never been His enemies, and they are not worthy of being His enemies at all. 】

[His only one enemy...that is the terrifying 'Disorder'. 】

[‘Disorder’ has not only eroded this most powerful main god, but even you believers who devoutly believe in him cannot escape the erosion and influence of ‘Disorder’. 】

[‘Almighty True Knowledge’ seems to have anticipated this future. He made an agreement with you before the second divine war to seal the power of the ancient dragon because of this concern. 】

[But as ‘Discord’ is the most terrifying enemy, can he survive just by sealing the power? 】

[Of course not! The old fellow of the Hermit is the best proof. Its belief is the most devout and its strength is the most powerful... so it became the first ancient dragon to be eroded by 'Disorder'. 】

[You watch helplessly as He, who has fallen into madness, continues to give birth to deformed offspring, and then eats those twisted offspring alive... You only feel horrified and chilled all over.]

[Is this still the invincible and invincible ancient black dragon? 】

[Is this the same ‘Hermit Ancestor’ who made all the demon gods and star gods extremely frightened on the battlefield of gods? 】

[The remaining five ancient dragons, including you, all know that this is an inescapable fate. In the near future, you will become the same as the 'Ancient Black Dragon'. 】

[The power of the sealed ancient dragon can at most delay the erosion of 'Disorder', but is far from being able to isolate it. Your main gods, yourselves, and your descendants, no one can escape the erosion of 'Disorder'. 】

[You stand at the bottom of the Hermit Canyon, watching the once powerful ‘Ancient Black Dragon’ turn into a twisted and deformed mountain of flesh, repeating the crazy behavior of devouring the heirs of young children...]

[Your heart has long been swallowed up by boundless fear, because you have a premonition that the next ancient dragon to be eroded by 'Disorder' will be you! 】

[You look around and look at the expressions of the other four ancient dragons. Their eyes reveal strong sadness, but deeper in their eyes is the unwavering pious belief. 】

【These dragons are crazy! They are all crazy!】

[They know that if they continue, they will become slaves of ‘Disorder’, but even so, they still dare to stick to their beliefs?!]

[You didn’t dare to stay in the ‘Hermit Canyon’ any longer, so you fled here like flying...]

[Because their piety makes you feel ashamed, makes you angry, and makes you feel that they are unreasonably foolish and loyal people.]

[You have secretly felt the arrival of ‘Disorder’, and you are about to become the second ancient dragon to be eroded...]

[You just want to escape from here, escape from the almighty true knowledge, escape from the once firm belief...]

[You have to betray the oath that you once cherished as your life, whether it is the 'abyss' or the 'stars', as long as it can keep you away from 'disorder'...]


This chapter has been completed!
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