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Chapter 462 Analysis of Almighty True Knowledge

[The golden ancient dragon roared, and immediately changed from the ancient dragon form to the human form, with a look of horror on its face, and quickly fled towards the corridor leading outside the cave...]

[Obviously the ‘Herrscher Ancestor’ sensed that ‘Lona’ was promoted from a demigod to a god.]

[The gap in strength between gods and demigods is so huge that it understands that it has no chance of resisting, and has no other choice but to escape. 】

[But can demigods really escape from the hands of gods? 】

[‘Lona’ raised her staff and pointed it at the fleeing figure, and the knowledge grating instantly rose from the ground, trapping the enemy within it...]

[The ‘Ancestor of the Herrscher’ attacked the knowledge grating crazily. The spell that could break through with a few attacks has now become indestructible. No matter how it attacks the grating, it is not broken or damaged, and it does not even cause the slightest ripple. 】

[The knowledge grating gradually narrows its scope, squeezing the activity space of the ‘Ancestor of the Herrscher’, until it is firmly fixed in place, unable to even raise its hand and turn around. 】

[The ‘Ancestor of the Herrscher’ finally gave up its struggle, and said angrily, the power of analysis... You can use the power of analysis even though your faith is in the stars, who are you! 】

[Do you think you can win by using your analytical power to become an immortal god? 】

【Big mistake!】

[It is true that only eternity can kill eternity, but open your eyes and look at those pieces of rotten meat...]

[The stupid and stubborn ones have long been swallowed up by Discord and have become crazy monsters. If you want the Discord monsters to help you, don’t be delusional!]

[And in order to deal with it, you don’t hesitate to become a god through the way of ‘analyzing power’. You are really stupid and ignorant. The price of doing so will be too painful for you to imagine! 】

[Look at those pieces of rotten meat, hey, this is your sad end!]

['Lona' shook her head and said coldly, it was once a devout believer in omnipotence and true knowledge, and had to devote itself to the embrace of the stars in order to pursue the power of gods. 】

[Can you cut off Discord by changing your faith? Can you completely get rid of Discord by using the "differentiation power" of the stars to become a god? 】

[You, the founder of the Herrscher, are the best example. Even if you change your faith, you cannot get rid of disorder, you can only slightly delay the progress of disorder erosion. 】

[Besides, what it just analyzed is not only the way to destroy the 'eternal grid', but also a more cruel fact...]

[Whether it is the ‘analytic power’ from omniscience or the ‘differentiation power’ from the stars, they are all tainted with disorder! 】

[Compared with the 'analytic power', the 'differentiation power' of the stars is less eroded by disorder, but once it is contaminated with disorder, even a powerful god like Almighty True Knowledge cannot get rid of it. Can the stars be spared? 】

[Since becoming a god by any means will eventually become a disorderly monster, there is no difference to it one day earlier or one day later. It makes sense to become a god when it is most needed.]


[You know, Lorna’s so-called moment of greatest need is to help you obtain the inheritance of the Ancient Dragon Ancestor and seek that slim hope of salvation. 】

[Hearing Lorna's words, you can't help but recall the contents of the Oracle of the Abyss...]


[Of course, the Abyss will not forget the most terrifying existence—Disorder!]

[Eventually, the abyss and stars, and even the omniscience that once existed, will no longer exist, because assimilation is two-way. When assimilating the servant of knowledge, the abyss and stars will also be assimilated by the disorder contained in the omniscient authority. 】

[The bodies of the three main gods will be destroyed as carriers to absorb disorder...]

[And they will be reborn as new existences in the bodies of the completely assimilated ‘sons of the abyss’, bodies that have been differentiated and emptied of all disorder! 】


[The answer analyzed by Rona is undoubtedly correct, because the analyzed answer completely corresponds to the Oracle of the Abyss.]

[You realize that the final moment of ‘purging disorder and destroying the world’ at the end of the oracle is coming! 】

[There is not much time and opportunity left for you to ‘save the world’...]

[The ‘Ancestor of the Herrscher’ heard this but retorted loudly with a crazy expression, Impossible! Discord was born from the omniscient evil god, and the omniscient evil god is the only source of disorder. 】

[It is impossible for the stars to take the initiative to approach Disorder, and it is impossible for the authority of the stars to be contaminated by Disorder, and it has already betrayed the omniscient evil god, and it is even less likely to be contaminated by Disorder!]

【It’s you who are crazy! It’s you who are talking crazy!】

[You are the sad monsters that have been eroded by Discord!]

['Lona' sneered, raised her hand and raised a thin curtain of starlight. The bright starlight like mercury reflected the face of the ancestor of the Herrscher, a face that was rotten and twisted like molten wax. 】

[The crazy shouting of the 'Herrscher Ancestor' stopped abruptly, and it stared at its own face. This is a sign of distortion that has been eroded by disorder. It is destined to become a disorderly monster like the other ancestors of the dragon clan. ]

[It does not hesitate to betray the faith it once cherished as its life, and does not hesitate to betray its comrades who are brothers and sisters. It is willing to become a lackey of the stars, flattering and flattering a small immortal god, the 'executive officer'...]

[It abandons faith, conscience, and dignity, all in order to get rid of the frightening disorder.]

[But why does the ending still look like this? 】

[The ‘Ancestor of the Herrscher’ murmured, it is not contaminated with disorder, it is not contaminated with disorder...]

[That dirty bitch must have taken too much ‘Green Cologne’ to get sick... Yes! It is just sick, not disordered. It can be recovered after a few days of restraint...]

[The ‘Ancestor of the Herrscher’ kept talking nonsense, and the look in his golden pupils became more and more crazy. 】

[Finally, the rotten sores on its face gradually spread and expanded until they spread all over the body. 】

[Its face was crazily twisted, and it opened its mouth as wide as possible, tearing its upper and lower jaws apart, and the cracks reached to the base of its ears...]

[Its humanoid body began to transform into the form of an ancient dragon, but the twisted and deformed body did not look like an ancient dragon at all, and was exactly the same as several other ancient dragon ancestors dominated by disorder. 】

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! [The space within the grating cannot accommodate the huge body of the mountain of meat. The distorted flesh and blood squeeze each other between expansions, extruding and overflowing from the gaps in the grating, but the flesh and blood still cannot

Breaking through the constraints of the god level, the whole thing finally exploded.】

[Such a scene is like a big hand holding tightly the expanding slimy mud. A little bit of the mud overflows from the fingers, and the whole thing is finally crushed as it continues to expand. ]

[The ‘Ancestor of the Herrscher’ did not die due to the explosion of flesh and blood. Due to the existence of the ‘eternal grid’, it was quickly reborn within the grating. 】

[It’s just that disorder has completely eroded it, and crazy distortion has completely dominated it. It keeps repeating the sad cycle of expansion, explosion, death, and rebirth, as if it has no perception and no end...]

[‘Lona’ turned around and no longer looked at the ancestor of the Herrscher who had become a disorderly monster. 】

[It came to the bedside and said to the inhuman woman on the bed, ‘The ancestor of the green saint’, if you still retain a trace of reason in the chaos, please nod. 】

[As soon as the woman in bed felt someone approaching, she began to twist her body continuously, causing the chains to jingle. You couldn't tell whether it was resisting or catering to him. ]

[You only saw that it turned a deaf ear to Lorna's words, neither nodded nor shook its head. When someone approached the bed within a certain range, it began to twist its body. After leaving the range, it remained motionless, with two empty eye sockets staring blankly at the ceiling of the cave.


['Lona' saw this and used the 'analytical power' again. This time, there were not many characters appearing around it, only the mysterious characters between its eyebrows kept flashing. 】

[After a long time, 'Lona' shook its head and signaled to you that it only analyzed madness and chaos in the 'Ancestor of the Green Saint', and disorder had occupied all its thinking and perception, and it completely lost its ability to communicate. ]

[It then went to the remaining three ‘Ancestors of the Pale Wise One’, ‘Ancestor of the Crimson King’ and ‘Ancestor of the Indigo Spirit’ for analysis, but the result was still the same. 】

Lin Xun has experienced the plot of 'Hermit Ancestor', so he certainly knows how to awaken the Dragon Clan's Ancestor.

However, the prerequisite for awakening is that they, like the 'Hermit Ancestor', still retain a trace of pure blood that has not been eroded by disorder.

When pure blood remains and encounters the 'Messenger of the True God', this trace of pure blood will be activated, allowing the ancestor of the Dragon Clan to regain consciousness for a short period of time.

Lin Xun began to switch bodies continuously to show his identity as the 'Messenger of the True God'.

When switching to the body of the dragon man, the game text changes.


[The ‘Ancestor of the Green Saint’ in front of me suddenly stopped twisting, and a dazzling green light erupted from its body, exuding a rich breath of life. 】

[A spirit body breaks away from the dirty and broken body and appears in front of you.]

[Surrounded by the rich breath of life, the spirit body takes on the appearance of a naked woman, with green hair, and fair and smooth skin without any trace of rotten sores. ]

[Its face is holy and beautiful, and its figure is graceful and moving. Even if it is naked, you will not be able to feel any blasphemy.]

[The green eyes of the ‘Ancestor of the Green Saint’ look at you, and the gentle and peaceful voice echoes in the cave...]

[Messenger of true God, you are finally here...]

[Seeing the 'Saint Ancestor' awakening, you look at the other three ancient dragon ancestors in the distance, but they show no signs of waking up and are still repeating the crazy behavior of 'purifying' their bloodline.]

['The Ancestor of the Bicui Saint' looked sadly, shook his head slightly and said, they can't wake up...]

[As the weakest among the ancient dragons, it is the last one to be eroded by disorder. Therefore, it shoulders the mission of maintaining the last trace of sanity and meeting the messenger of the true god. 】

[Under the erosion of disorder, it relied on the power of wise men, kings and spiritual beings to support itself until now, and was able to gain a moment of clarity. 】

[After waking up for a moment, it will fall into endless disorder... Therefore, the messenger must listen carefully to its next words and do not interrupt it.]

[You nodded solemnly when you heard this, and then the ‘Ancestor of the Bicui Saint’ told you...]


[The Almighty True Knowledge was contaminated with disorder before he came to this world... Well, you heard it right, He came to this world with disorder.]

[He has used countless methods to try to get rid of Discord, but even though he is so powerful, he is ultimately unable to resist Discord. ]

[Omniscient analyzed with his own authority that in the endless starry sky, only this world has a slim chance of getting rid of disorder. 】

【He crossed the vast void with supreme power and came to this world in order to seize the last hope.】

[There is an original main god in this world called ‘Dark Abyss’. The main god is very powerful and has extremely special authority. 】

[Omniscient has experienced many worlds and gods, and has never seen such strange power. 】

[After coming, He sensed the true effect of the authority called ‘assimilation’. 】

[The only remaining hope he analyzed is ‘assimilation’, which also indicates that disorder is inescapable. Only with the help of the power of ‘assimilation’ can we coexist perfectly with disorder. 】

【Yes, it's not about getting rid of, but about coexisting.】

[Omniscient spent his divine power across the vast void, facing a powerful and special main god like the Dark Abyss, and still easily became the winner of the first divine battle. 】

[At that time, He was almost eroded by Disorder to the point of madness, so He intercepted the divinity of the abyss to analyze its authority, trying to coexist with Disorder as soon as possible by assimilating authority. 】

[The reason why Almighty True Knowledge is powerful, so powerful that it exceeds anyone’s cognition, is because of its analytical authority.]

[Under the control of omniscience, the power exerted by authority has reached the terrifying level of ‘analyzing and possessing’. 】

[As long as it is something that He analyzes, it is equivalent to what He owns... That's why He is called 'Almighty True Knowledge', and that's why there is a myth that 'What He sees is what He knows; what He knows is what He can do'


[Messenger, you have not yet reached the level of a god, so you don’t understand how terrifying this is.]

[Ordinary gods can only control one kind of authority. Even a powerful main god like 'Dark Abyss', a main god with extremely special powers such as the power of assimilation, can only control two or three types of authority to reach its limit, and it can already make people

Shocking horror limit.]

[Omniscient has analyzed countless things and many authorities, so He controls all authorities in the world. 】

[He has never failed to analyze anything, except for one thing...that is disorder.]

[Except for disorder, nothing can escape His analysis, and the same goes for the power of assimilation.]

[After He analyzed the assimilation authority, it was equivalent to "copying" this authority from the abyss.]

[Omniscient can also use the ‘Analysis of Authority’ to conduct a second analysis to analyze the best way to drive assimilation of authority. 】

[The power of assimilation in the hands of omniscience can explode with more powerful power than in the hands of the abyss.]

[However, even the assimilation authority after secondary analysis cannot achieve the expected coexistence with disorder. 】

[Yes, the assimilation authority is completely incapable of assimilating disorder!]

[The answers analyzed by omniscience are never wrong. The answers show that the only hope is in this world, but he failed to find the so-called hope after having the authority to assimilate. 】

[Omniscient has hovered on the edge of madness. He took the huge risk of being dominated by disorder and used his own authority to analyze the answer more comprehensively and clearly. 】

[No one knows what the answer to the omniscient analysis is, not even the most loyal ancient dragons. 】

[They only know that Omniscient analyzed the answer and was exiled to the ‘abyss’, and then fell into a long sleep to fight against Discord. 】

[Before he fell asleep, he stripped off part of his consciousness and godhead that had not been eroded by disorder, and took the form of a human elder to guard his temple, serving as his eyes overlooking the world while he was sleeping. 】

[That person is also known as the ‘Servant of the God of Knowledge’ by the messenger. 】

This chapter has been completed!
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