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Chapter 466: Ronas saucy tricks, weird school of knowledge

[You put away the letter and driving map and look towards the exit of the basement.]

[The two paintings of Star Cage are placed right against the corner. It was probably Lorna who took the two paintings out and placed them here after you 'suspended death'...]

"Lona has already gone to the headquarters of the Multiview Association..."

Lin Xun frowned.

The Multi-view General Association has prophets, great prophets and other powerful existences at the god level.

According to the previously known information, although these prophets have been reduced to disorderly monsters, they can still continue to protect the school and even occasionally go out to fight. There must be a hidden plot hidden in them.

When Lin Xun looked directly at the branch association in Fudu, he had witnessed the battle scene in which the great sage summoned the prophet of the imperial capital and killed the Star God's projection.

Therefore, whether it is him or Lorna, going to the headquarters of the Multi-Vision Association is an extremely risky move.

Even if Lorna has been promoted to a god, the headquarters of the Multi-Vision Association is the home of knowledge scholars. There must be more than one prophet-level scholar. If her identity is accidentally exposed, she may not be able to escape.

Not to mention that Lin Xun is still at the level of a demigod, and any prophet he pulls out can beat him.

"Maybe Lorna just went to get information first, and the situation is not as bad as I thought."

Lin Xun left the house with two paintings, got on a fine bronze carriage, and followed the route map to the headquarters of the Multi-Vision Association.


[After traveling for a long time, the fine bronze carriage finally reached its destination.]

[As you step out of the carriage, you hear a loud noise coming from the front.]

[Due to the thick fog, the visibility of the outside world is very low. You try to open your eyes wide to see clearly. There are many carriages parked in the fog ahead, and there are many figures, and it seems that there are many scholars gathered. 】

[Farther away are the blurred outlines of the three tall buildings of the ‘General Association of the Multi-view School’. 】

In order to successfully infiltrate the Multi-Vision General Association, Lin Xun had switched into the body of a 'Multi-Vision Branch Association Sage'.

Considering the need to conceal his identity, he placed both paintings in the carriage and did not take them with him.

[When you see this, you lower the brim of your scholar's hat and quickly step forward with your staff in hand...]

[Noisy human voices flow into your ears along the fog...]

【Have you heard? That woman is back!】

[Isn’t this nonsense! Who doesn’t know about this now? 】

[I didn’t expect that shameful traitor to dare to return to the school. If he was caught by it, he would definitely let the traitor know what rich knowledge is!]

[Hmph! In the past, the imperial capital had the greatest potential to become a great sage, the only female great sage. The school spent countless resources on him. As a result, Lorna betrayed the school when it was at its peak and became a heretic chasing the stars...]

[Excuse me, why does it have the nerve to come back now? How dare it come back? Did it come to trial because of its conscience? It’s too late! All heretics who chase the stars should be executed, without exception!]

Lin Xun's heart sank.

Lorna has just been promoted to a divine creature, so being able to escape from the Star God is already an extraordinary achievement.

Now that Lorna has sneaked into the headquarters of the Multi-Vision Association, it is equivalent to breaking into the enemy camp alone. It is expected that she will be unable to defeat a group of powerful prophet-level people.

"This is a bit difficult. Originally we only had to save Bennett, but now even Lorna has been caught. We have to save two at once..."

[Hush! You are looking for death, don’t be so loud!]

[The top leaders of the school are holding a seminar on this matter, Lorna the Great Sage... Lorna is actually not a traitor, she knows some inside stories...]

[What other inside story can there be? The school has never been soft on heretics who break their oaths. Lorna will only die if she dares to return to the school!]

[Tsk, how did you become a secretary with such a big brain? Since Lorna dared to come back openly and was not immediately executed by the school's senior officials, it means there must be something hidden. 】

[Tell me, what’s the inside story? 】

[That’s right, stop being so pretentious and say it quickly!]

[Ahem, you should listen carefully. According to reliable sources, Lorna is not actually a traitor, but a secret undercover appointed by the Great Prophet! 】

[It did not betray Allah, but shouldered the orders of the Great Prophet, sneaked into the Pole Star Society, and penetrated into the core of the enemy organization! 】

[After enduring the humiliation for a long time, Lorna successfully overthrew the Pole Star Society and also killed the executive, the supreme leader of the Pole Star Society...]


【How can this be!】

[The Polestar Society was destroyed? The executive was killed by Lorna? Are you not mistaken?!]

[Oh, of course there is no mistake! Its source of information is very reliable, and now they should no longer be called Lorna Great Sage, but should be respectfully called Lorna Seer!]

[It is estimated that the high-level seminar of the school will reach a conclusion soon. If its speculation is correct, the school should announce the news tomorrow and rectify the name of Prophet Rona.]

[Luo, Prophet Luo Na? Hey, who just said that Luo Na is a traitor and wants to inject rich knowledge? It is definitely not what it said!]

[It turns out that Lorna is an undercover agent sent by the Great Prophet to the Pole Star Society. Just tell him, so everything makes sense...]

[That’s right, that’s right! It has seen through everything a long time ago. Who is so stupid that with the support of the school, he would betray the school and become a heretic among the stars when he is about to be promoted to a prophet? 】

[Anyway, if it were Rona, it would never be able to do such a stupid thing. 】

[Hehe, I heard that Rona the Great Sage...I heard that Rona the Prophet has always been single and likes people who look more knowledgeable. Do you think she looks knowledgeable enough? 】


"What kind of sexy move is this, Lorna?"

Lin Xun was a little stunned.

He thought that the "paving the way" that Lorna talked about was to go to the multi-view headquarters and rescue Bennett under the siege of a group of prophets.

He rushed over in a hurry, thinking that Lorna might be facing great danger.

As a result, Lorna didn't take the usual path at all. She performed a two-level reversal, jumped repeatedly, and returned to the school as a prophet to recognize her ancestors.

In the end, this unscrupulous operation that goes against common sense seems to have been successfully performed by Lorna...

[You quickly step forward, and a group of scholars gather at the entrance of the association, whispering about various news about Lorna. 】

[When they see you, the ‘sage’, you appear, they immediately shut up and don’t dare to discuss it anymore. 】

[You wave your hand, signaling them to continue speaking, not to worry about your existence...]

[Seeing that the scholars still dare not speak, you look at the 'scribe' who just revealed the inside information and say to him, in fact, you don't believe that Rona is a traitor to Allah. When you heard that Lorna has returned to the school, you

Come right away...]

[The 'Secretary' looked at the robe you were wearing, then at your face, and hesitated and said, this sage looks a little unfamiliar...]

[You indicate that you are a sage from the foreign branch association. As a former friend of Lorna, you immediately rushed to the headquarters after hearing the news to see what the situation was like. 】

[If it has any inside information it can tell you, you owe it a favor.]

[The 'Scribe' thought for a while, then leaned close to your ear and whispered softly, to be honest with you, its father is also a sage, so it can know some inside stories. You and its father can have more contact in the future...]

[It does know some more specific inside information...]

[The top leaders of the school are currently holding a seminar because Lorna returned to the school openly two days ago and presented strong evidence to destroy the Polar Star Society and kill the executive officer. She claimed that she pretended to betray the school only after being instructed by the Great Prophet...


[After verification by senior officials, it was indeed Lorna who destroyed the Polar Star Society and killed the executive officer.]

[Furthermore, the way for Prophet Rona to be promoted to a god is the orthodox way of knowledge scholars, not the evil way of the heretics of the stars. If one truly betrays God, it is absolutely impossible for him to become a prophet. This is the most critical and powerful evidence. 】

[However, the Great Prophet has retreated behind the scenes for many years and has not appeared for a long time. Although the evidence is conclusive, the senior leaders of the school still need to contact the Great Prophet to confirm this fact before announcing the exact news. 】

Lin Xunxin said that Luo Na was not a secret undercover agent instructed by the Great Prophet, but was instructed by the Servant of the God of Knowledge.

Moreover, the Servant of God did not ask Lorna to be an undercover agent, but actually asked Lorna to fall into the embrace of the stars and become a lackey who surrendered to the enemy just like the Servant of God.

Lorna was promoted from scholar to prophet because she had a trace of 'omniscient authority'.

[You can’t help but ask, where is Lorna at this time? You want to talk to Lorna in person...]

['Secretary' shook his head and said, it doesn't know this, but it can help you find out...]

[Speaking, the 'Secretary' abandons everyone and eagerly leads you into the headquarters association building...]

[It said to you as it walked, Sir Sage, there have been a lot of things happening in the school recently, have you heard about it? The branches and associations in the auxiliary capital of Notos, including the branches and associations of the Direct View School, have been banned by the Polar Star Society.

Those heretics were destroyed.]

[Those heretics are so bold, they dare to openly confront the school of thought.]

[The top leaders of the school immediately sent scholars to support, but found that every sage and great sage in the branch association had been killed by the Jiexing Guild.]

[Thanks to Prophet Lorna for completely annihilating the Polar Star Society this time and taking revenge for the branch association... By the way, Sir Sage, which city's branch association are you from? 】

[You were stunned when you heard this, lowered the brim of your hat, and replied based on your memory, you have also heard about this. The behavior of those star heretics is really hateful. Fortunately, you are not a Notos person, but from another country.

The auxiliary capital 'Torini'...]

[The ‘Secretary’ nodded and took you up the fine copper elevator while nodding and greeting the passing scholars. It seems that he is well-liked in the school. 】

[You suddenly ask if it knows a transplant doctor named ‘Bennett’.]

[The 'Secretary' said without hesitation, of course he knows that Mr. Bennett is the best transplant doctor in the Imperial Capital and the dean of the top medical school in the Imperial Capital. 】

[It is said that this Mr. Bennett has an unusual relationship with the prophet Rona. After Lorna's "betrayal" of the school, Mr. Bennett was implicated and imprisoned in the Imperial City Prison until now. ]

[Now that Prophet Lorna is about to be rehabilitated, Mr. Bennett is expected to be released soon...]

Lin Xun narrowed his eyes.

The 'Scribe' didn't seem to know that Bennett was not imprisoned, but was imprisoned somewhere in the association, conducting secret transplant experiments.

The confidentiality level of this kind of experiment should be very high, otherwise the secretary would not be so well-informed that he would not receive even the slightest bit of inside information.

The two of them walked all the way to the secretary's office. Lin Xun made some insinuations and obtained a lot of useful information.

The association's supreme leader, the Great Prophet, has not appeared in public for a long time.

This is not only true for the multi-viewing school, but also for the direct-viewing school.

However, prophet-level scholars often show up, most of the time in the form of "knowledge illusions" in public, and sometimes they appear in person.

The scholars in the association are accustomed to this. After all, the prophet is an 'immortal' level god. How can ordinary scholars just see it?

Matters within the school association are basically decided by voting by the 'Learned Council', whose members are all high-level scholars at the level of great sages.

Only when facing major events will a prophet-level scholar come forward to make a decision.

As for the Great Prophet... In the clerk's impression, the last time the Great Prophet appeared in public was when he promulgated the prophecy of the 'Messenger of the True God'...

"Why do you feel that these two schools of knowledge are more evil than the Abyss Demons and the Polar Star Society?"

According to Lorna's information, the Prophet and the Great Prophet have long since become disorderly monsters.

How do these disorderly monsters manage to appear normal and hide this huge secret?

There must be some people at the top of the school, that is, the 'Learned Council', who knew about this and helped hide it, so they could keep this secret hidden for so long.

[The ‘Scribe’ leads you into the office, makes you a drink, and signals you to wait here. It will go and inquire about you and then come back...]

[You suddenly called out to ‘Scribe’ and looked directly into his eyes. Seeing that he had a puzzled look on his face and showed no other abnormalities, you nodded to express your gratitude...]

[The 'Scribe' returned to the office shortly after leaving. It brought a middle-aged scholar wearing a 'sage' robe into the doorway. Father, this is the sage of the branch association it said, and he is also the prophet of Rona.

Friends, I need to know some secrets.】

[With that said, it closed the door and began to formally introduce...]

[When the middle-aged sage saw your appearance, he was suddenly startled and blurted out, "You are the 'Sage Randall'? You... didn't you die in Notos?"

[The ‘Secretary’ on the side was also stunned, with a surprised look on his face.]

Lin Xun sighed helplessly.

Now his body column has 17 slots. After entering this chapter, there are so many powerful bodies. Now the body column is full, and the earlier junk bodies have been thrown away.

This sage body is already the weakest multi-view scholar body in his body column.

Unexpectedly, by such a coincidence, this sage from the Imperial Capital could actually know the sage from the Fudu Branch Association.

[Knowing that your identity has been exposed, you flash a fierce light in your eyes and switch to the body of 'looking directly at the great sage of the branch association'!]

[In the horrified eyes of the two people, you raised your staff and several 'knowledge dragon spears' penetrated their bodies, nailing the father and son to the wall!]

[You defeated the ‘Secretary of the Knowledge-Seeking General Association’, and your experience points increased slightly! 】

[You defeated the ‘Knowledge-seeking Sage of the Multi-view General Association’, and your experience points increased slightly! 】

Lin Xun expressionlessly picked up the body of the 'General Association Sage' and obtained its body memory...

This chapter has been completed!
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