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Chapter 479 Special End Event ‘The Book of Illusions of Knowledge that Escapes the World’, Chaos Power

Lin Xun was shocked.

"So, the servant of God has been acting?"

"Its purpose is to resurrect the abyss and the stars, induce the two main gods to only occupy its body, and make the new main god a stepping stone to omniscience."

"No, it cannot be said that the servant of God is acting. It only acted upon it after it was assimilated by the abyss to a certain extent and found that it could not turn back."

Before the servant of God truly became the 'son of the abyss', he divided a part of his pure consciousness and hid it in the 'beast of disordered knowledge', allowing his own body to become the 'son of the abyss' needed by the abyss and the stars.

Even though the 'Sons of the Abyss' continue to seize the omniscient authority, they are unable to seize all the omniscient authority due to their own potential limitations.

The servant of God has deduced and analyzed it countless times and concluded that the abyss and the stars will never be satisfied with this part of the authority and power of the 'son of the abyss'.

They will surely plunder the omniscient authority and attempt to become the true "Trinity" Lord God.

The 'Son of the Abyss' is the ultimate weapon of the stars and the abyss, and is also the key to the comeback in the servant of God's plan.

Lin Xun brings the Abyss and the Stars, which can only be resurrected in Chapter 8 or even Chapter 9, into the final battle in advance, which will inevitably have a certain impact on the ending.

It is very likely that because of his early start of the decisive battle, Omniscient, who was already on the verge of collapse and loss, could more easily occupy the dominant consciousness of the new Lord God.

If all goes well, after the stars and the abyss "voluntarily" merge into omniscience, this new trinity of gods will be able to withstand more disorder due to its own "expansion".

Even after Omniscient truly controls the assimilation authority, instead of a copied assimilation authority that cannot be improved, Omniscient may be able to continuously improve the assimilation authority and try to coexist with disorder with more powerful assimilation authority.

No matter whether it can coexist with Discord in the end, as long as it integrates into the stars and the abyss, it can postpone the moment of being completely eroded by Discord because of its own 'expansion'.

"If that's the case, why is the name of the terminal event 'Trinity God of Destruction'?"

"It should be the 'New Lord God of the Trinity' or simply the 'Trinity Omniscient God'."

Lin Xun frowned.

The name of the terminal event was always stuck in his throat, and this doubt always gave him a bad premonition.

He thought carefully and came up with two more reasonable explanations.

First, in the future timeline, because the stars and the abyss have been prepared and resurrected at the most critical and correct time node, omniscience has been eroded by disorder to the critical point, and all autonomous consciousness has been lost.

Faced with such a situation, even if the servant of God is fully prepared, because Omniscient has lost all consciousness, he will not be able to become the dominant consciousness of the new Lord God, and the outcome will naturally become the 'Trinity God of Destruction'.

Although he has started the decisive battle in advance, the advance time point is still too late, causing Omniscience to lose in the battle with the abyss and the stars for dominance, so the ending is still the "Trinity God of Destruction".

Second, because he started the decisive battle in advance, Omniscience could become the dominant consciousness of the new Lord God. However, the integration of the abyss and the stars did not 'expand' Omniscience too much, and even the disorder tolerance they brought to Omnisci

Sex is insignificant.

Even if Almighty True Knowledge becomes the new main god of the Trinity, there will not be enough time to deal with the spread of disorder. In the end, it will be completely eroded by disorder and become the "Trinity God of Destruction."

Lin Xun feels that the second explanation is more reasonable.

Because if the first explanation is true, then no matter how much effort the apostle makes in the chapter, he cannot change the inherent ending. Although the difficulty of the hell game in the underworld game is outrageously difficult, it will always leave the apostle with a chance of salvation.


If the first explanation is true, then Lin Xun cannot see the opportunity for salvation at all.

The second explanation can see a glimmer of salvation opportunity, and is most consistent with the consistent style of the underworld game.

Although the disorder tolerance brought by the abyss and the stars to Omniscient is negligible, and the time Omniscient can stay awake after awakening is not long enough to cope with the spread of disorder, at least it leaves a certain buffer time.

This buffer time may be decades or hundreds of years, or it may be only a few years or a few months.

It is also this buffer time that allows the apostle players to enter subsequent chapters and change the bad ending where omniscience is completely eroded by disorder and becomes the god of destruction.

Although Lin Xun did not truly save the world in this chapter, he still found a glimmer of salvation opportunity. It was precisely because of this glimmer of salvation opportunity that his efforts in this chapter were not in vain, and he was finally able to achieve the interpretation and evaluation of SSS.

Thinking of this, he breathed a sigh of relief and finally sorted out everything.

Having figured out all the joints, he can probably think of how the subsequent plot will develop. At this time, he can also overlook everything from the perspective of an outsider.

As the main gods, the Abyss and the Stars are certainly not so stupid as to know nothing about the plans of the servants of God. They use fair and aboveboard plots against the servants of God, and the servants of God do the same to them.

They are betting that the omnipotent true knowledge has been eroded by disorder to a certain extent. Even if the decisive battle begins in advance, they have a high probability of winning the subsequent battle of consciousness.

The temptation of omniscient authority is undoubtedly very great, so great that even if the abyss and the stars know that there is a certain probability of losing the bet, they still have to put all their efforts into it.

Because the abyss and the stars are also subject to disorderly erosion, but the current erosion progress has not yet reached the critical stage of life and death.

But once it is eroded by disorder infection, it will eventually lead to irreversible destruction.

Omniscient needs the abyss and the stars to expand its capacity and enhance its tolerance to disorder. Why don't the stars and the abyss need to expand?

That's why Abyss and the Stars knew that there was a probability of losing the bet, and the probability of losing the bet was not small because of the early decisive battle, but they still continued to plunder the omniscient authority according to their pre-planned plan, in an attempt to become the new gods of the Trinity.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! So after they merged with the Sons of the Abyss, they asked Lin Xun to go to his home world to find a way to coexist with disorder.

[The servant of God saw you lost in thought and showed a relieved smile. Now you have analyzed the answer. It just did the only thing it could do. The rest needs to be left to Allah. 】

[As a devout believer in Allah, we must believe in the power of the Lord, believe that the Lord can conquer everything, and that the Lord will surely become the final winner.]

[Not because of anything else, just because His name is...'Almighty True Knowledge'!】

[Lona next to you heard the words of the servant of God, and the big stone hanging in her heart finally dropped.]

[The power of Allah has long been deeply imprinted in the hearts of countless believers, and the Abyss and the Stars are two gods that have defeated evil gods one after another.]

[It is true that the Abyss and the Stars are also very powerful, but it depends on who you compare them with.]

[What they are facing is the omniscient and almighty Allah. What they are facing is a great existence that can still destroy the two main gods even if it is mostly eroded by disorder. ]

[The smile on the face of the servant of God has not wavered. It looks with you at the bottom of the rift valley, silently waiting for God's awakening. 】

[Its remaining consciousness slowly dissipated as time passed. Even so, it was still fully supporting itself and waiting for God to revive. It firmly believed that the omnipotent Lord could do it. 】

[It hopes that at the last moment of its life, it can take another look at the master who made it sacrifice all its life.]


[As time goes by, the ‘Son of the Abyss’ has used his identity as a servant of God to plunder too much authority and power from the sleeping great existence...]

[At this time, most of the servant of God’s consciousness has dissipated, but it has not yet waited for the expected scene to appear...]

[You look at Lorna next to you. She is staring at the bottom of the rift valley, her eyes refusing to shift for a moment. Her tightly clenched palms and her knuckles that are so hard that they turn white are all telling the tension in her heart.

[The bad feeling in your heart is getting stronger and stronger...]

[The smile at the corner of the servant's mouth disappeared without knowing when. It stared at the bottom of the rift valley, and the mysterious characters on its chest began to flash...]

[Using the power of analysis, it caused the dissipation of consciousness to speed up a lot, but it seemed as if it didn't notice it and murmured...]

【how so?】

[Now that we have reached the most critical point, Allah should have awakened long ago to suppress the will of the abyss and the stars and become the true leader of the Trinity.]

【But why hasn’t Allah awakened yet? 】

【It's too late, it's too late...】

[If Allah does not wake up, He will lose the opportunity to participate in the consciousness war, and He will never be able to become the dominant consciousness.]

[No, if He does not wake up, it will be equivalent to actively abandoning self-consciousness, and it will be equivalent to completely handing over authority and power to the abyss and the stars! 】

[Could it be that Allah has been completely eroded by disorder and has lost the clear will to wake up? 】

[Or maybe He can wake up, but when he wakes up, he will be completely swallowed up by Disorder, so even if his authority and power are constantly robbed, He is unwilling to wake up? 】

【No, no! No!】

Following the words of the servant of God, Lin Xun's sense of crisis became stronger and stronger.

"It shouldn't be. Could it be that the conclusion I derived is wrong?"

"Is the first explanation correct? It is still too late to start the decisive battle in advance, causing everything to have a chain reaction, making it impossible for omniscience to wake up."

"This is unreasonable, absolutely unreasonable!"

Lin Xun fell into deep self-doubt, and the situation before him was very unreasonable, which meant that the underworld game did not leave a way for the apostle to survive at all.

This also means that the winner of the bet is the abyss and the stars, and the interpretation of "Trinity God of Destruction" is literal, which means that the abyss and the stars will destroy the world after they merge and become omniscient.

[The servant of God stared at the bottom of the rift valley with wide eyes, the characters on his chest flashed crazily...]

[But the more you analyze it, the more wrong its expression becomes. 】

[When Lorna saw this, the expectation and tension on her face turned into panic. If omniscience cannot be awakened, then all the beautiful futures you had expected will be wiped out in an instant! 】

[During the continuous analysis, the servant of the knowledge god completely lost his previous calmness, and his expression was horrified and frightened, even with a hint of hysterical madness...]

【It's too late, it's too late!】

【It must be parsed wrong! It must be parsed wrong!】

[The future predicted by Allah may not be what He imagined at all!]

[Allah does not want to be the trinity of gods!]

[He simply doesn’t bother to merge with the abyss of stars...]

[He is the greatest existence, how could he be willing to merge with the stars and the abyss! 】

[Allah must have other plans. He is just unwilling to merge with the despicable evil god. He is definitely not unable to wake up...]

[As you look at the crazy servant of knowledge, your heart gradually sinks to the bottom.]

[Lona on the side also understood everything from the madness of the servant of God. Its face was full of sadness, as if it had lost all its strength, and it could barely support its body to stand by holding on to your shoulders. ]

[Lona smiled miserably and murmured, so it turned out that all this was a futile struggle? 】

[It has traveled all the way with you, from remote towns to the central imperial capital, spent more than twenty years and put in countless efforts of blood and sweat. Is all this an absurd and ridiculous useless struggle for the future? 】

[The servant of God turned a deaf ear to Lorna's words. As its consciousness was about to dissipate, it stared at the bottom of the rift, with the characters on its chest still flashing crazily...]

[It looked crazy, shouting ridiculous and confusing nonsense...]

[Why does the analyzed answer still lie with the ‘Messenger of True God’, and why does the hope still lie with you?!]

[The messenger has completed all its missions, and it has done everything it can do...]

【Where is the hope? Where are the answers?!】

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! [The servant of God turns around and shouts at you crazily with a ferocious expression...]

【Do something quickly! Do something for Allah quickly!】

【You opened your mouth, but no words came out.】

[Looking at the hysterical appearance of the servant of God, your heart feels cold and helpless, because you don’t know what else you can do, and because you know that no matter what you do, you can’t change the outcome. 】

[You are all gamblers who joined the gambling table, and you all understand that you have lost.]

[Becoming a loser means the failure of saving the world for you, and the destruction of faith for Lorna, and more than twenty years of persistence and dedication have been wiped out.]

[For the servant of God, becoming a loser means losing everything. It loses its master, its faith, and the meaning of its own existence...]


[With the passage of time, the consciousness of the servant of God has faded to an almost transparent level. At the last moment of his life, it finally regained its clarity and calm. 】

[It said to you with a sad expression, I'm sorry, all this is because of errors in its analysis, which caused you and Lorna to endure so much suffering on the way to complete your mission. 】

[There is no reason why it can ask you to do more and better...]

[Face the facts calmly and accept the facts, no matter how unsatisfactory the final result is...perhaps this is the final knowledge and truth given by Allah.]

[You look at the bottom of the rift valley, everything there is about to calm down, and the great existence that you have never seen clearly is gradually disappearing silently...]

[All you can do is stand quietly at the edge of the rift, waiting for the 'Sons of the Abyss' to plunder all the authority and power that can fully realize true knowledge, and waiting for the final judgment of the 'Trinity God of Destruction'! 】

Lin Xun waited for the final moment of the terminal event to come.

The game suddenly sent two lines of text prompt information.

[Your ‘fine copper incubation device’ has successfully hatched the ‘lens of the deranged monster’! 】

[You have obtained the ‘Miscellaneous Lens’ (legendary level)! 】

Lin Xun was startled.

At this time, in addition to the eternal divinity dropped by the wet nurse, he has collected a legendary divinity and a mythical divinity, which can upgrade the soul talent from 5 to +7.

And when the soul talent reaches the level of 7, it is when the talent transforms into soul power.

[You used the ‘Miscellaneous Lens’ (legendary level)! 】

【You gained 1 point of divinity!】

[You used the ‘Twisted Divinity of Stargazing’ (mythical level)! 】

【You gained 1 point of divinity!】

Open the apostle panel, and there will be a familiar little plus sign behind the status of the soul talent 'Thousand Faces'.

Just when Lin Xun was about to click the plus sign, the game text suddenly jumped rapidly!

[When everything falls silent, the ‘Son of the Abyss’ returns to the ground. 】

[He has robbed all the authority of omniscience, and the great existence of the past has died in a long sleep, and omniscience has never woken up.]

[At this time, you should not call Him the Son of the Abyss, but you should call Him the ‘Trinity God of Destruction’! 】

[The 'Trinity God' ignores the remaining consciousness of the servant of the God of Knowledge, nor the weak Lorna. He walks towards you step by step. 】

[You can’t feel any energy fluctuations on Him, nor any strong pressure. He is just like an ordinary mortal, walking towards you step by step. 】

【But for some reason, you just don’t dare to look directly into His eyes.】

[Perhaps it is because of timidity from the life level, or perhaps because of the reverence of low-dimensional life for high-dimensional life.]

[The ‘Trinity God’ tells you that the omniscience of the old god you believed in has died, and the oracle of the abyss has finally come true. 】

[Since you have never wavered in your belief, He will personally analyze the coordinates of your home world from your ‘anchor point’. 】

[As he spoke, the world fell into extreme darkness, and an extremely huge eye appeared behind Him!]

[The giant eye occupies all the background behind him, covering everything in this world. In your cognition and thinking, there is only this huge and terrifying eye left. 】

[When all the eyes of the giant eye are focused on you, you forget where you are at this time, and even forget your own existence, leaving only a feeling of fear that goes deep into your bones.]

[The cold sight without any emotion seems to cut you into slices and grind you into tiny particles, and you can see every particle thoroughly. 】

[It’s like all your memories and experiences are laid out in a long scroll, and you can read and watch them frame by frame without missing any detail. 】

[It’s like you have been stripped of all your clothes, naked and naked in front of the giant eyes. Everything you have experienced from the beginning of your birth to the present, no one you know, and everything recorded or unmemorized cannot escape this.

The gaze of a giant eye.]

[Your past, your present, and even your future are all thoroughly understood by Him...]

[At this moment, a sudden change occurred! 】

[Countless flashing characters appear in the pupils of that giant eye that occupies the entire world! 】

[Being stared at like this, an extremely familiar feeling comes to your mind...]

[Every time you die due to overload of knowledge, you will feel like this when you are lucky enough to have a glimpse of that great existence...]

[At this time, everything between heaven and earth returns to your thinking and cognition...]

[The expressionless face of the ‘Trinity God’ suddenly showed an expression of extreme fear. He exclaimed in alarm, the old god is omniscient?!]

[Impossible, omniscience has long since died, how is this possible?!]

[Not only is that giant eye watching you, but the consciousness of the Servant of Knowledge God and Lorna beside you are also watching you. 】

[The mysterious characters on the chest of the Servant of God keep flashing, and the same characters on Rona’s eyebrows are also flashing and analyzed.]

[Your sight seems to pass through the barrier of world space, overlooking the vast world. All scholars, all believers and people who believe in the true God, are all looking at you at the same time! 】

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! [They are all analyzing you, and they are all analyzing you under the guidance of ‘Almighty True Knowledge’! 】

[The servant of God showed a fanatical expression and shouted, it is indeed like this! Allah will not be defeated by the abyss and the stars!]

[No! The abyss and the stars have never been worthy of being enemies of Allah, and Allah has never put the abyss and the stars in his eyes...]

[Sure enough, it is parsed wrongly! Sure enough, it is parsed wrongly!]

【Now it finally understands!】

[The future predicted by Allah is not at all what it imagined!]

[God has already figured out the method of coexisting with disorder from the being behind you, but He has never been able to use this method because He has been missing a key. 】

[Now the key appears! All hopes, all sources and destinations have not changed!]

[The most precious key is the true messenger of God, no, that key is you!]

[The hidden power in your soul, the untapped power, is the key that Allah needs!]

[Allah does not want to be the ‘Trinity Lord’! 】

[Allah wants to be the great being behind you, the Messenger! 】

Lin Xun's heart was shocked. He only felt his scalp numb, and his heart was shocked beyond measure.

Is the Almighty True Knowledge going to be something like the ‘Book of Salvation’?

The Almighty True Knowledge wants to analyze his hidden power that has not yet been transformed from soul talent to soul power, and use this as the key to become a great being like the 'Book of Salvation'?

Is this the special nature of his soul power, or is it the soul talent given to the apostle by the Book of Salvation that is special to the Almighty True Knowledge?

Is Almighty True Knowledge's desire to become an existence like the 'Book of Salvation' a fantasy, or is it completely certain?

[Apostle who has had a bumpy journey, you have rewritten the ending event of the ‘Trinity God of Destruction’! 】

[You have triggered an unknown special end event!]

[Please note that you cannot exit this chapter in any way before completing this end event! 】

[If you forcibly interrupt the process of this chapter, the subsequent plot of this chapter will be developed by default in the form of your survival. Until the end of the chapter, you will not receive any rewards or interpretation evaluation! 】

[Please note that after completing this end event, you will be sent directly back to the 'Library', and you will not be able to enter this chapter again!]

[Please go to the ‘Book of Salvation’ in the ‘Library’ to settle the interpretation and evaluation! 】

The game prompt that popped up in front of me seemed familiar.

Lin Xun once swallowed the extremely evil proto-core in the body of Flanda in the world of fireflies. At that time, the "unknown terminal event" was triggered.

Similar special endings are not in the default ending of the game, so the apostles need to participate in real time. If the final salvation is successful, the false preview will become the real present.

"So, I am truly saving the world now?"

Lin Xun murmured.

[‘Almighty True Knowledge’ has used the stars and the abyss to purify the disordered erosion of its own authority to the point where it can exert its full force.]

[At this time, He can already use all the power of analytical authority to analyze you!]

[‘Almighty True Knowledge’ is not only trying its best to analyze you, but it is also guiding all things in the world and all believers who believe in Him to analyze you together. 】

[He gathers all the analytical power of the world and combines all the computing power of all things in the world to analyze you...]

[In a trance, you see scholars who are immersed in studying, looking at you; you see students studying in the classroom, looking at you; you see people sitting cross-legged, meditating, already

The prophet who has lost his self-awareness also opens his eyes and looks at you...]

[Countless unknown characters flashed in the huge eyes, and the will of the 'Almighty True Knowledge' pulled away from the abyss and stars, and in their desperate howls, crushed them into miniatures of light, and poured them all into your soul...]

[Your soul talent has been improved! Soul talent level 1!]

[The current soul talent level is 6!]

[Your soul talent has been improved! Soul talent level 1!]

[The current soul talent level is 7!]

[Your soul talent has undergone a qualitative change and is being transformed into soul power!]

[Your soul power has been improved! Soul power level 1!]

[The current soul power level is 8!]



[Your soul authority has been improved! Soul authority level 1!]

[The current soul authority level is 17!]

[When your soul power increases to 17, the will power of the abyss and stars is almost exhausted...]

[‘Almighty True Knowledge’ uses the divinity, godhead, and soul of the two as firewood, burning them all to continue to enhance your soul authority, to enhance the soul authority that has been transformed from soul authority! 】

[Your soul authority has been improved! Soul authority level 1!]

[The current soul authority level is 18!]

[The abyss and stars as firewood have burned out, and they have also completed their mission of omniscient ‘granting’, raising your soul authority to the limit that the Lord God can only reach!]

[‘Almighty True Knowledge’ uses all authority and power to analyze you, from talent to power, and from power to authority. 】

[Even the stars and the abyss, which are used as firewood, are also the consciousness tentacles of the 'Almighty Knowledge' and the existence of the 'Trinity'. When they are poured into your soul, it is equivalent to the 'Almighty Knowledge' personally experiencing the special thing hidden in your soul.


【When the firewood is burned out, the remaining fire will gradually extinguish.】

[The authority of your soul is weakening rapidly, retreating from authority to power, and then from power to talent...]

[But obviously, that great existence has figured out what He wants...]

[The countless characters flashing in the huge eyes gradually become chaotic and disorderly, and the eyes without any emotion gradually become crazy and insane...]

[‘Almighty True Knowledge’ uses all its power to drive the power of authority, causing disorder to spread at an extremely terrifying speed. Even if He has insight into everything, he cannot stop the spread of disorder...]

[The extremely dense mist overflows from the giant eye, fills the land under your feet, and spreads to every corner of the world...]

[All creatures that come into contact with the fog, whether they are humans or animals, whether they are scholars or civilians, will become deformed and crazy due to disordered erosion, and become demented and twisted monsters. 】

[The giant eye uses the last of its waking consciousness to transform itself into a huge ‘book of knowledge illusions’! 】

[Before disorder eroded all things, He extracted the souls and wills of all creatures in this world and poured them all into the blank pages of the book...]

[The huge ‘Book of Illusions of Knowledge’ automatically turns over the pages without wind, and vivid pictures are printed on the originally blank pages...]

[There are transplant doctors wearing beak masks performing experiments and operations on the operating table, scholars wearing bachelor's hats opening books and reciting the greatness of Allah, and thinly dressed old people and children walking hand in hand in the streets...

[Every living creature and every soul in the world has become a page in the 'Book of Illusions'...]

[In it you saw 'Bennet' who returned to the medical school to become the dean, and you also saw 'Rona' who was promoted to the leader of the school and whose statue stood in front of the school. You also saw in the pure white temple,

The 'servant of knowledge' waved goodbye to you with a kind face...]

[Everything disappeared as the ‘Book of Knowledge Illusion’ closed. 】

[Only the 'Book of Knowledge Illusions' floating quietly in the endless mist is left. The book is constantly overflowing with the disorder of all living things in it, and it seems that it can last until the end of time...]


Lin Xun subconsciously opened the apostle panel and continuously clicked the plus sign after the soul talent.

[Your soul talent has been improved! Soul talent level 1!]

[The current soul talent level is 6!]

[Your soul talent has been improved! Soul talent level 1!]

[The current soul talent level is 7!]

[Your soul talent has undergone a qualitative change and is being transformed into soul power!]

[Apostle, your soul talent has been transformed into soul power—chaos power!]

[Soul power - Chaos power: Your soul has unprecedented unique power. It is undefinable, unobservable, indescribable, and presents an initial superposition state of chaos, disorder, chaos, etc. that can be transformed into everything. 】

[When you define, under your observation, and under your description, chaos will be determined, you can control all bodies, you can become any soul, you can control all authority!]


[Seeing this situation, you can’t help but recall the predictions of the two great prophets...]

[A stranger left his hometown, traveled through the stars, worlds, and dimensions, arrived here, and became the messenger of a great existence.]

[The defeated heretic hiding in the starry sky made a comeback because of his arrival. 】

[The ancient existence that fell underground was revived and reborn because of his arrival. 】

[He is not the savior, he is the source of the destruction of the world!]

[He came here with the sacred mission of saving the world, but when he left, he left behind a devastated and scorched earth. 】

[He tried to awaken the great existence that had been sleeping for a long time, but he caused evil to spread and ushered in the end of the whole world. 】

[He is not the true messenger of God, he is the most evil and terrifying evil god!]


[A stranger left his hometown, traveled through the stars, worlds, and dimensions, arrived here, and became the messenger of a great existence.]

[The evil heretic hiding in the starry sky and trying to make a comeback was extinguished and died because of his arrival. 】

[The ancient existence that fell underground and tried to resurrect from the dead was annihilated again because of his arrival. 】

【He is the savior, he is the light that saves the world!】

[He is just a hurried traveler, but he takes on the sacred mission of saving the world, turning the devastated scorched earth into an eternal kingdom flowing with milk and honey. 】

[He finally awakened the great existence that had been sleeping for a long time, giving the world a new life when it was about to be destroyed. 】

[He is the true messenger of God, and he is the only chance for the world to continue to exist!]


[Looking at the devastated world filled with endless disorder, after learning about the power of chaos hidden in your soul, you know that the prediction of the great prophet has come true...]

[Looking at the huge ‘Book of Illusions of Knowledge’ that can exist forever in disorder, and thinking of the new world in it, you know that the prediction of the great prophet of multi-viewing has also come true! 】

[The prophecies of the great prophets come from dreams given by Allah...it turns out that the 'Almighty Knowledge' has already foreseen all the future!]


[The special end event ‘The Book of Illusions of Knowledge that Escapes the World’ is completed! 】

[You are being transferred to the library...]

This chapter has been completed!
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