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Chapter 490 The upgrade of incense and evil thoughts, Emperor Wuliangshou who respects Buddha and restrains Taoism

Soon, the village leader led a large number of villagers to the temple.

When the villagers saw the broken limbs and arms on the ground, their expressions were cold and numb. They seemed to have been accustomed to the bloody and cruel killing rituals. Even if there were close relatives among the corpses, their indifferent expressions did not waver.

Under the leadership of the new host and Muramasa, they devoutly worshiped the new Buddha, the King of Relics of Namu Great Sage, and offered burning incense in their hands.

[You have absorbed the evil thoughts of incense, and the body "the evil son of the first fire of desire" will gain a certain amount of experience points! 】

[The power within the body begins to boil, and the body level of the ‘Evil Son of the First Fire of Desire’ increases. The current body level is: 62 (182)]

[You have absorbed the evil thoughts of incense, and the body "the evil son of the first fire of desire" will gain a certain amount of experience points! 】

[The power within the body begins to boil, and the body level of the ‘Evil Son of the First Fire of Desire’ increases. The current body level is: 63 (182)]

[You have absorbed incense and evil thoughts...]


With the worship of many villagers, the game prompts jumped rapidly.

The level of the Son of Evil's body kept rising, and upgrade prompts continued to appear as if he had taken an experience pill.

The progress bar of 'Source of Extremely Evil Power' in its panel is also steadily increasing.

"If you turn the underworld game into an idle idle game, it should be my only one, right?"

The rapid upgrade benefits brought about by such effortless efforts gave Lin Xun a feeling of pleasure as if he had opened a plug-in.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that I have never turned it off, just turned it on...

When each villager took turns offering incense and evil thoughts, the level of the 'Son of Evil' had soared to level 71.

Lin Xun smacked his lips, feeling that he still had something to say, so he asked the villagers to do it again.

However, it seems that the incense and evil thoughts that each villager can produce have been exhausted.

Even if you continue to burn incense and worship, you will no longer be able to draw strength from it. You need to wait for a period of time, and wait for the villagers to accumulate their own evil thoughts again before the Son of Evil can continue to upgrade.

The population of Lijia Village did not exceed one thousand. Excluding the more than one hundred people Lin Xun killed, the remaining population was estimated to be around seven or eight hundred.

Just a few hundred people can bring such a huge power gain. I can't imagine how strong I would be if a whole city of believers gathered together and absorbed incense and evil thoughts for many years.

It is true that there is such a big improvement now because the current level of the Son of Evil is low, lower than the average level of the mobs in the current chapter, so it can be improved so quickly.

But if the scope of the village is expanded to a city, or even to an entire country, or even an entire world, the power gains will become extremely terrifying.

From this we can see that becoming a god through incense is not a joke, but something that can be truly accomplished.

"It is estimated that only this world full of evil thoughts can allow the son of evil to advance so quickly. After passing this village, there will be no more shops like this. You have to take advantage of it."

After Lin Xun finished absorbing the evil thoughts of the incense in Lijia Village, the 'Evil Buddha Mother' who had been robbed of the incense came here without being angry.

He didn't know whether it was because Lijiacun's incense belief was of no importance to him, or because he was afraid to show his face because of Lin Xun's previous blast of dragon's breath that destroyed the world.

"Very tolerable, right? Let's see how long you can endure it!"

Lin Xun sneered, he was already ready to go to 'Us City' to destroy the enemy's lair.

Stealing the incense from Lijia Village may not matter to the 'All Evil Buddha Mother', but if the incense from the entire city of 'Us City' was taken away, he really didn't believe that the Buddha Mother could still sit there.

Lin Xun has a cheating artifact like 'Chaos Power', so he doesn't have to worry about his coordinates being locked. He has an excellent advantage over the enemy and ourselves. It would be a waste not to make good use of it to increase his own strength.

If the Buddha Mother dares to come to the world, he will dare to kill gods and explode his divinity. If the Buddha Mother always acts like a coward, it will not hinder his goal of seizing the incense to increase his own strength.

"The game experience of creating immortality and becoming a god is indeed different from what it used to be..."

Lin Xun couldn't help but sigh.

If we say that in the past, when he had thousands of faces, his gaming experience was not good, and could even be described as suffering.

So now he is just replacing a shotgun with a cannon, and he is done with it.

Of course, it is also because it is the welfare period for newbies who have just entered the chapter...


[After all the villagers have finished worshiping, you tell the ‘new host’ that you are going to ‘Us City’ to rescue the suffering beings there and help them escape from the clutches of the evil worshiping wild god. 】

[The 'new host' knew that you had great magical powers, so he found pen and ink, drew the specific location of 'Us City' on the map, and handed it to you with both hands...]

[You have obtained the ‘orientation map of Us City’ (map)! 】

[The ‘new host’ respectfully says to you, Supreme Buddha, you must do your best to eliminate evil. 】

[The Zoroastrian Cult sets up Buddha statues to worship wild gods and teaches the world the method of killing and offering sacrifices. You kill the 'evil Buddha mothers'. If you don't kill all the evil people in the 'Zoro Worship Cult', there will be thousands more.

The 'Mother of All Evil Buddhas' is born.】

[You know in your heart that what it says is just an excuse. The new host is worried that if you only kill the 'Evil Buddha Mothers' instead of converting the Zoroastrian Cult, the Zoroastrian Cult will go to Lijiacun Qiuhou to settle the score.]

[After all, you, the new incarnation of the Buddha, look like an angry-eyed Vajra who only kills but never crosses...]

[If the Zoroastrian Cult has not received your "Transformation", by that time, the Zoroastrian Cult may not even need to take action. Lijiacun will tear down your statue and erect a new clay statue of the "Evil Buddha Mother". 】

"Only killing but not crossing? The description is quite accurate."

"If these extremely evil monsters, as well as the gods who have fallen into extreme evil, are beaten to ashes, then naturally there will be no need for salvation..."

[You asked the 'new host', you heard the old host who had been cast into the animal realm mentioned the 'remnants of evil spirits' before, does he know anything about the 'remnants of evil spirits'? 】

['The new abbot' was stunned and said, Supreme Buddha, those evil demons have long been dead and injured. Those who have been suppressed have been suppressed, and those who have been transformed can still become mounts and playthings of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, while those who disobey can still become the mounts and playthings of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.

They are all dead.]

[There have been no real "remnants of evil spirits" in the world for hundreds of years. Even if the beast elves in the mountains become enlightened and show spiritual wisdom, they will be captured by the Zoroastrian Cult. However, these bird and beast elves who have just awakened their spiritual wisdom are still far away.

It is far from being called a monster race and the remnants of evil spirits.]

[According to rumors, there seems to be some kind of ‘monster holy land’, ‘big demon cave’ and the like, but those are all fabricated folk legends about monsters. 】

[If Buddha, you also want to capture a big demon as a mount, I'm afraid you can only snatch it from the hands of those evil worshiping wild gods...]

Lin Xun was a little speechless: "How come this monster clan is worse off in Zhuchi than Yingluo?"

Then I thought about it, the ground in Zhuchi was full of followers of Canggu Tianyan, and the sky was full of gods and Buddhas. It would be a shame if the demon clan could get away with it.

No wonder the ancestor of the nine-tailed fox would secretly board a ship returning from paying tribute and secretly escape from Zhuchi to a remote and small place like Sakuraluo.

It turns out that because I couldn't survive anymore, I would rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail, so I went to Yingluo to avoid natural enemies and carry out ancient species invasions.

Lin Xun's oath camp in this chapter still belongs to the 'Chaos Source Dragon' side. Compared with the favorable situation of the camp in the omniscient chapter, the camp advantage in this chapter can be said to be almost nonexistent.

Not only does it have no advantage, but if its own camp is exposed, it may lead to a huge disadvantage in the form of encirclement and suppression by gods and Buddhas.

[You still have a question in your mind, so before going to ‘Us City’, ask the ‘new host’ for clarification...]

['Canggu Tianyan' teaches the world three thousand great ways, including Buddhist dharma, supernatural powers, and immortal Taoism. In addition to the temple dedicated to the 'Mother of All Evil Buddhas', is there any other Taoist immortals in 'Us City'?

Taoist temple?】

[The 'new abbot' shook his head and said, Zhuchi Empire has a long history, and it has been thousands of years since the founding of the dynasty. The 'Emperor Wu' respected the Buddha and restrained his Taoism, and ordered Zhuchi to build temples and establish temples in various places.

Founded the Lecture School, preached Buddhism, and carried forward Buddhist scriptures.]

[With this move, he was granted the "immortal life" by the Buddhas, so the "Emperor Wu" has not abdicated since the founding of the country, and was called the "Immortal Emperor" by all the nations who came to pay tribute.]

[And those Qi practitioners who practice Taoism pay attention to "inaction" and "Tao follows nature", and the Taoist gods do not like worldly disputes. Emperor Wu's respect for Buddha and restraint of Tao just allowed them to escape from the world and escape to the overseas fairy islands to be at ease...]

Lin Xun frowned.

The new host's statement should come from Zhu Chi's official statement. In fact, things are certainly not that simple.

He activated his analytical power and quickly figured out a reasonable plot.

With incense, which is related to the fundamental interests of gods, the Taoist Heavenly Lord certainly did not voluntarily leave Zhu Chi's land and escape to the overseas fairy islands.

There must have been an earth-shattering battle for incense between the two sides, and the final result was that the Buddhists prevailed.

The Buddhas and Bodhisattvas overthrew the original imperial dynasty and established their own agents in the human world, that is, the immortal "Martial Emperor" with infinite lifespan, so as to better obtain the power of incense.

But now the evil god has invaded Zhu Chi's land, causing all the gods and Buddhas in the sky to fall into extreme evil.

That 'Emperor Wu' had to flee overseas and seek help from the Taoist deities.


[The 'new host' said in surprise, Supreme Buddha, Emperor Wu is still staying well in the palace in the capital, and has not escaped overseas as you said. ]

[Now that the world is peaceful...well, although there are indeed some evil gods worshiping wild gods, because the evil people in Zoroastrianism spread the word, they deceive the world and steal the incense of the righteous gods, just like the 'evil Buddha mothers'. 】

[If you had not incarnated and walked in the world, the world may have been deceived by the "Evil Buddha Mothers" for decades or even hundreds of years. However, after all, there are only a few such evil worshipers of wild gods, and it is impossible for every god and Buddha to fall into this trap.

The evil god of the devil, right?]

[Besides, there has been no war in the world for thousands of years. It is not an exaggeration to call it a peaceful and prosperous era. Why did Emperor Wu want to escape overseas? 】

【Did you remember it wrong?】

Lin Xun sneered: "You really guessed it right. Every god and Buddha has become an evil god who fell into the devil's way. There may be a few survivors, but it is definitely not something that the world can discover."

The abbot in front of me, like many villagers, all have extremely evil prefixes, and their memories have been unknowingly tampered with by evil thoughts.

According to the memory of the 'son of a fire-worshipping swordsmith', decades ago, the Zhu Chi Empire was still struggling in the flames of the divine war. However, in the mouth of the new abbot, it became, 'The world has been without war for a thousand years.


Compared with the indifferent villagers who are indifferent and unable to communicate, the new host has more sense of autonomy. In popular terms, it is "a brain but not much". This is probably because it is an "elite monster" in the novice village.

Therefore, the information revealed from the mouth of the new host can only be half believed and half believed. The real information is mainly based on the memory of the body of 'Worship the Fire'.

After Lin Xun emptied the inventory of information in the new host's stomach, he ordered him and Muramasa to hold regular incense worship, and there was no need to mention the killing of animals and the like.

Anyway, he has just entered the chapter, and he will stay in the chapter for a long time. Killing animals for sacrifice is neither in line with the spirit of humanity nor in line with the environmental protection route of sustainable development.

If he can finally save the world and turn the previewed chapters into reality, then the 'Book of Knowledge and Illusions' can intervene in the world, and every believer will be his upgrade accelerator.

Of course, if the villagers did not worship the 'Namo Great Sage Relic King Buddha' at the appointed time, then he would not mind another round of killing but not crossing.

For Lijiacun, the Zoroastrian Cult is not a good thing. His new Buddha, who uses violence to fight violence, is not much better than the Zoroastrian Cult. At best, he will not torture them and can happily release them from the dead.


[Regarding your decree of "forbidding the killing of animals for sacrifice", the villagers have no special expressions. There is no celebration and applause of approval as expected, and there is no objection to refute and disobedience. Some only have the same numbness and indifference. 】

[You know that these monsters who have fallen into extreme evil are hopeless. You take one last look at this isolated mountain village, then jump up and fly to the vast mountains outside according to the 'Us City Location Map'


In order to facilitate his actions, Lin Xun used the body of the 'Son of Evil' at this time.

Although this body does not have the prefix of 'extremely evil', it has more evil thoughts than the extremely evil monsters. If some elite level extremely evil monsters see him, they will probably shout that daddy is here.

[After flying over the vast mountains, you see a city standing in the wilderness of the Gobi Desert. From a distance, the city is completely silent, and there are vague evil thoughts emanating from the city...]

[There is a huge Buddha statue standing in the center of the city, higher than all the buildings in the city. The shape of the huge stone Buddha statue is very familiar. It is the "Mother of All Evil Buddhas" that you have seen made of clay. 】

[The huge Buddha statue holds the 'Sword of Great Wisdom' in its left hand and a bone bowl in its right hand, looking down at all the believers and pilgrims in the city with a half-smile.]

[You know, this city is the so-called ‘Us City’. 】

[This huge Buddha statue is obviously looking downward, but it gives you the eerie illusion that it is looking at you. No matter which direction you fly towards the city, you will be discerned by this sight. 】

[Countless characters flashed in your eyes, temporarily stagnant in mid-air, and did not fly directly into the city...]

[Suddenly, a black light flew out of the city and flew in another direction outside the city. It seemed to sense your presence. When the black light was halfway through the flight, it turned around and flew towards you. 】

[In the blink of an eye, the black light comes to you, and the light dissipates to reveal a strong monk wearing a cassock. He wears a black cassock with his chest half exposed, has short green stubble on his head, and holds a black aura in his hand.

The bell and pestle instrument.]

[It comes to you and asks in surprise, where does this face-to-face ‘living Buddha’ come from? 】

[After the ‘new abbot’’s explanation, you have understood that ‘living Buddha’ is an honorific title for those powerful monks who are almost gods. 】

[When a ‘living Buddha’ achieves the fourth-level fruition status, he can be promoted to an ‘Arahant’ at the level of an immortal god. In the future, he will have the opportunity to achieve the first-level fruition status ‘Sotapanna’ and become a true ‘Buddha’.】

[You have discovered the ‘extremely evil little Dharma King of all evil treasures’! 】

【How should you answer the question of ‘Little Dharma King’? 】

[1. The poor monk Tang Sanzang came from the Tang Dynasty in the east and went to the west to worship Buddha and learn scriptures. He happened to pass by here and come to beg for alms. 】

[2. The poor monk’s name is Tang San Burial. He is buried in the sky, buried on the ground, and all living beings are buried. Today, we are destined to come here to give you a grand burial. 】

【3. Tang Sanzang, a poor monk, passed by the Daughter's Kingdom on the way and almost lost his way to get Buddhist scriptures. When he saw the solemn Buddha statue in the city, he felt regretful and came here to pray to the Mother of Buddha to relieve his lustful desires. 】

Lin Xun:???

This chapter has been completed!
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