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Chapter 506 Kunlun Mountain, the destined person

[You continue to say to the little Dharma King, this senior brother also knows that although practicing the Joyful Zen can quickly increase your magic power, if something goes wrong, you will become weak and weak and unable to practice this way again, or at worst, all your magical powers and magic power will be destroyed.]

[The Great Dharma King in your 'All Evil Treasure Land' asked you to go out and travel in search of this magical medicine because something went wrong in your practice, which made it impossible to practice Joyful Zen anymore, and because all the medicines and stones in the world were ineffective. 】

[Could this be the reason for this senior brother’s friend...]

[After hearing this, the little Dharma King nodded repeatedly, as if he was putting himself in his friend’s shoes.]

[You put your arms around the shoulders of the little Dharma King and spoke with great courage. You and your senior brother hit it off immediately. Naturally, your senior brother’s friends are also your friends. If you can find this magical medicine, it is natural that you will share half of it with your senior brother! 】

[But Kunlun is a Buddhist treasure land and the garden of the god of hell. According to what my senior brother just said, it is not easy to enter Kunlun...]

[The little Dharma King heard that you were willing to collect the magic medicine and share half of it. He was very moved by your generosity, but after knowing your difficulty, he was a little anxious. 】

[It pondered for a long time and analyzed it calmly for you. If this magical medicine is really hidden in Kunlun, senior brother would have three difficulties in entering the mountain gate to collect the medicine. 】

[The first is that Kunlun is located four hundred miles away from the Qing and Tang Dynasties. However, this place is hidden in the vast mountains and is covered by great supernatural powers. At a glance, it is no different from other mountains. It is not easy to find the Kunlun Mountain Gate.


[The second is that ‘Kunlun’ is in charge of ‘Lu Wu’. If the God of Hell does not agree, even if the Buddha comes in person, he will be blocked from the mountain gate, and it is extremely difficult to enter the mountain gate. 】

[Third, even if you are lucky enough to enter the mountain gate, it will be even more difficult to obtain such a magical medicine from Lu Wu. ]

[After such analysis, it also feels very headache...]

[When you saw this, you sighed and said, alas, you also know that it is difficult to go to the sky to collect medicines in the mountains. If not for the entrustment of the Dharma King, you would not come to Miji Temple to disturb my senior brother.]

[Now my senior brother’s friend also needs such a magical medicine, and the burden on you is even heavier...]

[But regardless of whether the medicine collection is successful or not, you still want to go to Kunlun and give it a try. Even if it is not for the Dharma King, you have to do it for the sake of your senior brother’s friend. 】

[You admire the most loyal person in your life. Your senior brother considers your friends wholeheartedly, which makes you deeply moved. You and your senior brother fall in love at first sight, so you should do your best both emotionally and rationally! 】

[The little Dharma King immediately stood up and toasted you a glass of wine and said, "Senior Brother is so kind, and Junior Brother should reciprocate the favor. Senior Brother, please enjoy the fine wine and delicacies here for a while. Junior Brother, I will go read the scriptures and see if I can find anything about Kunlun."

Clues to solve problems for senior brother...]

[After saying that, the little Dharma King thanked you again and again, and then trotted away to look up the scriptures. It seems that he is more concerned about this matter than you are.]

[The 'White Elephant Demon' on the side looked straight at you, thinking to himself, the power of the 'big deception' of the little junior brother is really terrifying. In just a short time, the little Dharma King has been running errands for you wholeheartedly.

[It picked up a chicken leg and stuffed it into its big mouth, and asked doubtfully, little junior brother, you saw in advance what was wrong with the 'Little Dharma King'? If it is in good health, how should you fool it? 】

[You glanced at the White Elephant Demon and replied, Senior Brother, these are not the important point. The important point is that everything in the world is for profit, and all the hustle and bustle in the world is for profit. Not to mention the secular mortals, even the gods and Buddhas in the sky also value their own needs.


[You only offer benefits that make the little Dharma King excited, so that the little Dharma King is willing to do things for you.]

[If the little Dharma King has no hidden diseases, you can also use the rare Buddhist skills in your pocket as bait to make the little Dharma King willingly run errands for you.]

[The White Elephant Demon nodded in understanding, feeling that nothing could trouble you. No wonder the Bodhisattva would entrust you with the important task of going to Penglai...]



[You brothers and sisters waited from dark until dawn before the little Dharma King hurriedly returned.]

[It read through many ancient scriptures and finally found specific clues about Kunlun...]

[The little Dharma King said to you, brother, hundreds of years ago, our temple organized many monks to search for Kunlun hidden in the mountains. Unfortunately, thousands of monks from the whole temple were gathered to search, but in the end they all returned without success. 】

[Later, a wild woodcutter actually discovered the Kunlun Mountain Gate and accidentally entered it, where he saw countless rare treasures.]

[After leaving Kunlun, he reported to the Dharma King of the temple at that time. The Dharma King noted down the direction of Kunlun and then explored Kunlun again.]

[The Great Dharma King arrived at the gate of Kunlun Mountain according to what the woodcutter said, but was unable to enter it.]

[According to the woodcutter, there was a voice in the dark saying that it was a 'destined person', so that it could enter the Kunlun Mountain Gate without any hindrance.]

[Although there are many rare and exotic animals in Kunlun, the woodcutter couldn't take anything away. He could only enter the treasure mountain and return empty-handed. Finally, he was unwilling to report it to Miji Temple. 】

[After that, the Dharma King sent monks to the gate of Kunlun Mountain many times, but unfortunately no 'destined person' like the woodcutter appeared again.]

[Perhaps because of the frequent harassment, the demon god ‘Lu Wu’ was displeased. After he crushed all the visiting monks to death, the Great Dharma King listed Kunlun as a forbidden area and prohibited the monks from the temple from exploring Kunlun again. 】

[Over time, Kunlun was gradually forgotten by people...]

[After the little Dharma King said this, he said to you with an apologetic expression, Brother, it only checked these recorded scriptures and the specific location of Kunlun. 】

[Whether you can enter the Kunlun Mountain Gate depends on your fate, senior brother.]

[Senior Brother, treat it with a sincere heart, Junior Brother, it will naturally tell you the truth. The demon god ‘Lu Wu’ may be a little tired of seeing the monk. If Senior Brother insists on going to Kunlun, you must be more careful. 】

[If you are sure that you are not a ‘destined person’, do not linger for a long time and leave Kunlun as soon as possible to avoid not getting the magic medicine and losing your life. 】

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! [As he spoke, the little Dharma King told you the detailed location of the Kunlun Mountain Gate and how to identify Kunlun among the mountains.]

[The specific location of ‘Kunlun’ you learned about! 】

When Lin Xun saw this prompt, it was as if he saw 'You have started a hidden mission - a trip to Kunlun!'

Having roughly obtained all the preliminary information about the mission, he said goodbye to the little Dharma King and immediately set off for Kunlun.


[You are sitting on the soaring clouds set up by the 'White Elephant Demon'. After flying over the Gobi desert, you will see one vast mountain range after another...]

[You overlook the undulating mountains at your feet. The mountains are gray and yellow, and there are very few trees and grass. Even if there are trees, they are only one or two crooked dead trees. 】

[It is very appropriate to describe this land as desolate, lifeless and lifeless.]

[The ‘White Elephant Demon’ beside you said to you, Junior Brother, we have flown more than four hundred miles in the direction mentioned by the Little Dharma King. Where is Kunlun? 】

[You carefully stare at the mountains at your feet to identify them, and reply, the direction is correct, we should be there soon, senior brother, continue flying, fly slower...]

[The 'White Elephant Demon' heard this and slowed down its flying speed in the clouds and fog, so that you can identify the features of the mountain so as not to miss it...]

[After searching for a long time, you suddenly pointed to the undulating mountain peaks in the distance and said, Senior Brother, that’s Kunlun! 】

[White Elephant Demon looks in the direction you are pointing. There are two inconspicuous mountains connected to each other in the mountains. The two mountains are like twins. They are almost the same in terms of height, slope, and mountain characteristics. 】

[The White Elephant Demon immediately rode on the clouds and muttered, this Kunlun doesn’t look like anything special...]

[It flew over two mountain peaks. Looking down from here, the two mountains were bare, with no trees or birds or animals. 】

[The White Elephant Demon asked aloud, Junior Brother, which of these two mountains is Kunlun?]

[You smiled slightly and said, Senior Brother, you just need to land on the top of the mountain. If you find any mountain that is blocked by great supernatural powers, you cannot fall to the top of the mountain and can only fall to the foot of the mountain. That mountain is Kunlun. 】

[When the White Elephant Demon heard this, he did as you said. It was just like what you said. One of the two mountains can directly land on the top of the mountain, while the other one seems to be blocked by an invisible iron wall. No matter what the White Elephant Demon does,

Even my strength cannot fall to the top of the mountain.】

[It can only fall at the foot of the mountain obediently...]

[As soon as we reached the foot of the mountain, the bare hill in front of us suddenly underwent earth-shaking and drastic changes.]

[The small mountain just now suddenly becomes as tall as a giant pillar supporting the sky. The mountain is lush and green, and the chirping of birds, animals and insects comes one after another. You can even see waterfalls with white flowers and clear springs flowing down from the mountain. 】

[When the breeze blows, the fragrance of earth, the smell of vegetation and the refreshing and moist water vapor fill the nose, refreshing the heart and refreshing the mind.]

[The White Elephant Demon stared at the changes in front of him in stunned silence, saying that this blinding method is already a great supernatural power.]

[A mountain road built with stone steps winds back and forth from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain. It is roughly estimated that there are at least hundreds of thousands of stone steps!]

[Looking up, there seems to be golden light flowing and flickering on the top of the mountain. It is indeed the rumored Buddhist treasure land.]

[Beside the starting point of the mountain path’s stone steps, there is a small stone tablet with words engraved on it...]

[Only 'those who are destined' can climb to the top and get started step by step. If you are not destined, don't force it. That's it for now. Remember it!]

[Left by the Thirteenth Dharma King Longdo of Miji Temple.]

[Looking at the weathering of the material, the stone tablet seems to be quite old. It is estimated that it has been erected for hundreds of years. This Dharma King Londo Thirteenth should be the one who angered the demon god 'Lu Wu' hundreds of years ago.

A Dharma King.】

[The Dharma King erected a stone tablet next to the starting point of the stone steps to warn subsequent monks.]

[The White Elephant Demon looked at the words on the stone tablet and walked up the stone steps with some disbelief. It didn’t feel anything strange and couldn’t help but said, Huh? Could it be that it is destined to Kunlun? Is it the destined person? 】

[Junior brother, come up and give it a try. 】

[The White Elephant Demon looked at the long winding mountain road and tried to take off in the clouds and fog, but was shocked to realize that all magical powers of flying in the air were prohibited here. It also tried to move the magical powers, but it also failed to take effect. ]

[Not only are the magical powers of flying and moving unable to be used, but even the powerful and unparalleled magic power cannot be used. 】

[At this time, a flying bird flapped its wings on a tree in the distance, then flew high and away...]

[The white elephant demon stared blankly at the bird that was going away, and secretly said, Damn, this is really evil, why am I not even as good as a bird here?]

[You climb the stone steps, and as soon as your feet land on the first step, you are keenly aware of an extremely slight force pressing on you.]

[If you didn’t have the power of flesh and blood and could accurately feel the movement of the hairs on your body, you would definitely not be able to detect this new, seemingly absent burden of power.]

[As you walk up a few more steps, you will find that with every step you take, the new strength burden on your body will increase slightly.]

[This increase is also very small, but it is the same for every level. You cross several levels in one step, and the additional burden is not less than half a point. 】

[You look along the zigzag stone steps to the top of the mountain. The number of these stone steps can be called endless. If you gain weight with each step you go up, you may not even reach halfway up the mountain.

Being crushed by the 'mountain' on my back.】

[You ask the ‘White Elephant Demon’ next to you, has Senior Brother not noticed that his body has become heavier? 】

[The 'White Elephant Demon' blinked and then asked in confusion, why has its body become heavier? It has strong muscles and is already very heavy. Now it doesn't even eat or drink half of the time. How could it suddenly become heavier? 】

[You know, although this beast has strong magic power, its perception is not very good. It will be able to sense something is wrong after it goes a little further. 】

[Although you cannot fly in the air, you have just climbed a few steps up the stone steps, and the weight on your body is still negligible, so the two of you climbed the mountain very quickly and walked as fast as flying.]

【The further you go up the mountain road, the heavier you will feel the weight on your body.】

[Fortunately, you have endless physical strength, so you won’t feel tired at all. You didn’t even take a breath for a long time, and there was no sweat on your forehead. 】

[It’s just that although you have endless physical strength, you don’t need to worry about fatigue, but if the strength of the burden exceeds your endurance limit, you will be pinned to the spot, and you will not be able to move up even an inch. 】

[On the other hand, looking at the white elephant demon beside me, it is panting slightly and breathing heavily, and it is no longer as calm as when it first went up the mountain. 】

[You joked while climbing the mountain, senior brother, do you feel that your body is getting heavier now? 】

[‘White Elephant Demon’ said harshly, “No, it’s not serious at all!”

[You can't use magical powers to move up here. You can only rely on physical strength to climb up. It has strong muscles and is much heavier than your thin arms and legs, and it naturally consumes much more than you.]

[You will be too tired to climb later, but don’t let senior brother carry you...]

[When you see the White Elephant Demon being so tough-talking, you can’t help but smile.]


[At the beginning of the mountain climbing, you felt very relaxed and could even joke and bicker with Senior Brother Bai Xiang. However, the higher you climbed, the heavier your body became. 】

[Now that you have closed your mouth tightly, you need to concentrate and use all your strength to move your steps and climb up another level.]

[You exhale loudly, gather all your strength, and step up one level again. You feel that you have almost reached the limit of your strength.]

[You raise your eyes to look at the top of the mountain, and then lower your head to look down at the bottom of the mountain. At this time, you are not even halfway up the mountain, and you have only climbed a third of the way.]

['White Elephant Demon' has a slight sweat on his forehead, panting heavily, and looks back, looking slightly satisfied and saying to you, "Junior Brother, can't you hold on anymore?"

[Elder brother is a little out of breath, but it’s not difficult to carry you to the top alone. 】

[Speaking, the White Elephant Demon turned its back, half-crouched, and motioned for you to lie on its back.]

[Seeing that this guy is still being stubborn, you just lay on his back without any courtesy.]

[As soon as I got on my back, the White Elephant Demon let out an "Ouch", lost its balance and fell backwards, falling into a ball with you, and rolled down dozens of steps before stopping its awkward figure.]

[The White Elephant Demon is not able to breathe well when it climbs up. Junior brother, even though the elder brother is extremely powerful physically, you can’t use your ‘immovable as a mountain’ magical power to embarrass the elder brother!]

【Carrying you is like carrying a mountain, so who can bear it?】

[Hey, it’s strange to say that, little junior brother, how did you use your magical power here? 】

[When you heard what the White Elephant Demon said, you were shocked, and then you immediately reacted.]

[You quickly asked, Senior Brother, did he really not feel his body getting heavier, or was he just kidding you?]

[White Elephant Demon said, are you kidding? Monks don’t lie. It has never felt any physical body becoming heavier.]

[It has told you before that it is panting because it cannot use mana here, and its body is too heavy and consumes much more energy than you.]

[You stared blankly at the senior brother in front of you, whose eyes were full of clarity and stupidity, and a thought flashed in your mind...]

[Is this guy the so-called ‘destined person’? 】

"No, if the destined person is Senior Brother Bai Xiang, what about me?"

"How do I get to Kunlun?"

Lin Xun only felt that something was not quite right about the direction of this hidden mission.

This chapter has been completed!
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