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Chapter 530: The most disgusting thing about others, Shi Bao Mo Jin

[You couldn’t help but touch Senior Brother Bai Elephant with your elbow and ask him what happened.]

[You have not been formally accepted into the Bodhisattva's sect, so it is normal for you to know very little about the Bodhisattva. However, the White Elephant Demon is a great disciple of the Bodhisattva and has served the Bodhisattva for many years. If you don't even know these things, wouldn't it be ridiculous? 】

[The white elephant demon is preaching to you, little junior brother. Of course, senior brother, it knows how the Bodhisattva attained enlightenment, and also knows a series of legends and deeds about the Bodhisattva’s enlightenment. These are common knowledge that must be learned by disciples. 】

[It’s just that it’s a bit difficult to tell what kind of status the Bodhisattva has now, and the reason is quite tortuous...]

[The old scripture master looked unhappy and scolded loudly, you two were flirting with each other but didn’t reply. If you don’t even know the essence of these lessons, why are you listening to them? Get out of here!]

[When the white elephant demon heard this, his anger surged, and he pointed at the old sutra master's nose and said loudly, I know Bodhisattva much better than you do. When talking about Bodhisattva, you can only listen obediently. Don't show off here.

Belly ink!]

【It’s good to prick up your ears!】

[Our Bodhisattva’s previous life was born in the Vande Brahma family of the Detara settlement in Sindh.]

[The Bodhisattva was born from his mother's right side. He has a purple-gold body and good physical appearance. When he fell to the ground, he could speak like a boy in heaven. He was also covered with seven treasures. Various auspicious omens appeared in his home. 】

[In his previous life, when the Bodhisattva had grown up, he went to the gods and humans to seek the Dharma for monasticism, but the Brahmans and commentators were unable to repay him. So he took refuge in the Buddha, became a monastic and learned the Dharma, and helped the Buddha spread...]


[Then the Bodhisattva went to the Snowy Mountains, sat in lotus position under the Nikuruta tree, and preached and recited the twelve sutras for five hundred heavenly beings.]

[When he preached the sutras and preached the Dharma, great merits were added to his body. The pores of the Bodhisattva's whole body emitted the light of fire, and his golden body became a glass image. He sat on the lotus platform, and then he realized liberation and achieved the second-class fruition status of 'Situagami'. 】

[The Bodhisattva achieves liberation and ascends to the Western Paradise, opens a Taoist temple in the solemn soil of the Actual Retribution, and recruits disciples to spread the Dharma and preach the sutras...]

[White Elephant Demon speaks very quickly, as if he has already memorized this content and learned it by heart, and can recite it backwards and forwards.]

[The old sutra master was stunned for a moment after hearing this. Although this monk had an ugly face and seemed to be an unlearned and unskilled disciple, he was very knowledgeable about the Bodhisattva's deeds. What he told was even better than what was recorded in the sutras.

More details.】

[There are some details that are not recorded in the scriptures that have been circulated in the world. Even the old scripture masters are not aware of them, but this pot-bellied monk can explain them one by one. The details and the content can be corroborated with each other. It does not look like they are made up at all.


[The old sutra master stammered, this, which lost sutra did you learn this from... Ahem! You only talked about the status of the Bodhisattva's first enlightenment and enlightenment, and you haven't finished answering its examination.

The title.]

[It asks you, what kind of fruition has the Bodhisattva achieved now? 】

[The old scripture master was embarrassed by what the White Elephant Demon said. He wanted to ask more specific questions but felt it would be a loss of face, so he continued to ask questions in the name of taking exams. 】

[But this question made the White Elephant Demon look troubled.]

[The White Elephant Demon said with some hesitation, our Bodhisattva spread the Dharma widely in the solemn soil of the Actual Retribution, and his own Dharma power also improved greatly. Soon he achieved the first-class fruition status of 'Sotapanna' and became the left flanker under the throne of Yama.


[The Bodhisattva should have ascended to the 'Pure Land of Eternal Silence and Light', but something went wrong during the Bodhisattva's practice, and he fell back to the second-level fruition, so he has always stayed in the Ornate Land of Actual Retribution...]

[Now, even the Bodhisattva’s direct disciples don’t know whether the Bodhisattva has restored the state of first-class fruition. 】

[The old scripture master originally wanted to ask for advice, but now he couldn’t help but slap the table and yelled, what nonsense are you talking about!]

[‘The Bodhisattva of Great Darkness and Endless Delusion’ achieved enlightenment with the second-level fruition status. Later, he was enlightened by the God of Yama and achieved the first-level fruition status, and then became the left flank attendant under the throne of the God of Yama. 】

[As for what you said about going astray in your practice and falling into the second-level fruition status, it is completely fabricated!]

[Which absurd book did you read these fallacies from? Bring them and burn them! Burn them!]

[The old scripture teacher was so angry that he blew his beard and stared, and almost kicked the white elephant demon out of the lecture hall.]

[As a great disciple of Bodhisattva, White Elephant Demon knows everything he has seen with his own eyes, which is far more true and accurate than the scriptures circulated in the world. ]

[Now being questioned by the old sutra master, he laughed angrily and said, "False?" Then he asks you, if the Bodhisattva has achieved the first-level fruition, why does he not go to the Pure Land of Eternal Silence and Light, but stays in the Ornate Land of Actual Retribution?


[This question touches on the old Confucian scholar’s ​​blind spot in knowledge. The old Confucian scholar hesitated for a long time and couldn’t come up with an answer.]

A lot of characters flashed in Lin Xun's eyes.

Through the previous plot, he knew that the Bodhisattva had vaguely sensed that the gods and Buddhas in the sky had been quietly eroded, and in order to maintain his own sanity, he practiced the "Secret Dharma Sutra of the Three Buddhas".

After learning the Dharma Sutra, the Bodhisattva cut off his past body, leaving his present and future bodies for the evil gods to continue to corrode. Then he concealed himself from the sky and crossed the sea, leaving behind a "seed of glazed pure fire".

Based on the information given by Senior Brother Baixiang, the Bodhisattva should have cut off his past body and left most of his mana and the still awake part of his soul in his past body, causing the Bodhisattva who appeared in the eyes of many gods and Buddhas to fall into the realm.

It is precisely because of this that the past body was able to sustain the erosion of the evil god for a long time, and it was not until Lin Xun was entrusted with the 'Glaze Pure Fire Seed' that it dissipated and was freed.

[The white elephant demon looked at the old Confucian teacher who was unable to refute, raised his head slightly and raised his chin, and said proudly as if he was the best in eloquence in the Three Realms. Now that he has answered the examination questions, is he qualified to continue listening to the lecture? 】

[The old sutra master's face turned red and blue, and he said angrily, you are a fat-bellied monk who is full of fallacies, but you still want to listen to the lecture? Get out of here!]

[The old sutra master turned to you and said kindly, you are a humble and polite monk. You can stay and listen to the lecture. The master will preach to you and answer your questions.]

[This painting is clearly about putting small shoes on the white elephant demon. The white elephant demon was so angry that veins popped up on its forehead, and its face turned red and its neck became thick. 】

[The white elephant demon was about to curse, but saw you winking at it secretly...]

[The White Elephant Demon was stunned for a moment, then came to his senses, pretended to suppress his anger, snorted coldly, walked out the door, turned his back and stood guard.]

[When the old sutra master saw that it was shriveled, his attitude toward you became even more friendly, and he deliberately said loudly, "Many sutra masters have been studying Buddhist scriptures all day long, and have realized various great supernatural powers from them."

[It has three magical powers here, you can choose any of them to practice. If you have any questions in your mind, you can also let it answer your questions.]

[The three types of magical powers taught by the old scripture master are ‘Heavenly Eyes’, ‘Magic’s Foot’ and ‘Other Minds’. 】

['Extremely evil clairvoyance' (special skill): After acquiring this skill, you can see the life, death, pain, and joy of all living beings in the three realms and six realms, and see all shapes and colors in the world without any obstacles. You can discover hidden props and hidden areas.

The probability will be greatly increased.】

['The Extremely Evil God's Foot Power' (Special Skill): After acquiring this skill, your body will be as smooth as you want, you can move around freely, and you can have the ability to appear at will. The movement speed of your body will be unconditionally increased by 20% (including flight speed).

['Extremely evil minds' (special skill): After acquiring this skill, you can know what is thinking in the hearts of all living beings in the three realms and six realms, and can hear the words and feelings in the hearts of all living beings. When you communicate with any plot characters, you will be able to

Obtain part of the favorability bonus.】

[At this time, the white elephant demon outside the door suddenly came...]

[Junior brother, the magical power taught by this old scripture master is not like the ordinary six powers, but has something special...]

[It’s strange, how did these ordinary people develop such special magical powers? Could it be the credit of our Bodhisattvas?]

Lin Xun curled his lips, maybe it was due to the game of the underworld.

Faced with three options, he decisively chose the last one, ‘telepathy with others’.

The first 'clairvoyance' is not very useful for him who has the power of analysis, and the power of analysis can completely replace its role.

The second option, ‘Shen Zu Tong’, is also dispensable to him.

[The old scripture master raises his hand to give you empowerment...]

[You have acquired the special skill ‘Extremely Hateful Telepathy’! 】

[I don’t know whether it’s your misunderstanding or whether the old Confucian Master has become more amiable and kind to you after acquiring the ‘extremely evil mind of others’ in order to anger the White Elephant Demon. 】

[It pretends to be a teacher, which means you can ask it if you have any questions about your homework.]

[You raised your eyebrows when you heard this, and couldn’t help but think of the ‘Shibaogou’ outside the city. This old scripture master had been in Luoyi for many years, and he might have some information and clues. 】

[After you asked about the doubts in your heart, the old scripture master frowned and said, you stupid monk, he asked you to ask some doubts about homework, why are you asking about things that cannot be hit with eight poles!]

[The white elephant demon outside the door sneered. If you don’t know, just say you don’t know. Why are you pretending?]

[The old scripture master frowned angrily and said loudly, "Don't make any noise like this. There is nothing going on in Luoyi City that it doesn't know!"

[Shibaogou, three hundred miles south of the city, produces ‘Shibao Molybdenum’, which is a precious mineral that can be forged into weapons using secret methods to display infinite power. 】

[After Emperor Wu learned about this, he sent an army of 10,000 fire worshipers to station in Shibaogou, and the people of Luoyi City and more than ten surrounding counties and counties worked hard to mine the veins. It took three years to dig out all the veins. 】

[This happened decades ago, and it’s not old and confused yet, so how could it not know about it!]

[When you see this, you quickly continue to ask. The Shibaogou has been dug completely. Does the master know where to get the ‘Shibao Molybdenum Gold’? 】

[The old scripture master replied without thinking, I don’t know...cough, of course I know!]

[It glanced at the white elephant demon outside the door and continued, of course it knows about these small problems, but telling you so easily seems like it doesn't understand the way of being a teacher. 】

[In this way, you go to the library behind the lecture hall and go to the second row of sutra cabinets that turn right to the west. There is a book on the third floor from bottom to top called "General Chronicles of Shendu Prefectures and Counties", which records the great and small events of Luoyi in the past and present.

It’s a small thing, you can find the answer by reading this book.】

[You don’t know whether what the old scripture master in front of you says is reliable, but there are no other clues at the moment, so you can only give it a try. 】

[You bid farewell to the old scripture master for the time being, and go to the last building after the lecture hall with the White Elephant Demon - the Library Pavilion. 】

[Entering the library, there are countless scriptures and classics. There are hundreds of scripture cabinets and bookshelves alone, and each of the scripture bookshelves stores thousands of books.]

[It’s just that the library seems to have not been taken care of for a long time, and the smell of rotten paper and pages fills the nose. Most of the classics are yellow and rotten, the paper is stuck in a ball, and the handwriting on the pages is blurred. ]

[You follow the words of the old scripture master and find the "General Chronicles of Shendu Prefectures and Counties" hidden among the thousands of books. This book also shows signs of decay for the most part, but fortunately the handwriting in the book can still be barely legible. 】

[You quickly browsed through the book and quickly found records about how the people of Luoyi worked hard to mine Shibaogou decades ago. ]

[The content recorded in the book is almost the same as what the old scripture master said but more specific. 】

[The government discovered that 'Shibao Molybdenum' can show infinite power after being added to weapons with a secret method. It is not that the ore can make the weapon sharper, but that 'Shibao Molybdenum' has a unique effect - 'suppressing evil'


[The book does not record why Emperor Wu ordered people to mine Shibaogou with all their strength, nor does it explain why the Fire Worshipers added 'Shibao molybdenum', which has the effect of suppressing evil, to their weapons. It does not even mention the decades.

The huge war that was launched with the strength of the whole country.]

[No record of the extremely evil corrosive war can be found in the book...]

Lin Xun was a little confused at this time.

The evil god has always been lurking behind the scenes, even corroding the gods and Buddhas in the sky silently.

And countless mortal people only need to wait for many gods and Buddhas to be corroded, and they will naturally turn into extremely evil monsters. There is no need for evil gods to let the corroded gods and Buddhas attack Zhu Chi.

Moreover, how could a mortal man resist the gods and Buddhas all over the sky? How could Zhu Chi sustain a war for several years or even ten years under the gods and Buddhas?

So, who is Zhu Chi fighting with the war he mobilizes with the whole country?

He squinted his eyes, countless characters flashed across his eyes, and he vaguely got the answer in his heart.

Lin Xun shook his head and put aside his distracting thoughts.

According to some clues recorded in the "General Chronicles of Shendu Prefectures and Counties", he already knows how to obtain the 'Shibao Molybdenum Gold'!

This 'stone, precious molybdenum and gold' is far away in the sky, close in front of you, and has always been in his pocket.

Lin Xun opened the inventory and quickly found the welfare weapon given by the underworld game when he first entered the chapter - the 'Sword of Expelling Evil'!

[‘The Sword of Quexie’ (legendary weapon): A peerless sword named after ‘Quiexie’, which means ‘those with evil spirits will fall upon seeing them’…]

[Using this weapon, the damage caused to all evil things will be greatly increased.]

A swordsmith is a sword maker who goes out with the army and specializes in maintaining the swords for the military attachés. After the army was defeated, Gou Quan fled to the mountains and countryside with his life and lived incognito for many years. Later, when he forged the "Sword of Que Xie", he sacrificed his body to the sword.

The sword and magic weapon was left to his son.

This weapon is called Quexie, and it has the effect of suppressing evil, and the swordsmith was the swordmaker in the Fire Worshiping Army during the war.

The ‘Que Xie Sword’ is not said to be 100% containing ‘Stone Treasure Molybdenum’, but there is at least a 99% probability...

Lin Xun only needs to return to the library, find the Artisan's Book, and spend spiritual energy to decompose the weapon and obtain its materials.

But he doesn't have to go to such trouble. There is also a body of the 'Mask Master' from the Firefly chapter in the body column, and its forging skills are enough to dismantle this legendary 'Sword of Exorcism'.

He possessed the mask master, performed the decomposition operation, and soon got the hint of the underworld game.


[You have successfully decomposed the legendary weapon ‘The Sword of Exorcism’! 】

[You obtained ‘Shibao Molybdenum Gold’ (material)*1]

[You have obtained ‘Bin Tiexuan Jing’ (material)*2]

[You have obtained ‘Thunder Sandstone’ (material)*2]

【You got...】

Lin Xun smiled slightly.

After collecting the ‘Shibao Molybdenum Gold’, there is only one more material left to build the ‘Wanglong Altar’.

This chapter has been completed!
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