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Chapter 543: Trip to Yuanlong Shrine, Longzi Chi kisses

[Your sudden arrival has attracted the attention of the deformed monsters. Malice boils in their eyes, they make frightening and crazy roars, and they rush towards you like wolves and tigers! 】

[The monster headed by it is extremely huge, and its roar echoes through the giant tunnel...]

[A series of ferocious figures floated in the 'River of Dragon Veins', with the upper body of the deformed monster exposed, and the bright red river water dripping down the body, like a bloody evil ghost crawling out of hell. 】

[At this time, dozens of monsters on the shore have roared and rushed towards you. A strong smell of fishy smell hits your face, and their sharp claws flash with cold light! 】

[Faced with the many attacking monsters, you take a deep breath, and then let out a sky-shaking dragon roar! 】

[The corridor trembled slightly because of this shocking dragon power, and the water in the ‘River of Dragon Veins’ rippled, and then set off turbulent waves!]

[The pressure from the high-level dragon clan was released, and the huge sense of oppression originating from the blood caused the monsters to stop instinctively, crouching on the ground, shivering, and not daring to move!]

[You look at the river of dragon veins, and the fierce pressure disappears with your sight. The many monsters that surfaced are about to crowd onto the shore, but at this moment they stop moving, not daring to look at you, and they all shrink their heads and scream.

sink into the water.]

[After a while, the Dragon Vein River returned to calm, and there were no monsters visible at first glance. Only dozens of monsters crawling in front of you are still shaking. 】

[The monster headed by it is extremely large and seems to be the leader of a group of monsters.]

[You let out a low roar and tried to communicate with the monsters in front of you, but found that these monsters were like wild beasts, completely dominated by instinct and evil thoughts, and could not communicate at all. 】

[Although they were lying on the ground one by one, shivering, they lowered their heads and still looked ferocious, grinning. 】

[If you change your body and lose the instinctive fear from your deep bloodline, they will pounce on you desperately, even if you are stronger than them.]

[You raise the dragon spear in your hand, stab it into the monster's back, pierce through the heart, and pin it to the ground with a pitiful howl. ]

[With the death of the leading monster, many ‘Dragon Descendant Abnormals’ howled and fled in all directions...]

[You defeated the ‘Evil Dragon-born Abnormal Leader’, and your experience points increased slightly! 】

[You have obtained ‘small pieces of dragon blood crystal’ (material)! 】

['Small pieces of dragon blood crystal' (material): A strange crystal that contains a very small part of dragon blood. There is a certain probability that this substance will be precipitated after the death of a leader-level dragon descendant who pollutes the living body. 】

[You look at the corpse of the fallen monster...]

[The body of the 'Evil Chief of the Dragon's Descendants' Abnormalities': The Palace of the Origin Dragon has been infected by an unknown source. The filthy 'dragon blood' pumped out by the Dragon Heart Temple has contaminated the entire Palace of the Origin Dragon along the river of dragon veins.

.Countless deformed monsters were born from the river and spread all over the temple.]

[The Dragonborn Abnormal is the weakest existence among many kinds of monsters. This is inseparable from the fact that it is located in the scale vein corridor at the farthest dragon tail. Appearance: ∞]

【Do you want to possess this body? 】

"Dragon Heart Temple...the polluted river of dragon veins."

Lin Xun thoughtfully clicked on the inventory to check the loot just now.

The dragon blood crystal contains dragon blood, but the quality of his little dragon body at this time is extremely high, and the blood skills are also ridiculously high. Absorbing these low-level dragon blood cannot improve the quality.

Moreover, this dragon blood crystal contains contaminated blood, and something bad might happen to the little dragon after it is absorbed.

He opened the body panel and assessed the monster's strength.

[You are possessed by the body of the ‘evil dragon-born leader of the aberrants’! 】

[The memories in the body have been torn apart by the raging evil thoughts, and you cannot get any valuable memories from this body. 】

[Body——‘The extremely evil leader of the dragon descendants’ aberrations’]

[Real name: Minion]

[Phaseality: ∞, when the compatibility exceeds the critical point, the quality of the body is improved! 】

[Body quality: mythical level]

[Body level: 155]

[Body equipment: none]

[Body Skill: Extremely Evil Dragon Claw (Legendary Level) Briefly...]

[Body Skill: Summoning of the Source Dragon (Special Skill): All filthy life forms born from the river of dragon veins will be affected by this skill. When the body habitat is farther away from the 'Dragon Heart Temple' and 'Dragon Head Summit'

The closer you get, the greater the overall strength improvement you receive!】

[Current overall strength increase: 50%]

"I...have such a perverted skill?"

The special skill called 'Call of the Origin Dragon' is completely different from the increase in the holy object's water mixed with wine.

The increase of the holy object is the 'body increase', and its degree of increase is evenly spread over the nearly twenty attributes of the body. The actual degree of improvement is far less exaggerated than it seems.

The soul increase of the holy object is mainly reflected in the strength of the soul used for resurrection, which can improve the control of authority to a certain extent, but the degree of improvement of this bonus is not high.

The 'Call of the Origin Dragon' in front of me is an increase in overall strength, a real increase in combat power, not a watered-down increase in attributes, which is very abnormal.

Moreover, the skill description clearly shows that the closer the body's habitat is to the 'Dragon Heart Temple' and 'Dragon Head Summit', the greater the overall strength will be improved.

'The leader of the extremely evil dragon descendants of the deformed ones' received a 50% strength bonus at the entrance to the Source Dragon Palace. If the monsters were closer to these two locations, how terrifying would their strength be?


[You take the body of the ‘evil leader of the dragon-spawn aberrants’ and let out an ear-splitting roar, calling out to all your kin. 】

[Hearing the leader's call, a group of dragon descendant aberrations surfaced one after another. Seeing that the high-level dragon descendant had disappeared, they calmly obeyed your call and gathered around you in a dense crowd. ]

[A rather large female ‘Dragon Abnormal’ approaches you and seems to want to rub your body, expressing her desire for deep communication...]

[At this moment, you transformed into a dragon-man body, activated the 'Oath of the Ancient Dragon', and turned into a terrifying black ancient dragon! 】

[Your huge body is like a mountain. Even if the corridor is spacious enough to accommodate the 'River of Dragon Veins', when you truly show the body of an ancient dragon, the giant corridor will still be very cramped and narrow for you. 】

[Fortunately, the 'Scale Vein Tunnel' is not a dead thing. The dragon scales are stretched open by your huge body as they squirm, like a python swallowing a large prey...]

[Hundreds of monsters are howling in fear and are about to flee in all directions, while the raging dragon breath containing poison has poured down from the top of their heads, sweeping everything in the corridor...]

[You defeated the ‘Evil Dragon Spawn Abnormal’*439, and your experience points increased slightly! 】

[When the dragon's breath dissipates, there will be only poisonous ashes left by the river, and hundreds of monsters have been slaughtered by you.]

[Looking at the empty corridor, do you want to continue walking along the corridor, or jump into the river of dragon veins to check it out? 】

Lin Xun thought about it and chose the latter.

To be on the safe side, he possessed the body of the monster leader to operate.

[You jump into the river filled with 'dragon blood'...]

[The visibility in the river is extremely low, and everything you look at is blood red. Fortunately, as a monster living in the river, your body senses have adapted to the bright red river water, and you can detect some strange things in it. 】

[At this time, there is no longer a Dragon Spawn monster left in the river. Only some small water snake-like creatures can be seen occasionally, which are probably the source of food for the Dragon Spawn monster. ]

[You dive deep into the river, and when you dive to a depth of about twenty meters, you will see the bottom river bed. 】

[The river bed is smooth, with no silt, water, or grass. It has a tough texture like flesh and blood fascia. You can faintly see the river bed expanding and contracting in a regular manner...]


[You did not find any other valuable information after searching.]

[You leave the water and go ashore, change into a dragon body, follow the river, and follow the corridor to the depths of Yuanlong Shrine...]


[After you go deep for a certain distance, you will find that there is a huge layer of dragon scale flesh membrane blocking the way at the end of the passage. 】

[The flesh membrane extends into the land and rivers, and there are dense holes in it that allow the river water to flow back and forth. 】

[It seems that the dragon's bloodline on your body is sensed, and the flesh membrane splits and opens, revealing a passage for entry and exit, and also revealing the next section of the 'scale vein corridor'. 】

[You saw many ‘Dragon Descendant Abnormals’ playing and hunting on the banks and in the river. These monsters seemed to be larger and stronger than the ones you just saw...]


Each section of the corridor is an independent area. As Lin Xun continues to deepen, the number and strength of monsters gradually increase. Not only the quality and level of the body increase, but also the strength increase of the special skill 'Call of the Origin Dragon'


After Lin Xun cleared three sections of the corridor, a prompt came from the underworld game.

[The number of enemies you have killed has reached the breakthrough point, and the accumulated ‘Devil Fortune’ has reached the critical value! 】

[Your body, ‘The Greedy Wolf Star Lord of Desire’, possesses the skill ‘Xingkui Lingshu Demon-Slaying Xuan Gong’, which is overflowing with ‘Demon-Slaying Merit’, and the quality of the skill has been improved! 】

[‘Xingkui Lingshu Demon-driving Mysterious Technique’ has been upgraded from legendary level to mythical level! 】

[The quality of the body of ‘The Greedy Wolf Star Lord of Desire’ will be improved along with this skill, to the mythical level! 】

[Due to the compatibility bonus of your soul power ‘Chaos Power’, the compatibility of this body exceeds 100%, and the quality of the body is upgraded to mythical level! 】

Lin Xun perked up, and then he couldn't help complaining: "Mr. Greedy Wolf Star's promotion is really slow."

There are many monsters in the corridor, and the quality and level of the monsters are much higher than those of the monsters outside. Even so, Greedy Wolf Star Lord had to kill more than a thousand monsters before he could be promoted.

As Greedy Wolf Star Lord's quality improved, his body skill "Northern Xuantian Final Tribulation Demon Sword Art" also unlocked the next level of sword art.

Lin Xun took a deep breath and decided to improve the monsters here. It would be best to brush up the body quality of Lord Greedy Wolf Star to a level higher than that of the Son of Evil...


[As the fleshy membrane splits and opens, a passage for entry and exit is revealed, and the next section of the 'scale vein corridor' is also revealed. 】

[You are shocked. The scene in front of you is no longer an unchanged corridor, but an empty and huge courtyard! 】

【You have set foot in the ‘Dragon Claw Courtyard’! 】

[A huge dragon claw tightly grasps a courtyard as large as the ancient city square!]

[The dragon claws are as thick as Optimus Pillars, with lifelike textures and huge dragon scales layered on top of each other, exuding a cold metallic sheen. 】

[The river of blood-colored dragon veins still extends to the other end of the courtyard at the end of the line of sight, seeming to run through the entire Yuanlong Shrine.]

[There are no monsters here, but the Dragon Vein River here is several times wider than what was seen before, and there seems to be a huge shadow swimming in the blood-red river. 】

[Standing on the river bank is a man in a green shirt wearing a bamboo hat, fishing quietly with a fishing rod in his hand.]

[You frowned. The appearance of a normal human man in the Yuanlong Shrine, a place that has been polluted and full of monsters, is an extremely abnormal thing in itself. 】

[You are on guard, hold the dragon gun in your hand tightly, and slowly approach the man in blue shirt...]

[It glanced at you, then smiled and waved to you, brother, what it fished for was a rare thing in the world. If you are interested, you might as well come and have a look. 】

[It is said that those who see it have a share. If it can catch this thing, it will benefit you, and it is not a bad idea to share its benefits. 】

As soon as Lin Xun saw this situation, he knew that this was probably some kind of special incident.

[You did not let down your guard, and cautiously came to the man in green shirt...]

[The man sighed and said, the so-called way of fishing is not easy.]

[It sits quietly by the river from time to time, alternating between morning and evening, and achieves nothing all day long. In the world of mortals, it is called the ‘Air Force’.]

[The fish are cunning, swallowing the bait without showing any trace, and the hook and line are hanging in the air, often missing the target, which makes people sigh. 】

[Even with all the patience and skill, there will inevitably be times when the fish is hard to find...]

[The man in green shirt is like an old friend, telling you a long story about the difficulty of fishing. 】

[After chattering for a long time, it finally remembered the business, and said to you excitedly and seriously, brother, do you know what it was fishing for today? 】

[The man in green shirt points to the huge shadow with scales and half claws vaguely visible in the river of blood.]

[Seeing you shaking your head, it looked a little excited and said, the thing it fished for was not an ordinary thing, but the son of the Chaos Source Dragon, named "Chi Kiss"! ]

[According to ancient records: Chiki's shape is quite strange, combining the majesty of the dragon clan and the agility of the fish clan. Looking up, you can see the two towering horns, and the chaotic air is lingering on it, like a starry star, which is breathtaking. 】

[Its body is covered with dragon scales, with the head of a dragon and the body of a fish. It carries large fins on its back, which are wide and stretched. With just a wave of its wings, it can soar in the sea of ​​clouds in the sky and cruise around the world...]

[The more he talked, the more excited he became, but when he got excited, he suddenly let out a long sigh and said...]

[It was very lucky today, and finally waited for the once-in-a-thousand-year-old Chiki to appear. However, due to poor fishing skills, it was still unable to catch the dragon 'Chiki'. 】

[If Xiongtai also knows how to fish, why not give it a try? It will tell that Xiangtai is a person with great luck, and maybe he can attract Chi Kiss!]

[Not waiting for you to refuse, the man in green shirt thrust the fishing rod into your hand and said with a hint of pride. The fishing tackle he held in his hand was really an unusual thing. It was specially used to catch Longzi Chiki this time.

It was specially made.】

[This fishing rod is neither bamboo nor wood, but is taken from the bones of a thousand-year-old ancient dragon. It has been carefully polished by skilled craftsmen and injected with supreme magic power to make it tough and echo the original bloodline of the target Chiki. 】

[The fishing line is made of invisible gold wire woven by immortals. It is very tough and can withstand the fierce struggle of Chi Kiss while ensuring that it cannot be detected. 】

[As for the bait, rare pearls are often picked from the Eastern Xuanhai. Their fragrance is mellow and attractive, enough to arouse Chi Kiss's greedy appetite. 】

[Such an extraordinary fishing gear carries the firm belief and endless wisdom of catching Chiki. Now, if my brother holds the rod, he will definitely attract Chiki to take the bait! 】

[You have obtained the ‘Millennium Dragon Bone Fishing Rod’ (special prop)! 】

[As soon as you took over the fishing rod, you saw that the huge and terrifying shadow in the river seemed to be moving, but the 'Dragon Vein River' in the courtyard was extremely deep, and you didn't know how deep the giant thing was at the bottom of the river. Even if it was huge

The object swung its tail slightly, but did not cause a huge storm.】

[The man in green shirt saw that you didn’t seem to know much about fishing skills, so he wasn’t disappointed and showed you step by step how to fish.]

[But after helping you fish for a long time, I didn’t see any movement from the giant creature on the bottom of the river. 】

[The man in green shirt sighed helplessly, Chi Kiss only appears once in a thousand years. If we can’t catch this dragon son today, I’m afraid he won’t have a chance in the future. 】

[In this case, there is only one last resort left, let’s treat the dead horse as a living horse doctor! 】

[As he spoke, the man took off his hat, unbuttoned his clothes, and took off his green shirt and outer trousers...]

[You are confused and ask what it is doing?]

[The man in green shirt replied without raising his head. The rare pearls from Dongfang Xuanhai could not lure Chi Qi to take the bait. The only solution now is to use people as bait. ]

[Brother, wait a moment. When the fish takes the bait, don’t forget to cut it out from the belly. 】

[As he spoke, the man in green shirt took off his clothes and jumped into the blood-red river...]

[It’s not until he takes off his bamboo hat and takes off all his clothes that you can see the man’s true face. He is not a real person, but a spiritual soul with the same substance! 】

[When a man jumped into a river of blood, he was like a pebble falling into a lake. Except for slight ripples, there was no other movement. 】

[Suddenly, the terrifying giant thing in the river moved! 】

[The originally calm blood-red river suddenly surged into violent waves. Even the huge waves caused by the storm on the Xuanhai were not so terrifying and huge! 】

[As soon as your wrist sinks, you will feel something giant biting the bait!]

[But before you exert any force, you see a huge and terrifying dragon head emerging from the water. The blood-red river water drips down the dragon head. Under the dragon head is a huge fish body covered with fish scales. Its dorsal fin is larger than

The sails of the long-voyaging giant ship are wider.]

[A pair of huge black dragon eyes as big as a chariot and horse are staring at you!]

[The black energy of overwhelming evil thoughts rises into the sky as the giant thing emerges from the water!]

[The dragon's head opened its bloody mouth, revealing its sharp fangs, and the voice of the man in blue came from its mouth...]

[Brother, His Chi Kiss has already swallowed the bait and taken the bait. You need to compete with Him and win before you can get a rich catch! 】

【You discovered ‘Long Zi Chi Kiss’! 】

This chapter has been completed!
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