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Chapter 561 The power of destiny, exclusive props and bloodline!

The old man in white robe handed over a strange orb the size of a fist.

"Lin Xun, this item contains the authority and power of a major god."

"But the power of authority is not pure. When you obtain this object, the Book of Salvation secretly intervenes and combines part of the authority of the Book of Salvation itself."

"When you use this exclusive prop, the authority of the Book of Salvation will come into play, causing the authority and power of the main god to react with your own soul power to generate an exclusive prop that suits you."

[‘Chaos Dragon Ball’ (eternal level prop): A magical orb left behind by the Chaos Source Dragon, which contains the endless divine power of the Dragon God. 】

[After using this prop, exclusive props will be generated based on the soul power of the apostle. 】

[This prop has been unsealed and can be used normally!]

Lin Xun took the Chaos Dragon Ball and asked: "Servant of God, what is the power and authority of the Book of Salvation?"

The servant of God pondered: "The Book of Salvation has many powers, and the magnitude is much greater than the powers that Allah has ever analyzed."

"But most of the authority and power are not at the core and key to the operation of the Book of Salvation."

“Allah is analyzing several core authorities of the Book of Salvation and has now conquered the most critical core.”

"That kind of authority is very unique. It is a strange authority that Allah has never seen before. The nature of the authority is very high, even no less than your 'chaos authority'."

"Allah and I call it - 'the authority of destiny'!"

The power of destiny? Lin Xun was startled, chewing the meaning contained in the word destiny.

The servant of God continued to explain to him: "Although destiny authority is extremely special and the nature of authority is very high, it does not have unobservable properties like your 'chaos authority'."

"As long as it can be observed and analyzed, it is only a matter of time before Allah takes over this kind of authority."

"The authority of destiny is the core authority of the Book of Salvation. In cooperation with other key authorities, it can produce the rehearsals of salvation you have seen."

"It is not accurate to say that it is a preview, because those journeys of salvation may also be real, and they are not simply deduced and developed at a certain time point."

"Currently, Allah is still analyzing the power of destiny. If we want to find out what is hidden behind the Book of Salvation, as well as the fundamental purpose of the salvation journeys, we can only wait until Allah's analysis is completed."

Lin Xun couldn't help but raise his eyebrows: "Isn't the purpose of each journey of salvation to provide fuel for the Book of Salvation, and to obtain divine props to cultivate transcendent apostles?"

The servant of God shook his head: "Maybe it's not that simple. Do you remember what I told you before that the Book of Salvation was in a virtuous circle?"

"For the Book of Salvation of that period, fuel and divinity were not the key to its continued operation. The Book of Salvation once possessed inexhaustible divinity."

"But even so, the Book of Salvation still hasn't stopped sending apostles on salvation journeys. Fuel and divinity are like supplies taken by the way."

"It's like you are commanding a huge fleet of vehicles, driving on an endless highway full of gas stations."

"For you, adding fuel to your car is something you can do at your fingertips. You don't have to worry about lack of fuel at all."

"Based on our previous speculation, your purpose is to keep the fleet on the road, and while continuing to operate the fleet, use excess fuel funds to modify and strengthen the cars, and find ways to get the cars off the endless highway, that is,'


"You have abundant funds and fuel. Not only can you maintain the good operation of your fleet, you can even continue to modify and strengthen the cars in your fleet until you break the speed of sound or even reach the speed of light, but the highway never ends."

"You vaguely realize that if you can break through the shackles of the speed of light, you may be able to lead the convoy out of this endless highway."

"But you also find in despair that the speed of light is the limit that a car can reach. Nothing in the world can break the limit of the speed of light."

"You watch helplessly as each car reaches the speed of sound or light, but is scrapped due to poor materials. No car can reach the goal of exceeding the speed of light."

"This cycle lasts for thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, or even incalculable years. If it were you, would you change your mind and find another way to exit the highway?"

Countless characters flashed in Lin Xun's eyes, and he said slowly: "Servant of God, you are saying that the Book of Salvation is because it has never been able to cultivate apostles who can transcend, and then it had to change its strategy and find another method."

"Is it because he discovered another possible way to 'save the world' or to 'transcend' that he changed the original operating mechanism and finally led to the current vicious cycle?"

The servant of God was noncommittal: "What is the truth? The answer will be obtained when Allah thoroughly analyzes the Book of Salvation."

"You can also wait until the end of this chapter to ask the librarian. With your current strength and authority, the administrator will tell you a lot of 'truths'."

"As for whether the 'truth' told to you by the administrator is true or false, and whether our current speculation is correct, it remains to be verified."

Lin Xun thought for a long time, but could not figure out what the other method found by the Book of Salvation was, and why using this method ultimately caused the Book of Salvation itself to fall into a vicious cycle.

He shook his head and stopped thinking. Maybe all this will be answered after the end of this chapter.

Lin Xun returned to the game, opened the inventory, and used the exclusive prop generator.

He was looking forward to it in his heart. Due to his strong soul talent and soul power, none of the three exclusive props generated before were crotch-stretching.

Now we finally have the fourth exclusive prop...

"The authority of the Chaos Source Dragon...let me see what exclusive props the old dragon's authority can generate."

[You use the ‘Chaos Dragon Ball’ (eternal level item)! 】

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! [Exclusive props are being generated...]


[Successfully generated exclusive props!]

[You have obtained the ‘Blood Aspect’ (exclusive prop)! 】

['Bloodline Appearance' (exclusive prop): Even if you can adapt to control all bodies and have thousands of different faces, you will still be unable to be promoted because your own bloodline is limited. You always need a card that can inherit all the bloodline power.


[You can use this exclusive prop by spending 1 point of soul strength.]

[You can designate a body as the 'successor', and use a body with similar blood as the 'sacrifice'. At the cost of the 'sacrifice' body being permanently destroyed and erased from the body column, sacrifice it to the 'inheritance'


[The 'Inheritor' can inherit any body skill from the body skill column of the 'Sacrifice'. The higher the 'Inheriter''s matching degree with the skill, the greater the success probability of the inheritance. The probability of improving the skill level is the same as

The degree of improvement is also greater (the upgraded skill level cannot exceed the successor's own body level).】

[When the body levels of the ‘sacrificial person’ and the ‘successor’ are similar, the successor can obtain a certain ‘bloodline value’ after being sacrificed. 】

[When the successor’s ‘bloodline value’ is full, the successor will be promoted to the body level unconditionally. 】

[This prop is an exclusive prop and has been bound to your soul. It cannot be traded, gifted, abandoned, dropped, etc.]

Lin Xun carefully studied the description text of the item and quickly understood the function of the 'Blood Aspect'.

He opened the body column and set the Son of Evil as the successor, and then the other human bodies in the body column became 'sacrifice' on their own.

Except for the bug-man bodies, dragon-monster bodies, and earth giant bodies in the Firefly World, all bodies with human blood have become ‘sacrifice’.

Lin Xun could choose any sacrificer to complete the bloodline sacrifice. He tried to click on each sacrificer's body to view them individually.

After studying for a long time, he found that the probability of skill inheritance for similar career templates was extremely high, but if the career templates were completely different, the probability of skill inheritance was very low.

For example, the Son of Evil has a high degree of matching with the melee fighting body, such as Ninja Master's skills. As long as the character is not too poor to trigger a small probability event, it can be successfully inherited and the skill level will be greatly improved.

However, the Son of Evil’s compatibility with the legal bodies such as the Executive Officer of the Pole Star Society and the Master of the Yixie Palace is very low. Only with an explosion of character can one successfully inherit the skills, and even if one is lucky enough to inherit the skills, the skills can be inherited.

It is basically impossible to upgrade skills.

Inheriting skills is just one of the functions of ‘Blood Aspect’.

When the sacrificed body is close to the current body level, you can also obtain ‘bloodline value’ to improve the current body level.

This is the most powerful function of the ‘bloodline aspect’.

For example, Lin Xun's little dragon body has been completely unsealed and restored to the eternal-level body quality of the six ancient dragons.

This also means that the potential of this body has been exhausted. Unless the dragon clan's main god obtains the blood inheritance, there is basically no possibility for the little dragon to be promoted again.

But at this time, the "Dragon Zi Chi Kiss" and "Dragon Zi Bi Yan" in the body column can be used as sacrificers to provide bloodline values ​​​​for the little dragon people. As long as the sacrificer has a bloodline similar to the level of the body, both can be sacrificed.

Become a stepping stone for the promotion of Xiaolong people.

Moreover, this item can not only be effective on alien bloodlines such as dragonmen, but also on humans. The most numerous human bodies in Lin Xun's body column are human bodies.

The current limit of the Little Dragon Man is at the 'eternal level'. The Son of Evil is still unknown, but there must be an implicit level limit.

What's more, the Son of Evil can be promoted quickly because there are a large number of evil monsters in this chapter. This benefit will not be available in other chapters.

The Bloodline Appearance clearly states that ‘when the successor’s bloodline value reaches full, the successor will be promoted to the body level unconditionally’!

Unconditional promotion means that there is no hidden upper limit, and a series of people can be promoted to the highest level or even the highest level by virtue of this.

After possessing the aspect of blood, Lin Xun's main body in the body column can be transformed into a body with great promotion potential like the Dragon Man and the Son of Evil. Moreover, it is also a top-quality body with no upper limit of potential and can inherit the powerful skills of others.

This is the most powerful thing about the exclusive item Bloodline!

"This is too perverted."

"If the exclusive props are not used, it will cost 1 point of soul strength."

"Then can't I use a dilapidated body, pile up countless garbage bodies, and forcefully cultivate a 'supreme level' body?"

After Lin Xun understood the mechanism of the exclusive props, his first thought was to inherit Lord Greedy Wolf Star's 'Arctic Xuantian Final Tribulation Demonic Sword Art' to the Son of Evil.

He was simply fed up with Tanlangxingjun's slow-moving promotion speed. He was forced to occupy an awesome skill that could sustain growth without being able to play its role.

The Son of Evil has great potential. He now has the quality of an eternal-level body, but still lacks a powerful weapon and matching body skills.

Greedy Wolf Star Lord’s ‘Northern Xuantian Final Tribulation Demonic Sword Technique’ can just make up for some of the shortcomings of the Son of Evil.

Tanlangxingjun was favored by Lin Xun before because he had promotion potential and he was a handsome swordsman in white.

But when every body in the body column now has promotion potential, Tanlangxingjun has no other advantages except his excellent appearance.

Lin Xun carefully read the description text of the 'Northern Xuantian Final Tribulation Demonic Sword Technique', and finally gave up the plan of treating Lord Greedy Wolf Star as dog food.

Tanlangxingjun escaped temporarily for no other reason than this skill is a sword move, and it must be done with a sword...

He has not yet obtained a sword weapon that is strong enough. Even if the Son of Evil inherits this skill, he will not be able to exert its full power.

Later, Lin Xun 'optimized' the many bodies in the body column.

Successfully inherited the eternal-level bloodline skills of the two dragons, ‘Overwhelming Rivers and Seas’ and ‘Dragon and Tiger Wrath’, to the little dragons.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! The Son of Evil does not have a powerful dog food body that can be used to advance to the next level, because in this chapter, except for the two Ryuko bodies, he basically didn’t get any powerful bodies.

And with the speed at which the Son of Evil is promoted in this chapter, there is no need for promotion dog food for the time being.

Lin Xun could only select some bodies with special skills, give the usable skills to the Son of Evil, and improve the skill level at the same time.

He was surprised to find that even the blacksmith's forging skills could be inherited, and that being inherited by the Son of Evil could greatly improve the level of the forging skills, which was truly extraordinary.

"With unlimited physical strength, you can hit the hammer harder, right?"

After completing a series of pre-war preparations, Lin Xun took Lu Wu and his senior sister to leave Kunlun and head to the Eastern Xuanhai to start the battle with Emperor Wu.

Emperor Wu, as the agent of the evil god, probably also possesses the self-destructing mass murderer "Extremely Evil Original Core" like the evil body of Bodhisattva.

Even with the help of Lu Wu and Senior Sister, there was no chance of losing in terms of combat power, but Lin Xun did not dare to take it lightly.

Kunlun is guarded by Senior Brother Baixiang and Samantabhadra, both of whom are not strong enough to protect themselves in the war.

There are not many pure people left in the world, and he does not want anything bad to happen to his senior brother and Samantabhadra Bodhisattva.

Prince Zhu Chi originally wanted to ask the Great God Buddha to go to the Pingjin Ferry east of the capital and ride on the royal armored ship to pursue his father, but Lin Xun declined.

After the Little Dragon Man inherited the bloodline skill of Longzi Chiki, 'Crushing the River and the Sea', no armored giant ship could compare to the Little Dragon Man's ability to cross the sea.

Moreover, with the strength of the three of them, there is no need to borrow anything else.

It took half a day for the three of them to cross the boundless Xuanhai and arrive at the ‘Moon Sea Area’ where the Penglai portal belongs.

Lin Xun had expected that Emperor Wu in this chapter would be like the general in Chapter 5, giving people the impression that he was the boss at the end of the level, but in fact it was far from being as simple as imagined.

"It just depends on whether I can see through the evil god's conspiracy this time and completely defeat the extremely evil consequences!"

This chapter has been completed!
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