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Chapter 590 The Ending Battle (1)

[Before the dazzling scarlet light touches the holy mountain, you fearlessly fly into the night and take the initiative to face the former hero of the sun, the judge of the filthy bloody sun—Etan, the sword of the king! 】

[After a long time, the image of Etan is still engraved in the depths of memory. The body covered by the heavy metal armor, with only a pair of scarlet eyes exposed, is unforgettable and chilling. 】

[Now, the only difference is that the weapon in His hand has been replaced by a brand new broad-bladed sword, and the divine power of Sinking flowing on it is surging...]

[His face is hidden under heavy armor, but you can clearly feel the majestic divine power surging from his body, even if you are far away. 】

[Etan stands in the night, like a blood-red sun. Its divine power is so powerful that the hearts of those who witness it surge, their reason is crumbling, and they almost want to lose themselves in despair and scream hysterically. 】

[That is the distorted power of sinking and distortion, that is the evil power of madness and depravity...]

[Etan, the sword of the king, actually possesses the authority and power from the filthy bloody sun! 】

[Etan's scarlet eyes are like two clusters of eternal flames, taking in all the turbulence under the holy mountain from a high place. The anger in his eyes is boiling like volcanic lava, as if he is about to swallow up all disobedience and disrespect. 】

[As He pauses, the scarlet sword symbolizing absolute power emerges, pointing straight at you.]

[A dull and hoarse verdict rolled out from under the thick scarlet armor, echoing among the continuous peaks, deafening. 】

[The Sword of the King, hereby declares the verdict!]

[Heretic who blasphemed the majesty of the Lord, you...have committed an unforgivable sin!]

[In an instant, the scarlet sword seemed to become another incarnation of the bloody sun. Even in the moonlit night, it tore open a bloody space, and the sinking sunlight poured down, dyeing everything around it.

It’s painted with an ominous red color.】

[This divine power of ‘sinking power’ originating from the bloody sun is like an invisible wave surging, impacting your perception. 】

[Your mind is filled with strange and chaotic whispers. They are like poisonous snakes, entwined with the vines of reason, trying to drag you into the endless abyss of madness. 】

[The will of madness invades your reason and takes over your mind, and the divine power of decadence and distortion affects your body.]

[Under the illumination of the scarlet light, your flesh and blood feel unprecedented heat and uneasiness, as if the beast hidden in the body is ready to move, and the outline of the limbs begins to distort at the edge of the line of sight, indicating the beginning of distortion. 】

[You can feel very clearly that Yitan, the sword of the king who controls the "power of sinking", is a powerful existence that towers over many eternal gods. 】

[Today, you are no longer that humble and insignificant existence, no longer a weak apostle who can only drift in the torrent of fate and dreams, watching the former Titan "Dan" fall and be unable to recover. 】

[You already have the power to fight against the King's Sword, and even to kill the King's Sword!]

[In the depths of your soul, the 'purification authority' ignites a vast pale and pure flame, sweeping through every inch of consciousness and spirit, cutting off the nonsense that attempts to corrode your mind, and burning away all impurity and madness!]

[At the same time, the 'flesh and blood authority' is fully released driven by your will, like an insurmountable towering mountain, firmly suppressing the restlessness and distortion originating from the 'sink power', and suppressing any distortion that attempts to change your body.

Killed invisibly!]

[The evil thoughts of revenge that have been accumulated in your body for a long time burst out, and were forged into extremely evil long swords that shone with dark light. They floated behind you, and their blades were pointed directly at the sword of the once invincible king, Etan. 】

[You look directly into Etan’s solemn scarlet eyes, and say to the firm oath you once made, Etan... the hatred and blood debt of the past will be completely liquidated today!]

[The ‘extremely evil power’ is released with all its strength without reservation, like the negative energy gushing from the cracks of the abyss, poured into countless long swords of evil thoughts suspended behind the back...]

[These sword blades become sharper in an instant, and the extremely malicious thoughts flowing around the blades seem to be able to split time and space, containing terrifying power that can destroy the world. 】

[Cold murderous intent pervades the Holy Mountain, and with the activation of the ‘Arctic Xuantian Final Tribulation Demonic Sword Technique’, countless long swords with evil thoughts blast out! 】

[The raging sword light bursts out, and the Xuanhe sword intent sweeps across the holy mountain!]

[Many long swords that contain your evil thoughts of revenge are like black meteors occupying the night sky, cutting through the night sky, and with the determination to end everything, they crash down towards Etan! 】

[Each sword carries majestic divine power that can cleanse away all filth. Wherever the sword light passes, even the eternal holy mountains are toppled and collapsed. The peaks turn into gravel and powder, and suddenly fall into the human world.

[The sword light on the holy mountain is brilliant, and every extremely evil sword light is like the announcement of doomsday. Even the full moon hanging high in the night sky has lost its vast brilliance and appears eclipsed against the backdrop of this Xuanhe sword intent.

[Etan fought hard to resist, but facing the overwhelming and all-pervasive rain of swords, his defense gradually collapsed, and cracks began to appear on the scarlet armor...]


[Finally, in the most dazzling sword light, the figure of Yitan, the sword of the king, collapsed and fell into the sunlit peaks that he once controlled...]

[You leap up and come to the valley between the peaks, where the sword of the king, Etan, fell...]

[His heavy scarlet armor was in pieces, and the bloody sword that never left his hand was scattered nearby. He lay paralyzed in the pit, looking up at the full moon in the night with helpless eyes. The full moon seemed to have turned into the most sublime sun in his eyes.


[Etan stretched out his palms with difficulty, as if he wanted to grasp his firm faith, and seemed to want to take one more look at the ‘Lord’ before he died. 】

[His faith in the Lord has never wavered. Even if the Lord degenerates into an evil god, he will still follow the Lord into the abyss of perdition. 】

This chapter is not finished yet, please click the next page to continue reading the exciting content! [You understand, Yitan and Dan are the two gods most loyal to the 'Golden Sun', and their faith and loyalty have never changed.

It’s just that the two of them pursue different paths.]

[You picked up Ethan’s scarlet giant sword, came to him and said slowly...]

[The fire of your vengeance is far from being quelled by His death. The ‘filthy bloody sun’ hidden behind the shadows, which has polluted Him and the entire world, cannot escape the final judgment either! 】

[You recall all the past, take a deep breath, lean on the giant sword, and suddenly insert the blade into His chest! 】

[Just like He did to the Titan Giant ‘Dan’ in the past! 】

[The huge sword penetrated Yitan's chest, completely killing his last bit of life...]

[Etan’s outstretched hand failed to grab anything in the end and hung down feebly...]

[You defeated the ‘Judge of the Filthy Bloody Sun—Etan, the Sword of the King’…]


[You have obtained the ‘Light of Blood Sacrifice’ (key)! 】


[You put away Etan’s body, look up at the ‘Sunlight Altar’ at the top of the Holy Peak, and fly to the top with the key needed to see the Blood Sun. 】

[In front of the altar, you close your eyes, unfold the web of consciousness, and call out another powerful existence with extremely evil authority...]


[The turbulent and majestic evil thoughts came from the south, and they gathered together into a black mist of evil thoughts that covered the sky and the moon.]

[A throbbing from the depths of the soul arises for no reason, and boundless negative evil thoughts surge into my heart. All kinds of negative emotions such as killing, jealousy, greed, hatred, betrayal, sexual immorality, etc. occupy all inner thoughts...]

[A huge strange face covering the entire sky suddenly appeared in the boundless black fog!]

[The expression on the giant face is extremely distorted and ferocious, the corners of the mouth extend strangely upward, and the exaggerated smile almost reaches the ears, as if mocking the insignificance and powerlessness of the creatures in this world. 】

[The mighty moonlight penetrates the barrier of the clouds of evil thoughts, and its bright light spreads across the peaks and the earth.]

[Finally condensed into a dazzling and holy light, transformed into a beautiful woman wearing a hazy white gauze and a bright moon crown on her head. 】

[You take a deep breath, hold up the audience key in your hand, and the bloody sun bursts out from the altar...]

[Without too many words, you stepped into the altar resolutely, and your figure disappeared into the scarlet light...]

[The huge strange face turns into majestic black energy, tearing apart the barrier of the hidden plane, and plunges into it to follow you to participate in the final battle. 】

[‘Bright Full Moon’ also followed closely behind, stepping into the Sunlight Altar...]



[At the same time, northwest of Lengyue Forest, at the top of the Snow-covered Mountains...]

[The mountain nymph who was feeding the golden-horned deer with grass and caressing the antlers suddenly stopped.]

[He seemed to feel something, and suddenly raised his head, looking towards the direction of the Evernight Valley...]

[Boundless dark clouds rolled in, blocking the clear moonlight and plunging the world into an extremely oppressive darkness. 】

[Nymph felt an inexplicable restlessness permeate the air, her skin all over her body was numb and tingling, and even the ends of her hair were floating and standing on end.]

[The dull sound of thunder rumbled, and the surging golden thunder light surged and roared! 】

[Suddenly, a thunder of destruction fell from the sky like a divine punishment! 】

[Even though they are far apart, Nymph can clearly feel the extremely terrifying fluctuations of divine power!]

[The Thunder of God’s Punishment fell in front of the Evernight Valley, destroying the valley and the fortress, and even the distant Lengyue Forest was also affected. Countless trees turned into charcoal and ashes, rising up from the ground and flying out. 】

[The earth shook violently, like a natural disaster.]

[The terrifying thunder light goes out, and a majestic old man wearing a strange half-length white robe appears. He has a bare chest, holding a spear made of golden thunder, and his eyes are full of surging thunder light. 】

[Boundless fear arose in the heart of the nymph, but he ignored the fear. He remembered someone's instructions and quickly conveyed what he saw to the superior being at the top of the consciousness network through the consciousness network. 】

[The old man in charge of Thunder suddenly turned his head, looking across the distance and focusing on Him.]

[Just at this glance, Nymph's hands and feet became stiff and paralyzed, as if she was controlled by endless thunder and lightning, and she was unable to even do the simplest movement like raising her hand.]

[The old man glanced at Him with a meaningful look, then moved his gaze away, standing there as if waiting for something.]

[Nymph was startled and did not dare to stay at the top of the mountain anymore. She quickly took the golden-horned deer back to the cave halfway up the mountainside. 】

[The old man’s glance just now seemed to be admiring something beautiful, and it seemed as if his yellow dress had been peeled off, leaving him standing naked.]

[Ning Fu understands in her heart that it is the legendary alien god, and that kind of terrifying existence is not something she can handle...]

[The terrifying celestial phenomena in the Yongye Valley did not stop because of the arrival of the old man. Nymph covered her ears, but the roars and the terrifying fluctuations of divine power came one after another! 】


[Nymph is counting silently in her heart, and through the consciousness network, she tells the higher consciousness of all the terrifying enemies that have descended on this world...]

[He was extremely desperate, and Nymph didn’t know how that person could resist these extremely terrifying enemies.]

[Just looking at them, he lost all the courage to fight, and could only huddle in the cave, like an ostrich with his head buried. 】

[Even the omnipotent Moon God may have no choice but to surrender to such powerful enemies...]


[Finally, the endless earthquakes subsided, and the deafening sound finally stopped.]

[Nymph's lips trembled slightly, she closed her eyes, tightly clenched her white fingertips, and silently recited a number in despair...]



[On the dry and dry land, as far as the eye can see, there are only endless cracks and scorched earth. They are like the exposed scars on the earth, recording endless sinking and madness. 】

【In the center of this dry land, a solitary peak stands. 】

[There is a sun hanging on the top of the peak. It is not a golden sun disc that gives warmth and hope to all things, but a blood-red sun that is terrifying! 】

[He emits an ominous red light, dyeing the sky and the earth into the same terrifying scarlet.]

[The top of the lonely peak seems to have been cut off by some powerful force, and there is the most magnificent palace of gods in the world. 】

[The owner of the palace is the supreme being who controls life and death in the world and governs all things - the 'Filthy Bloody Sun'. 】

【He is not only the ruler of this desolate world, but also the originator of all suffering and destruction.】

[With the sudden appearance of the strange gods, the dry land that had been silent for a long time seemed to awaken endless anger and madness, and began to tremble violently!]

[At the same time, the blood-red sun hanging high on the top of the solitary peak, that supreme celestial image, strangely broke free from the shackles of the sky, passed through the barrier between the solitary peak and the shrine, and cast its terrifying shadow directly on the earth. 】

[At that moment, the outline of the blood-red sun became blurred, as if it was distorted by some indescribable force, and countless twisted and deformed tentacles stretched out from the edge of the blazing sun disk. 】

[They dance wildly in the air, like distorted tentacles from the abyss. Each tentacle contains terrifying power that can destroy the world...]

[You slowly open your eyes and witness for yourself this extremely crazy scene that is enough to make you lose your mind...]

This chapter has been completed!
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