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Chapter 66 The clown in the underground palace of the ancient theater

 Early the next morning, Lin Xun completed his task and did not have to clock in to work.

When I turned on my phone, I saw a series of reminder messages from the beautiful girl with short hair on A.

I heard from Ye Xiaoqi that Sister Heisi took a plane to Yunjing City today because he got the 'Seat Certificate for the Disciples' Holy Land'.

Only four of them knew about this matter, and one of them was Lu Caiyi.

"Well, my female boss should have gone to apply for a reward for me, but I don't know what I will get."

Automatically ignoring Ye Xiaoqi's text messages urging updates to the website, Lin Xun clicked on the game.

Book of Salvation, start!

At present, the soul strength is 2/2, and Lin Xun carefully thinks about which body to reshape.

The Bishop in Yellow is not on a leash and does not need to be reshaped.

Reshaping the Discipline Knight requires two points of soul strength. You can first spend 1 point of soul strength to charge half of the battery, and then wait 12 hours and then spend 1 point to fully charge it to reshape it again.

"It's better to explore the game first, and then rebuild the Discipline Knight when the soul strength is left."

As for the engineer's body, because the quality of this body is very low, it is not even as good as a knight of discipline, let alone a dancer or a bishop in yellow.

Lin Xun's attitude has always been to use it as a plug-in. Experience points will not be given to engineers unless it is absolutely necessary.

Suddenly, he saw the summoning horn in the inventory again.

He frowned, pondered for a while, and decided to reshape the war horse.

[You consumed 1 point of soul strength to reshape the ‘Turkmen Blood Horse’.]

The passage from the ancient theater to the underground palace was used for the entry and exit of gladiators and large beasts.

Even a three-headed lion can enter the underground palace, but there is no reason why a war horse cannot.

At that time, riding a war horse and running around the iron cage, maybe you can defeat the three-headed lion using the tactic of the yellow cardinal flying a kite.

Compared to giving experience points from fighting BOSS to engineers, Lin Xun prefers to give the bishop in yellow a higher-quality body.

Of course, the kite-flying tactic was Lin Xun's plan and conjecture. If the three-headed lion ran faster than the war horse, then he would still have to GG.

"Try it first and then tell me!"

[You find that there is a large arch on the high stone wall between the stage and the stands, which leads to a small underground palace under the stage.]

【Do you want to step through the arch and enter the underground palace of the ancient theater?】

Lin Xun opened the inventory and clicked the summoning horn.

[With a loud horn, you summon the tall and strong ‘Turkmen Blood Horse’.]

[You are possessed by the body of the ‘Yellow Bishop of the Sunken White Moon Church’.]

Changing into the body of the bishop in yellow, Lin Xun got on his horse and entered the underground palace.

[You ride a war horse through the arch, and in the dim light, the horse's hooves hit the stone steps all the way down.]

[You pass through the huge iron gate at the end of the stairs and arrive at the ‘underground palace of the ancient theater’]

[Your eyes light up. The underground palace is very vast and brightly lit. On both sides of the underground palace are more than ten dilapidated living rooms. In the center are many huge iron cages covered with black cloth. Only two iron cages have been stripped of the black cloth.


[Are you going to explore the huge iron cage that has not yet removed the black cloth? Or are you looking for traces of the ‘sunken three-headed lion’?]

When he first saw the three lions, Lin Xun was exploring the iron cage, and it appeared silently behind Lin Xun.

The three lions should not have jumped out of the iron cage in the center of the underground palace. With the size of the three lions, when he faced the iron cage to explore, the dancer was not blind, so there was no reason why he could not see it.

Maybe there are some hidden mechanisms in the underground palace for the three lions to hide in. If they can be found, there may be unexpected rewards.

Lin Xun chose the second option.

[You carefully search for traces of the ‘three sunken lions’ in the underground palace.]

[According to the faint bloody paw prints remaining on the ground, you rode a war horse to the corner of the underground palace.]

[You notice that the ground here is slightly different from other places. Listen carefully, and the even breathing sound of some giant beast comes from the underground.]

[The ‘Three Sunken Lions’ seems to be sleeping under the camouflaged ground. Do we need to attack it?]

The bishop in yellow riding a horse into the underground palace must have made much more noise than the invisible dancer.

As a result, the dancer was discovered by the three lions, but the bishop in yellow was not discovered on horseback.

Could it be that the three-headed lion is used to coming out at night and sleeping during the day?

"Do you want to blast it with a laser cannon?"

The tactic of riding a horse and flying a kite is just Lin Xun's conjecture, and may not necessarily be the best tactic.

And this tactic has a drawback. If the war horse cannot outrun the lion and is caught up, it will be equivalent to losing two points of soul strength.

Lin Xun thought carefully. Anyway, the three lions were sleeping at this time, and the big noise of riding a horse didn't wake them up. It's better to explore the iron cage first.

He exited the underground palace on horseback, dismounted on the open-air stage, and put on the body of a dancer.

Use stealth skills to enter the underground palace again and explore the iron cage covered with black cloth

[You lift the black cloth and find that the metal bars of the giant iron cage have been torn open. The beast inside is gone, leaving only large blood stains and some minced meat.]

[Looking at the broken prison bars, if you look carefully, there are still giant claw marks that attack from the outside in. This strong prison seems to be unable to withstand the attacks of ferocious beasts for a long time.]

【Should we lift off the black cloth of the next iron cage?】

Still the same text as the last exploration.

[You lift off the black cloth of the next iron cage and find that the bars are also destroyed. All the beasts in the cage are gone, leaving only blood stains and scraps of meat on the ground.]

Lin Xun explored the iron cages covered with black cloth one by one, and finally when he explored the last iron cage, a different text appeared.

[You lift the black cloth on the cage and find that the bars of this iron cage are intact.]

[Lying in the cell bars is a sleeping man, wearing a tattered clown costume, with a large amount of dried blood at the corner of his mouth. He seems to be a performer in an ancient theater.]

[With the gap in the middle of the iron prison bars, your slender body can barely squeeze into the iron cage.]

【Are you going to wake up the 'sinkable circus clown', or sneak into the cage and kill it?】

When Lin Xun heard this name, he thought of 'the sunken ancient theater dancer'. Maybe the clown is also a special monster like the dancer.

But if the clown is an NPC, you may miss the side mission after killing it.

At this time, the game again showed that the invisibility time was over. Lin Xun opened the panel and clicked on Invisibility.

Anyway, I am invisible, so I am afraid of a hammer.

Lin Xun pressed the first option to wake up the clown.

[You took out a piece of 'stinky feces' and threw it into the sleeping clown's face.]

[It woke up suddenly and looked around, only to see the black cloth that had been lifted in front of it.]

[The clown wiped the bezoars on his face in surprise, scratched his head in confusion, and lay down to sleep again.]

【Do you want to appear in front of the clown and talk to him?】

It seems that this clown is not some underworld NPC.

Lin Xun thought for a while and clicked Yes.

[You cancel your invisibility, appear in front of the clown, and are about to talk to him...]

[The clown looks at you with horror on his face, takes out a copper whistle, puts it in his mouth and blows it to attract three lions.]

【What should you do?】

Are all the NPCs in this game so underworld? Are there any normal people?

Lin Xun typed three question marks, with black lines all over his face.

This chapter has been completed!
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