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Chapter 81 Deep Forest

 Lin Xun was preparing to explore the road behind the shack.

[Apostles who have had a bumpy journey, continue riding along the road for half a day, and you will reach the end of this chapter - the 'temple ruins of Shenguang Church'.]

【Do you want to move on?】

His eyes widened. Is Chapter 323 coming to an end?

Counting the time, he has been conquering the third difficulty chapter for a long time. Not only did he complete the exploration of Saint Lance, he also found the 'Forgotten Afterglow Abyss'.

But he had just obtained the map of 'The Tomb of the Ancestral Giant' from the tomb at the previous stop, and the huge reward was right in front of him, but the underworld game told him that this chapter was over.

Could it be that the tomb of the ancestor giant is the content of the next chapter?

Lin Xun frowned, opened the inventory, and tried to click on the 'Ancestral Giant's Tomb Map'.

[If you use the ‘Map of the Tomb of the Ancestral Giants’, you will be able to find the path to the place according to the guidance.]

[According to the guidance of the map, you understand that in the southwest direction of the road, you will enter the "Deep Forest" after continuing to advance.]

[Are you going to the ‘Temple Ruins of the Divine Light Church’, or are you going to the ‘Deep Forest’? 】

Lin Xun breathed a sigh of relief, luckily the hidden map was part of Chapter 323.

If the underworld game tells him that he has to go to Chapter 324 to enter the 'Deep Forest', then he can only use the 'anchored bookmark' and continue the journey to the Blood Sun World.

Click on ‘Deep Forest’ in your hand.

[You ride the lion off the road and gallop southwest...]

The text is stuck here. It is estimated that the yellow bishop is riding a lion and running wildly in the game.

Compared with the last time the Bishop in Yellow ran a half-day marathon in the Afterglow Abyss, the speed of riding a lion this time was obviously much faster.

[As you gallop, you find that sparse trees have begun to appear in front of you. The branches of these tall trees are twisted and dry, and the leaves that should be green reveal a strange scarlet color, as if stained with blood.]

[The slender vines hanging from the branches and leaves are swaying slightly and blowing in the wind.]

[The scarlet sunlight shines through the leaves without any hindrance, leaving only the ferocious shadows of the tree branches on the ground.]

[As you gallop on a lion, the sparse scarlet trees become denser and denser, but the ground under your feet is cracked and cracked, so that no grass grows, and only the scarlet trees become stronger and taller.]

[You didn’t see a single living creature along the way. The entire forest was silent, except for the rustle of the scarlet leaves in the wind.]

【You have entered the ‘deep forest’!】

[You follow the directions on the map and are about to continue on your way, but you find that the surroundings are so quiet that your hair will stand on end. Even the rustle of the wind has disappeared at some point.]

【Are you going to continue on your way or stay where you are?】

Lin Xun was instantly alert.

No longer making great progress, but carefully choosing to stay.

With a quick operation, he canceled the ride and gave the three-headed lion the battle command to protect him.

[A cautious apostle by nature, you choose to stop where you are and look around cautiously to prevent danger from coming.]

[The ‘Three-Headed Lion of Sinking’ is quietly guarding you, crouching low to accumulate strength, ready to jump up at any time to defend you against danger.]

[The shadows of the scarlet trees ahead are swaying, gradually approaching you...]

[Mottled bark features appear on the trunks of trees. They sway their branches, leaves and vines, and squirm their thick roots, slowly approaching you!]

【Do you want to attack the ‘Sunken Forest Treeman’?】

What is this Groot?

According to the description in this article, these tree people do not move very fast.

You can use the three-headed lion as a mobile fort to fly a kite by yourself.

To sum up, are these monsters here to give you experience?

As soon as Lin Xun thought about this, he followed his own kite flying tactics.

[You turn over and ride on the ‘Three-Headed Lion of Sinking’, clutching the mane behind its head in your hands.]

[You give the ‘Three-Headed Lion of Sinking’ a combat order to keep your distance.]

[The three lions under your crotch lead you back continuously, always keeping a certain distance from the 'sinking forest tree people'...]

Lin Xun opened the panel and clicked 'Dirty Sunlight'.

[You raise the ‘Thunder Dragon Staff Spear’ and recite the spell silently...]

[A flash of red light...]

[You defeated the ‘Sunken Forest Treeman’, and your experience points increased slightly.]

[You got a scarlet branch (scrap)*1]

[The scorching flames brought by the ‘dirty sunlight’ caused the surrounding trees to twist their branches and leaves crazily.]

[The sparks bursting with scorching flames ignited raging flames among the tree people!]

[You defeated the ‘Sunken Forest Treeman’, and your experience points increased slightly.]

[You defeated the ‘Sunken Forest Treeman’, and your experience points increased slightly.]

[You got scarlet leaves (scrap)*1]

【You defeated...】


Lin Xun fired a laser cannon, but unexpectedly it directly set the tree people on fire.

The text on the screen jumps like crazy, which can be called a one-click order.

Seeing the constant prompts of 'a small increase in experience points', he regained the original joy of the game.

[Congratulated apostle, you have not noticed that the scarlet sunlight around you has been covered by a huge shadow.]

[Looking at the suddenly dark surroundings, you turned your head sharply.]

[A giant tree that hides the sky and the sun appears behind you at some point, crawling with huge roots and approaching you.]

[On the thick tree trunk that required a dozen people to embrace, huge human-like facial features emerged. The two dark tree holes that were originally at the eyes bloomed with scarlet eyes.]

[The 'Sinkn Primitive Ancient Tree' saw all your awareness and pulled countless thick roots up from the ground. With a rumbling sound and splashing cracked soil, the roots gathered and twisted into two huge tree legs. 】

[‘The sunken primitive ancient tree’ is striding towards you. Every time it steps heavily, the ground will shake.]

[Are you going to attack without knowing your life or death, or are you going to run away and retreat knowing you are outmatched?]

"Damn it! If you beat your son and call him dad, all the monsters in the game will call you parents!"

Lin Xun complained, and quickly moved his hands to press the escape option.

[The apostle who is still self-aware, yanks the mane in his hand, and the 'Three-Headed Lion of Sinking' roars, leading you to flee crazily...]

Lin Xun ran away while pressing "Dirty Sunlight".

Just running away without testing the BOSS's strength is not his style.

[You pull the mane with one hand, raise the 'Thunder Dragon Staff Spear' with the other hand, and recite the spell silently...]

[A flash of red light...]

[The thick scarlet light beam hit the huge torso of the ancient tree man not far behind him, leaving a circular black mark. Compared with the tree trunk that was hidden from the sky and the sun, it was like being pricked by a tiny needlepoint.]

"...How dare you mock me with this underworld game?"

Lin Xun, who was cursing, no longer used his skills, but concentrated on running away.

If you can't fight, just run away, no shame.

[The three lions under your crotch are running away like crazy, but the deafening footsteps behind you are getting closer...]

"The tree man is so big that chasing him for one step is equivalent to a lion escaping for half a day!"

"What should I do? I have to lose two points of soul strength?"

The game text jumps frequently, indicating that the giant tree man is getting closer and closer.

"Instead of dying with the three lions, it is better to cancel the summons and die alone, which can save 1 point of soul strength."

Just when Lin Xun was about to give up his escape, cancel the call of the three lions, and stop the loss in time...

He suddenly remembered, didn’t he have the body of a dancer?

The powerful stealth skill can be called a magical ability to escape!

Moreover, the dancers are also wearing a 'shadow cloak of night' that can isolate detection and conceal the smell.

Invisibility skills and the blessing of special equipment give him a high probability of being able to cope with the current crisis situation.

With this thought, Lin Xun quickly opened the body bar.

This chapter has been completed!
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