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Chapter 89 Giant Orc!

 [You raise the ‘Thunder Dragon Staff Spear’ and recite the spell silently...]

[The ‘sinking old orc’ became alert and opened its eyes suddenly. It was frightened, got up and was about to run away...]

[A flash of red light...]

[You defeated the ‘Dead Old Orc’, and your experience value increased significantly.]

[The power within the body begins to boil, and the body level of the ‘Yellow-clothed Bishop of the Sunken White Moon Church’ increases. The current body level is: 21]

The old orc searched and searched and found nothing, which made Lin Xun a little disappointed.

But fortunately, the previous monster spawning caused his experience value to skyrocket, and after killing the old orc, the shell level increased again.

[You look at the body of the old orc in front of you...]

[The body of the 'Sunken Old Orc', as an elder of the orc clan with mixed blood, although he is very old, he is well-informed and clearly knows some secrets about the giant orc race. It died after

Some kind of scorching power that shoots out. Phase: 82% (45%)]

【Do you want to possess this body?】

Lin Xun threw away an orc body in the body column and clicked to possess it.

[You are possessed by the body of the ‘fallen old orc’.]

[You have taken control of this body, and the memory fragments of the beast's life remain in the body.]

[The blood-blooded orcs are the product of the reproduction of giant orcs and mountain monsters. Compared with the normal giant beasts, which are more than five or six meters tall, the dirty-blood orcs have mixed blood in their bodies, and their body shape is similar to that of an adult human man.]

[The giant beasts advocate "bigness". They not only pursue huge body size, but also require bigger and bigger certain organs. They firmly believe that larger size means greater strength, and the largest giant beasts will be eliminated by the tribe.

Elected as chief.]

[Therefore, although the 'petite' orcs with dirty blood are descendants of the giant beasts, they are rejected by the giant beasts and eventually become enslaved tools.]

[The giant orc tribe lives deep in the valley, and has set up a giant gate to block the location of the dirty blood orcs. They squeeze the dirty blood orcs to build their homes, build palaces, repair mausoleums, and even leave the task of hunting and obtaining food to the dirty blood orcs.

Blood Orc...]

[The broken memory ends abruptly.]

It seems that the old orc has a deep resentment towards the giant beast clan, and his memory is filled with silent cries for unfair treatment.

Lin Xun extracted key information from it. The normal size of the giant orc is five or six meters high, which is equivalent to an enlarged version of the dirty blood orc.

According to the increased compatibility of his current talent, it is probably unrealistic to possess a giant beastman.

Because an orc with a normal size like the Dirty Blood Orc can only reach the passing line of compatibility 80.

Open the body panel and view the attributes of the old orc.

[The body—the fallen old orc]

[Real name: Unknown]

[Phaseality: 82% (45%)]

[Body quality: ordinary level]

[Body level: 10]

[Hull equipment: Dirty animal skin skirt (broken level), a short skirt made of the skin of some kind of beast, seems to have never been washed, dirty and smelly.]

[Hull equipment: Mountain monster leg bone short staff (ordinary level), a short staff made from the mountain monster's leg bones. It is strong, durable and powerful.]

[Body Skill: None]

The old orc's body is one level higher than that of ordinary orcs, and he has an ordinary-level weapon, which is an unexpected surprise.

After the possession was completed, Lin Xun continued to read the game text.

【Do you want to step forward and open the wooden treasure chest?】

This kind of broken box that is guarded by monsters and leaks air cannot be a Mimic, right?

Lin Xun clicked to open it directly.

[You opened the wooden treasure box...]

[You have obtained the ‘nameless weak spirituality’*1]

[You have obtained the ‘Totem Pole of the Bloody Orc’ (key)]

Lin Xun bared his teeth for a while, picking at the treasure chest like an old orc.

Sure enough, the leaky treasure chest doesn't look like it can give out four or five rewards at once.

Open the inventory to view.

After using the spiritual props, you can earn 300 spiritual points, so put them away as usual.

['The Totem Pole of the Bloody Orcs' (Key) The totem pole as big as an arm is made of some kind of stone, with images of giant orcs and mountain monsters carved on it. When the dirty blood orcs were repairing the tombs of the giant beast chiefs,

There are some unknown secret shackles left in the mausoleum. Using this totem pole can open the corresponding shackles.]

A key that can open the shackles in the tomb of the orc chief should be a key prop related to the subsequent reward process.

After opening the treasure chest, there is nothing worth looting in the shack.

Lin Xun exited the shack, changed into the body of the yellow-robed bishop, and rode on the three lions.

[You have raided all the shacks of the Bloody Orcs, do you want to continue to follow the map’s guidance?]

[You follow the direction marked on the map, pass through the shacks of the Bloody Orcs in the valley, and ride on a lion...]

[In the distance, a giant gate cuts across the mountain walls on both sides, blocking your way forward.]

[The giant door is made of hundreds of large logs criss-crossed and tied together. A thick metal chain hangs from the top of the side of the giant door, which looks like a mechanism to open the giant door.]

[A tall and muscular figure leaned against the giant door, sound asleep.]

[That hill-like figure, just snoring, caused the ground to tremble slightly.]

[The ‘Three Sunken Lions’ sensed strong danger, and their breathing gradually became more frequent and rapid.]

[You comfort the three-headed lion who is slightly anxious under your crotch, and slowly step forward to check...]

[What is sleeping against the huge door is a 'sunken giant beastman'. It is as tall as an ordinary three-story building. Its body is covered with muscles that look like huge stone carvings, and the ends of its limbs have sharp claws.


[The long jaws covered with sharp fangs are slightly opened, and the smelly saliva flows down. Even if it is sleeping by the door, you still need to look up.]

Lin Xun frowned, didn't he say that the giant beast was five or six meters tall?

For a three-story building, the first floor must be nine meters even if it is three meters.

Could it be that after being eroded by the Blood Sun, these giant beastmen became larger and stronger?

According to the memory of the old orc, the larger the giant orc is, the more powerful it is.

The sudden change made his game more difficult.

[Petite and weak apostle, what should you do?]

[1. Faced with such a huge beast, even the "three sunken lions" under your crotch are afraid, you should not go to feed the giant beast, it is important to escape as soon as possible to save your life.]

[2. Possess the body of the ‘fallen foul-blooded orc’ and awaken the giant beast. Maybe it will let you pass here because you are a descendant of the giant beast.]

[3. Let the 'Three Sunken Lions' step forward to wake up the giant beast and lure it away. You take the opportunity to pull the chain device next to the giant door, open the giant door, and pass through. ]

[4. Raise the ‘Thunder Dragon Scepter’ in your hand, recite the incantation silently, and use a shot of ‘Filthy Sunlight’ to send it to the sky, or send yourself to the sky.]

This chapter has been completed!
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