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Chapter 11 Naval Recruit Ship! Really Dead Prince!

Become a Marine?

Cui Ze had never considered this issue before.

During these days, Cui Ze was either drifting on the sea to survive, or struggling to survive among the zombies.

The issue that requires his constant attention is how to survive on the battlefield of the Four Emperors and how to survive until the next morning!

Where do you find the time to consider such advanced issues as "career direction"?

But now that his spirit has calmed down and his situation has stabilized, Cui Ze really needs to seriously consider his future life path.

The bright side main line of the One Piece world is the confrontation between the navy and pirates, and the dark side main line is the story of the Straw Hat Pirates searching for the lost history and liberating the sea, interspersed with the Celestial Dragons, the World Government, the Revolutionary Army, the Independent Kingdom, etc.

A series of existences.

Cui Ze's mind quickly flashed through a series of career directions such as "Navy", "Pirates", "CP Agent", "Revolutionary Army", etc.

These powerful forces are the real protagonists of the world stage.

However, Cui Ze has no intention of becoming a vicious pirate who commits evil deeds, nor does he have any interest in sacrificing his life for the liberation of the people of another world, nor does he want to be a dog for the extravagant and lustful nobles of the world.

Thinking about it this way, "Navy" is actually a pretty good direction.

The salary is stable, killing thieves is legal, there are many subordinates, advancement is smooth, and freedom of thought is allowed!

After you become a navy, it will be a beautiful thing to learn from Admiral Kizaru's fishing methods on a daily basis~

And when the military rank rises to the level of lieutenant general, you will learn deeply from Lieutenant General Garp's indifference to fame and fortune, and you will not rise until you die!

An Neng's ability to bend his eyebrows and bend his waist to serve the powerful makes me unhappy!

Which trash can are the Celestial Dragons in?

In just a short moment, a lot of unknown thoughts flashed through Cui Ze's mind. He raised his eyes and looked at Tina, his face suddenly became more sincere and eager.

"It turns out it's 'General Don't Kill'! This name is really impressive! Please, Miss Tina, please take me to see General Zefa as soon as possible! So that I can express my gratitude to him."

Seeing Cui Ze's polite and enthusiastic gesture, Tina couldn't help but open her eyes wide.

In the past few days, things about Cui Ze have been spread wildly in the boot camp countless times.

Although the navy recruits don't know this man's name, they all know that this guy who has been unconscious for many days once faced Kaido the beast head-on on the zombie island!

The point is, he's not dead!

During their spare time during training, I don’t know how many recruits were speculating about what kind of person such a macho man was, and whether his strength could match that of a general or an emperor.

Influenced by what she heard and saw, Tina also had her own conjectures.

But what she didn't expect was that the guy who was vaguely rumored to be a "peerless tough guy" could be so gentle in private?

And he’s so handsome!

Tina couldn't help but shudder as she recalled the large group of crooked men who were with her on the boat.

A smoker who never leaves his mouth, a slovenly man who never leaves his face, a wretched man who likes to mask his face, a sumo wrestler who only wears a bellyband...

This is probably the difference between men...


This is how different the world is!

"Follow me!"

Tina came back to her senses, raised her chin towards Cui Ze, and then turned around to lead the way.

Following the young and beautiful female sailor, Cui Ze's eyes kept moving along with the swaying pink hair, the white hot pants that covered the bulge, and the round, powerful and smooth thighs.


Business matters!

Cui Ze forced himself to look away and shift his attention elsewhere.

This is an iron-gray naval warship that is common in the sea. The hull is made of wood and sails on the endless sea. The three thick masts, which are hugged by several people, are hung with large white and blue seagull flags, which symbolize the identity of the navy.

Hunting and flying in the wind.

After walking out of the cabin, we first came to a wide flat land.

This is the front deck of the battleship. A large number of figures wearing blue and white navy uniforms are gathering on the deck for training.

Cui Ze just glanced around and saw several "familiar people".

'It turns out Smoker doesn't need to smoke a cigar all day long, at least not during training...'

'That man actually has a fried egg on his face? With his appearance and habits... could he be Vergo, the undercover agent of the Don Quixote family?'

‘Hiss! A section of other people’s weapons were corroded away in an instant… The superhuman Rust Fruit seems to be a character too.’

‘The white navy short-sleeves are covered with a layer of bellyband. What kind of weird aesthetic is this? It seems to be called... Momotaro? Um, is it Zhan Momomaru?'

Cui Ze stayed on the cabin deck for a short time. Tina turned around and led him towards the rear of the naval battleship.

Having lost the opportunity to observe the "acquaintance", Cui Ze had to turn his attention back to Tina in front.

"Miss Tina, how long have I been unconscious?"

"Let Tina think about it... counting the two days on the zombie island, today is already the fifth day."

No wonder he's so hungry! Cui Ze rubbed his stomach vigorously again.

"We are at sea now, where is our next destination?"

Tina turned around and said apologetically: "Sorry, this is confidential, Tina can't tell."

Cui Ze nodded, not disappointed, but rather surprised by the female sailor's very cautious professional ethics.

He made some insinuations to Tina, but most of the answers he received were similar to "It's confidential, no comment."

A few minutes later, Tina led Cui Ze to an office and knocked on the door.

"Teacher Zefa, I am the new recruit Tina who is on duty today."

A steady and powerful voice came from inside the door, "Come in."

Tina and Cui Ze walked into the office one after the other.

The man who was working on documents behind his desk looked up, his face was resolute and majestic.

He was wearing a dark purple suit, with his strong pectoralis major muscles bulging out the chest of the suit. He wore a tie with dark red spots on his collar, and behind him was a "just coat" that symbolized his status!

Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Chief Instructor of the Navy Recruit Training Camp, Black Wrist Zefa!

"Hello, General Zefa, thank you very much for your life-saving grace." Cui Ze stepped forward and said sincerely, "Thank you for the rescue. It is a great kindness. I will never forget it."

"I just dug you out of the hole. It was you who really saved your life."

Zefa did not accept the favor rashly, but shook his head.

"Kaido's two sticks are not easy to take!"


Cui Ze subconsciously raised his hand and touched his forehead and then his neck. It had obviously been several days, but there was still a faint phantom pain in his neck.

This handsome man actually had a fight with Kaido!

Tina's eyes lit up when she heard this, but she didn't interrupt without permission.

"The military doctors were also very pessimistic about your physical condition at that time. Most of them thought you wouldn't be able to survive. A few thought that even if you could wake up, you would most likely become a mentally retarded person or a cripple."

Zefa looked at Cui Ze and spoke calmly.

"It seems like you are fine now?"

[Wild body], forever divine!

Cui Ze blinked and put his right hand on his stomach. The thumb and index finger of his left hand formed a fingertip universe.

"I just feel a little bit hungry right now."

"Haha! What a funny guy!"

Even though he was Zefa, he couldn't help but feel amused by Cui Ze's gesture.

"As for eating, let Tina take you to the restaurant later! Recruit Tina, go wait outside the door first."

"Yes, instructor!" Tina looked solemn, made a serious military salute, and then walked out of the room quickly.

Cui Ze also realized that Zefa had something to talk to him about.

As expected.

Zefa took out a document from the desk drawer and handed it to Cui Ze without explanation.

"Let's take a look."

Feeling the invisible atmosphere, Cui Ze suppressed the smile on his face. He took the documents with both hands and started flipping through them one by one.

The Kingdom of Tobias is famous for its special delicacy "Milk Pudding"... Because it refused the forced tribute from the Big Mom Pirates, it was attacked by pirates... When the royal family went out to seek refuge, they were attacked by unknown pirates and the entire army was wiped out...

…The territory of the kingdom was invaded by the forces of the Big Mom Pirates…

Cui Ze turned over the last page of the document, which was the identity file of the little prince of Tobias Kingdom.

In the upper right corner of the document, there is a photo of a boy with a photo of his face. He looks exactly like Cui Ze, but there is a red seal of "Dead" pressed in the upper left corner of the document.

"The Kingdom of Tobias..."

Cui Ze closed his eyes. At this moment, he seemed to have become the carefree little prince again.

"Has it died out?"

"The country has fallen, and the royal family no longer exists." Zefa said solemnly, "At least legally, this country no longer exists."

Cui Ze suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were extremely firm, and he asked word by word.

"Excuse me, General Zefa, which son of the Big Mom Pirates conquered the Kingdom of Tobias?"

"Charlotte Opera, the fifth son of the Charlotte family."

Zefa responded, and also made a special mention.

"In addition, according to naval intelligence, Charlotte Opela recently obtained a superhuman Devil Fruit and became the 'Cream Minister' of Totland of All Nations."

Totland of all nations!

Big Mom Pirates!

And Kaido from before!

Anger Kaido, make enemy of Aunt...

The corner of Cui Ze's mouth was bitter, feeling that his small boat in life could not bear such a huge wave.

He pursed his lips and forced a smile.

"Admiral Zefa, do you know if the Navy recruit training camp is still recruiting people?"

This chapter has been completed!
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