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Chapter 108 Master of Cards! Legend of the Sea! Moon

Cui Ze doesn’t know much about the “Fire Photographer”.

But the "hand-drawn wanted poster" impressed Cui Ze too deeply!

In the original comic, after the Justice Island chapter officially ended, Vinsmoke Sanji, the chef of the Straw Hat Pirates, also received his first reward order.

However, due to the mistake of the Flame Photographer, he forgot to open the cover of the camera phone when taking the photo, and as a result, all the pictures he took were pitch black.

In desperation, the Flame Photographer could only use his "miraculous" advanced painting skills to personally draw a bounty photo for Sanji.

And this reward photo was scribbled out by the Flame Photographer.

In the end, a person was really involved who looked exactly like the bounty portrait - "Dibaru", the eldest brother of the Flying Fish Knights.

Later, when Dibaru met the Straw Hat Pirates.

Incredibly wonderful appearance.

Brooke, the skeleton who had been dead for decades, almost died laughing again! (Pictured above)

Boss Huang doesn’t want an extra “yellow flash” on the reward order.

Cui Ze didn't want to have an extra "hand-drawn picture" on the reward order!

What if a "Trest Fitter", "Tracy Fett", "Tracy Fett" is really involved...

Even just thinking about that situation, Cui Ze couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

"Wait for me for five minutes—no! Three minutes! I'll send the photo right away!"

Cui Ze's eyes lit up with scarlet light, and he used his knowledge to the extreme, and quickly found a photo studio nearby.

After giving money to the owner of the photo studio to leave, Cui Ze urged Pride to take a series of thick portrait photos and pass them all to Boss Huang.

It felt like I had accomplished a major event in my life.

After sending the photos, a relaxed Cui Ze returned to Tom's studio and planned to invite Fat Tiger to fight.

Unfortunately, I was rejected repeatedly.

Without any reason, Yixiao doesn't want to fight with his friends.


Except at the gambling table.

Just when Cui Ze pestered Fat Hu and asked him to be a sparring partner.

After receiving the photo, the Navy Headquarters also began to prepare a reward order.

The next morning.

Accompanied by numerous news birds, Cui Ze's bounty order was sent to all over the world.

[Card Master Trace Felte]


[Reward amount: 480 million Baileys]

[Reward level: ONLY ALIVE (only allowed to be captured alive)]

Wano Country, Onigashima, the home of the Beast Pirates.

An extremely thin figure, holding a newspaper, hurriedly rushed to the underground level of Onigashima Castle.

His speed is far beyond that of ordinary people, almost like a small dinosaur that is good at running.

Finally, the thin figure came to a small, cramped room.

"Sister! This is a newspaper sent from the outside world! It has that guy's photo on it!"


A weak cough sounded, and the little girl with big white horns like bull's horns on both sides of her head sat up from the bed, holding on to a samurai sword that exuded a thin blue-gray mist.

"Xiao Pei, how many times have I told you, cough cough..."

Run took a breath.

"Don't run so fast, be careful of falling."

The pressure to survive within the Beast Pirates is extremely high.

Run has to remind his brother to pay attention to safety at all times.

Especially after she secretly scraped off the peel of the ancient Spinosaurus fruit and gave it to her brother to eat.

Kaido, the boss of the Beast Pirates, dislikes the siblings.

"Sister! Don't worry about this little problem! Read the newspaper!"

Holding the newspaper, Peggy Wan came close to Runshi and showed her the photo that looked like an art photo.

"Cui Ze! It's Cui Ze! He has become a pirate!"

Seeing the series of zeros made Run feel a little dizzy, but she still recognized the man in the photo at a glance.

Runshi's eyes instantly burst out with an astonishing desire to survive.

From this moment on, her breathing rate began to slowly match the blue-gray katana in her hand.

"Cui Ze! He's not dead yet!


North Sea, Thred Island, Central Tower.

A tall figure wearing a pink and fur coat stood at the top of the tower, holding a newspaper tightly in his hand, which contained Cui Ze's reward order.

This newspaper was just delivered by Diamanti, the leader of the Cube Force.

According to Diamanti.

When Rao G saw the photo of the reward, he was very excited and said that this was the man who severely wounded him on the naval battleship.

In the previous "attack on the navy's elite training ship" incident, Rao G was stabbed open in the abdomen by Cui Ze due to various circumstances.

Although he escaped from the sea by luck, he still left behind incurable roots of disease.

Doflamingo has always wanted to find the marine who hurt Rao G.

It's a pity that during that time, he was chased by Lieutenant General He and had no way to go to the sky and no way to the earth.

When he finally escaped from Lieutenant General He's pursuit and returned to Beihai, the navy elite training camp ended again.

Even Vergo didn't know where the sailor named Treize Fite had gone.

This time.

Doflamingo finally found his target.

"Sea soldier? Pirate? Fufufufufu..."

Doflamingo dropped the newspaper in his hand, veins bloomed on his forehead.

"No matter who you are, if you dare to hurt my family, I will make you pay the price!"

Paradise, Alabasta, Rain Banquet Casino.

Sand Crocodile Crocodile sat at the top of the Yuyan Casino pyramid as always, holding Cui Ze's reward order in his hand.

Next to him is Gar Dino wearing [Ghost Glasses].

After going through the selection of his subordinates some time ago, Crocodile finally promoted the calm and composed Gar Dino from a group of low-level cannon fodder and brought him to his side.

Crocodile plans to set up an organization in the near future called "Baroque Studio". The nominal purpose is to overthrow Alabasta and establish an ideal kingdom. The real purpose is to obtain the ancient weapon "Hades".

Gal Dino.

He is the "deputy" selected by Crocodile.


Crocodile looked at the newspaper in his hand with cold eyes.

"When I get the power of Pluto, I will let you know what despair means!"

Paradise, Chambord Islands, Peninsula 13.

In the renovated rip-off bar.

Rayleigh, with his chest wrapped in thick bandages, was sitting in front of the bar, sipping his drink leisurely.

Opposite him, the tavern proprietress Xia Qi, holding today's latest newspaper in her hand, narrowed her eyes slightly, and there was a hint of calculation flowing from the slits in her eyes.

'You dare to attack my man! You even destroyed my bar!'

The proprietress Xia Qi smashed the newspaper on the bar counter.

'I want you to know what it means not to mess with women!'

Lei Li was startled by Xia Qi's actions and quickly picked up the wine glass to protect him. Then he took a look and saw Cui Ze's reward.

"It turns out it's him... After all these years, I finally met a new junior who I can like."

It seemed that Lei Li was not unhappy because he was defeated by Cui Ze before.

"What did you say?! What do you think of this brat?"

Boss Xia Qi suddenly became even more angry.

"If you don't speak clearly today, you won't be able to lick a drop of wine from me again!"

Naval Headquarters, Marinevando.

Compared to other areas of the sea.

The navy members of this headquarters were the first to obtain Cui Ze's reward order.

Virgo, Zhan Momomaru, and Tina each reacted.

But the one who showed the most intense behavior was Smoker.

According to rumors, the dormitories in the towns behind Marinefando almost underwent another reconstruction.

At that time, there were billows of white smoke coming out of every corner of the building.

"Why, Cui Ze, are you colluding with the darkness..."

Smoker sat in his own room, the huge force bursting out of his palms, almost breaking the reward order.

Winter! Winter! Winter!

He turned to look out the window and looked at the "Oaks Sacred Bell" whose bells were ringing continuously.

Smoker was stunned.

"What a terrible New Year's gift..."

The beginning of the year 1508 in the Haiyuan calendar.

Card Master Drizze Fite.

Officially famous in the sea!

This chapter has been completed!
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