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Chapter 118 The weak god arrives at Bika! A slightly stronger god! (Please ask for a monthly ticket)

Gan Faure was not aggressive in his life.

But as the God of Sky Island, sometimes, he has to stand up and face the enemy.

On the Yunding Sky Island, which is 10,000 meters above sea level, every grain of soil is a priceless treasure.

The God's Island "Apayado", which is composed of a large amount of soil, usually strictly restricts the entry and exit of other sky island residents, in order to prevent anyone from secretly taking the soil out.

Once someone is found to have broken into the God's Island "Apayado", they will be directly expelled by the God of the Sky Island, Gan Fule!

"Foreigner, you are from Qinghai below, right?"

Gan Fore raised the knight's spear in his hand and pointed the bright sharp tip at Cui Ze's body.

"I am——"

"Let's start the fight!"

Considering the characteristics of the opponent's aura, Cui Ze did not draw his gun and shoot directly. Instead, he used the ability he had just obtained from fishing.

【Hundred Times Sun Fist】

Gan Fulben was a little stunned by Cui Ze's words, and was about to show him what "the power of the gods" meant.

But the next moment.

A super bright light that was a hundred times more powerful than the scorching sun in the sky bloomed from the body of the foreigner, shining in all directions.

Even if Gan Fore closed his eyes for an instant, he could not resist the ubiquitous strong light.

Gan Fore, who had lost his visual perception and had excellent combat skills, was not too panicked. He held the long handle of the knight's gun with both hands and took a defensive posture.

However, compared to the experienced Gan Faure, Pierre under him did not have such tenacious fighting nerves.

The pink-spotted Pegasus, which was almost blinded by the [Hundred Times Sun Fist], let out a strange and sharp cry, spread its four legs, flapped its two wings, and followed the direction in memory, heading towards Cui Ze.

Bian rushes over.

Cui Ze was waiting for Gan Fore's counterattack. Faced with the impact of this mentally polluted Pegasus, he was not surprised but overjoyed, and directly threw out a card.

[You used the C-level card [Ernest]!]

[Your current attribute is not [Light]!]

【Use failed!】

"Gan! Pirated copies can't compete with genuine ones!"

Cui Ze cursed softly.

The scum card is returned to the deck.

Cui Ze no longer thinks about doing these fancy things.

He stretched out his hands as fast as lightning, grabbed Pierre's two horse legs, raised them high, and kicked them in this direction.

The male dog twisted his waist violently, and the powerful force exploded, directly knocking the island bird that had eaten the horse fruit into the ground of Shantora, making a loud "boom" sound.

Pierre immediately screamed in agony.

Gan Faure, who had barely recovered his vision, managed to jump off the horse just before he fell.

He held the long and thick knight's spear tightly, pointed it at Cui Ze's vague figure, and stabbed it directly.

The huge knight's gun made the roar of the wind.

A ray of red light flashed in Cui Ze's eyes, his breath was as steady as an old dog, and he miraculously caught the tip of the knight's gun. The wild ripples of energy poured into the metal knight's gun along his palm.

"The silver ripples are running fast!


The powerful ripple energy spread through the knight's gun in an instant, shocking Gan Fore so much that he had to let go of his hands and was forced to take a few steps back.

Cui Ze, who was holding the knight's spear behind his back, relied on the energy of [Ripple Qigong] to completely control the spear. With a backhand swing, he directly used the handle of the spear as a stick and hit Gan Fore's body hard.



The handle of the knight's gun collided hard with Gan Fore's silver armor, making a loud metal collision sound. The latter's body flew out with a sound, spurting a mouthful of blood from his mouth, and directly hit the man who had not climbed up from the ground.

On the body of Pegasus Pierre who got up.


Cui Ze waved the knight's gun in his hand, spinning out a circle of beautiful gun flowers, and then stuck it upside down on the ground of Shantora.

"What a weak god!"

Gan Fore, who had already suffered a lot of trauma, almost didn't spit out a mouthful of blood again.

"People from Qinghai!"

Gan Fore stretched out his hand to hold the deeply sunken hole in the armor and looked at Cui Ze with a heavy expression.

"Tell me your purpose of coming to the Island of Gods, Apayado! Otherwise, I will stop you even if I risk my life!"


Cui Ze thought for a while, but still didn't tell him about the fact that he had just taken over half of the Golden Land.

Otherwise, this old man will probably really try his best...

"I'm here to inquire about the news. I heard on the sea below that there is a small island called Bika in the sky, and there is a treasure hidden on it."

Cui Ze gave another reason.

"After I came to Kongdao, I wanted to visit Bika, but I accidentally ended up here."

Gan Fore was not sure about the authenticity of the words of the Qinghai man in front of him.

after all……

Just in that little corner of Bika...

What good treasures can there be?

However, the other party's reasons are still quite convincing.

At least according to Gan Fore's own experience at that time, there are indeed many pirates active in the Qinghai Sea below in pursuit of treasures! (Gan Fore and Roger made friends...)

"Bika's location is..."

Gan Fuer played a trick. He did not tell Cui Ze the true direction of Bika, but randomly pointed to a certain deserted area of ​​​​the Baibai Sea.

For Gan Fore, he didn't know the person in front of him at all, so how could he casually reveal Bika's location?

What if this guy who is suspected of being a pirate will cause damage to Bika...

"Okay, I understand."

Cui Ze nodded lightly.

Gan Faure secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"In that case, you can leave on your own—"

Before the old myth of the goatee could be finished, a dark fist was reflected in his boy's hole.

Just listen to "Bang"'s punch.

Gan Fuer was knocked unconscious by Cui Ze.

[You defeated an old man from the Sky Island with a comprehensive evaluation of D!]

"...Punching the old man and kicking the pony, I am becoming more and more qualified to play the role of a pirate!"

Cui Ze laughed at himself and kicked Pegasus Pierre a few more times as he struggled to get up from the ground.

"Xiao Ma, did you hear what I just said? If you don't want this old man to be beaten to death by me, just take the two of us to Bika!"

Under the threat of Cui Ze's fist.

"Pegasus" Pierre immediately became docile.

Cui Ze rode on Pierre's back.

Gan Faure, who had passed out, was tied up with a rope and tied to Pierre's belly, floating in the air like this.

After some flying.

Cui Ze instantly realized that the address of Bika given by Gan Fore just now was completely different from Pierre's flight route!

"This old god of Kongdao really does his duty..."

Cui Ze figured out the reason and lowered his head to look at Gan Fule, who was swaying below.

"But this is the first time I've seen a god with such a low evaluation.

"Not mastering domineering is indeed a flaw."

Not long after.

Under Pierre's extremely fast flight.

On the pure white coastline in the distance, the shadow of an empty island finally appeared. Most of its land was composed of white island clouds, with only a few sporadic locations dotted with green trees.

Cui Ze maintained a state of full awareness, riding "Pegasus" Pierre to patrol back and forth around the sky island, while searching for his target.

"Listen to the sound of thunder..."

Cui Ze clamped the horse's belly, and Pierre immediately took him and flew in the direction of the sound.

Less than two minutes.

"Tianma" carried Cui Ze to the place where the sound came from.

It was a dilapidated Weiba (a special riding vehicle for air islands, extremely difficult to operate).

On that ship, there was a boy with an afro.

Discharging in BILIBILI!

Cui Ze silently activated the dual abilities of [Super Smell] and [Evil Sense].

"The breath is very clean, without the evil temperament that I imagined...

"The strength is relatively weak, but much stronger than the so-called Old God of Sky Island...

"Is this the future Sky Island God and the greatest enemy of pirates, Enel?"

This chapter has been completed!
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