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Chapter 15 [F-Class Item: Treasure Map]! Private Conversation

Holding five thousand Baileys, Cui Ze found it hard to accept it for a moment.

After only hesitating for a moment, he threw an F-level bait into the dimensional sea again and immediately took the bait.

[Type of fishing harvest: items]

[F-level item: treasure map]

[Item Description: A treasure map recording a treasure somewhere on Ciggu Island]

[Item effect: more than 10 Baileys, less than 10,000 Baileys, about 100 Baileys]

[Item evaluation: It doesn’t matter whether it’s money or not, the main thing is to enjoy the process of treasure hunting]

"This is a scam!"

With a "pop", Cui Ze slammed the yellowed sheepskin scroll treasure map in his hand to the ground.

"This is not as good as 5,000 beli in cash!"

Feeling the invisible ridicule from the goddess of luck, Cui Ze was furious and simply gave up fishing.

Bad luck tonight, I’ll fish again tomorrow!

Cui Ze still has 20 F-grade baits left in his hand. He has no plans to fuse them yet until the fish killing work in the kitchen is completed tomorrow.

After putting "Fifty Choppers" in his pocket, Cui Ze fell asleep.

A night of silence.

The next morning.

Cui Ze got up early and went to the kitchen in the cafeteria, intending to start today's happy fish killing work. However, he was told by the kitchen supervisor that his working time would be arranged in the afternoon.

According to the kitchen supervisor, navy soldiers enter the training camp to improve their abilities and quality, not to kill fish!

Moreover, the daily chores that each naval soldier needs to perform cannot exceed three hours at most!

This is a Navy elite recruit training camp, not a Navy handyman training class!

Cui Ze agreed with what the kitchen manager said.

But he just wants to kill fish.

However, there are no eggs.

The operation to harvest the "Bait of Victory" early in the morning failed, and Cui Ze, who was in a bad mood, had to go to the front hall of the cafeteria.

Mood affects appetite.

Cui Ze only ate enough food for ten people for breakfast.

But the other navy soldiers who came to the canteen to eat still looked at him with a look of great amazement, and many of them were still whispering.

"Is this the guy?"

"He didn't eat much today~"

After breakfast, most of the sailors went to their respective training sites, while Cui Ze began to visit the naval battleships.

In the small note Zefa sent yesterday, in addition to allowing him to work in the kitchen, he also agreed to allow him to freely visit the battleship.

With Zefa's small note, Cui Ze began to tour the ship openly and at the same time became familiar with the life in the navy elite training camp.

The first stop is the foredeck.

The terrain here is open and the view is wide. Many navy soldiers gathered here to train together, including the pink-haired navy girl whom I met yesterday.

Cui Ze nodded slightly towards Tina in the queue, his eyes inadvertently passed by the gray-haired young man standing next to her, and then turned and left.

"Tina, is that the guy that Teacher Zefa brought on the boat?"

Smoker pouted angrily at Cui Ze's back, his eyes vaguely eager.

"My name is 'Cui Ze', not 'that guy'!"

Tina glanced at Smoker, noticed his slightly excited expression, and couldn't help but be slightly startled.

"Smog, what do you want to do? Tina is very curious."

Smoker took a deep breath, and white smoke came out of his nose uncontrollably, like a white snake.

"Nothing, I'm just curious about what someone who can fight Kaido of the Beasts looks like. If possible..."

Tina looked inquisitive, "Huh?"

Smoker said seriously, "I want to challenge him!"

Of course, Cui Ze didn't know that he had just made a small appearance and gained a powerful challenger, and he was also a nearly invincible natural devil fruit user in the paradise stage!

At this moment, Cui Ze was still wandering around the boat.

After leaving the forward cabin deck, Cui Zelu visited the training rooms of various assessment courses one after another, including but not limited to exclusive training rooms for fighting, swordsmanship, shooting, etc., and had close contact with many elite sailors.

Along the way, Cui Ze was half surprised and half delighted by what he saw.

I was surprised that the Navy Elite Training Camp has such a complete training system, and I was also happy about this.

Cui Ze is convinced that after officially joining the training camp, he will soon transform into a qualified sea warrior.

Moreover, through the naval training camp, Cui Ze was able to quickly fill in many deficiencies, mainly in terms of combat experience.

Soon Cui Ze was no longer the combat layman who only knew how to hit zombies on the head with a hammer.

In addition, through contact with a large number of elite sailors, Cui Ze barely judged his current true strength in the training camp.

Upper middle reaches.

This still includes the help of [Wild Body] and [Breath of the Beast]!

Don't look at Cui Ze's combat resume, which is astonishing.

But in fact, his true level is not like that at all!

The Navy Elite Training Camp is a place where all the new marine monsters from all over the sea are gathered.

Not to mention anything else, Smoker, who at least ate the Smoke Fruit, is a target that Cui Ze is basically unable to deal with at this stage.

If you don't understand domineering, you will easily fall into a disadvantage when facing those with natural fruit abilities.

"Fortunately, after joining the training camp, the comprehensive assessment will not start immediately, otherwise I will expose my secret..."

With unknown happiness, Cui Ze left the shooting training room and continued exploration activities in other locations.

Before lunch, except for some secret places, Cui Ze, who had "Zefa's little note", visited almost the entire naval warship, and gained a lot in terms of knowledge.

While Cui Ze was working hard on his meal, a phone call was taking place in the top office of the naval warship.

"Ahe, have the results of the discussion at our headquarters regarding the so-called 'King's Shichibukai' system been reached?"

Zefa, who was sitting behind his desk, was questioning the phone bug in front of him.

The small phone bug imitates the appearance of a spirited old female marine.

The Vice Admiral and Chief Staff Officer of the Navy Headquarters who believes in "pure justice" - Tsuru!


Lieutenant General He sighed.

"The headquarters base was almost overturned by the lava from that bastard Sakaski. Kuzan, who had always been at odds with him in the past, also supported Sakaski's attitude this time."

"It makes sense!" Zefa snorted coldly, "Where is the other guy?"

"You mean Porusalino?"

Lieutenant General He instantly understood what Zefa meant.

In fact, Sakaski, Porusalino and Kuzan are also the pillars of the next generation navy recognized by their group of old navy!

The problem is that although each of these three guys possess extraordinary natural power and are incredibly powerful monsters, their respective personalities are also very problematic.

Sakaski, too radical.

Kuzan, too lazy.

Porusalino, too oily.

It's very headache-inducing.

The phone bug shook his head, "That guy never takes the initiative to express his attitude."


Zefa snorted heavily again.

Lieutenant General He also knew Zefa's attitude towards Kizaru and didn't care. She just asked: "Are you almost at the small garden?"

"That's right."

"His Majesty the Shichibukai System...how should I put it, our Navy has no way to deny it...so we should consider suitable candidates as soon as possible."

You can’t deny it, but that doesn’t mean you can’t make small moves!

Zefa understood the subtext of Lieutenant General He.

In fact, he happened to have a candidate, but... he seemed a little weaker.

Zefa came back to his senses, "Well, Ahe, what do you mean?"

Lieutenant General He slowly told her plan.

"I remember that there happened to be two giants with good strength in the small garden, right? The captain of the giant pirates more than a hundred years ago, both in terms of strength and prestige, was enough to serve as the king of the Shichibukai! And..."

"And he has a peaceful personality and won't cause trouble!"

Zefa clenched his fist and made a loud cracking sound.

"I will try to persuade those two giants!"

This chapter has been completed!
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