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Chapter 177 Coveted! The Clown of Hearts! Doflamingo's real plan!

The surgical fruit is located in Beihai, and the competition time is limited and urgent.

The "special means" Cui Ze mentioned was of course that he put everyone in the pirate group into [Simulated Space·Sailboat A], and then flew to Lubek Island in the North Sea alone with the cards.

That was also the exact place where the fruits of the surgery mentioned by Pride were traded.

However, Cui Ze remembered that Lubek Island was not the real surgical fruit trading island, but just a nearby island of the trading island.

The real deal island name seems to be "Isle Mignon"...

But this matter can be determined slowly after heading to Beihai.

The most urgent task is to act as soon as possible.


"Go to Beihai now to grab treasures and talents!"

With these words, Cui Ze sent everyone from the [Destiny Pirates] into the [Simultaneous Space·Sailboat A], then attached the Enilu brand lightning acceleration card, and headed straight from Angel Island to the direction of the Red Earth Continent!

From Angel Island, across the Red Continent, you can go to the North Sea!

Just when everyone from the [Destiny Pirates] was heading to the North Sea.

Another phone call was taking place in the general office of the headquarters.

"Moxi Moxi, Xiaomiguo, I am the big senbei——"


"Senbei? Where did the senbei come from?"

Along with a loud bang of the door being pushed, another rough and bold voice interrupted Seng Guo's words.

"Hey! Garp! Get out of here!"

Warring States covered the phone receiver in his hand and shouted angrily at Capton who walked into the office.

"What are you doing? I heard you have senbei here, are you going to take it all for yourself? Cheap Sengoku Sengoku!"

Garp picked his nose, sat down on the sofa in the general's office without hesitation, and said to the general's adjutants.

"Come here and serve me some tea first."

"Get out of here, bastard Garp!!"

Warring States was so angry that veins appeared on his forehead, and he banged the table of his desk hard.

"I have business here! How about business?!"

But at this time, Garp had taken out a bag of senbei from nowhere and was eating it with a "click-click" sound.

Sengoku glanced at this guy with a headache, but fortunately the senbei finally blocked his mouth.

Taking a deep breath, Warring States contacted the phone bug again, but unexpectedly he heard another thing that shocked him even more.

"The World Government plans to trade [Surgery Fruit] in the North Sea."

Don Quixote's current hero, Lieutenant Colonel of the Navy Headquarters, Don Quixote Rocinante, asked the phone bug.

"Is this true?"

"You...how did you know?"

There was a lot of sweat streaming down Zhenguo's forehead. He, the naval general, had only just learned about this extremely confidential information. How come even Xiaomiguo, a navy undercover agent, knew about it...

"This is the top secret of the world government!"

"My brother has received accurate information."

Rocinante replied.

"I want to know the exact movements of the pirates who made deals with the World Government."

"Those people will never expose their whereabouts before the transaction..."

Just when Rosinandi was communicating with Warring States.

A small figure sitting nearby was staring intently at the "Corazon (Red Heart)" of the family.

'The person currently communicating with Mr. Corazon using the phone bug... is the Navy!'

This little boy wearing a spotted felt hat and a face covered with unhealthy white spots was none other than Rocinante who was forcibly abducted from the Don Quixote family by Rocinante half a year ago.

Trafalgar Law!

'Mr. Corazon...'

The double blow delivered to his body and mind made Luo suddenly feel dizzy, and he couldn't help but fall to the ground.

However, Rosinandi, who was in contact with Sengoku, did not notice all this. He was still asking Sengoku for information about the trading of surgical fruits.

After some hesitation, Warring States still conveyed the news to his adopted son.

"Three weeks later, on the island of Rubeck in the North Sea, that was the agreed trading place."

"Rubeck Island? I made an agreement with Dover and the others to meet on Feiyan Island three days before the transaction begins..."

Rosinandi looked at the map of the North Sea spread out in front of him. On it, "Rubek Island", "Feiyan Island", and "Mignon Island" were close to each other, showing a triangular opposition.

"Feiyan Island!"

On the other end of the phone, Warring States said with a gloomy look.

"Doflamingo is going to stop here!

"When the World Government trades the surgical fruits, our navy will also send a large force there, and I will rush to Beihai at that time.

"I will have the navy troops ambush on Feiyan Island, waiting for an opportunity to kill the Don Quixote family in one fell swoop!"

Are you going to wipe out the whole family in one fell swoop...

There was no trace of regret on Rocinante's face.

"That's what I planned too.

"In the past few years when the family has been lurking, I will deliver the list of those big figures who secretly colluded with Dover, as well as other transaction targets, to you at that time, Osenbei."

"Thank you for your hard work, Xiaomiguo. Remember to protect yourself outside..."

Warring States ended the phone call with some words of concern.

The other side of the phone bug.

Rocinante also hung up the phone. He turned around, looked at Luo, who had been by his side for half a year, and yelled.

"Luo! Get ready to go to sea quickly——"

Luo Nandi's words stopped abruptly. Luo, who was still very energetic just now, was sweating all over his body and lying on the ground with his eyes closed. It could be seen from the frown on his face that he was lying on the ground.

Even though he was in a coma, he still suffered a lot of pain.


Luo Nandi took three steps and two steps at a time, rushed over directly, picked up Luo from the ground, and held him tightly in his arms.

"I will definitely cure you! Use that surgical fruit!"

Just when many parties are coveting the fruits of the operation.

North Sea, Thred Island, the headquarters of the Don Quixote family.

A conversation is taking place in the conference room.

"What do you think of family hearts?"

Sit at the head of the conference table.

Doflamingo, who was wearing a pink velvet cloak, asked the family officials in front of him.

Torepol, Diamanti, and Pika started talking one after another.

"It's already obvious. In the past six months, the Navy has never appeared again."

"Including Lieutenant General He, who has discovered our location time and time again and pursued us relentlessly, he has not appeared in the past six months..."

"And these six months happened to be the time when Corazon was not on the ship..."

"What everyone means is..."

Doflamingo has an evil mask on his face.

"Has that Corazon guy been leaking our intelligence to the navy?"

Diamanti comforted her, "Hahahaha, maybe it's just a coincidence, Dover...after all, Corazon is also your brother."


Doflamingo lowered his head so that others could not clearly see his expression.

"I don't want to doubt my biological brother either..."


Rosinandi, you guy, just give me the fruit of the operation to eat!

Known as the "ultimate fruit", the surgical fruit has the legend of "immortal surgery". No matter within the family or elsewhere, even if it is caught by the navy or the world government, it will not be executed.

Safe and powerful.

Rosie, this is your last chance...

This chapter has been completed!
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