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Chapter 19 Because I'm afraid of pain, let's learn [Iron Nuggets] first!

One shot into the soul?

A D-level bait directly extracts the most basic and fundamental naturalization ability of the Smoke Fruit?

Looking at the name of the ability entry that was refreshed in the light screen, Cui Ze couldn't help but be stunned.

But when his eyes moved downward, he realized that it was a misunderstanding.

"The Baker Spirit from "Dungeons and Dragons", what is it..."

Cui Ze scratched his head a little, this touched upon his blind spot of knowledge.

Fortunately, the ability effects are not difficult to understand.

"The relatively rare flying ability, and the terrifying physical immunity ability!"

Cui Ze instantly refined the ability elements of [Smoke Form], and a sense of surprise emerged in his heart.

He quickly walked to the door and locked the door to avoid being accidentally broken in later.

Standing in the center of the room, Cui Ze took a deep breath and activated his newly acquired ability.

An unprecedented sense of lightness came to Cui Ze's heart.

He felt as if he had shed his heavy human body and entered the gravityless space as a soul.

Subconsciously raise your palms.

The right hand that was originally wrapped with a white bandage turned into a ferocious claw with a dark color at some point, and the ethereal claw body was constantly filled with billowing black clouds.

At this moment, the rest of the body's positions were also transformed at the same time.

Cui Ze looked towards the mirror in the room. What was reflected in the mirror was a devilish ghostly creature surrounded by black wind and light smoke. Behind him, a pair of huge smoke membrane wings spread out, with a terrifying shape.


Cui Ze clicked his tongue with some dissatisfaction.

“From the effect point of view, [Smoke Form]’s flight speed and object immunity effect are really good.

"But isn't the appearance a little too bad?

"Today, I am a majestic and strong-willed navy young man!

"How can you go out to meet people in the future with such a brutal attitude like a demon in the smoke?"

Having said that, in his heart, Cui Ze still regards [Smoke Form] as his current bottom-line skill!

The flying ability is so IMBA!

Being able to fly is amazing!

With a slight thought in his mind, Cui Ze dispersed [smoke form] and returned to his original body.

Just when Cui Ze was about to summarize and reflect on today's battle experience with Smoker, a knock on the door suddenly sounded.

Thinking that Tina had arrived, Cui Ze walked directly to the door.

When he opened the door, the person standing outside was not a navy girl, but a very strange middle-aged man.

The man is tall, with dark skin and kinky muscles all over his body. He has a tall single ponytail on his head and a thick and messy black beard on his chin.

The most eye-catching thing is the "beard" on his upper lip.

The term "beard" may be a bit inappropriate, because those two clusters of black, long and fine black hair come out of the nostrils!

I thought it was a beard, but it’s actually nose hair!

Cui Ze felt a chill.

I originally expected to see a young and beautiful pink-haired girl when I opened the door, but instead I met a dark, tall, middle-aged man with hairy nose.

Who can understand this terrifying psychological gap?

Cui Ze was stuck for a long time before he reacted.

"Hello, who are you looking for?"

The middle-aged man said solemnly: "Navy Cui Ze, I am the senior instructor responsible for teaching physical combat skills in the training camp, Colonel of the Navy Headquarters, Xiu Zuo!"

Cui Ze was not surprised by the other party's identity. The white justice coat on the other party's back was the best proof.

"I've seen Colonel Xiu Zuo - no, instructor Xiu Zuo!" Cui Ze changed his identity and gave a naval salute with his bandaged right hand.

Seeing the polite attitude of this new super monster who had fought with Baidu and defeated Smoker in public, Xiu Zuo's resolute face couldn't help but soften a lot.

"Sea soldier Cui Ze! According to the instructions of Chief Instructor Zefa, you are successful in intercepting the beasts, but you are extremely lacking in combat foundation, so you can choose one of the 'Six Styles' to learn!"

Six forms?!

Cui Ze blinked and almost fainted from the surprise that fell from the sky.

He was still thinking about how many military exploits he would have to achieve before he could exchange the six-style training method from the training camp.

Unexpectedly, I just had a fight with Smoker and got the opportunity to learn the six moves?

Tell me earlier!

If I had known this, I would have gone to fight Smoker as soon as I woke up!

Forcibly suppressing the excitement in his heart, Cui Ze asked Xiu Zuo: "Instructor, I don't have much combat foundation. Is it okay to just practice the 'Six Forms'?"

The Six Styles are physical techniques that surpass the physical limits of ordinary humans and are extremely powerful.

It is reasonable for Cui Ze to have this doubt.

"It doesn't matter. Six-Style is a very powerful physical skill, but its learning has little to do with the learner's own combat experience. It only depends on whether the learner's physical strength is up to standard."

Xiu Zuo shook his head and explained seriously.

"I have observed the battle between you and Smoker. Your physical fitness is enough to learn the six forms."

Cui Ze was immediately overjoyed.

Xiu Zuo looked at this excited guy and couldn't help but recall his excitement when he first learned the six moves.

"Six Styles, as the name suggests, includes six different taijutsu moves: Shave, Iron Block, Paper Painting, Lan Kou, and Finger Spear!

"Shaving is a high-speed movement skill; iron block is a defense skill; paper painting is..."

Xiu Zuo briefly introduced the six postures and then asked.

"Which style do you want to learn?"


Cui Ze had a harmless expression on his face, but he shouted the name of the move that was very harmful.

"Because I'm afraid of pain, I'd better learn some defensive skills first!"

Xiu Zuo is a senior instructor in the training camp and is not responsible for individual teaching tasks.

After confirming the "Six Styles" that Cui Ze wanted to learn, Xiu Zuo briefly mentioned some tips on how to learn [Iron Block], and then took the initiative to leave.

Before leaving, Xiu Zuo also informed Cui Ze to report to the battleship's advanced physical training room tomorrow.

Cui Ze was confident and nodded repeatedly.

After Xiu Zuo closed the door and left, Cui Ze remembered the beginner's tips on [Iron Block] that the instructor had just said, and couldn't help but try it out on his own.

"Absorbing a large amount of air in a short period of time...

"Accelerate the speed of blood circulation...

"Making the muscles move faster..."

After initially trying out the operation method of [Iron Block], Cui Ze was stunned on the spot.

According to instructor Xiu Zuo, [Iron Block] is one of the more difficult moves among the six moves.

Those with average talent need to spend three to five years first to hone their bodies; and then spend another three to five years trying to touch the threshold of iron.

If your body is strong enough and you practice with iron blocks directly, if you can gain something within a year, it will be regarded as extraordinary talent.

In the more than ten years since the naval training camp was opened, very few naval recruits have been able to fully master the iron block skills during the training camp.

Among them are three famous super monsters: Sakaski, Porusalino, and Kuzan!

And Cui Ze...

After just trying it once, I seem to have a feeling for it.

Cui Ze stretched out his right index finger and pressed hard on the skin of his left forearm. He could indeed feel that the muscles under the skin were tightening, and the hardness of his forearm also increased a little.

"The iron block...inhales air...accelerates blood flow...increases body hardness..."

Cui Ze fell into deep thought.

"Beast's Breath·Explosive Advance...inhale oxygen...accelerate blood flow...increase body speed..."

"So it turns out that [Breath of the Beast] can also be used as a training threshold for [Iron Block]?!"

"I'm going to make a lot of money!"

This chapter has been completed!
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