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Chapter 235 The problem of the change of the Navy headquarters! To face [Fate]

Chapter 235: The change of leadership at the Navy Headquarters! Are you going to take action on [Destiny]? (Please vote for me at the end of the month)

Real men never look back to see the explosion.

Garp, who was in such a hot mood, didn't care at all about the Warring States period that he "ignited".

If that guy from the Warring States Period doesn't "explode" hundreds of times every year, then Cap is considered to be doing well.

The speed is comparable to that of Kizaru getting off work.

Garp flew to the port of Marinefando, boarded the iconic dog-headed warship, and planned to return directly to the East China Sea.

In the general's office.

Luo Nandi, who came back from Beihai, had never seen his adoptive father behave in such a violent and embarrassing manner. He was stunned on the spot and didn't even know that someone had entered the office.

"What trouble did that guy Garp cause again?"

Lieutenant General He held a document in his arms, glanced around Sengoku's office, then looked at Sengoku's clothes, and then shook his head.

"Forget it, I no longer have the energy to care about you old guys who have nowhere to vent their energy...

"This is the latest notice from the superior, regarding the change of leadership in the headquarters."

Hearing Lieutenant General He talk about such a serious and important matter.

Only then did Warring States suppress his anger.

After waving to Rosinandi to find the Logistics Department to reimburse the loss, Warring States took the document from Lieutenant General He and browsed through it at a glance.

"Change of leadership at the Navy Headquarters...

"Marshal Sora of the Navy Headquarters was promoted to Commander-in-Chief of the World Government's entire military;

"The general of the headquarters, Warring States, was promoted to the position of marshal of the headquarters; the general of the headquarters, Zefa, remained in the same position;

"Akainu Sakaski, Kizaru Porusalino, and Aoki Kuzan are officially promoted from general candidates to generals!"

All job placements.

None of them exceeded the expectations of the Warring States Period.

But when he turned to the last page of the document, Seng Guo's expression suddenly became ugly.

"The change of leadership at the Navy Headquarters can only be carried out after the successful capture of the [Sun Pirates]!

"The captain of the Sun Pirates, Fisher Tiger, who has seriously offended the majesty of the world's noble Draco and seriously threatened the safety of the world's noble Draco, must be captured and brought to justice and sentenced to death!"

Of course Lieutenant General He saw Sengoku's expression.

When it comes to changing the leadership of the Navy Headquarters, the trouble never lies with the Navy.

Warring States and Zefa are veteran generals.

Although the latter has always withdrawn from the competition for marshal due to family reasons.

But it is also because of this that when Sengoku became a marshal, he would hardly encounter any obstacles from within the navy.

And regardless of prestige or strength, Warring States has the qualifications to become a marshal!

As for Akainu, Kizaru, and Aokiji, after more than ten years of promotion, it can be said that they have reached the position of general candidate one step at a time!

Three generals with natural abilities!

And there are also extremely powerful natural abilities such as "magma", "flash" and "freeze"!

Such a terrifying configuration, even if we look at the 800-year history of the Navy, there are only a handful of them!

In other words.

The Navy Headquarters has already made preparations for a change of leadership.

It's a pity...

Due to a "Marie Joa Attack Incident", the World Government was furious, and even vented its anger on the Navy, which had little to do with the incident, abruptly blocking the Navy Headquarters' leadership change for several years!

However, compared to the previous "No matter what your navy says, the world government just disagrees and does not support your change of leadership";

As of now, "You guys want to change the leadership, but first arrest Fisher Tiger and bring him to justice"...

The attitude of the world government has changed.

At least they finally didn't use "unfounded" reasons to choke the navy's neck.


This may also be because the sea situation has become increasingly unstable in recent years.

The world government needs a powerful new navy to continue to demonstrate the power of the government...

Lieutenant General He glanced at Sengoku's expression and spoke helplessly.

"We have already made inferences about this issue, haven't we?

"No matter how justice is evaluated for Fisher Tiger's actions, no matter how many slaves he freed who were tortured by the world's nobles.

"To the government, Fisher Tiger is a bold and dangerous person!

"He is a dangerous person and needs to be arrested and brought to justice!"

"I know!"

Warring States responded dully.

Holding the document from Lieutenant General He in his hand, he turned his head and glanced at the plaque hanging on the wall of his office.

That was his own philosophy that he personally wrote after he was promoted to general during the Warring States Period.

【Justice that rules the sea】

'There was a world government that forced the navy to trade with pirates just for the top people's idea of ​​immortality...'

Warring States looked at the plaque with a blank expression, and his thoughts kept changing.

'Later, for the sake of its own dignity, the World Government forcibly blocked the normal change of the Navy Headquarters...'

'Can the navy really dominate the sea as I imagined?'

At this moment, Warring States even began to have a certain degree of self-doubt in his heart.

'Even... [the justice of ruling the sea], is it really the justice that the navy should have?'

In fact.

After this change of leadership, the concept of personal justice in the Warring States Period did undergo a certain degree of deflection.

And the deflection amplitude is not small!

During the Warring States Period during the admiral period, people longed to spread the justice of the navy and the prestige of the navy to the entire sea.

[Justice that rules over the sea] is also the origin of the domineering color of the Warring States Period.

But after being promoted to the position of Marshal of the Navy Headquarters.

The concept of justice in the Warring States Period suddenly transformed into——

【Absolute justice】!

(Some people may think that Akainu Sakaski’s philosophy is “Absolute Justice”, but in fact, Akainu’s philosophy is “Complete Justice”)

As the top powerhouse in the sea, Warring States' own belief is undoubtedly very strong.

But after he was promoted to marshal of the headquarters, his philosophy changed...

It is difficult to say that there is no connection between the two.

But at this moment, neither Warring States nor Lieutenant General He realized this.

Lieutenant General He breathed a sigh of relief.

She really didn't want to argue with Warring States again because of this small issue.

Last time, in order to cover up the fact that he was defeated by the card master in Beihai, Lieutenant General He had a big argument with Warring States.

Finally, nothing happened this time...

Lieutenant General He's expression became relaxed and he opened his mouth to say goodbye.

"If there is nothing else, I will go back first. There is still a lot of work to be done."

Warring States turned around and looked at Lieutenant General He.

"Don't leave in a hurry, Ahe, I just overheard some news from Garp, and I need you to distract yourself and think."


Is it still necessary to eavesdrop on your relationship?

Lieutenant General He glanced at Warring States somewhat strangely, but did not make fun of him, but listened silently.

"The Red-Haired Pirates and the Destiny Pirates appeared in the East China Sea at the same time.

"To be precise, it's the hometown of that bastard Garp."

Warring States said in a calm voice.

"We really have no control over the red-haired pirates' movement trajectory.

"But don't you think that our understanding of the [Destiny Pirates] is decreasing little by little?"

"What can be done about this?"

After Lieutenant General He thought for a moment, he still shook his head.

"Although we always say that Cui Ze's kid is an undercover agent sent out by the navy.

"But when his strength has really risen to the current level, the so-called 'undercover' and the so-called 'headquarters orders' basically no longer exist."

What Lieutenant General He said may sound a bit unpleasant, but it is the truth.

Cui Ze has not yet unilaterally severed the relationship with the Navy.

This point, in Lieutenant General He's opinion, is already remarkable.

Be someone else.

The bounty is hundreds of millions of Baileys, defeat the general of the headquarters in a duel...

The tail has already been raised to the sky!

But Cui Ze behaved very calmly as always.

"What you say does make sense."

Warring States nodded first, and then asked.

"But I remember didn't Cui Ze take an undercover agent from Porusalino before?"

"You're talking about Commodore Terry on Gaya Island?"

Lieutenant General He frowned and quickly remembered the person Warring States was talking about, and then she shook her head.

"Although Cui Ze nominally asked Terry to come over, he never regarded Terry as a formal member of the Destiny Pirates, he only regarded him as the communication channel between the Destiny Pirates and the headquarters.

"Didn't you notice that when the Destiny Pirates were sailing in the North Sea and the East China Sea, Terry didn't move with their large force at all?"

"I know."

Warring States said.

"But as Cui Ze's strength continues to improve, the relationship between him and our headquarters has become so private...

"I think we really need to strengthen the connection with Cui Ze and the Destiny Pirates."

Lieutenant General He frowned tightly, then slowly relaxed.

"I will consider this issue carefully."

The original work does not describe the time for the change of leadership of the Navy Headquarters.

But it is true that Kizaru was indeed a lieutenant general before Fisher Tiger's death.

Therefore, this short plot was arranged as a supplement to the original work.

Third update.

The fourth and fifth updates will be later.

This chapter has been completed!
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