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Chapter 251 Capture the mother and daughter of the little thief cat, Lieutenant General Crane may be

Chapter 251 Capturing the little thieving cat mother and daughter, Lieutenant General He may be the biggest winner! News about the tyrant (fourth update, please vote for me)

"South China Sea?"

On a naval warship sailing in the waters near Zhumeida Island, Lieutenant General He hung up the call from Domino and looked confused.

"Why is that boy Cui Ze running to the South China Sea again...

"The North Sea, the East China Sea, the South China Sea...could it be that he wants to sail all four major outer seas?"

General He has always been unsure about Cui Ze's action plan.

Generally speaking.

The Pirates Supernova, who have a bounty of more than 100 million beli, don't even think of stopping in the Shampoo Islands. They often go directly to the New World to give heads to monsters like Whitebeard, Kaido, and Big Mom.

On the other hand, Cui Ze.

Although the bounty amount is close to 700 million beli, he has never gone to the New World. Instead, he lives on an empty island 10,000 meters above the ground.

Now I have been sailing in the four outer seas that are so weak that I have been sailing for nearly half a year...

Why doesn't this guy always play his cards right?

Not only Cui Ze's pattern of actions, but also the purpose of Cui Ze's actions, Lieutenant General He was also unable to understand.

Of course, Cui Ze has already established the Destiny Pirates.

However, according to Lieutenant General Tsuru's knowledge, there does not seem to be any powerful cadre in the Destiny Pirates except Raiden Enero.

A monk from an empty island, a fortune teller from the North Sea, and a descendant of a fallen navy from the North Sea.

Now add Domino.

There are also some pirate handymen who were brought on board in Rogge Town.

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like what a big pirate group should look like.

"I just hope that Domino can convey more information to the headquarters in the future..."

Lieutenant General He shook his head, put away his irrelevant thoughts, and turned to look at the nearby Zhumeda Island.

"Also... why does that weird boy Cui Ze always pay attention to some pretty little girls?

"Even before leaving Donghai, he didn't forget to recommend it to me...

"How can a child of this age become a navy?"

Wait for the naval warship to dock.

Lieutenant General He didn't bring any more adjutants, he just took Perona, Baby5, and Kuina, three little lolita, towards the direction of Cocosia Village.

Among the three little lolita, Guina's expression is the most confused.

She thought she had been abandoned by her father and grandfather.


I was even abandoned by that big pirate Cui Ze!

He was obviously not ready to officially become a pirate, but when he opened his eyes again, he had already become a naval reserve...

Is this a dream?

Kuina was like a little rabbit without direction, feeling uneasy in her heart.

"Guina, come here."

Lieutenant General He, who was walking in front, turned his head and waved to Kuina as if he had eyes on the back of his head.

The kendo girl from the East China Sea walked forward obediently without saying a word, and then she felt a warm hand covering her head.

Lieutenant General He's voice immediately sounded.

"I heard that bastard Cui Ze say that your last name seems to be [Shuangyue]?"

Without enough time to miss the warm touch on her head, Kuina answered.

"Yes, my full name is Shuangyue Guina, from Shuangyue Village..."

'So there is a hidden force of Wano warriors in the East China Sea? Forget it, since they have not taken the initiative to cause trouble and have lived peacefully as ordinary people for decades, let them go...'

Such thoughts flashed across Lieutenant General He's mind.

Then, she gently patted Guina on the head.

"I will introduce a sister to you in the future. Speaking of which, you are still from the same country."

"Sister?" Guina blinked in confusion.

"That's right, that eldest sister is a powerful female swordsman!"

Thinking of Gion, Lieutenant General He couldn't help but reveal an amiable smile on his face.

"My surname is [Shuangyue], and her surname is [Fengyue]." (Note 1)

Guina nodded silently.

Although she has never met members of the Feng Yue family, she occasionally heard about several major families in Wano Country from her grandfather and father.

With "Guangyue" as the honor, the five major families of "Tianyue", "Shuangyue", "Fengyue", "Uyue" and "Heitan" are served below.

Lieutenant General He removed his palm from Guina's head and looked at the other two little lolita with eager faces, feeling a little headache.

It’s really difficult to take care of so many children...

It's more troublesome than dealing with official duties.

I just hope that the two little girls Cui Ze talks about when I meet them later are not so lacking in love...

Leading the three little lolita, Lieutenant General He came all the way to Cocosia Village.

As soon as the iconic coat of justice entered the village, it attracted the attention of the whole Cocosia Village.

But the people who were most surprised were not the ordinary residents of Cocosia Village.

He was an orange grove director with dark red hair and a mohawk variant that was quite rare among women.

"He, Lieutenant General He!?"

Bellmere ran up to Lieutenant General He at a speed that was almost crazy. He subconsciously raised his palms and made an incomparable military salute.

"Colonel Bellemeier of the Naval Branch, I have met Lieutenant General He!"

"Colonel of the East China Sea Branch?"

Lieutenant General He looked at the heroic woman dressed as a civilian in front of him with a little surprise. Could this be the female sailor Cui Ze mentioned?

"He, Lieutenant General He!"

When he returned to his hometown to plant oranges, he unexpectedly met the common idol of all female soldiers in the Navy. At this time, Bellemere suddenly felt like he was in a dream, and he stammered when he spoke.

"Well, I have retired from the Navy for almost seven or eight years... By the way, am I dreaming at this time?"

Bellemeier patted his face and made a loud snapping sound.

"I think you are not dreaming. At least, the residents of your village will not accompany you to dream."

He Zhong will bring up the topic.

"Bellemare, right? Why did you retire from the Navy?"

"Haha! It's nothing~"

Bellemeier scratched his head and let out a hearty laugh like a silly elder sister.

"It was just that I picked up two children from the ruins of the battlefield in the Kingdom of Oykot... I felt that I could no longer take care of them as a sailor, so I retired from the navy." (Note 2)

"It's amazing!"

General He looked appreciative.

"Bellemere, can I go meet the two kids who made you choose to leave the Navy?"

"Of course, no problem! Lieutenant General He! Come with me!"

Under Lieutenant General He's step-by-step guidance, Bellemere immediately took her and three other little lolita to meet the two children she had adopted back then.

General He found that the talents of these two children were indeed quite good.

If the blue-haired girl is nurtured, she may grow into a captain of the naval branch like Bellemere;

And the girl with orange hair...

It's no exaggeration to say that.

A born navigator!

Thinking of this, Lieutenant General He looked directly at Bellemere.

"Colonel Bellemare, are you still yearning for justice?"

Bellemare looked at Lieutenant General He in disbelief.

"He, Lieutenant General He, what do you mean..."

"I am willing to support your return to the Navy."

General Hezhong looked at Nozhiko and Nami who were at a loss, with a look of relief on his face.

"And if they return to the Navy, these two children can also enter the towns behind the headquarters and get the best education for Navy children."

Bellemeier was overjoyed.

"Is it really okay?! I'll move right now!"

Just when Lieutenant General He killed Bellemere, Nokigao, Nami and her daughter in one fell swoop.

The Destiny Pirates also left the East China Sea and officially arrived in the South China Sea.

There are not many famous islands in the South China Sea.

The Destiny Pirates first arrived at Badelila Island, but unfortunately they found nothing, not even a deserted tomb.

Then at Cui Ze's signal, Little Cheshire sailed sailboat A to the Kingdom of Sorbey.

This is also the kingdom where Bartholomew Bear was born.

To be precise.

Before receiving the title of "Tyrant", Bartholomew Bear's identity was the king of the Kingdom of Solbe!

Based on the information collected by Pride.

Just half a year ago.

Because it could not afford the heavenly gold of the Celestial Dragons, the Kingdom of Solbei had disappeared from the world's political map.

As the king of the Kingdom of Sorbe, Bartholomew Bear also became a notorious "tyrant" because he rebelled against the tax team of the World Government!

According to the newspaper description in Nanhai.

"Tyrant Bear" is an extremely violent existence that will destroy the enemies in front of him with just one strike!

Cui Ze originally planned to find Daxiong directly.

Use the big bear to test the position of the revolutionary army.

Unfortunately, the trajectory of the big bear is too difficult to predict.

Even Pride couldn't find the opponent's exact location in a short period of time.

The teleportation ability of the Superman-type Meatball Fruit is comparable to that of the Space-type Devil Fruit!

"I just hope that I can find traces of the big bear in Solbei Kingdom..."

Cui Ze put down the Nanhai newspaper with the report on the "tyrant" and looked at the Solebe Kingdom, which was just around the corner.

"Otherwise, we will have to end our voyage to the South China Sea early and head to the West China Sea."

Fourth update.

All dues have been paid!

There is another update today.

I made a miscalculation yesterday...

Let’s update them together.

The fifth update will be relatively late, probably after 11 o'clock.


Note 1: The surname of Gion is just made up in this book.

Note 2: It’s really magical about Nami’s country of origin. The Kingdom of Oiket, if you change it, it’s Tokyo... I always feel that there is some foreshadowing in it.

This chapter has been completed!
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