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Chapter 28 The backbone of the Don Quixote family! Rao G

Five bullets streaked through the air.

In order to ensure the accuracy of shooting, Cui Ze did not aim at the enemy's head this time, but at the larger chest and abdomen area.

In the blink of an eye.

The dark, round musket bullets flew in front of the old man in the tights, as if they were going to pierce his withered and shriveled body!

Feeling the fatal threat from gunpowder weapons, the expression of the old man in tight clothes changed slightly, and his advancing posture suddenly stopped.

The next moment.

The old man in tights stepped heavily on the guardrail of the naval battleship with his left foot, and used it as the pivot axis to turn his body sideways, bending his upper body downwards, and at the same time posing the capital letter "G" with his hands.

"Back Pain Pose!"

Several bullets narrowly missed the old man in a strange posture, without causing any damage.

Seeing this action, which was very similar to what an old man would do when suffering from back pain, Cui Ze instantly understood the other party's identity.

A middle-level cadre of the Don Quixote family and a fighting force instructor under Diamanti the Cube—Rao G!

A physical expert who becomes more and more demonic as he gets older!

'Send family cadres to openly attack naval warships?'

Quickly changing to a new gun with full ammunition, Cui Ze resisted not to look up at the sky.

‘Xiao Ming is planning to learn how to rely on Jack, the ship king, to challenge the general of the Navy Headquarters?’

‘So, you are very brave~’

Cui Ze didn't know that Doflamingo's complete plan did not include "challenging the admiral of the Navy Headquarters".

The most he could do was "challenge the seriously injured admiral of the Navy Headquarters".

However, realizing that Zefa was still at the peak of his strength, Doflamingo modified his plan on the spot.


At this time, it was not just this sloop that attacked the naval warships.

Including the Numantia Flamingo, which was watching a show next to it!

There are indeed a large number of Don Quixote family's cube troops hidden on the Demon Sheephead Pirate Ship.

But the rest of the main force is all waiting for the young master's orders on the Numantia!

In the sky.

A sharp red light flashed in Zefa's eyes, and he turned on the Haki of Seeing and Hearing. He quickly sensed the situation on the single-masted pirate sailing ship on the sea below, and he immediately felt relieved.

Compared to other rookie pirate groups who have just stepped into the Grand Line.

The number and overall strength of the "pirates" below are indeed on the high side.

Inside the Demon Sheephead Pirate Ship, there are two very powerful guys hidden inside.

The average reward amount is between 60 million and 70 million beli.

If this group of pirates attacked a naval warship at an ordinary branch base, they might actually be able to succeed.

But for the Navy Elite Training Camp, this level of strength is just enough for training troops!

"Naval soldiers who have not experienced the baptism of bullets and bullets are like flowers in the greenhouse, extremely weak!"

Zefa raised his eyes and looked at Doflamingo.

"Don Quixote Doflamingo, you should worry more about your own people! Don't incur the loss of all your subordinates!"

"Fufufufu... General Zefa, don't talk nonsense."

Doflamingo looked indifferent, as if he didn't take Zefa's words to heart at all.

"I repeat again, I am a serious businessman who entered the Grand Line from the North Sea, not a low-level pirate with a bounty on his head!"

Above the sea.

The boarding battle between the naval warship and the pirate sailing ship was in full swing, with the sounds of gunfire, collisions, and screams being heard endlessly.

Many pirates rushed onto the deck of the navy warship, holding weapons and fighting with the elite sailors;

A large number of naval forces also used the pirates' traction ropes to counterattack the pirate sailing ships, causing a lot of damage.

Cui Ze is still confronting Rao G.

At this moment, Cui Ze had consumed four flintlock guns, but all the bullets fired were dodged by Rao G, who had super reaction speed, using various strange movements.

The recruits who had just filled his ammunition and replaced his guns had already gone to fight other pirates.

Cui Ze had only the last flintlock gun left with ample ammunition in his hand!


Another bullet flew out of the barrel and hit Rao G's heart.

The latter once again assumed the "G" posture and avoided the bullet. At the same time, the distance between him and Cui Ze had also been shortened to about ten meters.

Cui Ze knew very well that his current fighting skills could not be compared with Rao G, a master of physical skills, so he did not plan to fight close to the opponent in an attempt to close the distance.

But at this moment, Rao G stepped heavily on the deck of the naval warship with his feet several times. He exerted force on his waist and abdomen, and his whole body spun in mid-air, spiraling towards Cui Ze. The distance between the two quickly

Get closer.

This is a fast movement technique improved by Rao G using the variant ability of "Lumbago Style".

Cui Ze stepped back continuously and fired two shots at the same time, but the bullets were shot away by Rao G's spinning force.

Seeing this scene, Cui Ze couldn't help but feel his heart sink.

"Back Pain Style·Shaped Ice!"

At this time, Rao G had already spiraled in front of Cui Ze. He stretched out his fists like lightning and attacked Cui Ze's shoulders with fast movements that exceeded the dynamic vision of ordinary humans.

With such an action, Rao G wanted to cripple the arms of Cui Ze, the "sharp shooter" first!


Cui Ze looked extremely calm. He inhaled two streams of air that were like white pillars in his nasal cavity. The physical fitness enhancement effect brought by [Breath of the Beast·Full Concentration] took effect instantly.


With a secret shout in his heart, Cui Ze's muscles all over his body tensed up, and his strength was concentrated on his shoulders.

Under the influence of this force, the originally soft shoulders instantly became as hard as iron!

This is the role of [Iron Block]!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Rao G's fists quickly hit Cui Ze's shoulders. The jab that could have caused severe pain to the enemy's shoulders actually made an ineffective dull sound when it hit.

The first attack had no effect, and Rao G quickly changed his moves.

"Low back pain style, sudden eye dryness!"

Both fists moved up, and the fists that originally hit the shoulders suddenly hit the more vulnerable eyes.

Seeing this scene, Cui Ze was not surprised but happy.

He continued to maintain the full explosive state of [Breath of the Beast·Full Concentration] while slightly bending his knees.

It was precisely because of Cui Ze's small move that Rao G's fist that hit his eyes suddenly turned into a punch to his forehead.

Rao G's expression remained unchanged, and the "Sudden Withering of Eyes" hit both eyes. It might be able to temporarily disable the opponent's eyes, but it hit the forehead...

The opponent will most likely be unconscious on the spot!


The fists and foreheads collided with each other, and the sound they made was far less dull than before, but actually quite refreshing.

Rao G looked stunned. As a fighting master, he obviously felt something was wrong with his hand.

"It's my turn to fight!"

Taking advantage of his opponent's dazed moment, Cui Ze smiled ferociously, and [Mother of Disintegration·Imitation] instantly slipped from his hand, and he gently lifted it up!

The scalpel that ignored defense easily cut through Rao G's tights and the soft chest and abdomen underneath like butter!

Blood flowers bloom instantly!

This chapter has been completed!
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