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Chapter 281 Two B-grade bait in hand! Destiny Pirates and Giant Soldiers

Chapter 281 Two B-level baits are obtained! A battle between the Destiny Pirates and the Giant Soldier Pirates!

[You defeated a giant pirate with an overall rating of B!]

Green Ghost Tori soon followed in the footsteps of Red Ghost Broki, and was beaten to the ground by Cui Ze with an old punch.

Although the outcome of the defeat was already anticipated.

But Tori's expression was the same as that of Akki Broki, and he looked very unhappy.

Qinggui Dongli also believed that Cui Ze deliberately concealed his "true strength" during the battle with him.

Although the "limited strength" Cui Ze has shown so far is enough to defeat him...

"Damn it! Cui Ze, why don't you show your true strength!!"

Dongli lay down on the ground and made a very unwilling sound.

"Do you think the brave warriors of the giants would be afraid of this?"


Seeing that Dongli made similar remarks to Brockie, Cui Ze still couldn't give an answer.

He can't say, 'You two giants are no longer worthy of me playing the [Kizaru] boss card', right?

"It's just a discussion, not a life and death fight."

Cui Ze reluctantly found a reasonable reason.

"Even if it's a sparring battle, you should go all out!"

"Fighting is fighting! Maintaining the belief that you must win is what a warrior does!"

Brockie and Dongli said these two sentences one after another.

But having said that, the two giants also understand that the customs and concepts spread within their giant kingdom are still different from the normal human concepts of fighting.

The two giants, Brockie and Dongli, lay down on the ground in the small garden to rest for a while. Then they got up and planned to catch some dinosaur beasts nearby.

Cui Ze and others had just hosted a banquet for them, and Brockie and Dongli naturally wanted to return the invitation. The giants were not barbarians who did not understand etiquette.

The conditions on the Ancient Island are limited, so we can only catch some dinosaurs to stuff our teeth.

After the two giants left.

Enelu looked at Cui Ze, "Captain, how long will we stay in the small garden?"

The giants' two B-level baits have been harvested.

The fishing world corresponding to the small garden is very unclear.

Cui Ze was not prepared to waste two precious B-level baits on this island.

Instead, when I plan to go to Alabasta, I will use these two B-level baits to fish for cards from the World of Poker to fill the secondary deck of [Blank Card Deck].

Seeing Enilu's hesitant expression, Cui Ze had some guesses in his mind.

"You also want to fight against the two giants Brockie and Dongli?"

"That's right! Great warriors like them are quite rare."

Enelu nodded seriously and added.

"And my 'Thunder God's Fluid Technique' has almost been perfected. These two giants are good practice targets."

"You did remind me."

Cui Ze glanced at Enelu thoughtfully, and then looked at Ulki and Hawkins.

"In this case, let's stay in the small garden for a while. In addition to Anilu, Urji, you can also try to fight against the two giants Broki and Dongli to gain some combat experience.

That’s fine.”

Alabasta is not a floating island that can move, and the world of "Yu-Gi-Oh!" will not be easily transferred.

Cui Ze thinks it is feasible to stay in the small garden for a while to increase the combat experience of the members of the Destiny Pirates.

Eniro and Urqui both nodded.

Hawkins immediately took out his tarot cards and performed divination before the battle.

"The probability of failure in battle is 89%... the probability of being injured in battle is 0%..."

After hearing the "0%" in the second half of Huo Banxian's sentence, the smile on Urki's face became a little unbearable.

"Wait! You don't want to transfer the damage to me when you are sparring with the giants, do you?!"

Hawkins glanced at Ulki, shuffling the cards in his hands, and kept touching them.

"The probability of joining forces with Ulki to fight is 100%."

Ulki blinked and immediately turned to look at the captain.

"As I said back in Beihai, your two abilities are a perfect match, Urqui and Hawkins."

Cui Ze said with a gentle smile.

"It's such a good opportunity, and there are two people on the other side. Don't you plan to try the ability combination in a real battle?"

Urki couldn't find any reason to refuse, so he could only nod in agreement.

Cui Ze turned on [Destiny] and saw that Brocky and Dongli would still have some time to return, and then checked on the situation of Domino and others.

But when he saw the location of Domino and others clearly, Cui Ze was speechless for a while.

"What the hell... Miss Bastard, why have they been lingering on the shore? The party is about to enter its second round, and they haven't come over yet."

After saying hello to Pride, Anilu and others, Cui Ze's figure instantly disappeared and appeared on the shore of the Ancient Island.

Compared to the central area of ​​the Ancient Island, where the war was raging, the situation on the shore seemed very relaxed.

Miss Bastard lay on a lattice hammock made of "human arms";

Robin was not far beside her, observing the primitive environment of the Ancient Island with great interest;

Drake was carefully instructing Luo's physical training. To be precise, it was physical training.

"What are you doing? Why don't you head towards the center of the island?"

As soon as Cui Ze's voice sounded, it attracted the direct attention of the four people.

"Oh, the captain is here, it seems there is no way to be lazy anymore..."

Miss Bastard reluctantly touched the "woven arms" of the lattice hammock, and then the arms dissipated like petals, and the former fell to the sand with a "plop", and her butt almost broke into four petals.

"Robin! You are so unlovable!"

Drake responded to Cui Ze's question, "Miss Domino said that the captain did not ask us to go to the center of the island just now, but just asked us to stay with her."

"Have it?"

Cui Ze immediately turned his attention to the instigator.

Domino, who was rubbing the sore spot just now, immediately pretended to be nonchalant, looked away, and whistled incoherently.

"Captain, how is the situation in the center of the island?"

Robin stepped forward and asked softly.

"The second round of banquets will be held soon."

Cui Ze ignored the sneaky young lady and explained to Robin, Drake and Luo.

"Let's go together! By the way, Derek, later-"


Before Cui Ze could finish his words, a violent thunder suddenly sounded in the sky of the small garden.

"It seems that the guy from Enelu couldn't hold back and started fighting."

Cui Ze shook his head and waved to Robin and others.

"Let's go together!"

By the time Cui Ze and others marched from the edge of the small garden to the central area, the battle between Anilu and the giant had already ended.

Enel's "Thunder Fruit" and the subsequently developed "Thunder God Fluid Technique" are completely natural enemies to giants with large size and slow speed like Broki and Tori.

Neither Brocki nor Dongli could keep up with the speed of Enero.

With the assistance of "Thunder God's Fluid Technique", Enel's power is still not as strong as that of Broki and Dongli, but at least it can attract the attention of the two giants.

After a battle with extremely cool sound and light effects.

There were scorch marks everywhere on Brockie and Donley.

Enelu's clothes didn't even have much dust on them.

Thank you very much "Shiva" for the tip!!


There are still 29 monthly tickets left before the extra update!

It’s up to everyone whether there will be four updates today!

This chapter has been completed!
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