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Chapter 309 The sea man who was kidnapped on the ship of destiny! Take the initiative to come to the

Chapter 309 The sea hero who was kidnapped and taken to the ship of destiny! The "fish certificate" who took the initiative to come and die!


After hearing Cui Ze's words, Jinbei couldn't help but raise his hand and touch his swollen fat head.

At this time, the blue-skinned fat-headed fish only felt that he was probably a little confused by the card, so he heard such a sentence from the opponent's mouth.

Boss, if I really had the strength to become King Shichibukai, how could I still be beaten like this by you?!

I have to say.

Cui Ze's existence and his astonishing combat performance gave Kai Xia Jinbei, who had never seen the true level of King Shichibukai, an unrealistic impression of the strength of the members of this special organization.

This is what happened to all the new Shichibukai.

The strength of the veteran Shichibukai cannot be raised to heaven?

"That's right, becoming the King's Qibukai is the best way to solve all your problems at the moment."

Cui Ze looked at Jinbei who was holding his forehead in thought and reminded him.

"And with your strength, there is nothing wrong with you becoming the King's Shichibukai."

You must know that Jinbei is a whale shark.

His combat effectiveness on land is drastically reduced compared to his combat effectiveness in the sea!

Don't talk about anything else.

Jinbe, who possesses fish-man fluid techniques such as "Mlocculant Karate" and "Mlocculant Jujutsu", can control sea water to a small extent, which is no less than that of most Devil Fruit ability users.

In Cui Ze's judgment, Jinbei, who does not rely on the sea or control the sea water, has shown comprehensive strength on land that is enough to surpass Stoloberg and his ilk!

Tell the truth.

Cui Ze watched the whole battle between Fisher and Jinbe and realized that the latter's strength was probably much higher than the former!

Perhaps it was the negative impact of slavery.

Fisher Tiger's strength in battle is far less famous than his reputation.

In comparison.

The strength Jinbe showed was much stronger!

But Cui Ze's usual words made Jinbei, who was already speechless, even more speechless.

After hesitating for a moment, Jinbei finally said: "Ka Ka, with my strength, becoming a Shichibukai or something...isn't it far enough?"

"Huh? Why do you have this illusion?"

Cui Ze looked at Jinbei, but unexpectedly, the other person also looked at him with a strange look.

"Is it because of me... Oh, in fact, the strength of ordinary Shichibukai is not much different from yours."

Seeing Jinbei's disbelief, Cui Ze added another sentence.

"Actually, I can fight Crocodile, Moonlight Moria, etc. just as easily as I can fight you."

Do you think so?

Jinbei originally wanted to say this.

But looking at the card master's sworn expression, he felt like "the other person's words were not a joke."

'Think about it, maybe...'

In his heart, Jinbei couldn't help but doubt what he had just thought.

'If every Shichibukai under the king can be as strong as Kizaru...enough to defeat the admiral candidates of the Navy headquarters...then why are there so many navy in this sea...'

Thinking of this, Jinbei began to think more deeply about Cui Ze's topic just now.

'And what the card master said does make sense.'

'Brother Fisher is 'dead'. In the pirate group...especially that guy Aaron, he hates human beings extremely. Without the suppression of Brother Fisher, God knows what he will do...'

'As for the fish-man island, the 'death' of Brother Fisher will also have an extremely strong impact. If I can become the king of the Shichibukai at this time... no matter what happens, I can still protect the people on the fish-man island.

, free from bullying from the outside world!'

After thinking about it, Jinbei felt that the idea proposed by the card was indeed a very good one.

But he still had another key question he wanted to ask the other party.

"Kacard, Brother Fisher...how long do you want him to 'die'?"

In fact, Jinbei is willing to accept various conditions proposed by Cui Ze.

The most fundamental reason is that he cannot compete with Cui Ze...

If possible, Jinbei also wants to snatch Brother Fisher away from Cui Ze and reunite with his friends in the Sun Pirates.

But the process and results have already happened.

Jinbei resisted.


The whale shark man became a fat-headed fish man.

"The answer to this question is simple."

Cui Ze shrugged.

"When will the navy change its leadership normally and the three general candidates will be successfully appointed, Fisher Tiger will be able to come back to life again."

Jinbei looked at Cui Ze with a complicated expression, "Card... Why are you so concerned about the navy's change of leadership even though you are a pirate?"

"What I care about is actually not the navy, but the innocent people in the sea."

Cui Ze said calmly.

"In this era of great pirates racing with thousands of sails, the lives of ordinary people are already difficult enough.

"Perhaps I will never take the initiative to help people. But if there is an opportunity, even if it is the kind of casual action that can make the lives of ordinary people better, I will not refuse."

For example, this operation on Forchart Island.

Rescuing Fisher Tiger was really just a casual thing in the process of retaliating (violently) and answering (beating) Boss Huang.

Jinbei looked at the card master blankly.

Could it be that... is this the true idea of ​​the Sun God?

Cui Ze didn't have [Henzhen] to explore Jinbei's inner activities. Thinking of Fisher Tiger's current state, he added another sentence.

"As for Fisher Tiger's safety, you don't have to worry. In my card, no matter how much time has passed in the outside world, to Fisher Tiger, it is as if he is just sleeping in a dream.

Just a sleep."

Jinbei calmed down his shaken mind and nodded seriously towards Cui Ze.

"I will follow your ideas and become a Shichibukai. Then... let's say goodbye!"

"bid farewell?"

Cui Ze raised his eyebrows and looked at Jinbei in surprise.

"The navy is still around Forchart Island. Now that you're saying goodbye to me, what do you want to do?"

Jinbe was really not sure what the card master was thinking, "What do you mean?"

"I personally begged you from the candidate for admiral at the Navy Headquarters!"

Cui Ze named Jinbei again.

"As for now, of course you will follow me back to the Destiny Pirates!"

As for losing Fisher Tiger and Jinbe, what should the other fishmen of the Sun Pirates do...

This issue is beyond Cui Ze's consideration.

Jinbei looked surprised, "But you are already a Shichibukai!"

No matter how stupid and incompetent the world government is.

It's not like setting up two Shichibukai on one pirate group, right?

"Okay, I won't let you stay on my ship forever."

Cui Ze waved his hand and said very casually.

"As a fishman who is good at swimming, it is very easy to escape on a ship full of ability users. However, this kind of 'accident' cannot happen now."

The form is not up to the person.

Faced with the card master's request, Jinbei couldn't refuse at all and could only nod in agreement.

'I hope the other companions of the Sun Pirates... can wait until I return with peace of mind!'

Just when Cui Ze and Jinbei were discussing the plan for the new king Shichibukai.

Time moves forward slightly.

The waters surrounding Forchart Island.

The Sun Pirates, who lost their two leaders but reunited again, still went through many hardships and managed to escape from the siege of the naval fleet.

The Sun Pirates even managed to seize a naval battleship to replace the dilapidated White Star Snapper that had been bombed.

The well-preserved naval battleship is preparing to sail away from Forchart Island.

But at this moment, Aaron's group, who stayed at sea to fight with the navy, also heard two shocking news from their companions who had returned from the island.

"Brother Fisher was actually killed by the Shichibukai! How did that good-for-nothing Jinbe promise me before he left! He actually paid for it himself!"

The person who said this was a sawtooth shark man with the Sun Pirates' mark engraved on his left chest. It was Aaron, the racist fishman who established the "Evil Dragon Empire" in the East China Sea in the normal timeline.



Aaron was so angry that he directly pushed open the wooden door of the cabin and walked towards the deck.

The companions of the Sun Pirates were immersed in the sorrow of losing Fisher and Jinbe one after another. Only the octopus fishman "Hachi" caught up and stretched out his six arms to hug Aaron.

"Brother Aaron, where are you going?"

"Of course it's revenge!"

Aaron walked towards the deck with a ferocious face, Xiaoba's restraints had no effect on him.

"What do you mean you can't kill humans! Brother Fisher has died in the hands of the navy just because of this stupid idea! The same goes for that loser Jinbei!"

After swiping away Xiaoba behind him, Aaron jumped from the deck of the naval battleship and jumped into the sea.

The sawtooth shark man relied on his innate swimming ability to speed through the sea and quickly approached the naval warships parked around the coast of Forchart Island.

But Aaron, who had just jumped out of the sea and was about to launch a crazy revenge against the navy, happened to bump into Kizaru who was returning from the battle.

"It's really annoying~"

A beam of laser light flashed across the sky, and Aaron, who had just jumped up from the sea, suddenly fell heavily onto the deck of the naval battleship like a big fish stuck in a harpoon.

Kizaru's figure appeared in front of Aaron and stepped on the latter's chest, which was pierced by the laser.

"I've heard of your name, the pirate Aaron who caused a lot of trouble around the Shampoo Islands.

"He obviously ran away, but he still ran back shamelessly..."

"Brother Fisher is dead! He was killed by you humans who betrayed him!"

Aaron's mouth and nose were bleeding, and he looked at Kizaru with great hatred, but his trembling pupils still revealed his panic-stricken psychology.

"Really? It seems that Fisher Tiger is really dead~"

Kizaru bent down, stretched out his right hand, and gently touched Aaron's eyebrows with his fingertips. The yellow light stimulated the latter so much that he did not dare to move at all.

"However, you'd better come with me and I'll bring you a fish certificate..."

This chapter has been completed!
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