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Chapter 312 The concept of top-level knowledge! A-level fishing! [Dragon Head

Chapter 312 The idea of ​​top-notch knowledge! A-level fishing! [Dragon Head Play]!

"[C-level ability entry: Exploration of memory]!"

Cui Ze concentrated his attention, looked at the fishing harvest on the light screen, and quickly browsed through the entry effects of this new ability entry.

"[Memory Reading] and [Memory Bullet]."

"In my impression, this seems to be the unique ability of a member of the theft gang [Phantom Troupe] in "Hunter"..."

In Cui Ze's mind, a figure of a woman with short blond hair and a devilish figure emerged, and then he put it behind him and focused on [Exploration of Memory].

After thinking for a moment, Cui Ze took out the [Bottom Prison] card and stepped directly into it.

This card was engraved on Lieutenant General He's battleship prison, and contained a large number of Devil Fruit users who were defeated by Cui Ze. Now, after all calculations, there are already more than ten people.

Normally, these ability users imprisoned in the [Bottom Prison] are often used as training partners for the members of the Destiny Pirates.

Of course, I am talking about those crew members with relatively low level of strength, such as Hawkins, Drake and the like.

Eniru, Ulki and others have B-level strong men such as [King of Arms], [Doflamingo], [Green Pepper], [Black and White Eyes] as sparring partners.

B-level experts are no longer imprisoned in this [bottom prison]. They have their own cards to "live in".

Walking into the dimly lit [Cell Prison], Cui Ze received, as expected, a large number of looks of hostility, hatred, and even despair.

Among them, the crescent moon hunter Caterina Depon is the most popular.

This vicious female pirate has caused countless "beauty head-hunting cases".

Now he looks crazy.

It was like an old witch who had been thrown into the Azkaban prison next door and imprisoned for decades.

Cui Ze turned a blind eye to the miserable appearance of Caterina Deppen, and was only prepared to use her to test his newly acquired [Memory Exploration] ability.

After conducting some tests on these ability prisoners in the [Bottom Prison].

Cui Ze frowned with some dissatisfaction, turned around and left the field magic card in a dim environment.

"The limitations of [Memory Exploration] are really too great! Only [touch] between bodies can read the other person's memory."

"If you want to read the other party's deep memory, in addition to intensive research on this ability, you also need to constantly use language or other things to guide the target..."

"Well, the [Memory Bullet] ability is quite useful!"

Regarding the new ability entry [Exploration of Memory].

Cui Ze was not very satisfied.

However, he still has expectations for this ability entry.

Just because he discovered that [Mind Guide] and [Memory Exploration] - mainly [Memory Reading], have a lot of overlap.

"If you develop the [Memory Exploration] ability to a deep level and then integrate it into the [Heart Guide]..."

In Cui Ze's mind, the one-man boat appeared, a lonely figure keeping pace with the Roger Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates.

"Relying on the capture and contact of the Observation Color, you can directly peek into the inner memories of other people... The innate domineering power of the Observation Color of the aloof red Baloric Redfield is this ability!"

Cui Ze kept the integration work of "Heart Guide" and "Exploration of Memory" in his heart.

Ever since I obtained the Shichibukai entry and officially entered the A-level.

What Cui Ze has enhanced are just a few of his own attributes.

The [Hegemony] ability, which can play a more important role in battle, has not undergone essential transformation.

Cui Ze plans to ask instructor Zefa for advice on how to practice armed domineering.

This kind of educational resources should not be used in vain.

As for the practice of seeing and hearing domineering, Cui Ze originally planned to ask Fat Hu for advice.

There is no doubt about the intensity of Fat Tiger's domineering power.

After all, since destroying his eyes.

Fat Tiger basically only relies on seeing, hearing and sex to make ends meet.

Cui Ze didn't know what he would do if Fat Tiger encountered an enemy who could specifically restrain his sexual desire...

Let’s get back to the topic.

This time, C-level fishing gained the [Memory Exploration] ability.

It also intersects with Cui Ze's ability of seeing, hearing, and color [Xin Gang] unique to Kongdao that he has been practicing for a long time.

Cui Ze plans to focus on the integration and improvement of these two abilities first.

Fat Tiger's "ultra-large range" and "super-accuracy" are indeed the development direction of top-level knowledge. (The most famous one is probably "predicting the future")

But Gugaozhihong's "reading people's hearts" is also one of the development directions of top-notch sex!

"[Domineering] ah... My [Overlord Color] is barely passable, but [Armed Color] and [Information Color] are still far behind!"

Cui Ze shook his head, gathered his scattered thoughts, and directly took out the A-level bait that he had obtained from Boss Kizaru's surrender earlier from the light screen.

"Since the fishing world corresponding to Hunter Island is "Hunter"!"

Cui Ze held the Grade A bait in his hand.

"Then let's use this Grade A bait here!"

Due to Boss Kizaru's personal abilities, Cui Ze originally planned to fish this A-level victory bait at the base camp when passing by the empty island.

After all, "light wave ability"...

The Turtle Style Qigong in the world of "Dragon Ball" is so famous!

But at this time, it was confirmed that Hunter Island corresponds to "Hunter".

Cui Ze suddenly changed his mind again.

When it comes to combat scenes and combat power, the world of "Hunter" really cannot be compared to the world of "Dragon Ball".

But many abilities in the world of "Hunter" are still very strong!

It's not that "destructive" kind of thing.

It’s about “strong regularity”.

"Boss Kizaru's A-level bait, I don't know what kind of ability it can catch..."

Cui Ze took a deep breath and threw the A-level bait in his hand into the dimensional sea, causing ripples in the void.

A prompt came from the light screen.

【Fishing in progress...】

[Type of fishing harvest this time: ability entry]

[A-Level Ability Entry: Dragon Head Painting]

[Source of entry: "Hunter"]

[Description of entry: Release the ability to connect thoughts]

[Entry effect: 1. Emit one's own energy in the form of a dragon and be able to control it freely. Whether it is attacking, moving, or defending, it has powerful power;

2. Dragon Head Drama·Dragon Star Cluster: Release an energy beam shaped like a swimming dragon and as vast as stars, causing a large area of ​​​​penetrating damage to enemy units]

[Comment on the entry: Come to the left and draw a dragon with me~]

Fourth update.

There will be another update, probably around 12 o'clock.

This chapter has been completed!
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