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Chapter 348 Complete justice! The fire continues! Superman, etc.

It didn't take long.

The Burning Pirates arrived in the waters near Santa Bobola Island.

Looking at the familiar City of Spring Queen on the sea in the distance, an expression full of aftertaste flashed across Brody's face, and then was replaced by a ferocious emotion.

"Beauties, I don't want them either!"

Brody raised his arm and waved heavily forward, and the Burning Pirates' pirate ship immediately accelerated its power and sailed towards Santa Bobola Island.

"If you want to blame it, you can only blame that mad dog Akainu!"

"I finally escaped the pursuit of those monsters in the new world. If I want to return to the paradise stage safely, the damn navy won't give me a chance!"

Boom boom!

Another burst of intensive gunfire came from behind the pirate ship.

But compared to before.

Most of the impact points of this round of artillery were concentrated in front of the pirate ship's sailing route, trying to force the pirate ship to stop in advance, or even sink it in the sea water.


The naval warships in the rear have discovered the intentions of the pirate ships in front.

"Lieutenant Admiral Sakaski! The Burning Pirates seem to be planning to head to Santa Pobla Island!"

A hawkish navy man wearing a coat of justice reported respectfully to the man standing at the front of the naval battleship with his hands folded across his chest.

The man was wearing a red suit, wearing black leather gloves on his hands, and a navy hat on his head. His face was cold and stiff, like the cooled obsidian left behind after a volcanic eruption, which made people shudder.

It's none other than Navy Headquarters Admiral Candidate, Akainu, Sakaski!

some time ago.

The Navy Headquarters and King Shichibukai successfully "killed" the fishman Fisher Tiger who had caused the Mariejoia attack.

Akainu's promotion to Navy Headquarters Admiral is a sure thing.

This time he went out to carry out a pirate capture mission, which can also be regarded as Akainu's last mission before taking up the post of general of the headquarters.

No room for error!

"I've seen it! The fire continues!"

Akainu's eyes were as sharp as a hawk, firmly fixed on the pirate ship ahead, and at the same time he ordered his adjutant.

"Even if the group of pirates in front of us enters the safe waters of Santa Bobola Island, there is no need to stop attacking! On the way to capture the vicious pirates, certain casualties are inevitable!

"Unless the Burning Pirates land on Santa Pobla Island, otherwise, there is no need to stop the attack!"

As an adjutant who has been with Akainu for many years, he has long been aware of his parents' consistent attitude towards pirates.

He didn't feel the slightest doubt or hesitation about Akainu being able to issue such an order.

"Yes! Lieutenant General Sakaski!"

The naval adjutant bowed respectfully to Akainu and quickly conveyed this latest order to the rest of the sailors.

In this pursuit and pursuit.

Pirate ships and naval warships are constantly approaching the island location of Santa Pobla Island.

Even the people on the port dock of the City of Spring Queen have noticed the fierce fighting sounds coming from the sea.

Many cautious beings, after becoming aware of such a fighting situation, chose to move towards the interior of the City of Queen of Spring as soon as possible...

Most of the nervous guys continued to stay on the dock full of curiosity, watching the pursuit on the sea with interest.

These rough and tumble guys are mainly pirates.

After all, most people who choose to go to sea to become pirates are already mentally prepared to hang their heads on their belts.

Say it again.

Just watching the fun.

It’s not very dangerous!

The pirates standing on the shore commented and pointed at their colleagues rowing in the sea.

"Poor guy, it's so embarrassing to be chased by the navy like this!"

"Does anyone recognize which pirate group the flag hanging on that pirate ship belongs to? It's pitch black, and there's a red fireball hanging on it."

"Why do I remember that a year ago, there was a pirate group led by Supernova that seemed to have such a logo hanging?"

"Stop joking! The pirate group led by Supernova must have entered the new world by now! Where will they come to Happy Street?"

However, as pirate ships and naval warships continued to approach.

These guys standing on the shore finally recognized their true identities.

"That was really the supernova a year ago - the Burning Pirates led by Burning Brody! I remember that last year his personal bounty exceeded 200 million Baileys!"

"That naval battleship behind! Damn it! It's that mad dog Akainu!"

"What day is it today? The Shichibukai and the admiral candidates took turns running to Happy Street!"

Implement [thorough justice]!

The name of Akainu is enough to make pirates in the paradise stage fearful!

But run away now?

It's too late!

Akainu, who was standing at the forefront of the naval battleship, looked at the pirate ship that had not been taken down by naval artillery for a long time, and the City of the Queen of Spring that was constantly approaching. He simply stepped heavily on the deck with his feet, and his figure jumped up high.

In mid-air.

With the help of advanced Taijutsu, Akainu, who was briefly floating in the air, suddenly activated his rockberry fruit ability, and his right arm suddenly transformed into a huge lava fist made of dark red lava.

Raising his right fist high, Akainu's eyes flashed with a sharp red light, he pointed at the pirate ship swimming on the sea below, and shouted loudly.

"Big fire-breathing!"

The giant fist of magma, like a volcanic eruption, crashed down from the sky, as if a disaster from the sky, and directly hit the ship of the Burning Pirates.

The terrifyingly high temperature of the lava caused the surrounding air to become slightly distorted.

At this moment.

A figure suddenly flew out of the Burning Pirates' pirate ship, and it was Brody.

"Damn Magma Man! Do you really think your rock berries are invincible?"

Brody's face was full of ferocity. He also activated his superhuman plasma fruit ability and raised a constantly flashing plasma light ball with one hand.

"Plasma blast!"

Brody threw out the plasma light ball in his hand, which flew through the air at an extremely fast speed and directly collided with the giant fist of lava falling from the sky.


Accompanied by a deafening explosion...

The moment the plasma light ball came into contact with the giant fist of lava, it expanded and exploded, directly exploding the latter into countless pieces of fine molten lava, and a large dark red fireworks rose directly in the sky.

Just when Brody thought he had successfully received Akainu's attack.

The blasted lava turned into countless volcanic bombs in the sky, bombarding the pirate ships and the port terminal of the Queen City of Spring.

"Big Fire" is not just a simple single-round attack, it also has two stages of effects!

Boom boom boom!

Under the bombardment of volcanic lava bombs, even the Supernova Pirate Ship, which could withstand the strong winds and waves of the new world, could not survive for too long and was directly sunk into the sea.

The pirate crew of the Burning Pirates were almost completely wiped out in this round of attacks!

Those who were not killed on the spot by the volcanic lava bombs also fell into the sea water and were burned to the point of screaming in agony.

Not just the Burning Pirates.

Many of the pirates watching the show at the port of the City of Spring Queen were also affected by the second phase of the fire-breathing attack.

The originally bustling port terminal suddenly fell into screams.

The members of the Destiny Pirates, who were enjoying the warm hospitality of the Queen of Happy Street in Happy Street, also noticed some shocking movement outside the island.

Even Ulki, Hawkins, and Drake, who did not have a high level of hegemony, could still see the "volcanic fireworks" exploding in the sky.

'Jinbei, this commotion is the best opportunity for you to leave.'

Cui Ze activated the [Psychic Telephone] ability towards the whale shark who disembarked from the boat together.

The latter nodded imperceptibly, planning to find an opportunity later and sneak away quietly.


Before Stussy could play the beauty card, she asked for help.

Cui Ze stood up directly and nodded slightly towards the other party.

"There's a Marine who I'm quite interested in showing up, so let's just say goodbye, Miss Stussy!"

The voice fell.

The card master's figure disappeared from the spot.

The members of the Destiny Pirates exchanged glances with each other and rushed towards the port terminal in unison.

After all the crew members of the Destiny Pirates disappeared from sight.

The eager expression that appeared on Stussy's beautiful face disappeared without a trace in an instant, and was replaced by a look of headache.

"Really, we still let the monsters meet!"

Stussy didn't have time to speculate whether there would be a conflict between the Card Master and Akainu.

One of his subordinates suddenly walked up to her and reported quickly.

"My Queen, one of the volcanic lava bombs that was just blown away by Burning Brody happened to land next to the custom shop where Ronin Aramaki is!

"Ronin Aramaki, we are heading towards the port!"

Presented at the fifth update!

Still owe the last [1] update!

It will be paid off tomorrow.

This chapter has been completed!
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