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Chapter 362 The attacking Hancock! Scored twice! In-person injection

Hearing Cui Ze's sarcastic words, his intensity instantly increased.

Hancock, whose vitality and blood were shaken by being thrown to the floor of the conference room, couldn't help but cough up a mouthful of blood again. The dark red blood line slowly slid down her delicate white chin.

The pirate empress who was so delicate and domineering a moment ago, in this moment, turned into a sickly little flower like floating duckweed.

"Big beauty..."

The indulgent and dissolute Huang Mu was stunned for a moment and almost turned to stone on the spot.

Regardless of his own injuries, Hancock glared at Cui Ze and Huang Mu angrily.



At this moment, a dark purple halo expanded from behind Cui Ze and immediately pressed on Hancock who was about to speak.

With a calm smile on his face, he slightly pulled out the staff and knife. The terrifying and powerful gravity wave directly caused the beautiful snake to collapse on the floor of the conference room again, unable to move at all.

Seeing this scene, Lieutenant General He, who was already speechless, just wanted to hold his forehead and sigh.

Boya Hancock, Windless Belt, Nine Snake Island, the new female king of the Amazon Kingdom, received a direct invitation from the World Government as soon as she went to sea, and became Cui Ze's queen at the same time as the Shichibukai!

When he saw Hancock looking aggressive and planning to settle accounts with Cui Ze, Lieutenant General He thought that this "new king under the Shichibukai" really had two tricks up his sleeve.


That's it?

"Can you become a Shichibukai at this level?"

Enel, who came to the Navy Headquarters with Cui Ze to see the world, couldn't help but tilted his head and stared at Hancock on the floor with a strange expression.


Lieutenant General He opened his mouth weakly.

She really wanted to explain that Boya Hancock's strength was actually far from being as simple as it seemed.

For example, her Sweet Fruit, for most male pirates, the Sweet Fruit is at the level of "instant kill upon meeting".

Another example is the three-color Haki. As the king of Daughters Island and the captain of the Kuja Pirates, Boya Hancock is also very proficient in the three-color Haki.


Looking at Hancock who was still suppressed on the floor by Yixiao, this statement was not convincing at all!

"Grandma Crane."

Cui Ze looked at Lieutenant General He, his voice was flat.

"I remember that in the Shichibukai system, there seems to be no prohibition on members fighting each other, right?"

"Stop talking..."

Lieutenant General He pinched his eyebrows in pain.

"If you pirates want to fight each other, don't do it at Navy Headquarters!"

"You're lucky, female pirate."

Cui Ze waved his hand towards Yixiao behind him, and the latter's sight caught this action, and then removed the gravity halo.

Hancock lost his restraints and ejected directly from the floor.

But she wasn't trying to retreat or escape.

As the empress of Nine Snake Island, Hancock has never suffered such a big loss since he escaped from that hell!

Whether it is from the shame she suffered today, or considering the "death" of her benefactor Fisher Tiger.

Hancock will not end the battle so easily!

The jet-black armed domineering force was smoothly used by Hancock, attached to her insanely long legs, and with an extremely ferocious momentum, she kicked the card master again...

“Big fragrant feet!”

"No end!"


Scored twice.

Hancock was severely beaten to the floor of the conference room by Cui Ze again.

The entire naval building trembled slightly at the roar.

Boya Hancock, who felt that all the bones in his body were about to break, spat out a large mouthful of blood and lay down in the hole in the floor, breathless.

Cui Ze looked at Boya Hancock indifferently and threw out a card. He took out a glass test tube from the card and held it in his hand.

"Lieutenant General He, I gave her a chance."

This time, even Lieutenant General He could not refuse Cui Ze's move, but she was a little curious about the glass test tube Cui Ze took out.

"What is that?"

"One kind, just a few drops can make people say..."

Cui Ze held the [Veritaserum], pushed its cork open with his thumb, and said pointedly.

"The magical elixir for her deepest secrets."

For women like Boya Hancock who are extremely sensitive, extremely arrogant, and extremely fragile.

What punishment could be more terrifying and more effective than [Veritaserum]?


Hearing this, Hancock's penis instantly shrank to the point of being pricked with needles, and he spoke with difficulty.

"I don't want to..."

"You have no place to speak here! Female pirate!"

Cui Ze stepped forward, reached out and pinched Boya Hancock's chin, and directly poured a whole test tube of [Veritaserum] into the other person's mouth.

A liquid with an indescribable smell flowed down the throat and into the struggling Hancock's body.

Cui Ze let go of Hancock.

"who I am?"

Hancock's face turned red, but under the influence of the potion, she still spoke with great difficulty.

"His Majesty the Shichibukai! Cards!"

"Why did you attack me?"

"Because... you killed Fisher Tiger!"

Hancock finished speaking.

The entire conference room suddenly fell silent.

Even Lieutenant General He did not expect to hear this completely unexpected name from Hancock's mouth.

She originally thought that there would be such a violent conflict between Cui Ze and Hancock, or that the two had an unknown past on the sea...

But is there any relationship between Boya Hancock and Fisher Tiger?

This information is completely beyond the control of the Navy.

"Tsk, tsk, because I 'killed' Fisher Tiger, that's why you attacked me..."

Staring at the red-faced pirate empress, Cui Ze spoke in a playful tone.

"Then what is the relationship between you and Fisher Tiger?"


Through these intermittent words, it is not difficult to see Hancock's struggle under the influence of [Veritaserum], but even though she was severely injured, she still could not resist the power of this potion.

"He is my benefactor!"

After trying his best to spit out these words, Hancock closed his eyes tightly and bit his lip with teeth like braided shells, and he could already see blood stains.


"That's enough, Cui Ze."

With the help of these scattered words, Lieutenant General He, who had already deduced the truth of a certain remarkable fact, had no choice but to speak and dissuaded Cui Ze from further questioning...

"Hmm? Granny He, don't you want to know the most intimate secret in this female pirate's heart?"

Cui Ze glanced at Lieutenant General He, with undisguised malice in his tone.

"I'm about to ask the most important part."

"Go! I don't know where you got all these weird things."

General Hezhong activated her washing fruit ability to directly cleanse Hancock's negative state, as well as the shame, anger, and fear in her heart.

After being freed from the effect of [Veritaserum], Hancock did not care about his own image and ran away from Cui Ze on both hands and feet, as if he was avoiding a snake.

"Let's go, it's no longer suitable to stay here."

Lieutenant General He pushed Cui Ze on the back and took him and three members of the Destiny Pirates (Aramaki:?) out of the conference room, leaving Hancock alone in the empty and dilapidated room.

The Pirate Empress was like a frightened little girl, hugging her knees, lowering her head, hiding in the corner of the conference room, not knowing what she was thinking.

Outside the door of the conference room, one could vaguely hear the conversation between the Card Master and the Vice Admiral.

"That's not something weird...but speaking of weird, I do have some amazing magical potion here. Well, I accidentally discovered it when I passed by the Second Daughter Island."

"Peach Island? Ladyboy King? Did you get some special potion that can turn you into a man or a woman?"

"Eh? Granny He, you are so smart! Do you want to try what it's like to become a man? I guarantee you can change back!"

"Stop it! I have no intention of becoming a man...but maybe some people will think so..."


This chapter has been completed!
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